KPL/FK This FK sets '67P/C-G_CK' as the default frame for comet C-G (NAIF ID 1000012). This association is needed for older APIs (e.g. ET2LST) that use the default frame, to make sure the orientation of that frame is computable (which it is for '67P/C-G_CK' but not for '67P/C-G_FIXED'). It also sets the BODY*_PGR_POSITIVE_LON for C-G to 'WEST'. This variable is required for any APIs that need to determine the body rotation sense (e.g. RECPGR, PGRREC, ET2LST, etc.) but cannot do it by fetching the BODY*_PM variable because PCK data for the body is not available in the POOL. It also contains a copy of the BODY1000012_PM keyword from the PCK ROS_CG_ROT_1408_1409_V10.TPC because it is required by ET2LST (as of toolkit N0066). BVS/NAIF, 09/04/21. \begindata OBJECT_1000012_FRAME = '67P/C-G_CK' BODY1000012_PGR_POSITIVE_LON = 'WEST' BODY1000012_PM = ( 114.69 696.543884683 0. ) \begintext End of FK.