PrediCkt User's Guide =========================================================================== Introduction -------------------------------------------------------- PrediCkt is a command line program that allows you to transform a ``high level'' description of the time-varying orientation of a spacecraft or other object into a SPICE C-kernel. The program requires at a minimum two input files: 1. A SPICE Meta-kernel listing the various SPICE kernels needed to specify the geometry of the ``universe'' in which the C-kernel will ``live'' This file is called the ``furnish'' file in the discussions below. 2. An orientation specification kernel that defines directions, frames and alignment histories for the spacecraft or other object. This file is called the ``orientation'' kernel in the discussions below. In addition if you want the C-Kernel to be tied to a specific spacecraft clock kernel you need to supply the name of that kernel. Usage You may run prediCkt in one of four modes: 1. Help mode. prediCkt -help This mode displays the various ways to invoke the program. 2. Specification Template Generation mode. prediCkt -template This mode writes to standard output a template that you can use to create an orientation kernel. To capture this to a file where you can more easily edit the template use output redirection to a file of your choice. prediCkt -template > orientation.spec 3. Direction Specification mode predict -dirspec This mode writes to standard output a brief description of the various methods that may be used to specify directions. 4. C-kernel Generation mode. prediCkt -spec -furnish -ck -tol <-newsclk|-sclk> where orientation is a SPICE text kernel that contains the specification of the C-kernel structures and orientation. This file is discussed at great length later in this User's Guide. geometry is a SPICE meta-kernel that lists the various spk, pck, ck, sclk, leapseconds and frame kernels needed to specify the positions and orientations of the various objects that will be used to define the orientation of the C-kernel objects that will be created by prediCkt. output_ck is the name of the C-kernel that will be created by prediCkt. It is customary to use the file extension ``.bc'' for the name of c-kernels. For example ``phoenix.bc'' would be a good name for a C-kernel describing the orientation of the spacecraft ``phoenix.'' angle is a tolerance specifying how well the C-kernel should fit the analytic description of the orientation (as provided in the orientation specification file ``orientation''). This field may include units as in ``1 arcminute''. If units are not provided, it shall be assumed that the tolerance is given in degrees. sclkToMake if the flag '-newsclk' is used, the word that follows it will be assumed to be the name of an SCLK kernel that will be created and used in the construction of the output C-kernel. sclkToUse if the flag '-sclk' is used, the word that follows it will be assumed to be the name of the SCLK kernel that should be used when converting between ``ticks'' and ephemeris time. The Orientation File The characteristics of the output C-kernel are determined by the orientation specification given in the ``orientation'' file. This file is a SPICE text kernel. A template for this kernel can be produced using template generation mode of prediCkt prediCkt -template The specific format of a SPICE text kernel is discussed in the Toolkit document kernel.req. Overview -------------------------------------------------------- Before getting into the structural and syntactic specifics, we'll go over the general framework used for describing the attitude of spacecraft structures. There are three components in this framework: 1. Orientations 2. Directions 3. C-kernel Orientation Sequence Orientations C-kernels are specified by defining the pointing directions of the axes of a Cartesian reference frame fixed to a spacecraft or other structure of interest. A collection of directions that uniquely define where these axes point relative to some base frame is called an ``orientation'' An orientation has 4 components: 1. A name. This must a single word containing 32 or fewer characters. It must begin with a letter and may contain only only letters, digits and underscores. Names of orientations are case sensitive. 2. A principle direction. This is some direction in space to which one of the axes (or its opposite) must always point. 3. A secondary direction. This is a direction in space to which a second axis of the orientation must point. Note that since arbitrary directions are not usually orthogonal, the second axis is not likely to point directly at the secondary direction. Instead the secondary axis points as closely as possible to the second direction. The second axis, secondary direction and primary direction all lie in the the same plane. This plane is called the reference plane of the orientation. The primary direction cuts the reference plane into two reference half planes. The second axis and secondary direction lie in the same reference half-plane. 4. A base frame. This is the SPICE frame in which the principle and secondary directions will be constructed when determining the orientation of the C-kernel structure. Directions A directions is defined using the position or velocity of an object relative to some observer, coordinate system or reference surface. A direction can also be defined in terms of other directions. For example, you can define a direction SUN_ANGLE to be the direction obtained by rotating the direction from the spacecraft to the sun (SUN_DIRECTION) 30 degrees towards the velocity direction (VELOCITY) of the spacecraft. The direction SUN_ANGLE could then be used to define yet another direction. Directions that can be defined without reference to other directions are called ``unary'' directions. Those that are defined in terms of two other directions are called ``binary'' directions. To define a direction, you need two parts 1. A name. This is the name that you will use when constructing orientations. Make it something descriptive. Names of directions are subject to the same restrictions as are names of orientations. 2. A description. The description of a direction must match one of the syntactic templates that are outlined later in this User's Guide. The descriptions attempt to mimic a ``natural'' English description. For example POSITION OF SUN FROM -999 CORRECTION LT+S is used to specify the direction of the sun as observed from the spacecraft with Id-code -999, using both light time (LT) and stellar aberration (+S) corrections. C-kernel Orientation Sequence Once your set of orientations has been specified using various directions, you can construct a C-kernel. This is done by providing one or more specifications of orientation to be maintained by the C-kernel over some interval of time. For example if you would like the C-kernel for the bus of our mythical spacecraft Phoenix (Id-code -999) to maintain the ``SUN_POINTED'' orientation for a month, then turn to ``EARTH_POINTED'' over the course of half an hour and remain in that orientation for a day and then over half an hour turn back to the ``SUN_POINTED'' orientation for a week, you specify this behavior as shown here. CK-999ORIENTATION += 'SUN_POINTED' CK-999START += @1-SEP-2010 CK-999STOP += @1-OCT-2010 CK-999ORIENTATION += 'EARTH_POINTED' CK-999START += @1-OCT-2010-00:30:00 CK-999STOP += @2-OCT-2010 CK-999ORIENTATION += 'SUN_POINTED' CK-999START += @2-OCT-2010-01:00:00 CK-999STOP += @9-OCT-2010 During the half hour gaps in the time line above, prediCkt will fill in a ``minimum-turn'' slew that carries the C-kernel orientation from one named orientation to the next. This ``high-level'' description of the orientation makes it relatively easy to modify the predicted orientation of the spacecraft or its structures. Structure of the Orientation Specification -------------------------------------------------------- The orientation specification follows the SPICE text kernel (keyword = value) format. The general format of the SPICE text kernel is spelled out in the SPICE document ``Kernels.req.'' We won't go into the details of that format here. Instead we'll concentrate on the keywords that must appear in the orientation specification. SCLK and SPK Id-codes C-kernels contain orientation data tagged with epochs represented as ``ticks'' of a spacecraft clock. Since SPICE geometry calculations are computed in ephemeris time, we will need a SPICE SCLK kernel for converting the ephemeris time based orientations into the SCLK time based orientations stored in the C-kernel. We need a way to identify the clock to use. In addition we need to specify the center of the orientation. We use the spacecraft Id-code for this. These two items are represented using the keywords CK-SCLK and CK-SPK. CK-SCLK = <-scid> CK-SPK = The right hand sides of the above assignments must be integers. For example for the spacecraft with Id-code -999 these assignments would be CK-SCLK = 999 CK-SPK = -999 In rare cases when a spacecraft has multiple on-board clocks the keyword CK-SCLK might be be set to something other than negative of the spacecraft ID. Directions Directions are defined using the keyword DIRECTION_SPECS. The right hand side of each DIRECTION_SPECS assignment must be a string that specifies the direction. DIRECTION_SPECS += '' A direction specification (the stuff inside the quotes) should have the following form: 'directionName = description' directionName is a name of your choosing. It must be 32 characters or fewer in length. Must start with a letter and may contain only letters, digits, and underscores. Direction names are case sensitive. The names 'ToEarth' and 'toEarth' are different direction names. description is a string that describes the direction. Here's how you would create a direction named 'ToJupiter' that is the direction to Jupiter as seen from earth, corrected for light time and stellar aberration. DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'ToJupiter = POSITION OF JUPITER -', ' FROM EARTH -', ' CORRECTION LT+S' ) In this example the name of the direction is 'ToJupiter' and the description is: POSITION OF JUPITER FROM EARTH CORRECTION LT+S Note that we have had to continue the description of the direction across several lines in order to comply with restrictions imposed by the SPICE text kernel format (the maximum length of a string value that can be assigned to a SPICE text kernel keyword of 80 characters and the total maximum length of any line in a data section of no more than 132 characters.) Whenever a specification needs to be continued you do so by placing a dash (-) at the end of a component of the DIRECTION_SPECS string and then start the next component with the next portion of the description. Since the DIRECTION_SPECS is just a kernel pool variable, you can insert the assignment into prediCkt in several different ways. The method recommended above and further illustrated below is intended to improve readability. Here's another example that shows the definition of several directions. DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'SunDirection = POSITION OF SUN -', ' FROM PHOENIX -', ' CORRECTION LT+S', 'TowardsEarth = POSITION OF EARTH -', ' FROM PHOENIX -', ' CORRECTION LT+S', 'CelstialNorth = FIXED J2000 XYZ 0 0 1', 'SunOffset = ROTATE SunDirection -', ' 10 degrees TOWARDS -', ' CelestialNorth', 'PositionAngle = ROTATE SunOffset -', ' 90 degrees ABOUT - ', ' SunDirection' ) Five directions have been defined in the above example. An equivalent definition is: DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'SunDirection = POSITION OF SUN -', ' FROM PHOENIX -', ' CORRECTION LT+S' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'TowardsEarth = POSITION OF EARTH -', ' FROM PHOENIX -', ' CORRECTION LT+S' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += 'CelstialNorth = FIXED J2000 XYZ 0 0 1' DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'SunOffset = ROTATE SunDirection -', ' 10 degrees TOWARDS -', ' CelestialNorth' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'PositionAngle = ROTATE SunOffset -', ' 90 degrees ABOUT - ', ' SunDirection' ) The second form is a bit easier to read. Note that you MUST use the '+=' operator if you use the second form. If you write this as: DIRECTION_SPECS = ( 'SunDirection = POSITION OF SUN -', ' FROM PHOENIX -', ' CORRECTION LT+S' ) . . . DIRECTION_SPECS = ( 'SunOffset = ROTATE SunDirection -', ' 10 degrees TOWARDS -', ' CelestialNorth' ) DIRECTION_SPECS = ( 'PositionAngle = ROTATE SunOffset -', ' 90 degrees ABOUT - ', ' SunDirection' ) you will redefine the kernel pool variable 'DIRECTION_SPECS' five times. At the end, it will contain just the single specification for the direction 'PositionAngle'. The complete list of direction descriptions is given later in this User's Guide. Before examining this list, let's look at the definition of orientations. Orientations An orientation has four components: a name, a primary direction, a secondary direction, and a base frame. These are specified as shown here: ORIENTATION_NAME += 'aOneWordNameForAnOrientation' PRIMARY += 'axis = directionName1' SECONDARY += 'axis = directionName2' BASE_FRAME += 'SPICEFrameName' In the above 'axis' should be one of the following: +x, +y, +z, -x, -y, -z. (The "+" may be omitted). The case of the letters in the axis specification is insignificant; +X and +x mean the same thing. The 'directionNames' should be one of the directions you've defined using the DIRECTION_SPECS keyword. The meaning of this is that the primary or secondary axis is the +/- x, y, or z axis and that this axis should be parallel to (or as close as possible to) the direction specified by the direction name. The SPICEFrameName is the name of a frame in the SPICE frame system that is either one of the SPICE built-in frames or one that is defined in a frame kernel that has been ``furnished'' to prediCkt through the geometry meta-kernel. As an alternative to using a direction name you can define a primary or secondary axis of an orientation by just giving a direction description as shown below. PRIMARY += '+X = POSITION OF SUN FROM PHOENIX LT+S' If you only need to refer to such a direction once, this might be a better way to specify the primary direction. On the other hand, if you need this direction in more than one orientation, you'll save typing by defining a direction and using the direction name whenever it's needed. If you need to extend a specification of a PRIMARY or SECONDARY axis of an orientation over two or more lines, use the same convention as was used for DIRECTION_SPECS above. C-kernel Orientation Sequence Once the set of orientations has been specified, you can define the sequence of orientations to be achieved by your C-kernel. There are two portions of the definition. 1. The Id-code specification of the C-kernel 2. The orientation history of the C-kernel The Id-code is specified using the keyword CK-FRAMES CK-FRAMES += idcode1 The right hand side is the integer that is the Id-code for the structure whose attitude is to be modeled by the C-kernel. This assignment places this CK Id-code into the list of structures that prediCkt should model in the output C-kernel. In the case of the example spacecraft we've been using so far (the Phoenix) this would be -999000. CK-FRAMES += -999000 For each modeled structure you need to list the orientation to be followed, when the structure is to achieve that orientation (given as an ephemeris epoch) and when it is to no longer follow that orientation (again given as an ephemeris epoch). This is done using the keywords CK[idcode]ORIENTATION, CK[idcode]START, and CK[idcode]STOP where [idcode] is the numeric string supplied to the CK-FRAMES keyword. List each structure orientation and the associated start and stop times as shown below. CKORIENTATION += 'OrientationName1' CKSTART += @startEphemerisEpoch1 CKSTOP += @stopEphemerisEpoch1 CKORIENTATION += 'OrientationName2' CKSTART += @startEphemerisEpoch2 CKSTOP += @stopEphemerisEpoch2 CKORIENTATION += 'OrientationName3' CKSTART += @startEphemerisEpoch3 CKSTOP += @stopEphemerisEpoch3 . . . etc. Note that the epoch should be supplied using the date-time format supported by the SPICE kernel pool. For example: CK-999000START += @2010-JUN-14-12:20:54.2829 See the SPICE document ``Kernel Required Reading'' for more details regarding this format. Modeling Additional C-kernel Structures You can specify more than one C-kernel structure in the orientation specification file, provided that the same spacecraft clock is used to convert ephemeris time to ticks and that the structure is tied to the same spacecraft. To do so simply add the Id-code to the CK-FRAMES keyword CK-FRAMES += idcode2 and list the orientation sequence for that structure. Note that you need to use the '+=' operator when adding other CK-FRAMES. Otherwise, the first Id-code will be overwritten. CKORIENTATION += 'OrientationName' CKSTART += @startEphemerisEpoch CKSTOP += @stopEphemerisEpoch . . . etc. Freezing an Orientation Sometimes it is convenient to ``freeze'' the orientation of a C-kernel structure to be that of an orientation at a particular epoch. You can do this by adding an ``AT epoch'' clause to the CK[idcode]ORIENTATION keyword. CKORIENTATION += 'OrientationName AT epoch' CKSTART += @startEphemerisEpoch CKSTOP += @stopEphemerisEpoch where ``epoch'' is the epoch at which you want the orientation frozen. When this form of orientation assignment is used, the orientation is computed at the stated epoch and that orientation is used for the orientation of the CK structure for the entire interval From: startEphemerisEpoch To : stopEphemerisEpoch Note that the ``AT'' epoch does not have to be related in any way to the start and stop epoch of the CK orientation interval. A Word About ``AT'' Epochs PrediCkt is designed to work even when a leapseconds kernel has not been loaded. As a result, any unlabeled epochs specified in an ``AT [epoch]'' clause are interpreted as TDB epochs. However, if you load a leapseconds kernel (through the -furnish file) you may label the epoch to be a UTC, TDT or specific time zone epoch; simply include the UTC, TDT, or time zone label as part of the epoch. (Note that you still must specify all CK-START and CK-STOP epochs using the kernel pool ``@[epoch]'' syntax which is always interpreted as a TDB epoch.) Computing Orientations Indirectly There are times when you don't want to specify a C-kernel directly. For example if you have a camera mounted with a fixed orientation with respect to the spacecraft bus, you may want to orient the spacecraft so that the camera is aligned with a particular orientation. Specifically, you may want the Z-axis of the camera to point towards a planet, while the Y-axis points towards the north celestial pole. Since you can only ``steer'' the spacecraft and not the camera, you want to create a C-kernel for the spacecraft such that the desired orientation of the camera is achieved. PrediCkt allows you to easily specify such an orientation as shown below: CKORIENTATION += 'SOLUTION TO = ' where [frame] is the name or Id-code associated with an instrument (or other structure whose relationship to the C-kernel frame is known) and [orientationName] is one of your defined orientations. Note if you want prediCkt to ``solve'' for your C-kernel orientation, you will need to supply the relationship between the instrument (or other) frame and the C-kernel frame you are asking prediCkt to construct. This relationship should be provided in a frame kernel and the frame kernel specified in the ``furnish'' file supplied on the command line at program invocation. As with the direct specification of an C-kernel orientation you may ``freeze'' the orientation at a particular epoch. Simply append the ``AT '' phrase to the above specification. (Use the ``dash'' character '-' to continue the specification of the C-kernel orientation to more lines.) CKORIENTATION += ('SOLUTION TO -', ' = -', ' AT ' ) Gaps in the Orientation History A normal way to describe the orientation history for a C-kernel structure is to list the orientation and intervals in chronological order. For example: CKORIENTATION += 'orientation_1' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ CKORIENTATION += 'orientation_2' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ CKORIENTATION += 'orientation_3' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ . . . where the stop epoch of each orientation specification precedes or is the same as the start epoch of the next orientation specification. If the stop time of one specification is before the start time of the next specification, prediCkt will fill in the gap in time coverage with the minimum slew segment that carries the orientation at the end of one interval to the orientation at the beginning of the next. You can force prediCkt to forgo the addition of a slew by inserting the word ``GOTO'' before the name of an orientation. CKORIENTATION += 'orientation_1' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ CKORIENTATION += 'GOTO orientation_2' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ CKORIENTATION += 'GOTO orientation_3' CKSTART += @ CKSTOP += @ . . . When the GOTO keyword is used, prediCkt will just start a new segment covering the new interval. The ``slew'' segment will not be created and a gap will be left in the orientation coverage. Out of Order Intervals Note that prediCkt fills in slews as a default behavior only for orientation intervals that are in chronological order. Thus another method for suppressing the insertion of slews is to provide the orientation history for the C-kernel object in reverse chronological order. Unless the GOTO qualifier is used to suppress all slews, it is important that you be aware of the ordering of orientation intervals. Otherwise, prediCkt can create slew segments that hide previously created segments. Direction Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------- Directions are the foundation upon which all of the various orientations are defined. Here are the ways you can define directions: Ephemeris Based Directions Ephemeris based directions are directions associated with the position, velocity or orbit normal of one object as seen from another. The description should adhere to the following templates. POSITION To define a direction to lie in the position of one object as seen from another, use this description. POSITION OF FROM CORRECTION where is the name or Id-code of the target is the name or Id-code of the observer is the light time correction to use when computing the position. The value may be any of the strings supported by the correction flag used by the SPICELIB (or CSPICE) routine SPKEZR. The most common are NONE and LT+S. VELOCITY To define a direction to lie in the velocity of one object as seen from another, use this description. VELOCITY OF FROM CORRECTION where is the name or Id-code of the target is the name or Id-code of the observer is the light time correction to use when computing the velocity. The value may be any of the strings supported by the correction flag used by the SPKEZR. The most common are NONE and LT+S. ORBIT NORMAL To define a direction to lie in the direction of the cross product of the position and velocity of one object as seen from another, use this description. ORBIT NORMAL OF FROM CORRECTION where is the name or Id-code of the target is the name or Id-code of the observer is the light time correction to use when computing the position and velocity. The value may be any of the strings supported by the correction flag used by the SPKEZR. The most common are NONE and LT+S. Directions Fixed to a Frame Sometimes you want a direction that is fixed to a particular frame such as the celestial north direction of the J2000 frame or the pole direction of a Mars fixed frame. You can specify such direction using one of two templates. XYZ To define a position that lies along a vector fixed in a particular frame you simply need to list the frame and the components of the vector. FIXED XYZ Note that since directions are not sensitive to units of distance, units are not specified in the above description. However, the units for [x], [y], and [z] must be the same. RA-DEC To define a position using Right Ascension and Declination use the template FIXED RA [units] DEC [units] Since angles are sensitive to units (degrees, radians, etc.) you may supply units when specifying RA and DEC. If units are not supplied, they are assumed to be degrees. Note that the degrees/minutes/seconds and hours/minutes/seconds forms of angles are not supported. Sub-observer Direction You can specify that a direction is towards the sub-observer point on a body (i.e. the point on the body whose surface normal passes through the observer, typically a spacecraft) using the template SUBOBSERVER ON FROM CORRECTION Surface Normals You can specify a direction to lie along the surface normal at some location on the surface of a body using one of the following templates. Lat-Lon You may specify the surface point using latitude and longitude: NORMAL TO AT LATITUDE [units] LONGITUDE [units] or NORMAL TO AT LATITUDE [units] CARTOGRAPHIC LONGITUDE [units] XYZ If you have the body-fixed rectangular coordinates of a point on the surface, you can use them to specify the surface normal. (Units on x,y, and z must be km.) NORMAL TO AT X Y Z Directions Along Curves of Constant Latitude or Longitude If you have a point on the surface of an object, you may need the directions that correspond to east, west, north or south. PrediCkt allows you to specify these directions at a point on a surface, but it requires that you specify them by describing the variation in latitude or longitude as you move away from the given surface point, i.e. does latitude/longitude increase or decrease as you move from the reference point in the desired direction. This method of specifying the east/west/north/south direction allows us to avoid the ambiguities that arise when talking about east and west (or north and south) for objects other than the earth. On earth east is the direction of increasing longitude; west is the direction of decreasing longitude; north is the direction of increasing latitude; south is the direction of decreasing latitude. For other bodies, you need to understand the relationship between the spin of the body, its surface latitude-longitude system, and conventions for east, west, north and south for that object. The surface point from which the directions are constructed may be specified in several ways. Lat-Lon You can specify the surface point using latitude and longitude using one of the two templates below. AT LATITUDE [units] LONGITUDE [units] or AT LATITUDE [units] CARTOGRAPHIC LONGITUDE [units] where is one of the following: LATITUDE LONGITUDE CARTOGRAPHIC LONGITUDE. XYZ If you have the x,y,z coordinates of the surface point you can specify the coordinate direction using the following template. The units of x, y, and z must be kilometers. AT X Y Z where is one of the following: LATITUDE LONGITUDE CARTOGRAPHIC LONGITUDE. Directions in Terms of Other Directions Once you've specified at least two directions, you can specify other directions in terms of them. Here are the supported ``binary'' direction specifications ROTATE TOWARDS You can create a new direction by rotating a previously specified direction either towards or away from another direction by a fixed angle. Here's the template: ROTATE [units] ROTATE FRACTION Instead of rotating a direction by a fixed angle towards (or away) from another direction, you can rotate a direction some fraction (between 0 and 1) towards another direction. Here's the template: ROTATE OF THE WAY TOWARDS For example, if you wanted the new direction to be along the bisector of two directions, D1 and D2 you would describe the bisector as: ROTATE D1 0.5 OF THE WAY TOWARDS D2 ROTATE ABOUT You can also create a new direction by rotating a previously defined direction a specified angular amount about another direction. This uses the second direction as an axis about which the first direction is rotated. Here's the template. ROTATE [units] ABOUT CROSS PRODUCT You can construct a direction as the direction that lies along the cross product of two other directions. CROSS PRODUCT This creates the direction that is parallel to the cross product direction1 x direction2