KPL/IK MARCI Instrument kernel =========================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains MRO Mars Color Imager (MARCI) optics, detector, and field-of-view parameters. Version and Date -------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 -- November 29, 2007 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL Initial version. References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 2. ``C-kernel Required Reading'' 3. MRO Frames Definition Kernel (FK), latest version. 4. MARCI Description, MSSS Web Site, 5. E-mail from Joe Fahle, MSSS, regarding the MARCI camera model, September 6, 2007. 6. Malin, M. C., et al. Mars Color Imager (MARCI) on the Mars Climate Orbiter, JGR, Vol 106, 2001-08-25; included as marci_1999je001145.pdf in MRO-M-MARCI-2-EDR-L0-V1.0 data set 7. MARCI Standard EDR Data Product SIS; included as marcisis.pdf in MRO-M-MARCI-2-EDR-L0-V1.0 data set Implementation Notes -------------------------------------------------------- Applications that need SPICE I-kernel data must ``load'' the I-kernel file, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel using the SPICELIB routine FURNSH causes the data items and their associated values present in the kernel to become associated with a data structure called the ``kernel pool''. The application program may then obtain the value(s) for any IK data item using the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, GCPOOL. Routine GETFOV may be used if the file contains instrument field-of-view (FOV) specification. See [1] for details. This file was created with, and can be updated with a text editor or word processor. Conventions for Specifying Data -------------------------------------------------------- Data items are specified using ``keyword=value'' assignments [1]. All keywords referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters `INS' followed by the NAIF MRO instrument ID code, constructed using the spacecraft ID number (-74) followed by the NAIF three digit ID number for one of the MARCI's cameras (410 or 420) or individual spectral bands (411-415, 421-422). These IDs are defined in [3] as follows: Instrument name ID -------------------- ------- MRO_MARCI -74400 MRO_MARCI_VIS -74410 MRO_MARCI_VIS_BLUE -74411 MRO_MARCI_VIS_GREEN -74412 MRO_MARCI_VIS_ORANGE -74413 MRO_MARCI_VIS_RED -74414 MRO_MARCI_VIS_NIR -74415 MRO_MARCI_UV -74420 MRO_MARCI_UV_SHORT_UV -74421 MRO_MARCI_UV_LONG_UV -74422 The remainder of the keyword is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the focal length of the MARCI visual camera is specified by INS-74410_FOCAL_LENGTH The upper bound on the length of all keywords is 32 characters. If a keyword is included in more than one file, or if the same keyword appears more than once within a single file, the last assignment supersedes any earlier assignments. Overview -------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: The Mars Color Imager (MARCI) is designed to acquire daily global images of Mars for at least 1 martian year (687 Earth days) at 5 visible wavelengths and 2 ultraviolet wavelengths. MARCI images will be used to document the weather on Mars by observing the comings and goings of dust storms, polar frost, and clouds of water vapor, water ice, and carbon dioxide crystals. MARCI's ultraviolet observations will map the distribution of water vapor and ozone in the atmosphere. The MRO MARCI is the second such camera to be sent to Mars. The first was competively selected by NASA to fly on the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) in 1998. That spacecraft was lost during orbit insertion in September 1999. The MCO MARCI had two cameras-- a wide angle system to provide daily global views of the planet, and a medium angle system to provide 40 meters per pixel views of selected areas to be examined for landing site studies. For the 2005 MRO mission, NASA decided only to re-fly the MARCI wide angle system, and replace the 40 meters per pixel medium angle camera with the 6 meters per pixel Context Camera (CTX). On each orbit that MRO makes around Mars, MARCI simultaneously acquires 7 pictures at 7 different wavelengths. Over the course of a day, MRO makes 12 to nearly 13 orbits around Mars. The 12 times 7 pictures per day (84 images) provide a daily record of meteorologic events that have occurred on the planet. By building up these images every day for an entire martian year, MARCI will provide a record that spans through winter, spring, summer, and autumn in both martian hemispheres. The table, below, shows the wavelengths of each MARCI image. In addition to their utility in observing ozone and discriminating between clouds of dust, water vapor, water ice, and carbon dioxide, these images can also track the changes in brightness of the martian surface, monitor the growth and retreat of the polar caps, and aid in identification of iron-bearing minerals. Wavelength Spectral Region ---------------- ------------------- 260 nanometers ultraviolet 320 nanometers ultraviolet 425 nanometers visible 550 nanometers visible 600 nanometers visible 650 nanometers visible 725 nanometers visible Looking straight down (nadir orientation) at Mars, MARCI images are designed to have spatial resolutions in the 1 to 10 kilometers per pixel range. The system consists of two separate sets of lenses and detectors -- one for the visible light images, and one for the ultraviolet images. Both systems have a 180 degree field of view lens, which permits all of Mars to be in view, even when MRO rolls up to 20 degrees off nadir for imaging specific targets with its other instruments. Each MARCI image is about 1000 pixels wide and can be many thousands of pixels long, depending on the objective of the image. The figure (above) shows a representation of the MARCI visible (color) detector. A single CCD array is used. The five color filters are bonded to the detector in strips as shown here. The blue strip represents the 423 nanometers band, the green is the 550 nanometers band, and so forth. As MARCI moves forward in its orbit around Mars, it will build up color images using the 5 visible light filters as each filtered area of the CCD detector passes over the martian surface. Mounting Alignment -------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the latest version of the MRO Frames Definition Kernel (FK) [3] for the MARCI reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Apparent FOV Layout -------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below illustrates the MARCI VIS camera FOV/CCD layout: ^ | Down track | --- 0,0--------------------------------------------. ~2 deg | BLUE * | -------- --- `-----------------------------------------1023,15 | 51 pixels --- 0,0--------------------------------------------. | ~2 deg | GREEN * | | --- --- `-----------------------------------------1023,15 | | 26 --- 0,0--------------------------------------------. | | pixels ~2 deg | ORANGE +Zvis x-------------> +Xvis | -------- --- `----------------------|------------------1023,15 | | 26 --- 0,0---------------------|----------------------. | | pixels ~2 deg | RED * | | --- --- `----------------------|------------------1023,15 | --- 0,0---------------------|----------------------. | 51 pixels ~2 deg | NIR * | -------- --- `----------------------|------------------1023,15 | V +Yvis | ~155 deg | Boresight |---------------------------------------------| (+Zvis axis) | | is into the page The diagram below illustrates the MARCI UV camera FOV/CCD layout: ^ | Down track | --- 0,0--------------------------------------------. ~2 deg | SHORT_UV * | --- 7 pixels --- `---------------- +Zuv x---------> +Xuv --1023,15 -------- --- 0,0---------------------|----------------------. | 20 pixels ~2 deg | LONG_UV * | | --- `----------------------|------------------1023,15 --- | | | | V +Yuv | ~155 deg | Boresight |---------------------------------------------| (+Zuv axis) | | is into the page Optical and Detector Parameters -------------------------------------------------------- This section provides two parameters that, in combination with the optical distortion and filter parameters, are needed to compute the view directions of the individual CCD pixels. These parameters are the focal length and pixel size for each of the two cameras (VIS and UV). The pixel size keywords below are set to the nominal value from [6] -- 9 microns -- while the focal lengths are set to the values from [5]. All values are in millimeters. \begindata INS-74410_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 3.9215079 ) INS-74420_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 3.9551850 ) INS-74410_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.009 ) INS-74420_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.009 ) \begintext FOV Definition -------------------------------------------------------- This section contains definitions for the MARCI band FOVs. These definitions are provided in the format required by the SPICE (CSPICE) function GETFOV (getfov_c). Due to the wide-angle nature of the camera the FOV for each of the bands is specified as a polygon with the following pixels defining its boresight and boundary vectors: 0.5,0.5 255.5,0.5 512,0.5 768.5,0.5 1023.5,0.5 *-----------*----------*----------*-----------* | * 512,8 | *-----------*----------*----------*-----------* 0.5,15.5 255.5,15.5 512,15.5 768.5,15.5 1023.5,15.5 In the FOV definitions below the boundary vectors are listed in clockwise order starting with the left-top corner. The Z component of each vector is set to the focal length of the camera expressed in pixels; the X and Y components are set to the undistorted values computed for the pixels shown above using the camera distortion models. \begindata INS-74411_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_VIS' INS-74411_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74411_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 -51.239 435.723 ) INS-74411_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -2019.030 -230.915 435.723 -310.336 -70.778 435.723 0.000 -58.909 435.723 310.336 -70.778 435.723 2019.030 -230.915 435.723 1996.100 -169.756 435.723 308.788 -52.368 435.723 0.000 -43.617 435.723 -308.788 -52.368 435.723 -1996.100 -169.756 435.723 ) INS-74412_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_VIS' INS-74412_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74412_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 -25.980 435.723 ) INS-74412_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -1984.657 -129.982 435.723 -308.019 -40.229 435.723 0.000 -33.517 435.723 308.019 -40.229 435.723 1984.657 -129.982 435.723 1973.131 -71.364 435.723 307.247 -22.160 435.723 0.000 -18.468 435.723 -307.247 -22.160 435.723 -1973.131 -71.364 435.723 ) INS-74413_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_VIS' INS-74413_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74413_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 0.000 435.723 ) INS-74413_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -1968.921 -28.870 435.723 -306.965 -8.976 435.723 0.000 -7.481 435.723 306.965 -8.976 435.723 1968.921 -28.870 435.723 1968.921 28.870 435.723 306.965 8.976 435.723 0.000 7.481 435.723 -306.965 8.976 435.723 -1968.921 28.870 435.723 ) INS-74414_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_VIS' INS-74414_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74414_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 25.980 435.723 ) INS-74414_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -1973.131 71.364 435.723 -307.247 22.160 435.723 0.000 18.468 435.723 307.247 22.160 435.723 1973.131 71.364 435.723 1984.657 129.982 435.723 308.019 40.229 435.723 0.000 33.517 435.723 -308.019 40.229 435.723 -1984.657 129.982 435.723 ) INS-74415_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_VIS' INS-74415_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74415_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 51.239 435.723 ) INS-74415_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -1996.100 169.756 435.723 -308.788 52.368 435.723 0.000 43.617 435.723 308.788 52.368 435.723 1996.100 169.756 435.723 2019.030 230.915 435.723 310.336 70.778 435.723 0.000 58.909 435.723 -310.336 70.778 435.723 -2019.030 230.915 435.723 ) INS-74421_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_UV' INS-74421_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74421_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 -7.117 439.465 ) INS-74421_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -2101.945 -59.586 439.465 -317.079 -17.925 439.465 0.000 -14.749 439.465 317.079 -17.925 439.465 2101.945 -59.586 439.465 2098.772 2.052 439.465 316.833 0.618 439.465 0.000 0.508 439.465 -316.833 0.618 439.465 -2098.772 2.052 439.465 ) INS-74422_FOV_FRAME = 'MRO_MARCI_UV' INS-74422_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-74422_BORESIGHT = ( 0.000 20.353 439.465 ) INS-74422_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( -2101.129 51.347 439.465 -317.016 15.449 439.465 0.000 12.713 439.465 317.016 15.449 439.465 2101.129 51.347 439.465 2110.217 113.453 439.465 317.721 34.064 439.465 0.000 28.011 439.465 -317.721 34.064 439.465 -2110.217 113.453 439.465 ) \begintext Optical Distortion -------------------------------------------------------- The following model is used by the MARCI Team, MSSS to convert distorted focal plane coordinates, Xd and Yd, to undistorted coordinates, Xu and Yu (from [5]): Rd = sqrt( Xd*Xd + Yd*Yd ) Ru = C0 + C1*Rd^2 + C2*Rd^4 + C3*Rd^6 Xu = Xd * ( Ru / Rd ) Yu = Yd * ( Ru / Rd ) where Rd and Ru are distorted and undistorted distances from the CCD center and Ci are distortion coefficients. According to [5] the distortion coefficients used by MSSS "... were derived by fitting a polynomial to Peter Thomas's distorted Rd versus undistorted look angle data. Angle was converted to undistorted Ru = FL * tan(angle). Both Rd and Ru were converted to pixels and the ratio Ru/Rd was fit to the polynomial a + bx^2 + cx^4 + dx^6. Data points corresponding to angles greater than 64 were discarded. The theoretical maximum angle to hit Mars from the various MRO operational orbit heights is 68. However, 64 was chosen as a cutoff because variance of the residuals jumped significantly after that point. Moreover, data points for angles greater than 60 degrees contain almost no distinguishable features. The UV (Rd,Theta) data had fewer points and had much greater variance around the fitted polynomial than the VIS data." The distortion coefficients for the VIS and UV cameras provided by MSSS are included in the keywords below. \begindata INS-74410_DISTORTION_COEFFS = ( 0.997322, 2.84786e-06, -6.67752e-12, 1.43076e-16 ) INS-74420_DISTORTION_COEFFS = ( 1.01661, 2.62687e-06, 2.35307e-12, 1.24976e-16 ) \begintext Filters -------------------------------------------------------- This section specifies the follwing MARCI filter (band) parameters: INS-74400_BAND_NUMBER band ID number, 1-7, from [5] INS-74400_BAND_NAME band name, as appears in MARCI EDR labels, from [5] and [7] INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_SAMPLE sample index of the center pixel in the nominal 1024x16 area read out for each band, in pixels, set to 512 for all bands, from [5] INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_LINE line index of the center pixel in the nominal 1024x16 area read out for each band, in pixels, set to 8 for all bands, from [5] INS-74400_BAND_CCD_OFFSET offset of the band center line from the center line of the CCD area used by the camera through which the band is exposed, in pixels, from [5] INS-74400_BAND_WAVELENGTH effective center wavelength of the band, in nanometers, from [6] INS-74400_BAND_FWHM full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the band, in nanometers, from [6] INS-74400_BAND_NAIF_ID NAIF ID of the band INS-74400_BAND_CAMERA_NAIF_ID NAIF ID of the camera through which the band is exposed This data section sets the keywords described above. \begindata INS-74400_BAND_NUMBER = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) INS-74400_BAND_NAME = ( 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'ORANGE', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SHORT_UV', 'LONG_UV' ) INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_SAMPLE = ( 512, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512 ) INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_LINE = ( 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ) INS-74400_BAND_CCD_OFFSET = ( 51, 26, 0, -26, -51, 7, -20 ) INS-74400_BAND_WAVELENGTH = ( 453, 561, 614, 636, 765, 280, 315 ) INS-74400_BAND_FWHM = ( 83, 45, 51, 123, 62, 69, 17 ) INS-74400_BAND_NAIF_ID = ( -74411, -74412, -74413, -74414, -74415, -74421, -74422 ) INS-74400_BAND_CAMERA_NAIF_ID = ( -74410, -74410, -74410, -74410, -74410, -74420, -74420 ) \begintext A Recipe for Computing Observation Time and CCD Pixel View Direction -------------------------------------------------------------------- This section provides a recipe for computing the view direction and observation time for a given pixel from a MARCI EDR image. The recipe is based on [5] and [7]. The recipe uses a mix of formulas and calls to CSPICE routines. All indexes used in the recipe are zero-based. Step 1: EDR image pixel coordinates to band pixel coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------- Given: - image sample index (image_sample), measured left to right, ranging from 0 to LINE_SAMPLES-1 - image line index (image_line), measured top to bottom, ranging from 0 to LINES-1 - the following values from the image label: SAMPLING_FACTOR (sampling_factor) SAMPLE_FIRST_PIXEL (sample_first_pixel) FILTER_NAME (filter_name_list, filter_name_count) - the following IK parameters: INS-74400_BAND_NAME (ik_band_names) INS-74400_BAND_NUMBER (ik_band_numbers) INS-74400_BAND_CAMERA_NAIF_ID (camera_ids) Compute: - frame_number (0..total_frames), band_number (1..7), band_sample (0..1023), band_line (0..15) a) Compute the number of pixels in one band: pixels_per_band = 16 / sampling_factor b) Compute the number of pixels in one frame: pixels_per_frame = filter_name_count * pixels_per_band c) Compute the frame number within the image: frame_number = image_line / pixels_per_frame d) Compute the line number within the frame: frame_line = image_line - frame_number * pixels_per_frame e) Compute the band index within the frame: band_index = frame_line / pixels_per_band f) Lookup the band name (using list from label's FILTER_NAME or the filter set identification lette from the product ID -- A, B, C, D, U): band_name = filter_name_list[band_index] g) Lookup band number and NAIF ID of the camera through which it is exposed using IK lists INS-74400_BAND_NAME, INS-74400_BAND_NUMBER, and INS-74400_BAND_CAMERA_NAIF_ID: gcpool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_NAME", 0, 7, 32, &n, ik_band_names, &found ) gipool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_NUMBER", 0, 7, &n, ik_band_numbers, &found ) gipool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_CAMERA_NAIF_ID", 0, 7, &n, ik_camera_ids, &found ) i = isrchc_c( band_name, 7, 32, ik_band_names ) band_number = ik_band_numbers[i] camera_id = ik_camera_ids[i] h) Compute the line index within the band taking sampling into account: band_line = ( frame_line - band_index * pixels_per_band ) * sampling_factor + sampling_factor / 2 i) Compute the sample index within the band taking sampling into account: band_sample = ( image_sample + sample_first_pixel ) * sampling_factor + sampling_factor / 2 Step 2: Image pixel coordinates/label values -> pixel exposure time ------------------------------------------------------------------- Given: - previously computed frame_number - the following values from the image label: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT (start_sclk) INTERFRAME_DELAY (frame_delay) LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION (exposure) Compute: - pixel ET time (pixel_time) j) Convert start_sclk to ET using SCS2E with MRO main clock ID -74: scs2e( -74, start_sclk, start_et ) k) Compute pixel mid-exposure ET time: pixel_time = start_et + frame_number * frame_delay + exposure / 2 Step 3: Band pixel coordinates -> distorted view direction ---------------------------------------------------------- Given: - previously computed band_number, camera_id, band_sample, and band_line - the following IK parameters: INS-74410_FOCAL_LENGTH (focal_length for VIS) INS-74420_FOCAL_LENGTH (focal_length for UV) INS-74410_PIXEL_SIZE (pixel_size for VIS) INS-74420_PIXEL_SIZE (pixel_size for UV) INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_SAMPLE (center_sample_indexes) INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_LINE (center_line_indexes) INS-74400_BAND_CCD_OFFSET (band_ccd_offsets) Compute: - distorted view direction (distorted_view) l) Fetch from the IK the camera focal length and pixel size for given camera_id along with lists providing the band center sample and line indexes and offsets from CCD center: gdpool_c ( "INS_FOCAL_LENGTH", 0, 1, &n, &focal_length, &found ) gdpool_c ( "INS_PIXEL_SIZE", 0, 1, &n, &pixel_size, &found ) gipool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_SAMPLE", 0, 7, &n, center_sample_indexes, &found ) gipool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_CENTER_LINE", 0, 7, &n, center_line_indexes, &found ) gipool_c ( "INS-74400_BAND_CCD_OFFSET", 0, 7, &n, band_ccd_offsets, &found ) m) Compute distorted X coordinate in pixels: distorted_view[0] = band_sample - center_sample_indexes[band_number] n) Compute distorted Y coordinate in pixels: distorted_view[1] = band_line - center_line_indexes[band_number] - band_ccd_offsets[band_number] o) Set distorted Z coordinate to focal length in pixels: distorted_view[2] = focal_length / pixel_size Step 4: Distorted view direction -> undistorted view direction -------------------------------------------------------------- Given: - previously computed distorted_view and camera_id - the following IK parameters: INS-74410_DISTORTION_COEFFS (c for VIS) INS-74420_DISTORTION_COEFFS (c for UV) Compute: - undistorted view direction (undistorted_view) p) Fetch distortion coefficients for given camera ID from IK: gdpool_c ( "INS_DISTORTION_COEFFS", 0, 4, &n, c, &found ) q) Compute distorted distance in the focal plane: rd = sqrt( distorted_view[0]^2 + distorted_view[1]^2 ) r) Compute radial distortion scaling factor: f = c[0] + c[1] * rd^2 + c[2] * rd^4 + c[3] * rd^6 s) Compute undistorted X and Y by scaling distorted X and Y: undistorted_view[0] = distorted_view[0] * f undistorted_view[1] = distorted_view[1] * f t) Set undistorted Z to distorted Z: undistorted_view[2] = distorted_view[2] Platform ID -------------------------------------------------------- These numbers are the NAIF instrument IDs of the platforms on which the instrument and its detectors are mounted. \begindata INS-74400_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74000 ) INS-74410_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74400 ) INS-74420_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74400 ) INS-74411_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74410 ) INS-74412_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74410 ) INS-74413_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74410 ) INS-74414_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74410 ) INS-74415_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74410 ) INS-74421_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74420 ) INS-74422_PLATFORM_ID = ( -74420 ) \begintext