DAFCAT (daf-cat) User's Guide =========================================================================== DAFCAT is a program for concatenating several DAF files of the same type into a single (new) file. For example using DAFCAT you can concatenate several SPK files into a single file; concatenate several CK files into a single file; or several binary PCK files into a single file. However, DAFCAT does not allow you to concatenate different types of DAF based files into a single DAF file. For instance, you cannot concatenate a C-kernel and SP-kernel together using DAFCAT. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- DAFCAT takes a list of files to concatenate from standard input and concatenates them together in a new file that is listed on the command line. Thus if the text file "sources" contains a list of files to be concatenated together and you wish the combination to reside in the file "grouped.daf" enter the command dafcat grouped.daf