ROCKY7 Sequence EK file =========================================================================== created by Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, ( July 25, 1997 ROCKY7 Sequence EK file contents. -------------------------------------------------------- This sequence EK file was produced from ROCKY7 sequence log recorded during tests on the Lavic Lake in May 1997. This EK file contains all information found the original log file. This information is stored in two separate tables in the file. The table ROCKY7_EVT contains all commands send to the rover and all corresponding telemetry responses received from the rover by SCE (Sequencing and Command Executive). The table ROCKY7_NOTES contains the rest of information form the log file such as WITS (Web Interface for Telescience)-- SCE interaction, file I/O records, WITS control commands. The structure and the name of this table is exactly the same as the structure and the name of the operator note table that contaned in the ROCKY7 operator log EK file, ``rocky7_operator.bes'', which means that the information from these two tables can be queried together if both files are loaded into the Inspekt program or into a user's program calling EK subroutines. Data table structure -------------------------------------------------------- This EK file contains two data tables: Events data table: ROCKY7_EVT TIME TIME ACTIVITY CHARACTER*(*) ATTRIBUTE_NAME CHARACTER*(*) CHR_VALUE CHARACTER*(*) DP_VALUE DOUBLE PRECISION INT_VALUE INTEGER VALUE_FLAG CHARACTER*(*) ENTRY_ID CHARACTER*(*) ATTRIBUTE_INDEX INTEGER Notes data table: ROCKY7_NOTES TIME TIME ATTRIBUTE_NAME CHARACTER*(*) CHR_VALUE CHARACTER*(*) ENTRY_ID CHARACTER*(*) ATTRIBUTE_INDEX INTEGER Definitions of the elements (the columns) of the sequence tables are as follows: TIME UTC time of the entry. ACTIVITY event name. Event names are taken from the event dictionary. SUBSYSTEM subsystem name. ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute name. Attribute names are taken from the event dictionary. CHR_VALUE value of the attribute as a character string (1032 characters max). DP_VALUE value of the attribute as a DP number (if character string could be parsed as a DP number) INT_VALUE value of the attribute as a INT number (if character string could be parsed as an INT number). VALUE_FLAG single character flag showing which values are present for current attribute. It can be set to 'C', 'D' or 'I'. These values stand for: 'C' -- only character value is available. 'D' -- character and DP values are available. 'I' -- character, DP and INT values are available. ENTRY_ID character string which has the same value for all EK table records representing a single event or note record. ATTRIBUTE_INDEX index of the attribute in an event or note record. For events this index is the same as the index stored in the event dictionary. LONG_VALUE character string array containing a "80-characters" wrapped long character value that couldn't fit into CHR_VALUE. To get real attribute value from this array all array elements must be concatenated together. Each event or note data entry is represented by one or a few records in the corresponding data table in the sequence EK file. ENTRY_ID must be used as a key to group EK records representing a single data entry together. ATTRIBUTE_INDEX will give correct order of attributes.