Introduction =========================================================================== This document describes the structure and contents of the latest of the SPICE plate toolkit for Sun/Solaris. FORTRAN -------------------------------------------------------- Most FORTRAN compilers come with a large set of compilation options that can be used when compiling source code. The compiler options we (NAIF) used when creating the various object libraries are discussed in the section "LIB" that appears later in this document. Version Information -------------------------------------------------------- Creation Date: Thu Dec 26 11:16:23 PST 2002 Version : PLATE.............V.2 Directory Structure and Contents =========================================================================== plate -------------------------------------------------------- The plate directory contains the file makeall.csh. This is a C shell script that builds all of the object libraries and executables in the plate toolkit. (installation directory) | plate | makeall.csh plate also contains several subdirectories that will be described in more detail in the following sections. (installation directory) | plate | data doc etc exe lib src 1. DATA This directory contains example data for use with various programs. These files are provided only as examples and are not intended for use for any serious analysis or planning work. 2. DOC This directory contains all of the documentation for this package. This includes User's Guides for the programs, Required Reading files for SPICELIB, documents describing the contents of SPICELIB such as the Permuted Index , and documents describing the contents and installation of the Toolkit. 3. EXE This directory contains all of the package executables, and where applicable, scripts to run the executables. 4. ETC The subdirectories of this directory contain product-specific files that are neither source, documentation, nor data. This includes configuration files, set up files, and help files. 5. LIB This directory contains all of the object libraries. 6. SRC The subdirectories of this directory contain all of the source for the products in this toolkit package. DATA -------------------------------------------------------- The DATA directory contains all of the NAIF Toolkit data that is pertinent for this toolkit package. This data is intended only to be used with the TOOLKIT programs, and is included only to help you get started using the Toolkit. (installation directory) | plate | data DOC -------------------------------------------------------- The DOC directory contains all of the plate plate toolkit documentation that is available on-line. This includes the user's guides for the programs, Required Reading files for SPICELIB, documents describing the contents and porting of SPICELIB, and documents describing the installation and contents of the Toolkit. Please note that the INSPEKT User's Guide is not available on-line. (installation directory) | plate | doc | dscriptn.txt version.txt *.ug *.req *.txt ETC -------------------------------------------------------- The ETC directory contains all files for the Toolkit products that are not source, documentation, or data such as set up files, configuration files or help files. (installation directory) | plate | etc EXE -------------------------------------------------------- The EXE directory contains the NAIF Toolkit executables and, where applicable, scripts to run executables. (installation directory) | plate | exe | spinplat mkplat LIB -------------------------------------------------------- The LIB directory contains the object libraries for this toolkit package. All libraries are compiled using the following FORTRAN compiler options: -C -u The libraries contained in this directory are listed below. Each library is discussed in more detail later in the section devoted to the SRC directory. (installation directory) | plate | lib | platelib.a SRC -------------------------------------------------------- The SRC directory contains one subdirectory for each product in the NAIF Toolkit. Each of these product directories contains the source code files and procedures to create the executable or object library. (installation directory) | plate | src | platelib spinplat mkplat platelib PLATELIB is a Fortran source code library that contains routines that are used for accessing small body shape data represented by triangular plate models stored in SPICE plate model files. These routines are the source for the library platelib.a. This directory contains the PLATELIB library source files and a script to create the object library platelib.a. (installation directory) | plate | src | platelib | *.inc *.f mkprodct.csh spinplat The SPINPLAT is an interactive menu driven program which provides a collection of services useful for examining SPICE plate model files. This directory contains the spinplat main program, supporting routines, and a script to create the executable program spinplat. (installation directory) | plate | src | spinplat | spinplat.pgm *.inc *.f mkprodct.csh MKPLAT MKPLAT is a NAIF utility program that creates a plate model for a body from a "standard" format text file. The text file contains: 1. a list of plates identifiers and the identifiers of the vertices that make up thel plate 2. a list of vertex identifiers and the location of the vertex in bodyfixed coordinates. This directory contains the MKPLAT main program, supporting routines and a script for creating the executable program mkplat. (installation directory) | plate | src | mkplat | *.f mkplat.pgm mkprodct.csh Using the NAIF Toolkit Package =========================================================================== After the installation has been completed successfully, there are a few things that you need to do to get started using SPICELIB. We recommend that you print out the source code for the cookbook programs and examine it. Try running some of the cookbook programs yourself. The cookbook programs demonstrate how to use SPICELIB routines to obtain state vectors, convert between different time representations, and solve simple geometry problems. Once you're ready to get your hands dirty, you should read the required reading files for SPICELIB. The required reading files are located in the directory ``doc'' (see above) with the extension ``.req''. They are text files that describe families of subroutines and how they interact with the rest of SPICELIB. The most important required reading files are: TIME, KERNEL, SPK, CK, SCLK, SPC, and NAIF_IDS. You should read at least these. After you've done these things, you're ready to start programming with SPICELIB! Appendix -- NAIF's File Naming Conventions =========================================================================== NAIF follows a set of conventions for naming files based on the contents of the files. This allows you to find certain types of files in a directory tree quickly. Source code modules: *.pgm Fortran or C source files for program modules. *.for Fortran source code files. *.f *.inc Fortran include files. *.c C source code files. *.h C header files. Executables, libraries, object files: (no ext) Executable files. *.exe *.o Object files. *.obj *.a Object library files. *.lib *.olb Documents: *.req Text format Required Reading files. *.ug Text format User's Guides. *.idx Permuted index files. *.txt Text format documentation files. *.tex TeX files. *.dvi Device independent files produced by TeX. *.ps Postscript files. *.pdf PDF files. *.htm HTLM files. *.html SPICE Kernel files: *.bsp Binary SPK (ephemeris) files. *.tsp Transfer format SPK files. *.xsp *.bc Binary CK (pointing) files. *.tc Transfer format CK files. *.xc *.tpc Text PCK (planetary constants) files. *.bpc Binary PCK files. *.xpc Transfer format PCK files. *.ti Text IK (instrument parameters) files. *.tls Text LSK (leapseconds) files. *.tsc Text SCLK (spacecraft clock) files. *.tf Text FK (frame definitions) files. *.bes Binary EK (events) Sequence files. *.tes Transfer format EK Sequence files. *.xes *.ten Text EK Experimenter's Notebook files. *.tep Text EK Science Plan files. *.bdb Binary SPICE Database files. *.xdb Transfer format SPICE Database files. Build scripts: mkprodct.csh Unix build scripts. VAX/Dec Alpha build scripts. mkprodct.bat PC/DOS, PS/WIN build scripts. mkprodct.mpw MAC MPW build scripts. mkprodct.mas MAC Apple Script build scripts.