******************************************************************************** Original file name: HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0_64Q.cmt Created by: Nat Bachman (JPL/NAIF) Creation date: 10-JUN-2010 21:28 Description ============================================================================== Itokawa shape model SPICE DSK file based on data from Gaskell et. al. See "References" and the following sections of this file for details. The Q value for this data set is 64. This version of the model has approximately 49K plates. This file can be read using the Alpha Test DSK prototype software set, which is available from NAIF. Although that software set is still under development, this file will continue to be readable by all future SPICE Toolkit versions of the software. Input files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shape data: HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0/data/quad/quad64q.tab LSK: naif0009.tls References ============================================================================== Plate model data were taken from the "PDS Asteroid/Dust Archive" web site; the URL is http://sbn.psi.edu/pds/resource/itokawashape.html The data set description given there is The shape model of 25143 Itokawa derived by Robert Gaskell from Hayabusa AMICA images. The model is provided in the implicitly connected quadrilateral (ICQ) format in four levels of resolution. This version of the model was prepared on August 29, 2007. The data set citation is: "Gaskell, R., Saito, J., Ishiguro, M., Kubota, T., Hashimoto, T., Hirata, N., Abe, S., Barnouin-Jha, O., and Scheeres, D., Gaskell Itokawa Shape Model V1.0. HAY-A-AMICA-5-ITOKAWASHAPE-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2008." PDS label for the input shape data file ============================================================================== PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "FIXED_LENGTH" RECORD_BYTES = 38 FILE_RECORDS = 25351 ^TABLE = ("quad64q.tab",2) DATA_SET_ID = "HAY-A-AMICA-5-ITOKAWASHAPE-V1.0" PRODUCT_NAME = "ITOKAWA Q=64 ICQ SHAPE MODEL" PRODUCT_ID = "QUAD_QUAD64Q_TAB" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "HAY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "HAYABUSA" INSTRUMENT_ID = "AMICA" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ASTEROID MULTI-BAND IMAGING CAMERA" TARGET_NAME = "25143 ITOKAWA" TARGET_TYPE = "ASTEROID" START_TIME = 2005-09-11T07:53:10.959 STOP_TIME = 2005-11-12T05:10:56.147 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2008-07-18 /* File uploaded to OLAF */ OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 25350 ROW_BYTES = 38 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" COLUMNS = 3 DESCRIPTION = "Shape model of asteroid 25143 Itokawa in the Implicitly Connected Quadrilateral (ICQ) format, with Q = 64 (the lowest resolution model available). In the ICQ format, the vertices are labeled as though they were grid points on the faces of a cube so that each of the six faces (F) contains (Q+1)^2 vertices and Q^2 facets. For a complete description of the ICQ format and the ordering of the vertices in the file, see the data set catalog file in the catalog directory, and the document ICQM.TXT in the document directory." OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 NAME = "VERTEX_X" DESCRIPTION = "X coordinate of the quadrilateral vertex" UNIT = "KILOMETER" DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_REAL" START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 12 FORMAT = "F12.5" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 NAME = "VERTEX_Y" DESCRIPTION = "Y coordinate of the quadrilateral vertex" UNIT = "KILOMETER" DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_REAL" START_BYTE = 14 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "F11.5" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 NAME = "VERTEX_Z" DESCRIPTION = "Z coordinate of the quadrilateral vertex" UNIT = "KILOMETER" DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_REAL" START_BYTE = 26 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "F11.5" END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = TABLE END Summary for DSK file HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0_64Q.bds ============================================================================== Segment number: 1 Surface ID code: 2025143 (ITOKAWA) Center ID code: 2025143 (ITOKAWA) Reference frame name N/A; ID code: 10101 Data type code: 2 (Shape model using triangular plates) Data class: 1 (Spherically parameterized surface) Min, max longitude (deg): -180.000 180.000 Min, max latitude (deg): -90.0000 90.0000 Min, max radius (km): 8.37709E-02 3.12084E-01 Coverage start time: 1950 JAN 01 00:00:41.183 Coverage stop time: 2050 JAN 01 00:01:06.183 Type 2 parameters ----------------- Number of vertices: 25350 Number of plates: 49152 Voxel edge length (km): 3.36772E-03 Number of voxels: 1280448 Number of coarse voxels: 47424 Voxel grid X, Y, Z extents: 171 96 78 Coarse voxel grid X, Y, Z extents: 57 32 26 Min, max vertex X value (km): -2.55680E-01 3.05990E-01 Min, max vertex Y value (km): -1.55040E-01 1.50040E-01 Min, max vertex Z value (km): -1.19520E-01 1.23890E-01 ============================================================================== ******************************************************************************** MKDSK RUN DATE/TIME: 2010-06-10T21:37:33 MKDSK SETUP FILE: itokawa_gaskell_64.cmd MKDSK INPUT FILE: quad64q.tab MKDSK OUTPUT FILE: HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0_64Q.bds OUTPUT FILE STATUS: NEW FILE ******************************************************************************** MKDSK command file for creation of Gaskell Itokawa 64q DSK file. This file was created 10-JUN-2010 by NJB (JPL/NAIF) \begindata IN_FILE = 'quad64q.tab' OUT_FILE = 'HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0_64Q.bds' COMMENT_FILE = 'HAY_A_AMICA_5_ITOKAWASHAPE_V1_0_64Q.cmt' LEAPSECONDS_FILE = 'naif0009.tls' SURFACE_NAME = 'itokawa' CENTER_NAME = 'itokawa' FRAME = 'IAU_ITOKAWA' START_TIME = '1950-JAN-1/00:00:00' STOP_TIME = '2050-JAN-1/00:00:00' DATA_CLASS = 1 COORDINATE_SYSTEM = 'LATITUDINAL' INPUT_DATA_UNITS = ( 'ANGLES = DEGREES' 'DISTANCES = KILOMETERS' ) MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -90 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = 90 MINIMUM_LONGITUDE = -180 MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE = 180 DATA_TYPE = 2 PLATE_TYPE = 2 VOXEL_SCALE = 1.0 COARSE_VOXEL_SCALE = 3 \begintext Include the specification of the IAU_ITOKAWA PCK class reference frame, since this won't be available as a built-in frame until the N0064 SPICE Toolkit is released. \begindata FRAME_IAU_ITOKAWA = 10101 FRAME_10101_NAME = 'IAU_ITOKAWA' FRAME_10101_CLASS = 2 FRAME_10101_CENTER = 2025143 FRAME_10101_CLASS_ID = 2025143 \begintext ********************************************************************************