Objects In This Ephemeris -------------------------------------------------------- Name Id-code ------------- ------- SIRTF.................-79 Approximate Time Coverage 2001 DEC 01 15:49:00 From: 2001 DEC 01 15:49 (TDB) To : 2007 FEB 03 15:01 (TDB) Status -------------------------------------------------------- This is the current official NAIF ephemeris for SIRTF. You should not attach too much significance to the word official. This file just happens to be one we picked. This file was copied from the file launch2eom.bsp. The ID-code for SIRTF in the the original file was -99. The original file was copied to this file and the ID-code changed to the official number (-79). The source and history of this file is a bit vague. Updates to this ephemeris will be made available as they are generated by the project. The spkmerge log for the original file is presented below. ; launch2eom.bsp LOG FILE ; ; Created 1997-07-29/09:38:24.00. ; ; BEGIN SPKMERGE COMMANDS LEAPSECONDS_KERNEL = /usr/local/naif/data/leapseconds.ker SPK_KERNEL = launch2eom.bsp SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = sirtf.ascent.011201.bsp INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = -99 BEGIN_TIME = 2001 DEC 01 15:46:59.817 END_TIME = 2001 DEC 01 15:58:46.031 SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = solar_orbit.7920H.bsp INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = -99 BEGIN_TIME = 2001 DEC 01 15:58:46.031 END_TIME = 2007 FEB 03 15:00:00.000 ; END SPKMERGE COMMANDS Production/History of this Ephemeris -------------------------------------------------------- This ephemeris was produced by Bill Taber of the Navigation Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on 24-March-200 for general use by the SIRTF project. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- The state of SIRTF as given in this file is given with respect to the sun or earth over the intervals indicated below (all times are approximate TDB). SIRTF (-79) w.r.t. EARTH 2001 DEC 01 15:48 to 2001 DEC 28 02:18 SIRTF (-79) w.r.t. SUN 2001 DEC 28 02:18 to 2007 FEB 03 15:01 To determine the state of SIRTF with respect to any object other than its center of motion (the sun or earth), you need at a minimum a planetary ephemeris. It is recommended that you use DE403 or 405 when computing states of SIRTF. DE403 is available via anonymous ftp on NAIF's ftp server: naif (ip address in the directory pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk. Both binary and transfer format ephemerides are available. Accuracy -------------------------------------------------------- This ephemeris for study purpose only. The accuracy of the ephemeris is unknown Inquiries If you have any questions regarding this ephemeris contact Bill Taber btaber@spice.jpl.nasa.gov Phone (818) 354-4279 FAX (818) 393-6388 JPL MS 301/125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109