About Bodies

There are three kinds of bodies: ephemeris bodies, designated objects, and stars.

Ephemeris bodies

An ephemeris body is any body for which ephemerides are available. Ephemerides for the planets and their major satellites are supplied by JPL.

Spacecraft for which ephemeris data exist are also ephemeris bodies.

Ephemeris bodies for which kernel data exists are drawn as tri-axial ellipsoids. The radii and orientation for these bodies are taken from the kernel files loaded via the "LOAD KERNEL" command.

Designated objects

A designated object is a temporary object, created by one of the DESIGNATE commands. Each designated object is specified by a set of coordinates in a particular Target Reference Frame (TRF) centered at a particular ephemeris body. Each TRF is associated with a separate DESIGNATE command.

Unlike an ephemeris object, a designated object ceases to exist when the session in which it is created comes to an end.

Body codes

In theory, a unique integer can be assigned to each body in the solar system. The the low level portions of the SPICE system use integer codes instead of names to refer to ephemeris bodies. PERCY recognizes these integer codes and they may be used instead of the body name in any command that requires you to specify a body as one of the inputs. If a body name is more than one word, you must either use the integer ID-code to specify the body or write the name of the object with all internal spaces supressed (e.g. JupiterBarcycenter instead of Jupiter Barycenter). If the name of the body is not one of the "built in" names, you will need to use the object's integer code to refer to it.

In practice, unrecognized names may be defined as symbols. For example,

   DEFINE AURIGA   2007839;
   DEFINE CATHEY   2008392;
   DEFINE NAMESTE  2028292;
Negative codes are reserved for man-made objects such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the Galileo spacecraft, etc. The body codes for NASA planetary spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope are given here.

   ID Code   Name                        Alternate Name
   -012      Pioneer 12                  P12
   -018      Magellan                    MGN
   -027      Viking 1 Orbiter            VK1
   -030      Viking 2 Orbiter            VK2
   -031      Voyager 1                   VG1
   -032      Voyager 2                   VG2
   -040      Clementine
   -046      Ms-t5
   -046      Sakigake
   -047      Planet-a
   -047      Suisei
   -053      Mars Pathfinder             MPF
   -055      Ulysses
   -058      Vsop
   -059      Radioastron
   -066      Vega 1
   -067      Vega 2
   -077      Galileo Orbiter             Gll
   -078      Giotto
   -081      Cassini Itl
   -082      Cassini                     CAS
   -090      Cassini Simulation
   -093      Near Earth Asteroid         NEAR
   -094      Mars Global Surveyor        MGS
   -095      Mgs Simulation
   -112      Ice
   -150      Cassini Huygens Probe
   -344      Galileo Probe
   -550      Mars 96                      Mars96
The smallest positive codes are reserved for the Sun and the planet barycenters:

    0     Solar system barycenter
    1     Mercury          "
    2     Venus            "
    3     Earth            "
    4     Mars             "
    5     Jupiter          "
    6     Saturn           "
    7     Uranus           "
    8     Neptune          "
    9     Pluto            "
   10     Sun
The code for a satellite is normally computed by adding its IAU designation to 100 times the code for its barycenter. For example, Ananke, the 12th satellite of Jupiter (JXII), is body number 512. This system works for all satellites discovered prior to 1997.

   ID Code  Name            Alternate Name
   301      Moon
   401      Phobos
   402      Deimos
   501      Io
   502      Europa
   503      Ganymede
   504      Callisto
   505      Amalthea
   506      Himalia
   507      Elara
   508      Pasiphae
   509      Sinope
   510      Lysithea
   511      Carme
   512      Ananke
   513      Leda
   514      Thebe            1979J2
   515      Adrastea         1979J1
   516      Metis            1979J3
   601      Mimas
   602      Enceladus
   603      Tethys
   604      Dione
   605      Rhea
   606      Titan
   607      Hyperion
   608      Iapetus
   609      Phoebe
   610      Janus            1980S1
   611      Epimetheus       1980S3
   612      Helene           1980S6
   613      Telesto          1980S13
   614      Calypso          1980S25
   615      Atlas            1980S28
   616      Prometheus       1980S27
   617      Pandora          1980S26
   618      Pan
   701      Ariel
   702      Umbriel
   703      Titania
   704      Oberon
   705      Miranda
   706      Cordelia         1986U7
   707      Ophelia          1986U8
   708      Bianca           1986U9
   709      Cressida         1986U4
   710      Desdemona        1986U6
   711      Juliet           1986U3
   712      Portia           1986U1
   713      Rosalind         1986U2
   714      Belinda          1986U5
   715      Puck             1985U1
   801      Triton
   802      Nereid
   803      Naiad
   804      Thalassa
   805      Despina
   806      Galatea
   807      Larissa
   808      Proteus
   901      Charon           1978P1
A planet is always considered to be the 99th satellite of its own barycenter. For example, Jupiter is body number 599. Mercury and Venus have no satellites, so bodies 199 and 299 are the same as bodies 1 and 2. For all practical purposes, this is true for Mars (499 and 4) as well.

   199     Mercury
   299     Venus
   399     Earth
   499     Mars
   599     Jupiter
   699     Saturn
   799     Uranus
   899     Neptune
   999     Pluto
Numbers between 1001 and 1099 are assigned to designated objects as the objects are created. These numbers may not be used for ephemeris bodies.

The ID-codes for the various tracking station sites as well as individual tracki

   399001    Goldstone  (site)
   399002    Canberra   (site)
   399003    Madrid     (site)
   399004    Usuda      (site)
   399005    Parkes     (station)
   399006    DSS-6      (station)
   399007    DSS-7      (station)
   399008    DSS-8      (station)
   399009    DSS-9      (station)
   399010    DSS-10     (station)
   399011    DSS-11     (station)
   399012    DSS-12     (station)
   399013    DSS-13     (station)
   399014    DSS-14     (station)
   399015    DSS-15     (station)
   399016    DSS-16     (station)
   399017    DSS-17     (station)
   399018    DSS-18     (station)
   399019    DSS-19     (station)
   399020    DSS-20     (station)
   399021    DSS-21     (station)
   399022    DSS-22     (station)
   399023    DSS-23     (station)
   399024    DSS-24     (station)
   399025    DSS-25     (station)
   399026    DSS-26     (station)
   399027    DSS-27     (station)
   399028    DSS-28     (station)
   399029    DSS-29     (station)
   399030    DSS-30     (station)
   399031    DSS-31     (station)
   399032    DSS-32     (station)
   399033    DSS-33     (station)
   399034    DSS-34     (station)
   399035    DSS-35     (station)
   399036    DSS-36     (station)
   399037    DSS-37     (station)
   399038    DSS-38     (station)
Codes for numbered asteroids from the JPL Asteroid and Comet Catalog are created by adding the asteroid number to 2000000 (two million). For example, asteroid Yeomans (2956) is body number 2002956.

The periodic comet numbers are given in the table below. (Note that they are always in the range from 1,000,001 to 1,999,999.)

   1000001      Arend
   1000002      Arend-Rigaux
   1000003      Ashbrook-Jackson
   1000004      Boethin
   1000005      Borrelly
   1000006      Bowell-Skiff
   1000007      Bradfield
   1000008      Brooks2
   1000009      Brorsen-Metcalf
   1000010      Bus
   1000011      Chernykh
   1000012      Churyumov-Gerasimenko
   1000013      Ciffreo
   1000014      Clark
   1000015      Comas Sola
   1000016      Crommelin
   1000017      D' Arrest
   1000018      Daniel
   1000019      De Vico-Swift
   1000020      Denning-Fujikawa
   1000021      Du Toit1
   1000022      Du Toit-Hartley
   1000023      Dutoit-Neujmin-Delporte
   1000024      Dubiago
   1000025      Encke
   1000026      Faye
   1000027      Finlay
   1000028      Forbes
   1000029      Gehrels1
   1000030      Gehrels2
   1000031      Gehrels3
   1000032      Giacobini-Zinner
   1000033      Giclas
   1000034      Grigg-Skjellerup
   1000035      Gunn
   1000036      Halley
   1000037      Haneda-Campos
   1000038      Harrington
   1000039      Harrington-Abell
   1000040      Hartley1
   1000041      Hartley2
   1000042      Hartley-Iras
   1000043      Herschel-Rigollet
   1000044      Holmes
   1000045      Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
   1000046      Howell
   1000047      Iras
   1000048      Jackson-Neujmin
   1000049      Johnson
   1000050      Kearns-Kwee
   1000051      Klemola
   1000052      Kohoutek
   1000053      Kojima
   1000054      Kopff
   1000055      Kowal1
   1000056      Kowal2
   1000057      Kowal-Mrkos
   1000058      Kowal-Vavrova
   1000059      Longmore
   1000060      Lovas1
   1000061      Machholz
   1000062      Maury
   1000063      Neujmin1
   1000064      Neujmin2
   1000065      Neujmin3
   1000066      Olbers
   1000067      Peters-Hartley
   1000068      Pons-Brooks
   1000069      Pons-Winnecke
   1000070      Reinmuth1
   1000071      Reinmuth2
   1000072      Russell1
   1000073      Russell2
   1000074      Russell3
   1000075      Russell4
   1000076      Sanguin
   1000077      Schaumasse
   1000078      Schuster
   1000079      Schwassmann-Wachmann1
   1000080      Schwassmann-Wachmann2
   1000081      Schwassmann-Wachmann3
   1000082      Shajn-Schaldach
   1000083      Shoemaker1
   1000084      Shoemaker2
   1000085      Shoemaker3
   1000086      Singer-Brewster
   1000087      Slaughter-Burnham
   1000088      Smirnova-Chernykh
   1000089      Stephan-Oterma
   1000090      Swift-Gehrels
   1000091      Takamizawa
   1000092      Taylor
   1000093      Tempel1
   1000094      Tempel2
   1000095      Tempel-Tuttle
   1000096      Tritton
   1000097      Tsuchinshan1
   1000098      Tsuchinshan2
   1000099      Tuttle
   1000100      Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
   1000101      Vaisala1
   1000102      Van Biesbroeck
   1000103      Van Houten
   1000104      West-Kohoutek-Ikemura
   1000105      Whipple
   1000106      Wild1
   1000107      Wild2
   1000108      Wild3
   1000109      Wirtanen
   1000110      Wolf
   1000111      Wolf-Harrington
   1000112      Lovas2
   1000113      Urata-Niijima
   1000114      Wiseman-Skiff
   1000115      Helin
   1000116      Mueller
   1000117      Shoemaker-Holt1
   1000118      Helin-Roman-Crockett
   1000119      Hartley3
   1000120      Parker-Hartley
   1000121      Helin-Roman-Alu1
   1000122      Wild4
   1000123      Mueller2
   1000124      Mueller3
   1000125      Shoemaker-Levy1
   1000126      Shoemaker-Levy2
   1000127      Holt-Olmstead
   1000128      Metcalf-Brewington
   1000129      Levy
   1000130      Shoemaker-Levy9
   1000131      Hyakutake
   1000132      Hale-Bopp

Related Topics

  1. Loading Kernels
  2. The Percy Help System