KPL/FK This text kernel defines name/ID mappings for the comet Siding Spring name = SIDING_SPRING ID = 1003228 and two bogus objects representing its incoming direction relative to Mars, provided in the siding_spring_dir.bsp SPK file name = SIDING_SPRING_A ID = 1003228001 name = SIDING_SPRING_V ID = 1003228002 BVS/NAIF, 02/24/14. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SIDING_SPRING' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1003228 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SIDING_SPRING_A' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1003228001 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SIDING_SPRING_V' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1003228002 ) \begintext End of text kernel.