The definition below is for the Venus mean equator and IAU vector of J2000 based on IAU 2000 report constants. This definition was copied from Jorge's ESA generic frame kernel. BVS/NAIF, March 22, 2006. \begindata FRAME_VME2000 = 1503299 FRAME_1503299_NAME = 'VME2000' FRAME_1503299_CLASS = 4 FRAME_1503299_CLASS_ID = 1503299 FRAME_1503299_CENTER = 299 TKFRAME_1503299_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_1503299_RELATIVE = 'J2000' TKFRAME_1503299_MATRIX = ( 0.9988399975085458 0.0481524597204341 0.0000000000000000 -0.0443769404401835 0.9205233405740161 0.3881590738545506 0.0186908141689023 -0.3877088083617988 0.9215923900425704 ) \begintext