MEX MK Files ============ This "aareadme.txt" file describes the contents of the KERNELS/MK directory. It also provides the file naming conventions used for the Mars Express MK kernels, and it provides identification of the most current version of MK files. This directory contains the SPICE Meta-Kernel files for the Mars Express mission. Meta-kernels (also known as ``FURNSH kernel'') are used to name a collection of kernels that are going to be loaded into a user's application at run-time. Meta-kernels are appropriate to group kernels that correspond to a certain study group, phase or kernel state of the mission. Contact ESA SPICE Team , or Alfredo Escalante Lopez if you have any questions. References ========== 1. Kernel Required Reading, NAIF Document Mars Express MK Directory Structure =================================== aareadme.txt This File. former_versions Subdirectory that contains obsolete versions of the MK files that have been updated in the Current MK Kernels Set. Mars Express MK Naming Convention MEX_OPS_Vvvv_yyyymmdd_nnn.TM ========================================================================== token description ------------ --------------------------------------------- vvv Version number linked with the SPICE dataset release. yyyymmdd Release date. nnn Version number linked with an vvvv_yyyymmdd instance. Current MK Kernels Set ====================== Name Comments ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- MEX_OPS_Vvvv_yyyymmdd_nnn.TM File that contains a list the latest available operational kernels. MEX_OPS.TM Duplicate of the previous file that acts as a ``permanent link'' to it. ------------------- This file was last modified on March 22, 2021 (R. Valles) End of aareadme file.