PHOENIX CHRONOS Aliases Cheat-sheet ========================================================================= Making the time conversion short-cuts (aliases) available --------------------------------------------------------- 1) start/use "tcsh" as your shell (note that the aliases will not work with "csh"!) 2) "source" CHRONOS aliases file for the activity of interest from the PHX GDS setup area: %source /phx/gds/setup/naif/aliases.phx_? Command-line short-cuts for PHX for primary time systems/types ---------------------------------------------------------------- FR\TO | lmst ltst scet ert sclk sclkd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lmst | ---------- lmst2ltst lmst2scet lmst2ert lmst2sclk lmst2sclkd ltst | ltst2lmst --------- ltst2scet ltst2ert ltst2sclk ltst2sclkd scet | scet2lmst scet2ltst --------- scet2ert scet2sclk scet2sclkd ert | ert2lmst ert2ltst ert2scet --------- ert2sclk ert2sclkd sclk | sclk2lmst sclk2ltst sclk2scet sclk2ert --------- sclk2sclkd sclkd | sclkd2lmst sclkd2ltst sclkd2scet sclkd2ert sclkd2sclk ---------- where the time systems/types are: lmst -- PHX Local Mean Solar Time ltst -- PHX Local True Solar Time scet -- UTC Spacecraft Event Time ert -- UTC Earth Receive Time sclk -- PHX on-board clock, byte-based format sclkd -- PHX on-board clock, decimal format lmst and ltst can be computed only for times after landing. Command-line short-cuts for PHX for auxiliary time systems/types ------------------------------------------------------------------ scet2ett/ett2scet -- between UTC SCET and UTC Earth Transmit Time scet2et/et2scet -- between UTC SCET and Ephemeris Time scet2doy/doy2scet -- between UTC SCET in date and DOY format sclk2hex/hex2sclk -- between SCLK in decimal and hex format scet2lsun -- L-sub-S for given UTC SCET scet2lt -- one-way-light time for given UTC SCET scet2pst/scet2pdt -- UTC SCET to PDT and PST scet2pstert -- UTC SCET to PST/ERT scet2pdtert -- UTC SCET to PDT/ERT chronos.kernels -- display all kernels used by CHRONOS chronos.sclk -- displays original SCLK name Notes on the input/output time formats -------------------------------------- SCET and ERT: -- on the input SCET and ERT maybe be provided in a wide variety formats -- on the output the format is always YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC.### -- only a few input formats are not supported, among which is a common DOY format with "/" separating YYYY and DOY; for example this SCET "2004/006-12:00" will not work Local Mean Solar Time (LMST) and Local True Solar Time (LTST): -- can be computed only for times after landing -- must be provided in "SOL DDD HR:MN:SC" format -- seconds must not have fractional part -- seconds, or seconds and minutes may be omitted -- "SOL" marker can be upper or lower case but not mixed case On-board clock, byte-based format (SCLK): -- must be provided in SSSSSSSSS.FFF or SSSSSSSSS:FFF format where SSSSSSSSS are integer seconds (first four bytes of 5-byte TLM SCLK) and FFF are fractional second (last byte of 5-byte TLM SCLK) (Note that FFF is NOT a decimal fraction); for example "128363423:129" -- may be prefixed with "N/" indicating SPICE SCLK partition number; since only one partition is expected for PHX, this prefix should always be "1/" and is normally omitted On-board clock, decimal format (SCLKD): -- must be provided in SSSSSSSSS.DDD.. format where SSSSSSSSS are integer seconds and DDD... are decimal fraction -- also may be prefixed with partition number On-board sclk, hexadecimal format (HEX): -- HEX SCLK must be provided in XXXXXXXX.YY or XXXXXXXX:YY format where YYYYYYYY are integer seconds (first four bytes of 5-byte TLM SCLK) and YY are fractional second (last byte of 5-byte TLM SCLK); for example "07A6AB9F:81" -- may also be prefixed with partition number UTC SCET in DOY format: -- the date and time parts must be separated by double slash, "//", or "T"; for example "2004-012//12:00:00.000" or "2004-012T12:00:00.000", but not "2004-012 12:00"