\beginlabel MISSION_NAME = VOYAGER SPACECRAFT_NAME = VG2 INSTRUMENT_NAME = "IMAGING SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" INSTRUMENT_ID = ISS SPICE_DATA_TYPE = CK DATA_SET_ID = "VG2-U-SPICE-6-CK-V2.0" PRODUCT_ID = "SATURN_QMW_WA" SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "SEDR" SOFTWARE_NAME = "MKCK.F by Mitch Gordon" PRODUCT_CREATION _TIME = 1996-03-01 PRODUCER_ID = "QMW, Mitch Gordon" MISSION_PHASE_TYPE = CRUISE MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "SATURN ENCOUNTER" PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = ??? START_TIME = 1981 JUN 05 16:37:41 STOP_TIME = 1981 SEP 25 18:53:30 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "2/41562:08:768" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "2/44924:58:768" NOTE = "Discrete pointing instances at times of ISS-WA shutter close. Also see internal notes." \endlabel \begintex Notes by Mitch Gordon This C-kernel contains the pointing imformatin for the Voyager 2 wide angle camera at Saturn. The file was generated directly from a subset of the Voyager SEDR for that encounter using SPICELIB Toolkit subroutines. NOTE: No additional image navigation has been included. Any pointing errors contained in the original SEDR are retained in this file. For information on how to read this file see the C-kernel and SCLK ( spacecraft clock ) Required Readings. The NAIF integer code assigned to the Voyager 2 wide angle camera is -32002. The file was produced by Mitch Gordon at: Astronomy Unit Queen Mary and Westfield college University of London Mile End Road London, England E1 4NS email: M.K.Gordon@qmw.ac.uk