KPL/FK For ORT-10. This FK defines the PHX_MRD frame for the spacecraft located at areocentric longitude -125.129 deg and latitude 68.001 deg, These lon/lat were computed from s/c pos/vel EDL TLM -- A-484, A-485, A-486, A-488, A-489, A-490 -- at MRD init time 2008-146T23:36:14 set based on time tag of the first value in the EDL NAV state channels -- A-0066, A-0067, A-0068, A-0069, -- truncated to the nearest second. The frame is defined with respect to the IAU_MARS frame using angles. Two rotations needed to align IAU_MARS with PHX_MRD at these coordinates are: first by longutude about Z, second by the negative of latitude+90 deg about Y. In the definition below the signs and order or rotations are reversed as required by the fixed offset frame spec. BVS/NAIF, May 5, 2008 \begindata FRAME_PHX_MRD = -84902 FRAME_-84902_NAME = 'PHX_MRD' FRAME_-84902_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-84902_CLASS_ID = -84902 FRAME_-84902_CENTER = -84 TKFRAME_-84902_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_-84902_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-84902_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-84902_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) TKFRAME_-84902_ANGLES = ( 0.000, 125.129, 158.001 ) \begintext