KPL/FK MER-1 Site MER-1_2004-09-08_TLM (Meridiani Planum) Topocentric Frame Definition Kernel =============================================================================== Created by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL, Thu Sep 9 15:50:08 PDT 2004 Frames in this File -------------------------------------------------------- This frames kernel defines the topocentric frame at the MER-1 landing site MER-1_2004-09-08_TLM (Meridiani Planum): frame name .......... MER-1_TOPO frame ID ............ -253900 frame type........... FIXED relative to frame ... IAU_MARS This diagram shows the frame hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL -------------------- | | <--pck V "IAU_MARS" BODY-FIXED ROTATING -------------------- | | <--fixed V "MER-1_TOPO" -------------------- MER-1 Topocentric Frame Definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This frame defines the z axis as the normal outward at the landing site, the x axis points at local north with the y axis completing the right handed frame (points at local west.) Orientation of the frame is given relative to the body fixed rotating frame 'IAU_MARS' (x - along the line of zero longitude intersecting the equator, z - along the spin axis, y - completing the right hand coordinate frame.) The transformation from 'MER-1_TOPO' frame to 'IAU_MARS' frame is a 3-2-3 rotation with defined angles as the negative of the site longitude, the negative of the site colatitude, 180 degrees. The landing site Gaussian longitude and latitude upon which the definition is built are: Lon = 354.486147 degrees East Lat = -1.973870 degrees North These Gaussian coordinates correspond to the following areocentric coordinates (R, LON, LAT) = (3394.158 354.486 -1.951) and Mars radii (Re, Re, Rp) = (3396.19, 3396.19, 3376.20). The coordinates specified above are given with respect to the 'IAU_MARS' instance defined by the rotation/shape model from the the PCK file 'mars_iau2000_v0.tpc'. These keywords implement the frame definition. \begindata FRAME_MER-1_TOPO = -253900 FRAME_-253900_NAME = 'MER-1_TOPO' FRAME_-253900_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-253900_CLASS_ID = -253900 FRAME_-253900_CENTER = -253900 TKFRAME_-253900_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_-253900_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-253900_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-253900_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-253900_ANGLES = ( -354.486147, -91.97387, 180.000 ) \begintext Landing Site Name to NAIF ID Mapping -------------------------------------------------------- This section contains keywords that map the rover and landing site names their NAIF IDs: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MER-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -253 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MER-1_LANDING_SITE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -253900 ) \begintext Contacts -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this data contact Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136,