KPL/PCK The data in this kernel is needed for producing type 10 SPK segments based upon the two-line element sets available from NORAD. The first 3 numbers are the gravitational harmonics for the earth. These numbers are dimensionless. \begindata BODY399_J2 = 1.082616D-3 BODY399_J3 = -2.53881D-6 BODY399_J4 = -1.65597D-6 \begintext The next item is the square root of GM for the earth given in units of earth-radii**1.5/Minute \begindata BODY399_KE = 7.43669161D-2 \begintext The next two items give the top and bottom of the atmospheric drag model used by the type 10 ephemeris type. Don't adjust these unless you understand the full implications of such changes. \begindata BODY399_QO = 120.0D0 BODY399_SO = 78.0D0 \begintext The following is the equatorial radius of the earth as used by NORAD in km. \begindata BODY399_ER = 6378.135D0 \begintext The value of AE is the number of distance units per earth radii used by the NORAD state propagation software. Don't change this value. \begindata BODY399_AE = 1.0D0