SIRTF Odyssey SPK files. =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/spk directory of the SIRTF SPICE data server. It was last modified on January 30, 2006. Contact Chuck Acton (818-354-3869, or Boris Semenov (818-354-8136, if you have any questions regarding this data. Brief summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE SP-Kernel files for the SIRTF spacecraft. All files are in binary format and should be transferred using binary ftp to any workstation on which they are planned to be used. The following files are present in this directory. (Only file names are shown; the file name extensions of the binary SPK files are always ".bsp"): Regularly delivered SPK files: spk_YYMMDD_YYMMDD_YYMMDD[_short] Regular OD solution SPK files produced by SIRTF NAV. These files are delivered once a week. Each of these files contains reconstructed trajectory for the period identified by the first ans second YYMMDD dates in the name and predicted trajectory for the period identified by the second and third YYMMDD dates in the name. The second YYMMDD date in the name also identifies the file creation date. Suffix ``_short'' is used in the files that don't provide coverage from the beginning of the mission. Other SPK files: de405s, spk_de405 DE405 planetary ephemeris SPK files. encke97 Comet Encke ephemeris SPK file. SIRTF_bright_obj_1 SIRTF ``bright objects'' SPK file providing ephemeris data for outer planets and a number of asteroids.