This directory contains the SPICE Hands-on Lessons Remote Sensing (remote_sensing) Each lesson is provided as a ".tar" package for Unix platforms and as a ".zip" package for Windows platforms. Each package includes a single directory containing pairs of text ("*.txt") and HTML ("*.html") documents providing the lesson for FORTRAN ("*_f.*"), C ("*_c.*"), IDL ("*_idl.*"), and MATLAB ("*_m.*") programming language. Each package also includes the supporting SPICE kernels ("kernels" subdirectory) for lessons needing them, and diagrams in MS PowerPoint and PDF format ("diagram" subdirectory). One lesson has some auxiliary source code ("src" subdirectory). The packages--either eight tar files or eight zip files--should be ftp'd to your machine in binary FTP mode. This is usually accomlished in your browser window by simply clicking on the individual file names, one at a time. The lessons are provided in both plain text and in HTML. The plain text versions may be used anywhere on your computer. But NAIF suggests you use the HTML versions as these include many convenient hyperlinks to Toolkit documentation and module headers. In order to have these hyperlinks work you MUST create a "lessons" directory under the "doc/html" directory of your Toolkit tree and copy each html lesson document to that subdirectory. Then load the lesson file name into your web browser.