; psyche_ref_231005-231105-230426_ORT4b.bsp LOG FILE ; Created 2023-04-26/15:45:37.83. ; ; BEGIN SPKMERGE COMMANDS LEAPSECONDS_KERNEL = /nav/psyche/import/leapsec/leapseconds.tls SPK_KERNEL = psyche_ref_231005-231105-230426_ORT4b.bsp SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = /nav/psyche/dev/traj/Launch/PGAA4/3DOF/SPK_merged/20231005.bsp INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = -255 BEGIN_TIME = 2023 OCT 05 14:38:37.000 END_TIME = 2023 OCT 06 17:35:03.495 SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = /nav/psyche/dev/traj/Launch/PGAA4/3DOF/SPK_merged/psyche_ref_231005-290817_230322_v1_SUNcenter.bsp INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = -255 BEGIN_TIME = 2023 OCT 06 17:35:03.495 END_TIME = 2023 NOV 05 00:00:00.000 ; END SPKMERGE COMMANDS Psyche reference trajectory for 2023/10/05 launch. This trajectory starts from the ground and covers 1 month. There is a discontinuity 2023 OCT 06 17:36:12.677 near launch taret interface point (TIP). BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0064 Summary for: psyche_ref_231005-231105-230426_ORT4b.bsp BodiesStart of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- -255 2023 OCT 05 14:39:46.182 2023 NOV 05 00:01:09.182