File: mex_cruise.bsp Created: 20 June 2001 by NAIF/NJB Bodies: MEX (NAIF ID -41) Coverage: Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 2003 JUN 01 19:23:40.071 2004 JAN 07 01:13:10.817 This SPK file contains a Mars Express predict cruise ephemeris. This ephemeris is an approximation to that provided by an ESOC orbit file named Mars_Express_orbit (obtained from Chuck Acton). This SPK file was made by sampling states from the ESOC source ephemeris using the ESOC reader routines ROFOP ROFRR RBINFO and writing one SPK segment per "block" in the input ephemeris. Within each block, states were sampled at equally spaced intervals, with the spacing dependent on the time span covered by the block. The fit of the ephemeris provided in this SPK file to the source ephemeris was tested by comparing states sampled from each input block and from each corresponding output SPK segment. The sampling was done at a density of 10000 states/block. The worst-case position errors over all samples were < 2cm. The worst-case velocity errors were < 3 micron/sec. This file uses type 9 SPK segments (variable-spacing sliding window Lagrange interpolation for each state component). Note concerning SPK data type selection: because the velocity data from the source ephemeris were presumed not to exactly match the time derivatives of the position data, independent interpolation of position and velocity was considered desirable. An experiment was done using Hermite interpolation; that method yielded a very inferior velocity fit. -Nat Bachman