PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2012-12-07, C. Acton, initial draft; 2013-01-25, C. Acton, several updates " OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "PS" OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST_INFORMATION INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "PHOBOS-SOIL" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "SPACECRAFT" INSTRUMENT_HOST_DESC = " Instrument Host Overview ======================== The Phobos-Soil (also called Phobos Grunt and Phobos Sample Return) spacecraft (the cruise stage) was a new design, but with some inheritance from the Phobos spacecraft sent to Mars in the late 1980's. 'Grunt' is the Russian word for soil, thus reflecting the sample return focus of the mission. The cruise stage would land on Phobos, and it contained the soil sampling arm as well as other instruments. Attached to the cruise stage was the return vehicle which would carry a landing capsule holding soil samples. Accompanying the Phobos-Soil spacecraft was a small Mars orbiter named Yinghuo-1 (YH-1), provided by the Chinese Space Agency. YH-1 was to operate in a Mars equatorial orbit for approximately one year, focusing on measurements of magnetic field and ionosphere measurements, but also containing an imaging system. The combination of the Phobos-Soil and Yinghuo-1 spacecraft were attached to the main propulsion unit, based on the Fregat design. The entire assembly was launched on a Zenit-2SB launch vehicle. Vehicle Description =================== Cruise Stage ------------ The cruise stage with attached Fregat upper stage was 3-axis stabilized, contained an X-band communications system, and was powered by 10 square meters of solar panels. Cruise stage dry mass was 690 kg, and fueled mass was 1560 kg. The cruise stage included a camera system for navigation near Phobos and a radar system to control the final descent to the surface of Phobos. The science payload was 50 kg. Return Stage ------------ The return stage with sample capsule was 3-axis stabilized and was powered by 1.64 square meters of solar panels. Dry mass was 106 kg. and fueled mass was 296 kg. Reentry capsule --------------- The reentry capsule had a mass of 8 kg, including soil sample expected to be in the range of 80 to 160 grams. Mars Orbiter (Yinghuo-1) ------------------------ The Yinghuo-1 orbiter provided by China was 3-axis stabilized, had a mass of 115 kg, solar arrays of nearly 8 square meters and an S-band communication system. The YH-1 spacecraft was to have a 3-day orbit period with an 80,000 km apoapsis and 800 km periapsis, and an inclination of 5 degrees relative to the Mars equator. Science Payload =============== Cruise Stage ------------ The principle component of the science payload was the soil sampling and encapsulation system. The science payload on the cruise stage, which is also the lander, was comprised of the following instruments. * IR Fourier-Spectrometer (AOST) * Plasma Complex/Science Package (FPMS) * Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (FOGS) * Neutron & Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (HEND-2) * Mass-Spectrometric Complex: Gas Chromatograph (KhMS-1F) * Mass-Spectrometric Complex: Mass Spectrometer (MAL-1F) * Mass-Spectrometric Complex: Thermal Differential Analyzer (TDA) * Laser Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (LAZMA) * Long-Wave Planetary Radar (LPR) * Micrometeorites Detector (METEOR) * Panoramic Camera (PANCAM) * Stereo Camera (STEREO) * Microscope Spectrometer (MIKROMEGA) * Miniaturized Mossbauer Spectrometer (MIMOS-2) * Seismometer (SUESMO) * Seismogravimeter (GRAS-F) * Secondary Ions Mass Spectrometer (MANAGA-F) * Thermodetector (TERMOFOB) A Libration Celestial Mechanics Experiment (LIBRACIYA) would use the star and sun trackers and Ultra Stable Oscillator. The TV System for Navigation and Guidance (TSNN) also supports Phobos surface imaging and was comprised of both narrow and wide angle cameras. Return Stage ------------ In addition to containing the soil sample return capsule the return stage also carried a biological experiment, Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment (LIFE), designed to study the survivability of microorganisms during interplanetary transfer from earth to Mars and back. Yinghuo-1 Mars Orbiter ---------------------- The YH-1 orbiter carried four primary instruments: * Plasma package comprising an electron analyzer, ion analyzer and mass spectrometer * Fluxgate magnetometer * Radio occultation sounder * Imaging system comprising two cameras " END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST_INFORMATION OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "UNK" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST_REFERENCE_INFO END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_HOST END