M01 High Gain Antenna Orientation CK File for Extended, 2018-10 ... 2018-12 =========================================================================== Created by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL, Tue Feb 19 17:29:10 PST 2019 Orientation Data in the File -------------------------------------------------------- This file contains orientation and angular rate data for the Mars'01 Odyssey (M01) High Gain Antenna (HGA) Inner and Outer gimbal frames. The orientation of the 'M01_HGA_INNER_GIMBAL' is given with respect to the 'M01_HGA_BOOM' frame; orientation of the 'M01_HGA_OUTER_GIMBAL' is given with respect to the 'M01_HGA_INNER_GIMBAL' frame. The NAIF IDs for the 'M01_HGA_INNER_GIMBAL' and 'M01_HGA_OUTER_GIMBAL' frames are -53211 and -53212. Status -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created by NAIF for archiving with the Planetary Data System (PDS) from daily CK files produced by NAIF, JPL. Pedigree -------------------------------------------------------- The original CK files used to create this file were officially delivered to the M01 project by the NAIF Team. These files contained the inner gimbal frame orientation with respect to the HGA boom frame and the outer gimbal frame orientation with respect to the inner gimbal frame. The orientation was computed on the ground from the HGA gimbal angles extracted from the channelized telemetry sent down by the spacecraft. The individual daily CK files were merged together to provide coverage for a complete or a portion of a particular phase of the mission. A table containing the complete list of original CK files from which data were included in this file is provided at the end of these comments. Approximate Time Coverage -------------------------------------------------------- This file covers the following interval of the Extended phase of the mission: Coverage Begin UTC Coverage End UTC ------------------------ ------------------------ 2018-OCT-01 00:00:59.391 2018-DEC-31 23:59:37.126 This file is a type 3 CK file which provides linear interpolation between orientation data points extracted from telemetry. Such interpolation is not applied to the whole coverage of the file but only inside intervals where enough orientation telemetry data was available and orientation data points were close to each other in time for such interpolation to make sense. The nominal gimbal angle time spacing in the telemetry stream varied from one to a few seconds between adjacent data points. Considering that the antenna gimbal cannot rotate very fast and that the highest accuracy of the HGA orientation knowledge is unlikely to be needed in any application, the duration of the longest interval over which the data may be interpolated was set to 300 seconds. For all requests for data falling between two adjacent data points separated by more than 300 seconds the SPICELIB CK readers will return a logical flag stating "POINTING NOT FOUND". A table containing the complete list of valid interpolation intervals in the file segments is provided at the end of these comments. Angular Rate Data Note -------------------------------------------------------- Since M01 s/c engineering telemetry did not contain angular rate data for the gimbal, the angular rates stored in this file were computed from the orientation information. The angular rate for each orientation point was computed as average of two rates -- constant angular rate that would rotate from previous point to that point and constant angular rate that would rotate from that point to the next point. Because angular rates stored in two adjacent points in most cases are not the same, and CK readers linearly interpolate between them, the output angular rates in general will never be constant between any two adjacent data points stored in the file. Usage Note -------------------------------------------------------- In order to use this file an M01 SCLK file containing coefficients mapping M01 on-board time to ET must be loaded into a user's program. Loading an M01 Frames Kernel (FK) containing information that SPICE software need to combine gimbal orientations together will allow a user to get the combined orientation through the high level SPICE Toolkit interfaces. Related Kernels -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created using the following LSK and SCLK files: naif0012.tls ORB1_SCLKSCET.00240.tsc Contacts -------------------------------------------------------- If you have any question regarding this data contact NAIF at JPL: Charles H. Acton, Jr (818)-354-3869 chuck.acton@jpl.nasa.gov Boris V. Semenov (818)-354-8136 boris.semenov@jpl.nasa.gov Appendix 1: List of the original CK files -------------------------------------------------------- m01_hga_2018-10-01.bc m01_hga_2018-10-02.bc m01_hga_2018-10-03.bc m01_hga_2018-10-04.bc m01_hga_2018-10-05.bc m01_hga_2018-10-06.bc m01_hga_2018-10-07.bc m01_hga_2018-10-08.bc m01_hga_2018-10-09.bc m01_hga_2018-10-10.bc m01_hga_2018-10-11.bc m01_hga_2018-10-12.bc m01_hga_2018-10-13.bc m01_hga_2018-10-14.bc m01_hga_2018-10-15.bc m01_hga_2018-10-16.bc m01_hga_2018-10-17.bc m01_hga_2018-10-18.bc m01_hga_2018-10-19.bc m01_hga_2018-10-20.bc m01_hga_2018-10-21.bc m01_hga_2018-10-22.bc m01_hga_2018-10-23.bc m01_hga_2018-10-24.bc m01_hga_2018-10-25.bc m01_hga_2018-10-26.bc m01_hga_2018-10-27.bc m01_hga_2018-10-28.bc m01_hga_2018-10-29.bc m01_hga_2018-10-30.bc m01_hga_2018-10-31.bc m01_hga_2018-11-01.bc m01_hga_2018-11-02.bc m01_hga_2018-11-03.bc m01_hga_2018-11-04.bc m01_hga_2018-11-05.bc m01_hga_2018-11-06.bc m01_hga_2018-11-07.bc m01_hga_2018-11-08.bc m01_hga_2018-11-09.bc m01_hga_2018-11-10.bc m01_hga_2018-11-11.bc m01_hga_2018-11-12.bc m01_hga_2018-11-13.bc m01_hga_2018-11-14.bc m01_hga_2018-11-15.bc m01_hga_2018-11-16.bc m01_hga_2018-11-17.bc m01_hga_2018-11-18.bc m01_hga_2018-11-19.bc m01_hga_2018-11-20.bc m01_hga_2018-11-21.bc m01_hga_2018-11-22.bc m01_hga_2018-11-23.bc m01_hga_2018-11-24.bc m01_hga_2018-11-25.bc m01_hga_2018-11-26.bc m01_hga_2018-11-27.bc m01_hga_2018-11-28.bc m01_hga_2018-11-29.bc m01_hga_2018-11-30.bc m01_hga_2018-12-01.bc m01_hga_2018-12-02.bc m01_hga_2018-12-03.bc m01_hga_2018-12-04.bc m01_hga_2018-12-05.bc m01_hga_2018-12-06.bc m01_hga_2018-12-07.bc m01_hga_2018-12-08.bc m01_hga_2018-12-09.bc m01_hga_2018-12-10.bc m01_hga_2018-12-11.bc m01_hga_2018-12-12.bc m01_hga_2018-12-13.bc m01_hga_2018-12-14.bc m01_hga_2018-12-15.bc m01_hga_2018-12-16.bc m01_hga_2018-12-17.bc m01_hga_2018-12-18.bc m01_hga_2018-12-19.bc m01_hga_2018-12-20.bc m01_hga_2018-12-21.bc m01_hga_2018-12-22.bc m01_hga_2018-12-23.bc m01_hga_2018-12-24.bc m01_hga_2018-12-25.bc m01_hga_2018-12-26.bc m01_hga_2018-12-27.bc m01_hga_2018-12-28.bc m01_hga_2018-12-29.bc m01_hga_2018-12-30.bc m01_hga_2018-12-31.bc Appendix 2: Interpolation Intervals in the File -------------------------------------------------------- The information in this section has been generated by running CKBRIEF utility program using -dump -utc command line options. CKBRIEF -- Version 6.1.0, June 27, 2014 -- Toolkit Version N0066 Summary for: m01_hga_ext57.bc Segment No.: 1 Object: -53211 Interval Begin UTC Interval End UTC AV ------------------------ ------------------------ --- 2018-OCT-01 00:00:59.391 2018-OCT-30 16:04:01.320 Y 2018-OCT-30 17:08:49.554 2018-NOV-15 14:41:24.285 Y 2018-NOV-15 14:47:44.996 2018-NOV-16 03:36:35.857 Y 2018-NOV-16 04:17:39.835 2018-DEC-03 22:19:49.939 Y 2018-DEC-04 01:42:24.908 2018-DEC-04 03:25:42.149 Y 2018-DEC-04 03:52:32.831 2018-DEC-07 12:43:55.836 Y 2018-DEC-07 17:04:54.076 2018-DEC-08 02:54:53.533 Y 2018-DEC-08 03:05:33.524 2018-DEC-09 11:58:52.380 Y 2018-DEC-09 12:07:14.091 2018-DEC-09 12:44:28.858 Y 2018-DEC-09 18:07:41.166 2018-DEC-11 21:43:44.075 Y 2018-DEC-11 21:58:40.067 2018-DEC-11 22:04:05.867 Y 2018-DEC-11 23:50:25.080 2018-DEC-13 06:40:49.002 Y 2018-DEC-13 06:53:36.993 2018-DEC-13 06:58:01.188 Y 2018-DEC-13 07:06:33.184 2018-DEC-17 09:22:01.121 Y Segment No.: 2 Object: -53211 Interval Begin UTC Interval End UTC AV ------------------------ ------------------------ --- 2018-DEC-17 09:22:01.121 2018-DEC-19 21:13:39.895 Y 2018-DEC-20 01:42:11.428 2018-DEC-20 10:35:17.009 Y 2018-DEC-20 12:45:39.030 2018-DEC-31 23:59:37.126 Y Segment No.: 3 Object: -53212 Interval Begin UTC Interval End UTC AV ------------------------ ------------------------ --- 2018-OCT-01 00:00:59.391 2018-OCT-30 16:04:01.320 Y 2018-OCT-30 17:08:49.554 2018-NOV-15 14:41:24.285 Y 2018-NOV-15 14:47:44.996 2018-NOV-16 03:36:35.857 Y 2018-NOV-16 04:17:39.835 2018-DEC-03 22:19:49.939 Y 2018-DEC-04 01:42:24.908 2018-DEC-04 03:25:42.149 Y 2018-DEC-04 03:52:32.831 2018-DEC-07 12:43:55.836 Y 2018-DEC-07 17:04:54.076 2018-DEC-08 02:54:53.533 Y 2018-DEC-08 03:05:33.524 2018-DEC-09 11:58:52.380 Y 2018-DEC-09 12:07:14.091 2018-DEC-09 12:44:28.858 Y 2018-DEC-09 18:07:41.166 2018-DEC-11 21:43:44.075 Y 2018-DEC-11 21:58:40.067 2018-DEC-11 22:04:05.867 Y 2018-DEC-11 23:50:25.080 2018-DEC-13 06:40:49.002 Y 2018-DEC-13 06:53:36.993 2018-DEC-13 06:58:01.188 Y 2018-DEC-13 07:06:33.184 2018-DEC-17 09:22:01.121 Y Segment No.: 4 Object: -53212 Interval Begin UTC Interval End UTC AV ------------------------ ------------------------ --- 2018-DEC-17 09:22:01.121 2018-DEC-19 21:13:39.895 Y 2018-DEC-20 01:42:11.428 2018-DEC-20 10:35:17.009 Y 2018-DEC-20 12:45:39.030 2018-DEC-31 23:59:37.126 Y