MER SPK files. =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/spk directory of the MER SPICE data server. It was last modified on June 28, 2013. Contact Chuck Acton (818-354-3869, or Boris Semenov (818-354-8136, if you have any questions regarding this data. Brief summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE SP-Kernel files for the MER cruise vehicles, landing sites, rovers, and rover structures. All binary files are in IEEE binary format and suitable for ftp binary transfer to use on UNIX workstations and MACs. The following files are present in this directory. (Only file names are shown; the file name extensions of the binary SPK files are always ``.bsp'', for transfer format SPK files are always ``.xsp'') Landing Site SPK files: Most current landing site SPK files are: mer1_ls_040128_iau2000_v1.bsp mer2_ls_040108_iau2000_v1.bsp Note: all landing site SPK files should be used together with a PCK file implementing MARS IAU 2000 rotation model, mars_iau2000_v0.tpc. Rover Surface Path SPK Files Most current rover surface path SPK files: mer1_surf_rover.bsp mer1_surf_rover_cs.bsp mer1_surf_rover_ro.bsp mer1_surf_roverrl.bsp mer1_surf_roverrl_sc.bsp mer1_surf_roverrl_ro.bsp mer2_surf_rover_all_v01.bsp mer2_surf_rover_ro_v01.bsp mer2_surf_roverrl_all_v01.bsp mer2_surf_roverrl_ro_v01.bsp The rover path SPK file naming is: mer[1,2]_surf_rover[_TT][_vVV] The latest MER surface path SPK files based on telemetered position only. mer[1,2]_surf_roverrl[_TT][_vVV] The latest MER surface path SPK files based on adjusted location from OSU combined with telemetered position data. The files with no suffix TT are the ever-growing, current SPKs covering from landing to today, updated daily. The files with the suffix TT set to ``all'' are the final SPKs covering from landing to the end of the mission. The files with the suffix TT set to ``cs'' are the current SPKs covering the last three sites only, updated daily. The files with the suffix TT set to ``ro'' are the current SPKs for most recent available rover position covering from now or the end of the mission far into the future, updated daily. The files with the suffix TT set to ``prim'' or ``ext*'' are the archived three-month chunks of the current ever-growing SPKs; they are superseded by the current ever-growing SPKs and are provided only for the record. Rover Fixed-at-LS SPK Files Most current rover ``fixed at the landing site'' SPK files used in CHRONOS setups are: mer1_still_at_ls_v1.bsp mer2_still_at_ls_v1.bsp Gravity-compensated IDD Position SPK Files Most current gravity-compensated IDD position SPK files: mer1_surf_iddg.bsp mer1_surf_iddg_prim_v1.bsp mer1_surf_iddg_ext*_v1.bsp mer2_surf_iddg_all_v1.bsp Rover Structures SPK Files Most current rover structures SPK files: mer1_struct_ver11.bsp mer2_struct_ver11.bsp Cruise SPK Files Most current cruise SPK files: mer1_cruise.bsp mer2_cruise.bsp EDL SPK Files Most current EDL SPK files: mer1_edl_rcb_v1.bsp mer2_edl_rcb_v1.bsp Generic SPK Files Generic SPK files: de410 Generic planet ephemerides SPK file. mar033* Martian satellite ephemerides SPK files. Detailed Information Regarding Individual SPK Files. -------------------------------------------------------- Detailed information for each SPK file is provided in the comments area of the file and can be viewed using SPICE utilities COMMNT and SPACIT.