Objects In This Ephemeris -------------------------------------------------------- Name Id-code ------------- ------- Comet Encke 1000025 Approximate Time Coverage From: 2001 NOV 02 00:00:00 (TDB) To : 2007 FEB 14 00:00:00 (TDB) Status -------------------------------------------------------- This is the current best estimate for the position of Comet Encke as of January 22, 1997. Currently, no formal updates to this ephemeris are planned. However, if you need a more recent ephemeris and have reason to believe that observations following the creation date of this ephemeris may significantly improve the positional knowledge for comet Encke, we recommend that you contact NAIF and to the extent that resources are available we will attempt to provide an update to this ephemeris. This ephemeris is intended only for use in early planning of observations of comet Encke. Production/History of this Ephemeris -------------------------------------------------------- This ephemeris was produced by Bill Taber of the Navigation Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on 22 Jan 1997 for use by the SIRTF project. It was transformed to SPK format from a numerical integration performed by Don Yeomans of the Solar Systems Dynamics group of the Astrodynamics and Navigation section (section 312) of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The source file of integrated states from which this ephemeris was created are from "Yeomans' solution 27" for the Encke trajectory. The ephemeris is based on 178 observations over the interval of years from 1984 to 1996. The ephemeris was integrated using the JPL developmental ephemeris DE-403 to provide a gravitational force model. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- To determine the state of Encke with respect to any object other than the sun, you need at a minimum a planetary ephemeris. Since the planetary ephemeris used for the dynamical force model in the integration of the comet ephemeris was DE-403, it is recommended that you use DE403 when computing states of Encke with respect to anything other than the sun. DE403 is available via anonymous ftp on NAIF's ftp server: naif-sun (ip address in the directory pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk. Both binary and transfer format ephemerides are available. They are in the files. de403s.bsp ( binary format ) de403s.xsp ( transfer format ) de403s.cmt ( comments about de403s ) Accuracy -------------------------------------------------------- The extent to which the position of comet Encke as observed agrees with the position predicted by this ephemeris changes over time. As Encke makes its closest approach to earth, (2003 NOV 17) the position of Encke may disagree with the position predicted by this ephemeris by up to 2 arcminutes. When Encke is far from earth, one can expect better agreement. The accuracy relative to SIRTF cannot be assessed at this time. If you plan to observe Encke near the epoch of its closest approach to earth, you should contact NAIF late in the year 2002 or early 2003 and request an new ephemeris for Encke. It is anticipated that an ephemeris accurate to better than 5 arcseconds (as seen from earth) should be available at that time. Inquiries If you have any questions regarding this ephemeris contact Bill Taber btaber@spice.jpl.nasa.gov Phone (818) 354-4279 FAX (818) 393-6388 JPL MS 301/125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109