KPL/IK TSNS Instrument Kernel ============================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains references to the mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry for the PHSRM Imaging Science Subsystem (TSNS) instruments. Version and Date ---------------------------------------------------------- The TEXT_KERNEL_ID stores version information of loaded project text kernels. Each entry associated with the keyword is a string that consists of four parts: the kernel name, version, entry date, and type. For example, the TSNS I-kernel might have an entry as follows: TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'PHSRM_TSNS V0.0.0 15-JULY-2009 IK' | | | | | | | | KERNEL NAME <-------+ | | | | | V VERSION <-------+ | KERNEL TYPE | V ENTRY DATE TSNS I-Kernel Version: \begindata TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'PHSRM_TSNS V0.0.0 31-JULY-2009 IK' \begintext Version 0.0.0 -- 31-JULY-2009 -- Anton Ledkov/IKI, Boris Semenov/JPL Initial version. References ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``GETFOV Header'' 4. TSNS Geometry Document, Draft Version 00, July 2009 Contact Information ---------------------------------------------------------- Direct questions, comments or concerns about the contents of this kernel to: Anton Ledkov, IKI, (495)-333-1266, Implementation Notes ---------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this instrument kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates data items with their names in a data structure called the ``kernel pool''. The SPICE routine FURNSH load SPICE kernels as shown below: CALL FURNSH ( 'kernel_name' ) -- FORTRAN (SPICELIB) furnsh_c ( "kernel_name" ) -- C (CSPICE) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name -- IDL (Icy) cspice_furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) -- MATLAB (Mice) In order for a program or subroutine to extract individual keyword data from the pool, the SPICE routines GDPOOL and GIPOOL are used. In order for a program or subroutine to extract FOV definition data from the pool, the SPICE routine GETFOV are used. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. Naming Conventions ---------------------------------------------------------- All names referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters `INS', PHSRM spacecraft ID number (-555) and three digit ID code for the TSNS instruments: NAC_1 = 010, NAC_2 = 020, WAC_1 = 030, WAC_2 = 040. The remainder of the name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the TSNS NAC1 boresight direction in the TSNS NAC internal frame (``PHSRM_TSNS_NAC_1_INT'') is specified by: INS-555010_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. TSNS description ---------------------------------------------------------- This is a brief description of TSNS subsystem (from [4]): ``Television system of navigation and supervision (TSNS) To solve the navigation and scientific tasks in the project "Phobos-Ground" designed television, navigation and surveillance (TSNS) (Avanesov et al, 2006). The composition of TSNS composed of two narrow-angle television cameras (NAC), a high-resolution focal length F = 500 mm and a two-round wide-angle television cameras (WAC) with a focal length F = 18 mm. Placement of the two sets of NAC and WAC diameter seed platform module provides the possibility of stereo measurements landing on the surface of Phobos. For binding measurements TSNS to the inertial coordinate system uses star sensors BOKZ-MF. Products BOKZ-MOF also duplicated, and have non-overlapping fields of view to facilitate the implementation of the necessary angles to the optical axis to the Sun and Mars. Each pair of cameras NAC - WAC rigidly connected with the appropriate device BOKZ-MF. All cameras have their own processors. Communication between cells via on-board computer complex (BCC).'' TSNS First Order Optical Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------- The first order optical parameters for the two types of cameras that constitute the TSNS detectors (from [4] Table 1.1): ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- parameter NAC WAC ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- Effective Focal Length, mm 500 18 Estimated Uncertainty, mm 0 0 Spectral Band, nm 400-1000 400-1000 F/number 7 2 ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- These values are given in the keywords below in the same units as the table above: \begindata INS-555010_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 500 ) INS-555010_FL_UNCERTAINTY = ( 0 ) INS-555010_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 1000 ) INS-555010_F/NUMBER = ( 7 ) INS-555020_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 500 ) INS-555020_FL_UNCERTAINTY = ( 0 ) INS-555020_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 1000 ) INS-555020_F/NUMBER = ( 7 ) INS-555030_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 18 ) INS-555030_FL_UNCERTAINTY = ( 0 ) INS-555030_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 1000 ) INS-555030_F/NUMBER = ( 2 ) INS-555040_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 18 ) INS-555040_FL_UNCERTAINTY = ( 0 ) INS-555040_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 1000 ) INS-555040_F/NUMBER = ( 2 ) \begintext TSNS Field of View Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below illustrates TSNS NAC and WAC FOV and detector layouts in the corresponding ``internal'' frames -- ``PHSRM_TSNS_*_INT'', -- based on [4]: ^ Y Samples | (0,0) + + + > | + \_____________________________________________________ ___ + | | | + | | | V | | | Lines | Samples | | | (0,0) + + + > | | | + \_____________________________ ___ | | | + | | | | | | + | | | | | | V | | | | | | Lines | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <--- | | x | 0.85 deg | 23.3 deg X | | Z | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________| ___ | | | NAC | | | |------------0.85 deg---------| | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________| ___ WAC |------------------------23.3 deg---------------------| The detector geometry parameters are provided below (from [4] Table 1.1): ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- parameter NAC WAC ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- Detector Array Size 1000x1000 1000x1000 Pixel Size, microns 7.4x7.4 7.4x7.4 FOV Angular Size, degrees 0.85x0.85 23.3x23.3 IFOV, microradian/pixel 14.8 411 ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- The pixel sizes below are provided in mm; the IFOV sizes are provided in radians/pixel. \begindata INS-555010_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1000 ) INS-555010_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1000 ) INS-555010_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.0074 ) INS-555010_CCD_CENTER = ( 499.5, 499.5 ) INS-555010_IFOV = ( 0.0000148 ) INS-555020_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1000 ) INS-555020_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1000 ) INS-555020_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.0074 ) INS-555020_CCD_CENTER = ( 499.5, 499.5 ) INS-555020_IFOV = ( 0.0000148 ) INS-555030_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1000 ) INS-555030_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1000 ) INS-555030_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.0074 ) INS-555030_CCD_CENTER = ( 499.5, 499.5 ) INS-555030_IFOV = ( 0.000411 ) INS-555040_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1000 ) INS-555040_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1000 ) INS-555040_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.0074 ) INS-555040_CCD_CENTER = ( 499.5, 499.5 ) INS-555040_IFOV = ( 0.000411 ) \begintext The keywords INS[ID]_FOV_FRAME, INS[ID]_FOV_SHAPE, INS[ID]_BORESIGHT, and FOV ANGLES specification keywords defined below are used to describe the instrument field of view. Since both the NAC and WAC have square fields of view, the INS[ID]_FOV_SHAPE keyword will always be 'RECTANGLE', and GETFOV will return the four vectors in the instrument frame that describe the edges of the FOV cone. Both the NAC and WAC boresights lie along the Z-axis. Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) FOV Definition The NAC FOVs are defined below as 0.85 x 0.85 degree rectangular pyramids centered on the +Z axis of the corresponding ``internal'' frames (``PHSRM_TSNS_NAC_*_INT'') \begindata INS-555010_FOV_FRAME = 'PHSRM_TSNS_NAC_1_INT' INS-555010_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-555010_BORESIGHT = ( 0 0 1 ) INS-555010_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-555010_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0 1 0 ) INS-555010_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.425 ) INS-555010_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.425 ) INS-555010_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-555020_FOV_FRAME = 'PHSRM_TSNS_NAC_2_INT' INS-555020_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-555020_BORESIGHT = ( 0 0 1 ) INS-555020_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-555020_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0 1 0 ) INS-555020_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.425 ) INS-555020_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.425 ) INS-555020_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Wide Angle Camera (WAC) FOV Definition The WAC FOVs are defined below as 23.3 x 23.3 degree rectangular pyramids centered on the +Z axis of the corresponding ``internal'' frames (``PHSRM_TSNS_WAC_*_INT'') \begindata INS-555030_FOV_FRAME = 'PHSRM_TSNS_WAC_1_INT' INS-555030_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-555030_BORESIGHT = ( 0 0 1 ) INS-555030_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-555030_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0 1 0 ) INS-555030_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 11.65 ) INS-555030_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 11.65 ) INS-555030_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-555040_FOV_FRAME = 'PHSRM_TSNS_WAC_2_INT' INS-555040_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-555040_BORESIGHT = ( 0 0 1 ) INS-555040_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-555040_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0 1 0 ) INS-555040_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 11.65 ) INS-555040_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 11.65 ) INS-555040_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext End of IK file.