MSOPCK setup for predict M'01 CK generation. ============================================================================== \begindata PRODUCER_ID = 'M01 Telecom Predict Team' LSK_FILE_NAME = 'naif0007.tls' SCLK_FILE_NAME = 'ORB1_SCLKSCET.00001.tsc' INTERNAL_FILE_NAME = 'Predict M01 SC Orientation CK File for Telecom' COMMENTS_FILE_NAME = 'msopck_comments.example' CK_SEGMENT_ID = 'PREDICT M01 SC BUS ATTITUDE' INSTRUMENT_ID = -53000 REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'MARSIAU' CK_TYPE = 3 MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 60000000 INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'UTC' INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0E-3 ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'MAKE UP' \begintext Important Notes Regard Setup Keywords ============================================================================== -- INSTRUMENT_ID = -53000 This is the ID to use for the M'01 s/c bus. -- REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'MARSIAU' Tell the program that input quaternions are with respect to MME (M'01 ACS standard) -- CK_TYPE = 3 Tells the program to generate continuous CK of type 3. -- MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 60000000 Essentially, tells the program to generate CK which will allow interpolation between all input data points (60000000 sec is ~ 2 years :-). You must have this specified. -- INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'UTC' Tells the program that input times are UTCs (SCETs). If yours input times are SCLKs, set this keyword to 'SCLK'. -- INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' Tells the program that quaternions are "ACS standard quaternions". It needs to know this because NAIF uses different quaternion representation. -- QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0E-3 Simple filter to make sure that input quaternions are at least this close to a unit vector. If you are confident in your input quaternions, you can "drop" this keyword. -- ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'MAKE UP' The program will "manufacture" angular rates using quaternions provided in the input. If you have angular rates in the input, set ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT to 'YES' and specify additional keyword ANGULAR_RATE_FRAME = 'INSTRUMENT' to tell the program that angular rates are given in the spacecraft frame. Other setup keywords are obvious :-)