The naming convention for MAVEN CKs is as follows: mvn_STR_TYPE_YYMMDD_yymmdd[OPT]_vVV.bc where STR – structure for which orientation is given: sc -- spacecraft CKs app -- APP CKs swea -- SWEA boom CKs TYPE – type of orientation: nom -- nominal data pred -- predicted data rec -- reconstructed data, generated after DSN passes red -- reconstructed data, generated daily rel -- reconstructed data, generated weekly YYMMDD -- coverage start date yymmdd -- coverage stop date, omitted for daily files [OPT] -- optional tokens VV -- version --- All three strings of reconstructed CKs ("rec", "red", "rel") are generated from the same attitude telemetry. The "rec" files are generated soon after DSN passes, have uneven coverage and occasional gaps. The daily "red" files are generated daily and are re-made multiple times on subsequent days to "catch up" on any data that may have been downlinked with a delay. The weekly "rel" files are generated weekly, first with a week delay and then again with a three week delay to ensure that no data downlinked very late have been missed. In summary, "rel" files are best and should be used for all time periods for which they are available. The "red" files should be used for more recent days, for which weekly files are not yet available, and should be abandoned in favor of weekly files when weekly files become available. The "rec" files should be used only when neither "red" not "rel" files are available, i.e. for most recent past before "red" and "rel" files become available. Predicted CKs should be used only for the future and for periods for which reconstructed files have irrecoverable gaps and s/c is know to follow planned attitude profile. In general, the loading order for MAVEN CKs should be pred (lowest priority) rec red rel (highest priority) For all CK types, the file with the latest version supersedes all previous versions. BVS/NAIF, 06/22/24