PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 752 FILE_RECORDS = 699 ^INDEX_TABLE = "INDEX.TAB" DATA_SET_ID = "SDU-C-NAVCAM-2-EDR-WILD2-V1.0" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "STARDUST" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NAVIGATION CAMERA" VOLUME_ID = "SDNC_0003" OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE ROWS = 699 ROW_BYTES = 752 COLUMNS = 76 INDEX_TYPE = SINGLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII DESCRIPTION = "The image index table contains parameters that describe the observation and camera states for each image provided on the specified archive volume." OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FRAME_SEQUENCE_NUMBER COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = "I4" DESCRIPTION = "Sequential frame number of the image acquired during flight." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = START_TIME COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 6 BYTES = 23 FORMAT = "A23" DESCRIPTION = "Time of start of observation. This is the time of the start of the integration of the camera, presented as UTC." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 31 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "A14" DESCRIPTION = "Time of start of observation. This is the time of the start of the integration of the camera, presented as spacecraft on-board clock." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILE_NAME COLUMN_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 48 BYTES = 13 FORMAT = "A13" DESCRIPTION = "Image file name. For all images in this archive this is the same as the PRODUCT_ID and represents the permanent, unique identifier assigned to a data product. The file name has the following form NXXXXPPFV.IMG where: N = Navigation Camera (fixed) XXXX = frame sequence # ordered sequentially by time. PP = Mission Phase ( possible values ) PL: PRELAUNCH C1: CRUISE 1 EE: EARTH/MOON ENCOUNTER C2: CRUISE 2 AE: ANNEFRANK ENCOUNTER C2: CRUISE 2 WE: WILD 2 ENCOUNTER C3: CRUISE 3 ER: EARTH RETURN C4: CRUISE 4 F = filter number, possible values: 0: Navigation Filter 1: NH2 Filter 2: Oxygen ( O[1D] ) Filter 3: C2 ( & Blue ) Filter 4: Yellow Continuum Filter 5: Red Continuum Filter 6: Infrared Continuum Filter 7: High Resolution Filter V = Image version number IMG = file extension (fixed)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PATH_NAME COLUMN_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 64 BYTES = 5 FORMAT = "A5" DESCRIPTION = "Complete path to the file within the archive volume. The syntax of the path name follows the UNIX convention where subdirectories are signified by a slash character (/)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EXPOSURE_DURATION COLUMN_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 71 BYTES = 9 UNIT = "MILLISECONDS" FORMAT = "F9.2" DESCRIPTION = "Exposure duration (integration time) of the image observation expressed in milliseconds." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_NAME COLUMN_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 82 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = "A6" DESCRIPTION = "Filter name. Filter name was assigned by the Stardust Science Team to each of the filter position values as follows: 0: OPNAV 1: NH2 2: OXYGEN 3: C2 4: YELLOW 5: RED 6: NIR 7: HIRES" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_POSITION COLUMN_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 90 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Filter position. The filter position specifies position of the filter wheel when the image was taken. There are eight possible filter positions: 0: Navigation Filter 1: NH2 Filter 2: Oxygen ( O[1D] ) Filter 3: C2 ( & Blue ) Filter 4: Yellow Continuum Filter 5: Red Continuum Filter 6: Infrared Continuum Filter 7: High Resolution Filter" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_CENTER_WAVELENGTH COLUMN_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 92 BYTES = 5 FORMAT = "F5.1" UNIT = "NANOMETERS" DESCRIPTION = "Filter center wavelength. This value is measured in nanometers. The values for each filter position are: 0: 698.8 nm 1: 665.1 nm 2: 633.6 nm 3: 513.2 nm 4: 580.2 nm 5: 712.9 nm 6: 874.6 nm 7: 596.4 nm" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_FULL_WIDTH_HALF_MAX COLUMN_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 98 BYTES = 5 FORMAT = "F5.1" UNIT = "NANOMETERS" DESCRIPTION = "Filter full-width-half-max value. This value represents the width of the filter at the half transmission point and is measured in nanometers. The values for each filter position are: 0: 400 nm 1: 15 nm 2: 12 nm 3: 12 nm 4: 4 nm 5: 6 nm 6: 30 nm 7: 200 nm" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE COLUMN_NUMBER = 11 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 104 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.2" UNIT = "KELVIN" DESCRIPTION = "Temperature of the Charge Coupled Device (CCD)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCAN_MIRROR_TEMPERATURE COLUMN_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 113 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.2" UNIT = "KELVIN" DESCRIPTION = "Temperature of the Scan Mirror." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINES COLUMN_NUMBER = 13 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 122 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = "I4" DESCRIPTION = "The total number of data instances along the vertical axis of an image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINE_SAMPLES COLUMN_NUMBER = 14 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 127 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = "I4" DESCRIPTION = "The total number of data instances along the horizontal axis of an image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MINIMUM COLUMN_NUMBER = 15 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 132 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = "I4" DESCRIPTION = "The smallest value occurring in a given instance of the image array excluding any prefix or suffix bytes." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAXIMUM COLUMN_NUMBER = 16 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 137 BYTES = 5 FORMAT = "I5" DESCRIPTION = "The largest value occurring in a given instance of the image array, excluding any prefix or suffix bytes." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MEAN COLUMN_NUMBER = 17 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 143 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.3" DESCRIPTION = "The mean value of the image array, excluding any prefix and suffix bytes." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = STANDARD_DEVIATION COLUMN_NUMBER = 18 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 152 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.3" DESCRIPTION = "The standard deviation of the image array, excluding any prefix or suffix bytes." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SATURATED_PIXELS COLUMN_NUMBER = 19 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 161 BYTES = 7 FORMAT = "I7" DESCRIPTION = "The number of pixels in the image whose pixel intensity value are equal to the maximum allowable digital number for the image. For 8-bit data, that maximum value is 255. For 12-bit data, that value is 4095." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINE_PREFIX_BYTES COLUMN_NUMBER = 20 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 169 BYTES = 2 FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION = "The number of non-image bytes at the beginning of each line." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINE_SUFFIX_BYTES COLUMN_NUMBER = 21 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 172 BYTES = 2 FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION = "The number of non-image bytes at the end of each line." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DATA_STREAM_TYPE COLUMN_NUMBER = 22 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 176 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "A9" DESCRIPTION = "Type of data stream from which this image was created. The two possible values for this keyword are CRUISE and ENCOUNTER. They describe the operating mode of the camera when the image was acquired." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TELEMETRY_MUX_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 23 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 187 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating that the NAVCAM telemetry multiplexor has sampled all digital engineering measurements. This value should always be 1 by the nature of the timing of the sampling of the multiplexor." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_WHEEL_IN_MOTION_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 24 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 189 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the filter wheel was in motion. Upon completion of the movement of the filter wheel, this value is set to a 0." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EXPOSURE_ENABLE_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 25 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 191 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating that the shutter has been enabled to open, and if successfully closed, should have a value of 0." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CCD_HEATER_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 26 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 193 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the CCD heater was on, with a value of 1, or off, with a value of 0. This value is controlled independently by spacecraft commands." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SLEEP_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 27 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 195 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the camera was in sleep mode, or in a low-power state. A value of 1 indicates that sleep mode is enabled and a value of 0 indicates that sleep mode is disabled. Once sleep mode has been enabled, it can only be disabled by cycling power to the camera." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CAL_LAMP_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 28 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 198 BYTES = 3 FORMAT = "A3" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the calibration lamp was on. The two possible values are ON or OFF." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = QUANTIZATION_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 29 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 203 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating if the pixel data were expressed as 8 or 12 bit data. For 8 bit data this flag is set to 1; for 12 bit data it is set to 0. Non-quantized data is 12 bit data are stored as 16 bit values with the upper nibble padded with zeros. The NAVCAM has an on-board quantization process that converts 12 bit data from the CCD into 8 bit data for transmission. This conversion is a square-root style quantization process and there is loss. Consult the calibration documentation to unpack the 8 bit data into its 12 bit approximations." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FIFO_EMPTY_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 30 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 205 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the readout FIFO was empty or not. When this value is set to 1, the FIFO was empty and when it is 0, the FIFO was not empty." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FIFO_FULL_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 31 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 207 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the readout FIFO was full or not. When this value is set to 1, the FIFO was full and when it is 0, the FIFO was not full. When the FIFO becomes full, pixel data are overwritten in the NAVCAM's FIFO. This value represents the state of the FIFO just before the new image was taken and represents the previous image's success." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BULB_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 32 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 209 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the shutter has been commanded open. As long as this value remains a 1, the shutter will remain open. This value is controlled only by spacecraft commands. When a command is received from the spacecraft to set the bulb_mode value to 0, the shutter is closed. No image is acquired as a result of a bulb_mode off command. This value is used to take images whose exposure duration must be longer than 20 seconds." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_STEPS COLUMN_NUMBER = 33 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 211 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "The number of filters that were traversed to reach the filter of interest." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILTER_PARITY COLUMN_NUMBER = 34 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 213 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Odd parity bit to allow for identification of a faulty bit among one of the three bits needed to represent the filter number." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = NAVCAM_DIGITAL_TELEMETRY COLUMN_NUMBER = 35 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 216 BYTES = 20 FORMAT = "A20" DESCRIPTION = "HEX string representing the eight bytes returned from the camera at the completion of the acquisition of an image. The upper nibbles of each of the eight bytes should follow the pattern of 0x89abcdef. This is a check that can be used to determine if the camera is functioning properly. The lower nibbles of each of the eight bytes were used in determining the following parameters given in the other columns of data in this index: TELEMETRY_MUX_MODE_ID, FILTER_WHEEL_IN_MOTION_MODE_ID, EXPOSURE_ENABLE_MODE_ID, EXPOSURE_DURATION, CCD_HEATER_MODE_ID, SLEEP_MODE_ID, CAL_LAMP_MODE_ID, QUANTIZATION_MODE_ID, FIFO_EMPTY_MODE_ID, FIFO_FULL_MODE_ID, BULB_MODE_ID, FILTER_STEPS, FILTER_PARITY, FILTER_POSITION." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCAN_MIRROR_ANGLE COLUMN_NUMBER = 36 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 238 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.5" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Angle of the scan mirror at the instant the image was taken. The mirror sweeps through the plane formed by the spacecraft X and Z axes. When the mirror is at 0 degrees, the light path is essentially from the +X axis. As the mirror rotates to +90 degrees, the light path is from the -Z axis. When the mirror moves on to +180 degrees, the light path is in the direction of the -X axis. The range of the mirror is approximately 0 degrees to +200 degrees." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCAN_MIRROR_LAST_COMMANDED_VELOCITY COLUMN_NUMBER = 37 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 248 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.5" UNIT = "DEGREES PER SECOND" DESCRIPTION = "Last commanded velocity for the scan mirror. The scan mirror is not commanded to a position, but rather is reset to an initial position and is then commanded at a specific velocity for a specific amount of time. The value given here is that commanded velocity." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCAN_MIRROR_MOTOR_MODE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 38 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 258 BYTES = 1 FORMAT = "I1" DESCRIPTION = "Flag indicating whether the scan mirror motor is either on or off. When the value is a 1, the motor is on. When the value is a 0, the motor is off." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MISSION_PHASE_NAME COLUMN_NUMBER = 39 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 261 BYTES = 20 FORMAT = "A20" DESCRIPTION = "Mission phase name. The Stardust mission phases and their abbreviations: PL: PRELAUNCH C1: CRUISE 1 EE: EARTH/MOON ENCOUNTER C2: CRUISE 2 AE: ANNEFRANK ENCOUNTER C2: CRUISE 2 WE: WILD 2 ENCOUNTER C3: CRUISE 3 ER: EARTH RETURN C4: CRUISE 4" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TIME_FROM_CLOSEST_APPROACH COLUMN_NUMBER = 40 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 283 BYTES = 12 FORMAT = "F12.6" UNIT = "DAYS" DESCRIPTION = "Time to closest approach to the primary target of this data set, in days." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RIGHT_ASCENSION COLUMN_NUMBER = 41 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 296 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Right ascension of the CCD center view direction (line 512.5, sample 512.5) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DECLINATION COLUMN_NUMBER = 42 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 306 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Declination of the CCD center view direction (line 512.5, sample 512.5) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TWIST_ANGLE COLUMN_NUMBER = 43 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 316 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Angle of rotation about the CCD center view direction (line 512.5, sample 512.5) relative to the EME J2000 reference frame. For the NAVCAM images this is the angle between the leftward direction (in left-right, top-down displayed image) and projection of the EME J2000 +Z axis onto the image plane, measured clockwise. Together the RIGHT_ASCENSION, DECLINATION and TWIST_ANGLE elements define the pointing direction and orientation of an image or scan platform." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_1_RA COLUMN_NUMBER = 44 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 326 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Right ascension of the view direction of the upper left pixel of the image (line 1, sample 1) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_2_RA COLUMN_NUMBER = 45 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 336 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Right ascension of the view direction of the upper right pixel of the image (line 1, sample 1024) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_3_RA COLUMN_NUMBER = 46 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 346 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Right ascension of the view direction of the lower right pixel of the image (line 1024, sample 1024) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_4_RA COLUMN_NUMBER = 47 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 356 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Right ascension of the view direction of the lower left pixel of the image (last 1024, sample 1) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_1_DEC COLUMN_NUMBER = 48 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 366 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Declination of the view direction of the upper left pixel of the image (line 1, sample 1) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_2_DEC COLUMN_NUMBER = 49 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 376 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Declination of the view direction of the upper right pixel of the image (line 1, sample 1024) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_3_DEC COLUMN_NUMBER = 50 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 386 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Declination of the view direction of the lower right pixel of the image (line 1024, sample 1024) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RETICLE_POINT_4_DEC COLUMN_NUMBER = 51 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 396 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.4" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Declination of the view direction of the lower left pixel of the image (line 1024, sample 1) in the EME J2000 reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION_SIN1 COLUMN_NUMBER = 52 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 406 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.5" DESCRIPTION = "SIN1 element of the quaternion encapsulating transformation from the EME J2000 to spacecraft reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION_SIN2 COLUMN_NUMBER = 53 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 415 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.5" DESCRIPTION = "SIN2 element of the quaternion encapsulating transformation from the EME J2000 to spacecraft reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION_SIN3 COLUMN_NUMBER = 54 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 424 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.5" DESCRIPTION = "SIN3 element of the quaternion encapsulating transformation from the EME J2000 to spacecraft reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION_COS COLUMN_NUMBER = 55 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 433 BYTES = 8 FORMAT = "F8.5" DESCRIPTION = "COS element of the quaternion encapsulating transformation from the EME J2000 to spacecraft reference frame." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TARGET_NAME COLUMN_NUMBER = 56 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 443 BYTES = 20 FORMAT = "A20" DESCRIPTION = "Name of the target of the observation. This parameter is set '81P/WILD 2 (1978 A2)' only if the direction from the spacecraft to the comet was computed to be within the camera FOV bounds. Otherwise it is set to 'N/A'." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR_X COLUMN_NUMBER = 57 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 465 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "X component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the named target center expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR_Y COLUMN_NUMBER = 58 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 480 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Y component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the named target center expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR_Z COLUMN_NUMBER = 59 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 495 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Z component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the named target center expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VX COLUMN_NUMBER = 60 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 510 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Vx component of the velocity vector of the named target as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VY COLUMN_NUMBER = 61 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 525 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Vy component of the velocity vector of the named target as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VZ COLUMN_NUMBER = 62 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 540 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Vz component of the velocity vector of the named target as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE COLUMN_NUMBER = 63 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 555 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Distance between the spacecraft and the center of mass of the named target. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR_X COLUMN_NUMBER = 64 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 570 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" DESCRIPTION = "X component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the Sun expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR_Y COLUMN_NUMBER = 65 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 585 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" DESCRIPTION = "Y component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the Sun expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR_Z COLUMN_NUMBER = 66 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 600 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.1" UNIT = "KILOMETERS" DESCRIPTION = "Z component of the position vector from the spacecraft to the Sun expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VX COLUMN_NUMBER = 67 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 615 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" DESCRIPTION = "Vx component of the velocity vector of the Sun as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VY COLUMN_NUMBER = 68 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 630 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" DESCRIPTION = "Vy component of the velocity vector of the Sun as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR_VZ COLUMN_NUMBER = 69 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 645 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.6" UNIT = "KILOMETERS PER SECOND" DESCRIPTION = "Vz component of the velocity vector of the Sun as seen from the spacecraft expressed in the EME J2000 reference frame, corrected for light time and stellar aberration, computed at the start of image exposure." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE COLUMN_NUMBER = 70 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 660 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "E11.5" UNIT = "METERS PER PIXEL" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Horizontal picture scale at the center of the named target. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE COLUMN_NUMBER = 71 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 672 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "E11.5" UNIT = "METERS PER PIXEL" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Vertical picture scale at the center of the named target. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SMEAR_MAGNITUDE COLUMN_NUMBER = 72 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 684 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "E11.5" UNIT = "PIXELS" DESCRIPTION = "The number of pixels the image was smeared during the exposure time." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SMEAR_AZIMUTH COLUMN_NUMBER = 73 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 696 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.3" UNIT = "DEGREES" DESCRIPTION = "Azimuth of the direction in which the image was smeared. This angle is measured clockwise from a horizontal reference line." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PHASE_ANGLE COLUMN_NUMBER = 74 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 706 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "F9.3" UNIT = "DEGREES" NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = -1.0E+32 DESCRIPTION = "Angle between a vector to the Sun and a vector to the spacecraft, both emanating from the center of the named target. This parameter is set to NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT if the TARGET_NAME is N/A." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME COLUMN_NUMBER = 75 DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 716 BYTES = 19 FORMAT = "A19" DESCRIPTION = "Product creation time." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 76 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 737 BYTES = 13 FORMAT = "A13" DESCRIPTION = "Product ID. Same as the FILE_NAME." END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE END