KPL/SCLK MER-B SCLK File =========================================================================== This file is a SPICE spacecraft clock (SCLK) kernel containing information required for MER-B spacecraft on-board clock to UTC conversion. Production/History of this SCLK file -------------------------------------------------------- This file was generated by the NAIF utility program MAKCLK, version 3.5.2, from the most recent MER-B spacecraft SCLKvSCET file (see corresponding section of the description for the SCLKvSCET SFDU header and MAKCLK setup file). Usage -------------------------------------------------------- This file must be loaded into the user's program by a call to the FURNSH subroutine CALL FURNSH( 'this_file_name' ) in order to use the SPICELIB SCLK family of subroutines to convert MER-B spacecraft on-board clock to ET and vice versa. SCLK Format -------------------------------------------------------- The on-board clock, the conversion for which is provided by this SCLK file, consists of two fields: SSSSSSSSSS:FFF where: SSSSSSSSSS -- count of on-board seconds FFF -- count of fractions of a second with one fraction being 1/256 of a second and nominally starts at the J2000 epoch (2000 JAN 01 12:00 ET). References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. SCLK Required Reading Document 2. MAKCLK User's Guide Document 3. SFOC SCLKvSCET SIS Document Inquiries -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact NAIF at JPL Charles H. Acton, Jr (818) 354-3869 Boris V. Semenov (818) 354-8136 SCLKvSCET file SFDU Header -------------------------------------------------------- MISSION-NAME=MERB; SPACECRAFT-NAME=MERB; DATA-SET-ID=SCLK-SCET; FILE-NAME=merb-prototype.sclkscet; PRODUCT-CREATION-TIME=2001-12-02T08:00:00; PRODUCT-VERSION-ID=1; PRODUCER-ID=NAIF; APPLICABLE-START-TIME=2001-001T11:58:56; APPLICABLE-STOP-TIME=2010-001T00:00:00; MISSION-ID=???; SPACECRAFT-ID=254; NOTE="This is an educated guess placeholder -- NOT AN OFFICIAL SCLKSCET FILE!"; MAKCLK Setup file -------------------------------------------------------- SCLKSCET_FILE = merb_prototype.sclkscet OLD_SCLK_KERNEL = merb_template.tsc FILE_NAME = merb_prototype.sclkscet.tsc NAIF_SPACECRAFT_ID = -254 LEAPSECONDS_FILE = /kernels/gen/lsk/naif0007.tls PARTITION_TOLERANCE = 10 LOG_FILE = merb_prototype.sclkscet.log Kernel DATA -------------------------------------------------------- \begindata SCLK_KERNEL_ID = ( @2001-12-02/09:41:27.00 ) SCLK_DATA_TYPE_254 = ( 1 ) SCLK01_TIME_SYSTEM_254 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_N_FIELDS_254 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_MODULI_254 = ( 4294967296 256 ) SCLK01_OFFSETS_254 = ( 0 0 ) SCLK01_OUTPUT_DELIM_254 = ( 1 ) SCLK_PARTITION_START_254 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 ) SCLK_PARTITION_END_254 = ( 1.0995116277750E+12 ) SCLK01_COEFFICIENTS_254 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 -3.5763036976733E-10 1.0000000000000E+00 ) \begintext