Prototype Mars Express SPK File (based on adjusted STAT input data) ========================================================================= Created by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL, November 7, 2000 Objects in the Ephemeris -------------------------------------------------------- This file contains ephemeris data for the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft. Since NAIF ID code for MEX has not been assigned yet at the time when this file was created, bogus ID code -999 is used in the file. Approximate Time Coverage -------------------------------------------------------- This file covers the following time span: Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 2004 JAN 04 01:18:14.184 2007 OCT 08 15:31:50.182 Status -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created specifically to support Tom Duxbury's preliminary analysis needs. IT MUST NOT BE USED BY ANYBODY ELSE FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WITHOUT CONTACTING THE FILE PRODUCER. Pedigree -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created from data in the STAT tool input data files provided by Rene Pischel, DLR on October 19, 2000. The following steps were followed in the process of creating this file: -- STAT input files "longlatfile2.txt" and "orbitparam.txt" were merged together to obtain list time-tagged orbital elements; -- merged file was preprocessed to modify node longitude by a constant offset (+111.52 degrees for orbits 1..1394, +98.9 deg for orbits 1395..4729) to achieve approximate match of the planetocentric longitude and latitude of pericenter with STAT data. This was done to allow using 'MARSISU' inertial frame as a reference frame for the elements since the definition of the actual reference frame for the elements was not available. -- this SPK made from modified data using MKSPK program. Contacts -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this data contact Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136, ******************************************************************************** MKSPK RUN DATE/TIME: 2000-11-05 09:28:00 MKSPK SETUP FILE: mex_stat_001105.inp ******************************************************************************** This is a sample Mars Express trajectory based on the STAT program input files. \begindata INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'ELEMENTS' OUTPUT_SPK_TYPE = 5 OBJECT_ID = -999 CENTER_ID = 4 REF_FRAME_NAME = 'MARSIAU' PRODUCER_ID = 'Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL' DATA_ORDER = 'SKIP SKIP SKIP EPOCH SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP A E INC NOD PER TRAN' DATA_DELIMITER = ' ' LEAPSECONDS_FILE = '/kernels/gen/lsk/naif0007.tls' INPUT_DATA_FILE = ' ' OUTPUT_SPK_FILE = ' ' PCK_FILE = ( '/kernels/gen/pck/pck00006.tpc', '/kernels/gen/pck/Gravity.tpc' ) INPUT_DATA_UNITS = ( 'ANGLES=DEGREES' 'DISTANCES=KM' ) EPOCH_STR_LENGTH = 20 IGNORE_FIRST_LINE = 0 LINES_PER_RECORD = 2 TIME_WRAPPER = '#' SEGMENT_ID = 'Sample MEX Traj, STAT Input Based' \begintext ********************************************************************************