KPL/FK This frames kernel defines the Ecliptic and Equinox of the J2000 frame using the DE405 obliquity angle value (84381.412 arcseconds). This frame is used as the reference frame in the SPK file containing asteroid ephemeris data generated by the Comet/asteroid Orbit Determination and Ephemeris Software (CODES) developed by Jim Baer. The frame ID for this frame is set to 1900017, an arbitrarily chosen number from the range 1400000 to 2000000 set aside by NAIF for public use (see frames.req document). Contact Boris Semenov, NAIF ( or Jim Baer ( if you have any question about this kernel. \begindata FRAME_ECLIPJ2000_DE405 = 1900017 FRAME_1900017_NAME = 'ECLIPJ2000_DE405' FRAME_1900017_CLASS = 4 FRAME_1900017_CLASS_ID = 1900017 FRAME_1900017_CENTER = 0 TKFRAME_1900017_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_1900017_RELATIVE = 'J2000' TKFRAME_1900017_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -84381.412 ) TKFRAME_1900017_AXES = ( 1, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_1900017_UNITS = 'ARCSECONDS' \begintext