KPL/SCLK SMART-1 SCLK File =========================================================================== This file is a SPICE spacecraft clock (SCLK) kernel containing information required for SMART-1 spacecraft on-board clock to UTC conversion. Production/History of this SCLK file -------------------------------------------------------- This file was generated by the NAIF utility program MAKCLK, version 3.5.2, from the most recent SMART-1 spacecraft SCLKvSCET file (see corresponding section of the description for the SCLKvSCET SFDU header and MAKCLK setup file). Usage -------------------------------------------------------- This file must be loaded into the user's program by a call to the FURNSH subroutine CALL FURNSH( 'this_file_name' ) in order to use the SPICELIB SCLK family of subroutines to convert SM1 spacecraft on-board clock to ET and vice versa. SCLK Format -------------------------------------------------------- The on-board clock, the conversion for which is provided by this SCLK file, consists of two fields: SSSSSSSSSS:FFF where: SSSSSSSSSS -- count of on-board seconds FFF -- count of fractions of a second with one fraction being 1/65536 of a second References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. SCLK Required Reading Document 2. MAKCLK User's Guide Document 3. SFOC SCLKvSCET SIS Document Inquiries -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact NAIF at JPL Boris V. Semenov (818) 354-8136 SCLKvSCET file SFDU Header -------------------------------------------------------- MISSION-NAME = SMART1; SPACECRAFT-NAME = SMART1; DATA-SET-ID = SCLK-SCET; FILE-NAME = sm1-scet.scet.all; PRODUCT-CREATION-TIME = 2006-10-31T12:00:00; PRODUCT-VERSION-ID = N/A; PRODUCER-ID = NAIF; APPLICABLE-START-TIME = N/A; APPLICABLE-STOP-TIME = N/A; MISSION-ID = N/A; SPACECRAFT-ID = 238; MAKCLK Setup file -------------------------------------------------------- SCLKSCET_FILE = sm1_times.scet.ideal OLD_SCLK_KERNEL = sm1.tsc.template FILE_NAME = sm1_times.scet.ideal.tsc NAIF_SPACECRAFT_ID = -238 LEAPSECONDS_FILE = /kernels/gen/lsk/naif0008.tls PARTITION_TOLERANCE = 131072 LOG_FILE = sm1_times.scet.ideal.log Kernel DATA -------------------------------------------------------- \begindata SCLK_KERNEL_ID = ( @2006-10-31/14:03:42.00 ) SCLK_DATA_TYPE_238 = ( 1 ) SCLK01_TIME_SYSTEM_238 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_N_FIELDS_238 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_MODULI_238 = ( 4294967296 65536 ) SCLK01_OFFSETS_238 = ( 0 0 ) SCLK01_OUTPUT_DELIM_238 = ( 1 ) SCLK_PARTITION_START_238 = ( 6.0293100000000E+05 7.7988000000000E+04 5.8458100000000E+05 7.1388360000000E+06 1.6539320000000E+07 5.9165900000000E+05 6.9140000000000E+04 6.3952127918100E+11 ) SCLK_PARTITION_END_238 = ( 5.4933813980000E+09 7.5460305880000E+09 7.2588421360000E+09 7.2202733027000E+10 5.1195681243000E+10 7.0883676192800E+11 6.3952514862200E+11 2.8147497671065E+14 ) SCLK01_COEFFICIENTS_238 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 1.1797905122700E+08 1.0000000000597E+00 5.4927784670000E+09 1.1806286437500E+08 1.0000000000083E+00 1.3038731067000E+10 1.1817800647400E+08 1.0000000000630E+00 2.0296988622000E+10 1.1828875869500E+08 9.9999999999789E-01 9.2492582813000E+10 1.1939037603800E+08 9.9999999999641E-01 1.4367172473600E+11 1.2017130776900E+08 9.9999999999954E-01 8.5250789500500E+11 1.3098728937100E+08 1.0000000000006E+00 1.4920329744870E+12 1.4074566765900E+08 1.0000000000000E+00 ) \begintext