SP2XML User's Guide =========================================================================== Last revised on 2002 APR 19 by B. V. Semenov. Abstract -------------------------------------------------------- SP2XML is a program that computes an array of states of a target as seen from an observer in a specified reference frame between specified begin and end times with fixed time step and writes this array into an XML file. Summary -------------------------------------------------------- SP2XML is a command line program that computes an array of states -- Cartesian position and velocity -- of a target as seen from an observer in a specified reference frame between specified begin and end times with fixed time step and writes this array into an XML file. It is essentially a fixed time step loop wrapped around the highest level SPICE interface SPKEZR. If the data from the kernel file set provided to the program is sufficient to compute requested states at each time point, the program will produce an output file and will exit with 0 status. If an error occurs during execution, the program will print an appropriate error message to standard output, return with non-zero status, and will not produce an output file. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- To generate an Ephemeris XML (EML) file SP2XML should be run with the following command line arguments: > SP2XML -K|-KERNELS -T|-TARGET -O|-OBSERVER -F|-FRAME -C|-CORRECTION -B|-BEGIN -E|-END -S|-STEP