MSOPCK setup for SDU CK generation. ============================================================================== \begindata PRODUCER_ID = 'SDU NAV' LSK_FILE_NAME = 'naif0007.tls' SCLK_FILE_NAME = 'SD_SCLKSCET.00038.tsc' INTERNAL_FILE_NAME = 'SDU SC Orientation CK File by SDU NAV' COMMENTS_FILE_NAME = 'msopck_comments.example' CK_SEGMENT_ID = 'SDU SC BUS ATTITUDE' INSTRUMENT_ID = -29000 REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'J2000' CK_TYPE = 3 MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 60000000 INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'UTC' INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0E-3 ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'MAKE UP' \begintext Important Notes Regard Setup Keywords ============================================================================== -- INSTRUMENT_ID = -29000 This is the ID to use for the SDU s/c bus. -- REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'J2000' Tell the program that input quaternions are with respect to EME (SDU ACS and NAVIO(?) standard.) -- CK_TYPE = 3 Tells the program to generate continuous CK of type 3. -- MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 60000000 Essentially, tells the program to generate CK which will allow interpolation between all input data points (60000000 sec is ~ 2 years :-). You must have this specified. -- INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'UTC' Tells the program that input times are UTCs (SCETs). If yours input times are SCLKs, set this keyword to 'SCLK'. -- INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' Tells the program that quaternions are "ACS standard quaternions". (I belive that NAVIO file uses the same convention.) It needs to know this because NAIF uses different quaternion representation. -- QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0E-3 Simple filter to make sure that input quaternions are at least this close to a unit vector. If you are confident in your input quaternions, you can "drop" this keyword. -- ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'MAKE UP' The program will "manufacture" angular rates using quaternions provided in the input. If you have angular rates in the input, set ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT to 'YES' and specify additional keyword ANGULAR_RATE_FRAME = 'INSTRUMENT' to tell the program that angular rates are given in the spacecraft frame. Other setup keywords are obvious :-)