KPL/FK LUCY Frames Kernel ======================================================================== This frame kernel contains the current set of frame definitions for the LUCY spacecraft including definitions for the LUCY mechanical structure frames, antenna frames, and science instrument frames. Version and Date ======================================================================== Version 1.0 -- February 13, 2024 -- Matt Barnes Removed header note specifying "DRAFT" status in version 1.0 previously dated November 9, 2023 and delivered on November 30, 2023. Updated ID codes for Dinkinesh system to match extended asteroid NAIF ID scheme for multi-body asteroid systems. Added Name/ID mapping and fixed body frame for Selam per [14]. Version 0.9 -- March 1, 2023 -- Matt Barnes Added frame definitions for DINKINESH_FIXED/20152830 and LUCY_DINKINESH_E/-49908. Added asteroid Dinkinesh to name ID mappings (DINKINESH/20152830). Added frame definitions for LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR/-49511 and LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR/-49521 per calibrated alignments in rev F of [4]. Redefined LUCY_TTCAM1/-49510 and LUCY_TTCAM2/-49520 to be based on the calibrated sensor frames. Version 0.8 -- April 14, 2022 -- Matt Barnes Fixed typo in the Frames Summary. Updated LUCY_LORRI/-49300 and LUCY_IPP_BP/-49501 frame definitions per calibrated definitions given in [4]. Version 0.7 -- December 16, 2021 -- Matt Barnes, Boris Semenov Removed LUCY_LORRI_MECH and redefined LUCY_LORRI based directly on LUCY_IPP per [13]. LUCY_LORRI is now 180.0 degrees offset from the previous definition. Version 0.6 -- November 23, 2021 -- Matt Barnes Updated TTCAM frame definitions (LUCY_TTCAM1/-49510, LUCY_TTCAM2/-49520) per [4]. Version 0.5 -- September 7, 2021 -- Matt Barnes Changed LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_ frame and object names to LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF<1,2,3> and updated orientation of RALPH LEISA bands and updated orientation and ordering of RALPH MVIC bands per [11]. Added LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C<04-26> [IDs -49240 through -49262] frames and name/ID mapping for the individual LEISA channels per [12]. Version 0.4 -- June 09, 2021 -- Matt Barnes Added dynamic frames LUCY__E with IDs -499XX to represent the Trojan Encounter Frames for each target per [4]. Changed LUCY_RALPH_FT to LUCY_RALPH_MVIC in Frames Summary. Version 0.3 -- April 20, 2021 -- Matt Barnes Updated ID codes for Donaldjohanson, Polymele, Leucus, and Orus to extended asteroid NAIF ID scheme. Added asteroid Queta to name/ID mappings (QUETA/120003548) and added QUETA_FIXED frame. Added Eurybates-Queta barycenter object name/ID mapping (EURYBATES_BARYCENTER/20003548) and changed Eurybates object ID and EURBATES_FIXED frame ID from 2003548 to 920003548 based on extended asteroid NAIF ID scheme. Version 0.2 -- May 12, 2020 -- Boris Semenov Added name/ID mapppings and frame for Ralph radiator (LUCY_RALPH_RAD/-49290) Version 0.1 -- March 2, 2020 -- Boris Semenov Changed Patroclus object ID and PATROCLUS_FIXED frame ID from 2000617 to 920000617, based on the extended minor planets ID schema adopted in June 2019. Added Patroclus-Menoetius barycenter object name/ID mapping (PATROCLUS_BARYCENTER/20000617), based on the extended minor planets ID schema adopted in June 2019. Renamed the object and frame LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_FT to LUCY_RALPH_MVIC (per [9]) Added the LUCY_RALPH_SCAN frame (ID -49201) and redefined the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA and LUCY_RALPH_MVIC frames to be with respect to it (per [9]) Added name/ID mapppings for LUCY_TES_85/-49401 and LUCY_TES_50/-49402 to be used to define additional 85% and 50% encircled energy FOVs for the instrument (per [9]) Version 0.0 -- October 7, 2019 -- Boris Semenov Initial release. References ======================================================================== 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 4. Lucy Coordinate System Document, LUCY-RP-17-SE-12, latest version 5. Lucy Spacecraft to L'Ralph ICD, LUCY-RQ-17-SE-5A, latest version 6. Lucy Spacecraft to L'LORRI ICD, LUCY-RQ-17-SE-5B, latest version 7. Lucy Spacecraft to L'TES ICD, LUCY-RQ-17-SE-5C, latest version 8. NH FK, from New Horizons SPICE data set NH-J/P/SS-SPICE-6-V1.0 9. Review comments on initial Lucy FK/IK, David E. Kaufmann, SWRI, February 17, 2020 10. Target Asteroid ID Update TCR, Kevin Berry, GSFC, April 2021 11. LRalph_detectors.pptx, Emma Birath, SWRI, August 16, 2021 12. LVFs.xlsx, Amy Simon, GFSC, Aug 24, 2021 13. LLORI_IPP_axes.pptx, Harold Weaver, JHU/APL, Dec 1, 2021 14. Dinkinesh NAIF ID Update TCR, Matt Barnes, NAIF, November 2023 Contact Information ======================================================================== Matthew J. Barnes, JPL, (818)-354-5942, Boris V. Semenov, JPL, (818)-354-8136, Implementation Notes ======================================================================== This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must `load' the kernel, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICE API FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN (SPICELIB): CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) C (CSPICE): furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); IDL (ICY): cspice_furnsh, 'frame_kernel_name' MATLAB (MICE): cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) PYTHON (SPICEYPY): spiceypy.furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. LUCY Frames Summary ======================================================================== The following LUCY frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ========================= ====================== ======== ======= LUCY Target Asteroid Frames: ---------------------------------------- DONALDJOHANSON_FIXED J2000 PCK 20052246 EURYBATES_FIXED J2000 PCK 920003548 QUETA_FIXED J2000 PCK 120003548 POLYMELE_FIXED J2000 PCK 20015094 LEUCUS_FIXED J2000 PCK 20011351 ORUS_FIXED J2000 PCK 20021900 PATROCLUS_FIXED J2000 PCK 920000617 MENOETIUS_FIXED J2000 PCK 120000617 DINKINESH_FIXED J2000 PCK 920152830 SELAM_FIXED J2000 PCK 120152830 LUCY Dynamic Frames: ---------------------------------------- LUCY_DONALDJOHANSON_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49900 LUCY_EURYBATES_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49901 LUCY_QUETA_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49902 LUCY_POLYMELE_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49903 LUCY_LEUCUS_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49904 LUCY_ORUS_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49905 LUCY_PATROCLUS_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49906 LUCY_MENOETIUS_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49907 LUCY_DINKINESH_E J2000 DYNAMIC -49908 LUCY Spacecraft and Structures frames: ---------------------------------------- LUCY_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -49000 LUCY_HGA LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49020 LUCY_MGA LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49021 LUCY_LGA LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49023 LUCY_SAPY LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49071 LUCY_SAMY LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49072 LUCY_SUN4A-PY LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49080 LUCY_SUN4A-MY LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49085 LUCY_STOH01 LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49091 LUCY_STOH02 LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49092 LUCY_IPP_BP LUCY_SPACECRAFT FIXED -49501 LUCY_IPP_IG LUCY_IPP_BP CK -49503 LUCY_IPP_OG LUCY_IPP_IG CK -49505 LUCY_IPP LUCY_IPP_OG FIXED -49507 LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR LUCY_IPP_OG FIXED -49511 LUCY_TTCAM1 LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR FIXED -49510 LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR LUCY_IPP_OG FIXED -49521 LUCY_TTCAM2 LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR FIXED -49520 RALPH frames: ---------------------------------------- LUCY_RALPH LUCY_IPP FIXED -49200 LUCY_RALPH_SCAN LUCY_RALPH CK -49201 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA LUCY_RALPH_SCAN FIXED -49210 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49211 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49212 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49213 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49240 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49241 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49242 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49243 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49244 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49245 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49246 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49247 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49248 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49249 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49250 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49251 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49252 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49253 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49254 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49255 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49256 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49257 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49258 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49259 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49260 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49261 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA FIXED -49262 LUCY_RALPH_SCP LUCY_RALPH FIXED -49220 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC LUCY_RALPH_SCAN FIXED -49230 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49231 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49236 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49235 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49234 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49233 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR LUCY_RALPH_MVIC FIXED -49232 LUCY_RALPH_RAD LUCY_RALPH FIXED -49290 LORRI frames: ---------------------------------------- LUCY_LORRI LUCY_IPP FIXED -49300 LUCY_LORRI_1X1 LUCY_LORRI FIXED -49301 LUCY_LORRI_4X4 LUCY_LORRI FIXED -49302 TES frames: ---------------------------------------- LUCY_TES_MECH LUCY_IPP FIXED -49409 LUCY_TES LUCY_TES_MECH FIXED -49400 LUCY Frame Tree ======================================================================== The diagram below shows the frame hierarchy of the LUCY spacecraft, its structure, and science instrument frames. "J2000" INERTIAL +------------------------------------------+----------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | |<-pck | pck->| | v | v | "IAU_EARTH" | "[TARGET]_FIXED" | ----------- | ---------------- | | | | dynamic->| | v | "LUCY_[TARGET]_E" | ----------------- | | | "LUCY_HGA" | "LUCY_SUN4A-PY" ---------- | --------------- ^ | ^ |<-fixed | fixed->| | | | | "LUCY_MGA" | "LUCY_SUN4A-MY" | | ---------- | --------------- | | ^ | ^ | | |<-fixed | fixed-> | | | | | | | | | "LUCY_LGA" | "LUCY_STOH01" | | | | ---------- | ------------- | | | | ^ | ^ | | | | |<-fixed | fixed->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | "LUCY_STOH02" | | | | | | | ------------- | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | | fixed->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "LUCY_SAPY" | "LUCY_SAMY" | | | | | | | ---------- | ----------- | | | | | | | ^ | ^ | | | | | | | |<-fixed | fixed->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<-ck | | | | | | | | | V | | | | | | | | | "LUCY_SPACECRAFT" | | | | | +--+--+-----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+ | |<-fixed v "LUCY_IPP_BP" ------------- | |<-ck v "LUCY_IPP_IG" ------------- | |<-ck v "LUCY_IPP_OG" +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-fixed | fixed->| v | v "LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR" | "LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR" -------------------- | -------------------- | | | |<-fixed | fixed->| v | v "LUCY_TTCAM1" | "LUCY_TTCAM2" ------------- | ------------- |<-fixed v "LUCY_IPP" +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | |<-fixed | |<-fixed v | v "LUCY_LORRI" | "LUCY_TES_MECH" ------------ | --------------- | | | | | |<-fixed | |<-fixed | v | v | "LUCY_LORRI_1x1" | "LUCY_TES" | ---------------- | ---------- | | |<-fixed | v | "LUCY_LORRI_4X4" | ---------------- | |<-fixed v "LUCY_RALPH" --------------------------------+ | | | |<-fixed | v | "LUCY_RALPH_SCP" | ---------------- | |<-ck v "LUCY_RALPH_SCAN" +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | |<-fixed |<-fixed v v "LUCY_RALPH_LEISA" "LUCY_RALPH_MVIC" ------------------ ----------------- | | | | |<-fixed | | V | | "LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C[04-26]" | | --------------------------- | | | |<-fixed | V | "LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_[LVF1|LVF2|LVF3]" | ----------------------------------- | | |<-fixed v "LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_[PAN|VIOLET|GREEN|ORANGE|PHYLLO|NIR]" ------------------------------------------------------ LUCY Target Asteroid Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the LUCY target asteroid frames. Body-fixed frames for all LUCY target asteroids are defined using the standard body-fixed, PCK-based frame formation rules: - +Z axis is toward the North pole; - +X axis is toward the prime meridian; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of this frame is at the center of the body. These frames are named _FIXED and have the same IDs as the asteroids. The orientation of these frames is computed by evaluating corresponding rotation constants provided in the PCK file(s). \begindata FRAME_DONALDJOHANSON_FIXED = 20052246 FRAME_20052246_NAME = 'DONALDJOHANSON_FIXED' FRAME_20052246_CLASS = 2 FRAME_20052246_CLASS_ID = 20052246 FRAME_20052246_CENTER = 20052246 OBJECT_20052246_FRAME = 'DONALDJOHANSON_FIXED' FRAME_EURYBATES_FIXED = 920003548 FRAME_920003548_NAME = 'EURYBATES_FIXED' FRAME_920003548_CLASS = 2 FRAME_920003548_CLASS_ID = 920003548 FRAME_920003548_CENTER = 920003548 OBJECT_920003548_FRAME = 'EURYBATES_FIXED' FRAME_QUETA_FIXED = 120003548 FRAME_120003548_NAME = 'QUETA_FIXED' FRAME_120003548_CLASS = 2 FRAME_120003548_CLASS_ID = 120003548 FRAME_120003548_CENTER = 120003548 OBJECT_120003548_FRAME = 'QUETA_FIXED' FRAME_POLYMELE_FIXED = 20015094 FRAME_20015094_NAME = 'POLYMELE_FIXED' FRAME_20015094_CLASS = 2 FRAME_20015094_CLASS_ID = 20015094 FRAME_20015094_CENTER = 20015094 OBJECT_20015094_FRAME = 'POLYMELE_FIXED' FRAME_LEUCUS_FIXED = 20011351 FRAME_20011351_NAME = 'LEUCUS_FIXED' FRAME_20011351_CLASS = 2 FRAME_20011351_CLASS_ID = 20011351 FRAME_20011351_CENTER = 20011351 OBJECT_20011351_FRAME = 'LEUCUS_FIXED' FRAME_ORUS_FIXED = 20021900 FRAME_20021900_NAME = 'ORUS_FIXED' FRAME_20021900_CLASS = 2 FRAME_20021900_CLASS_ID = 20021900 FRAME_20021900_CENTER = 20021900 OBJECT_20021900_FRAME = 'ORUS_FIXED' FRAME_PATROCLUS_FIXED = 920000617 FRAME_920000617_NAME = 'PATROCLUS_FIXED' FRAME_920000617_CLASS = 2 FRAME_920000617_CLASS_ID = 920000617 FRAME_920000617_CENTER = 920000617 OBJECT_920000617_FRAME = 'PATROCLUS_FIXED' FRAME_MENOETIUS_FIXED = 120000617 FRAME_120000617_NAME = 'MENOETIUS_FIXED' FRAME_120000617_CLASS = 2 FRAME_120000617_CLASS_ID = 120000617 FRAME_120000617_CENTER = 120000617 OBJECT_120000617_FRAME = 'MENOETIUS_FIXED' FRAME_DINKINESH_FIXED = 920152830 FRAME_920152830_NAME = 'DINKINESH_FIXED' FRAME_920152830_CLASS = 2 FRAME_920152830_CLASS_ID = 920152830 FRAME_920152830_CENTER = 920152830 OBJECT_920152830_FRAME = 'DINKINESH_FIXED' FRAME_SELAM_FIXED = 120152830 FRAME_120152830_NAME = 'SELAM_FIXED' FRAME_120152830_CLASS = 2 FRAME_120152830_CLASS_ID = 120152830 FRAME_120152830_CENTER = 120152830 OBJECT_120152830_FRAME = 'SELAM_FIXED' \begintext LUCY Dynamic Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the LUCY-to-target-asteroid dynamic frames. Dynamic frames representing the Trojan Encounter Frame for each target asteroid are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the inertial spacecraft velocity w.r.t. the target asteroid (primary). - +Y axis points normal to the plane defined by the spacecraft nadir vector (the vector from the center of the spacecraft to the center of the target asteroid) and the relative velocity vector that defines the +Z axis, and has the same direction as the nadir vector cross the relative velocity vector. - +X axis completes the right handed frame and points in the direction of the spacecraft from the target asteroid (secondary). - the origin of the frame is at the spacecraft center of mass. These frames are named as LUCY_[TargetAsteroid]_E with IDs -4990[0-8] and are defined as two-vector style dynamic frames below. Note that at times far from encounters, calculations using these frames may generate errors due to the defining vectors being colinear. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_DONALDJOHANSON_E = -49900 FRAME_-49900_NAME = 'LUCY_DONALDJOHANSON_E' FRAME_-49900_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49900_CLASS_ID = -49900 FRAME_-49900_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49900_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49900_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49900_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49900_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49900_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49900_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49900_PRI_OBSERVER = 'DONALDJOHANSON' FRAME_-49900_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49900_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49900_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49900_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49900_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49900_SEC_OBSERVER = 'DONALDJOHANSON' FRAME_-49900_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49900_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_EURYBATES_E = -49901 FRAME_-49901_NAME = 'LUCY_EURYBATES_E' FRAME_-49901_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49901_CLASS_ID = -49901 FRAME_-49901_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49901_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49901_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49901_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49901_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49901_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49901_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49901_PRI_OBSERVER = 'EURYBATES' FRAME_-49901_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49901_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49901_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49901_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49901_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49901_SEC_OBSERVER = 'EURYBATES' FRAME_-49901_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49901_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_QUETA_E = -49902 FRAME_-49902_NAME = 'LUCY_QUETA_E' FRAME_-49902_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49902_CLASS_ID = -49902 FRAME_-49902_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49902_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49902_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49902_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49902_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49902_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49902_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49902_PRI_OBSERVER = 'QUETA' FRAME_-49902_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49902_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49902_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49902_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49902_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49902_SEC_OBSERVER = 'QUETA' FRAME_-49902_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49902_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_POLYMELE_E = -49903 FRAME_-49903_NAME = 'LUCY_POLYMELE_E' FRAME_-49903_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49903_CLASS_ID = -49903 FRAME_-49903_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49903_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49903_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49903_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49903_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49903_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49903_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49903_PRI_OBSERVER = 'POLYMELE' FRAME_-49903_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49903_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49903_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49903_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49903_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49903_SEC_OBSERVER = 'POLYMELE' FRAME_-49903_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49903_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_LEUCUS_E = -49904 FRAME_-49904_NAME = 'LUCY_LEUCUS_E' FRAME_-49904_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49904_CLASS_ID = -49904 FRAME_-49904_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49904_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49904_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49904_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49904_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49904_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49904_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49904_PRI_OBSERVER = 'LEUCUS' FRAME_-49904_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49904_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49904_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49904_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49904_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49904_SEC_OBSERVER = 'LEUCUS' FRAME_-49904_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49904_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_ORUS_E = -49905 FRAME_-49905_NAME = 'LUCY_ORUS_E' FRAME_-49905_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49905_CLASS_ID = -49905 FRAME_-49905_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49905_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49905_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49905_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49905_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49905_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49905_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49905_PRI_OBSERVER = 'ORUS' FRAME_-49905_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49905_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49905_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49905_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49905_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49905_SEC_OBSERVER = 'ORUS' FRAME_-49905_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49905_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_PATROCLUS_E = -49906 FRAME_-49906_NAME = 'LUCY_PATROCLUS_E' FRAME_-49906_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49906_CLASS_ID = -49906 FRAME_-49906_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49906_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49906_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49906_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49906_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49906_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49906_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49906_PRI_OBSERVER = 'PATROCLUS' FRAME_-49906_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49906_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49906_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49906_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49906_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49906_SEC_OBSERVER = 'PATROCLUS' FRAME_-49906_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49906_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_MENOETIUS_E = -49907 FRAME_-49907_NAME = 'LUCY_MENOETIUS_E' FRAME_-49907_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49907_CLASS_ID = -49907 FRAME_-49907_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49907_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49907_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49907_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49907_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49907_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49907_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49907_PRI_OBSERVER = 'MENOETIUS' FRAME_-49907_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49907_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49907_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49907_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49907_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49907_SEC_OBSERVER = 'MENOETIUS' FRAME_-49907_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49907_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_LUCY_DINKINESH_E = -49908 FRAME_-49908_NAME = 'LUCY_DINKINESH_E' FRAME_-49908_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-49908_CLASS_ID = -49908 FRAME_-49908_CENTER = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49908_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-49908_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-49908_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-49908_ANGLE_SEP_TOL = 0.000001 FRAME_-49908_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-49908_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-49908_PRI_OBSERVER = 'DINKINESH' FRAME_-49908_PRI_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49908_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-49908_PRI_FRAME = 'J2000' FRAME_-49908_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-49908_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-49908_SEC_OBSERVER = 'DINKINESH' FRAME_-49908_SEC_TARGET = 'LUCY' FRAME_-49908_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' \begintext LUCY Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the spacecraft and spacecraft structures frames. LUCY Spacecraft Frame --------------------- The LUCY spacecraft frame -- LUCY_SPACECRAFT (ID -49000) -- is defined in [4] as Space Vehicle Alignment Frame (SVAA) as follows: - +Z axis is perpendicular to the launch vehicle separation plane, pointing from the separation plane toward/through the spacecraft and away from the launch vehicle. - +X axis is nominally parallel to the HGA boresight. - +Y axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located the launch vehicle separation plane at the center point of the outside diameter of the launch vehicle Ring. These diagrams illustrate the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame: -Xsc view --------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v LORRI TES Ralph SA+y .-------.__ . SA-y ....... | o | o . o|| ....... .-' | `-. | | | || .-' | `-. ' `-. `----------'` .-' ` . | `-. o IPP .-' | . \ .---. / . | . \ .' `. / . | . \ .-----------. / . | . \ | | / . | . \ | | / . . | . . | | . . | . . . ' | |-----------| | ` . . . | . . ' | | | | ` . . | . . ` . . ' | | | | ` . . ' .- - - o - - - - - - - - | | | - - - - - - - - - o - - -. ` ``-.. | | +Zzc | | ..-'' ` . .` . | . ``-.. | | ^ | | ..-'' . | . . ``-..| | | | |..-'' . . | . '=`-----|-----'=' . | . . / /__|__\ \ . | . <-----x \ . | . +Ysc +Xsc \ . | . \ . | . / \ . | .-' `-. | . . .-' `-. . `-. | .-' `-. | .-' ``````` ``````` +Xsc is into the page. All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Zsc view --------- | Cross-track | <-------------> | Nadir | v .---. .' `. .' `. ----- +Xsc - HGA \ ^ / .-----|-----. | | | ========o==================.| | |.==================o======= SA+y ``-.. <-----o+Zzc |\ ..-'' SA-y ``-.. + Ysc ______ | \ ..-'' ``-. |.' o |__ `.-'' `-----------| || |_| |_| || IPP |_| `-' |_| LORRI TES Ralph +Zsc is out of the page. All instrument boresights point down. -Ysc view --------- ^ Nadir | <-------------- | Along-track | v Ralph SA-y __.--.. . | | || | `--`- '| | `--| | IPP o | /| | HGA /.| | .'|. /-------|-| | `. . | | | ` | | | | | | | | | . |--------|-| | .' | | `.|' | | | | | | | +Zsc | | | ^ | | | | | | `-----|--|--' /__|__| x-----> +Ysc | +Xsc | | | | | ' +Ysc is into the page. All instrument boresights point to the left. The LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame is defined below as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_SPACECRAFT = -49000 FRAME_-49000_NAME = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-49000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-49000_CLASS_ID = -49000 FRAME_-49000_CENTER = -49 CK_-49000_SCLK = -49 CK_-49000_SPK = -49 \begintext LUCY Antenna Frames ------------------- The LUCY antenna frames -- LUCY_HGA (ID -49020), LUCY_MGA (ID -49021), and LUCY_LGA (ID -49023) -- are defined based on boresight directions from [4] as follows: - +Z axis is along the antenna boresight. - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis. - +X axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the antenna focal point (for HGA and MGA) or the center of the antenna outer patch (for LGA). This diagram illustrates the LUCY antenna frames: -Ysc view --------- ^ Nadir | <-------------- | Along-track | v Ralph SA-y __.--.. . | | || | `--`- '| | `--| | IPP o | HGA /| | /.| | .'|. /-------|-| | `. . | | | ` +Zhga | | | | x----> | | | | | |--------|-| | .'| | | `.|' v +Xhga | | | | | | +Xlga | +Zsc | |x <. | ^ | / `.| | | /| `x----|--|v 'x.. - - - - / /__|__| ./ ``> 3.5 deg / x-----> +Zmga | v +Ysc v +Xsc .. v +Zlga +Xmga ``.. / | | /<- 10 deg | | / | | `. ' +Ysc, +Yhga, +Ymga, +Ymga2, and +Ylga are into the page. All instrument boresights point to the left. As seen on the diagram: - the LUCY_HGA frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame by +90 degrees about Y axis. - the LUCY_MGA frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame by +93.5 degrees about Y axis. - the LUCY_LGA frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame by -170.0 degrees about Y axis. The LUCY antenna frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the spacecraft frame. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_HGA = -49020 FRAME_-49020_NAME = 'LUCY_HGA' FRAME_-49020_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49020_CLASS_ID = -49020 FRAME_-49020_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49020_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49020_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49020_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49020_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49020_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_MGA = -49021 FRAME_-49021_NAME = 'LUCY_MGA' FRAME_-49021_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49021_CLASS_ID = -49021 FRAME_-49021_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49021_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49021_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49021_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -93.5 ) TKFRAME_-49021_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49021_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_LGA = -49023 FRAME_-49023_NAME = 'LUCY_LGA' FRAME_-49023_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49023_CLASS_ID = -49023 FRAME_-49023_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49023_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49023_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49023_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +170.0 ) TKFRAME_-49023_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49023_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Solar Array Frames ----------------------- The LUCY solar array frames -- LUCY_SAPY (ID -49071) and LUCY_SAMY (ID -49072) -- are defined based on the principal directions from [4] as follows: - +Z axis is normal to the array surface at the active cell side. - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis. - +X axis completes the right-hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at geometric center of the array. This diagram illustrates the LUCY solar array frames: +Zsc view --------- | Cross-track | <-------------> | Nadir | v .---. +Zsapy .' `. +Zsamy ^ .' `. ^ | ----- +Xsc - HGA | | \ ^ / | +Ysapy | .-----|-----. +Ysamy | <-----x +Xsapy | | | <-----x +Xsamy ========o==================.| | |.==================o======= SA+y ``-.. <-----o+Zzc |\ ..-'' SA-y ``-.. + Ysc ______ | \ ..-'' ``-. |.' o |__ `.-'' `-----------| || |_| |_| || IPP |_| `-' |_| LORRI TES Ralph +Zsc is out of the page. +Xsapy and +Xsamy are into the page. All instrument boresights point down. As seen on the diagram: - the LUCY_SAPY frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame by +90.0 degrees about Y axis. - the LUCY_SAMY frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame by +90.0 degrees about Y axis. The LUCY solar array frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the spacecraft frame. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_SAPY = -49071 FRAME_-49071_NAME = 'LUCY_SAPY' FRAME_-49071_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49071_CLASS_ID = -49071 FRAME_-49071_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49071_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49071_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49071_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49071_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49071_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_SAMY = -49072 FRAME_-49072_NAME = 'LUCY_SAMY' FRAME_-49072_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49072_CLASS_ID = -49072 FRAME_-49072_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49072_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49072_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49072_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49072_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49072_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Sun Sensor Frames ---------------------- The LUCY sun sensor frames -- LUCY_SUN4A-PY (ID -49080) and LUCY_SUN4A-MY (ID -49085) -- are defined in [4] as follows: - +Z axis is along the sun sensor unit boresight. - +X axis is along the s/c -Y axis. - +Y axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the sun sensor unit center point between detectors. This diagram illustrates the LUCY sun sensor frames: -Ysc view --------- ^ Nadir | <-------------- | Along-track | v Ralph SA-y __.--.. . | | || | `--`- '| | `--| | IPP o | /| | HGA /.| | .'|. /-------|-| | `. . | | | ` | | | | | | | | | . |--------|-| | .' | | `.|' | | | | | | | +Zsc | | +Zsun4a-py | ^ | | +Zsun4a-my | | | |o-----> `-----|-- --'| /__| +Xsc | x----->| +Ysc | v +Ysun4a-py | +Ysun4a-my | | | | ' +Ysc is into the page. +Xsun4a-py and +Xsun4a-my are out of the page. All instrument boresights point to the left. As seen on the diagram: - the LUCY_SUN4A-PY frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame first by +90.0 degrees about Y axis, then by -90.0 degrees about Z axis. - the LUCY_SUN4A-MY frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame first by +90.0 degrees about Y axis, then by -90.0 degrees about Z axis. The LUCY sun sensor frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the spacecraft frame. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_SUN4A-PY = -49080 FRAME_-49080_NAME = 'LUCY_SUN4A-PY' FRAME_-49080_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49080_CLASS_ID = -49080 FRAME_-49080_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49080_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49080_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49080_ANGLES = ( -90.0, 0.0, +90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49080_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-49080_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_SUN4A-MY = -49085 FRAME_-49085_NAME = 'LUCY_SUN4A-MY' FRAME_-49085_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49085_CLASS_ID = -49085 FRAME_-49085_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49085_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49085_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49085_ANGLES = ( -90.0, 0.0, +90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49085_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-49085_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Star Tracker Frames ------------------------ The LUCY star tracker optical head (STOH) frames -- LUCY_STOH01 (ID -49091) and LUCY_STOH02 (ID -49092) -- are defined in [4] as follows: - +Z axis is along the star tracker boresight. - +X axis is normal to and passes through the reference cube. - +Y axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the star tracker optics focal point. This diagram illustrates the LUCY star tracker frames: -Xsc view --------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v LORRI TES Ralph SA+y .-------.__ . SA-y ....... | o | o . o|| ....... .-' | `-. | | | || .-' | `-. ' `-. `----------'` .-' ` . | `-. o IPP .-' | . \ .---. / . | . \ .' '. / . | . \ .-----------. / . | . \ | * * | / . | . .-'.`.`-. . . | . +Zstoh01 <' .' `. `> +Zstoh02 . | . . v v . . | . . +Xstoh02 +Xstoh01 . . | . . ` . . ' ` . . ' .- - - o - - - - - - - - | | | - - - - - - - - - o - - -. ` ``-.. | | +Zzc | | ..-'' ` . .` . | . ``-.. | | ^ | | ..-'' . | . . ``-..| | | | |..-'' . . | . '=`-----|-----'=' . | . . / /__|__\ \ . | . <-----x \ . | . +Ysc +Xsc \ . | . \ . | . / \ . | .-' `-. | . . .-' `-. . `-. | .-' `-. | .-' ``````` ``````` +Xsc is into the page. +Zstoh01 and +Zstoh02 point approx. 45 degrees above the page. +Xstoh01 and +Xstoh02 point approx. 30 degrees above the page. +Ystoh01 and +Ystoh02 are not shown. All instrument boresights point out of the page. As seen on the diagram: - the LUCY_STOH01 frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame first by -120.0 degrees about Y axis, then by -35.0 degrees about X axis, then by -90.0 degrees about Z axis, - the LUCY_STOH02 frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_SPACECRAFT frame first by -120.0 degrees about Y axis, then by +35.0 degrees about X axis, then by +90.0 degrees about Z axis, Note that while these rotations are different from those provided in [4], they result in the same STOH frame orientations. The LUCY star tracker frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the spacecraft frame. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_STOH01 = -49091 FRAME_-49091_NAME = 'LUCY_STOH01' FRAME_-49091_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49091_CLASS_ID = -49091 FRAME_-49091_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49091_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49091_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49091_ANGLES = ( +120.0, +35.0, +90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49091_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-49091_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_STOH02 = -49092 FRAME_-49092_NAME = 'LUCY_STOH02' FRAME_-49092_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49092_CLASS_ID = -49092 FRAME_-49092_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49092_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49092_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49092_ANGLES = ( +120.0, -35.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49092_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-49092_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Instrument Pointing Platform (IPP) Frames ---------------------------------------------- The LUCY IPP frames are defined in [4] as follows: - LUCY_IPP_BP (ID -49501) is the IPP base-plate frame defined as a fixed offset frame relative to and is nominally from the s/c frame by -90.0 degrees about Y axis. This frame is called ``BP'' in [4]. - LUCY_IPP_IG (ID -49503) is the IPP inner gimbal frame defined as a CK-based frame and rotated by the inner gimbal angle about Y relative to the LUCY_IPP_BP frame. This frame does not exist in [4]. - LUCY_IPP_OG (ID -49505) is the IPP outer gimbal frame defined as a CK-based frame and rotated by the outer gimbal angle about X relative to the LUCY_IPP_IG frame. This frame is called ``AR'' in [4]. - LUCY_IPP (ID -49507) is the IPP platform frame defined as a fixed offset frame relative to the LUCY_IPP_OG frame and nominally rotated from it first by +90.0 degrees about Y axis. This frame is called ``IPP'' in [4]. These diagrams illustrates the LUCY IPP frames for IPP in "zero" position: -Xsc view --------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v +Zipp +Xog +Xig +Xbp SA+y +Yipp .--- ^ __ . SA-y ....... +Yog | o | | . o|| Ralph ....... .-' | `-. +Yig | | | | || .-' | `-. ' `-. +Ybp `-----|----'` IPP .-' ` . | `-. <-----* .-' | . \ .- +Xipp / . | . \ .' +Zog / . | . \ .----- +Zig / . | . \ | +Zbp / . | . \ | / . . | . . | | . . | . . . ' | |-----------| | ` . . . | . . ' | | | | ` . . | . . ` . . ' | | | | ` . . ' .- - - o - - - - - - - - | | | - - - - - - - - - o - - -. ` ``-.. | | +Zzc | | ..-'' ` . .` . | . ``-.. | | ^ | | ..-'' . | . . ``-..| | | | |..-'' . . | . '=`-----|-----'=' . | . . / /__|__\ \ . | . <-----x \ . | . +Ysc +Xsc \ . | . \ . | . / \ . | .-' `-. | . . .-' `-. . `-. | .-' `-. | .-' ``````` ``````` All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Xsc and +Xipp are into the page. +Zbp, +Zig, and +Zog are out of the page. -X IPP view ----------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v TTCAM1 TTCAM2 -------------------------. .-----------. .' | o || o | `-.| .-------.| .| .'.-----.---||---.-------. `--.| .-. ||.' | .' | | || | | ||| | o | || | | |-----| || | --- | ||| `-' || | | .' `. || |.` `.| ||| || | | | | || || o || ||`-------'| | | | o | || |`. .'| || Ralph | | | | | || | --- | || | | | . . || `------- +Zipp || | | | `-----' || TES +Xog || | | | LORRI || +Xig ||---------| | | || ^ +Xbp || | | |------------------------ | ------------. | | `------------------------ | ------------' `. | __||| `.| <-----*|+Xipp +Yipp .--.--'+Zog +Yig | | +Zig +Yog .-----. +Zbp +Ybp `. . `. +Zsc ^ | | | <-----x +Ysc +Xsc All instrument boresights are out of the page. +Xsc and +Xipp are into the page. +Zbp, +Zig, and +Zog are out of the page. The BP frame to s/c frame matrix calibrated from flight data is given in [4] as: T SVAA BP = [ -0.0005024330232388 0.0001494692949539 0.9999998626099843 ] [ -0.0017214922382797 0.9999985069309625 -0.0001503340269901 ] [ -0.9999983920114727 -0.0017215675345436 -0.0005021749628404 ], The LUCY_IPP_BP and LUCY_IPP frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames. The LUCY_IPP_IG and LUCY_IPP_OG are defined below as CK-based frames. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_IPP_BP = -49501 FRAME_-49501_NAME = 'LUCY_IPP_BP' FRAME_-49501_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49501_CLASS_ID = -49501 FRAME_-49501_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49501_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-49501_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-49501_MATRIX = ( -0.0005024330232388, 0.0001494692949539, 0.9999998626099843, -0.0017214922382797, 0.9999985069309625, -0.0001503340269901, -0.9999983920114727, -0.0017215675345436, -0.0005021749628404 ) FRAME_LUCY_IPP_IG = -49503 FRAME_-49503_NAME = 'LUCY_IPP_IG' FRAME_-49503_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-49503_CLASS_ID = -49503 FRAME_-49503_CENTER = -49 CK_-49503_SCLK = -49 CK_-49503_SPK = -49 FRAME_LUCY_IPP_OG = -49505 FRAME_-49505_NAME = 'LUCY_IPP_OG' FRAME_-49505_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-49505_CLASS_ID = -49505 FRAME_-49505_CENTER = -49 CK_-49505_SCLK = -49 CK_-49505_SPK = -49 FRAME_LUCY_IPP = -49507 FRAME_-49507_NAME = 'LUCY_IPP' FRAME_-49507_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49507_CLASS_ID = -49507 FRAME_-49507_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49507_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49507_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP_OG' TKFRAME_-49507_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49507_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49507_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Terminal Tracking Camera (TTCAM) Frames -------------------------------------------- The LUCY TTCAM observation frames -- LUCY_TTCAM1 (ID -49510) and LUCY_TTCAM2 (ID -49520) -- are nominally defined in [4] as follows: - +Z axis is along the camera boresight; it is nominally along the IPP -X axis. - +Y axis points towards and is normal to the reference cube side; for LUCY_TTCAM1, it is nominally along the IPP -Y axis, for LUCY_TTCAM2, it is nominally along the IPP +Y axis. - +X axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. The LUCY TTCAM sensor frames are related to the camera frames by the following matrix given in [4]: T TTC SENSOR = [ -1 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 ] [ 0 0 1 ], This diagram illustrates the LUCY TTCAM camera and sensor frames: -X IPP view ----------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v +Xttc1s +Xttc2 ^ ^ | | | | +Yttc2| ---|-------------. .-----------. +Yttc1s <--<-o----o->--> +Yttc2s `-.| .-------.| .| .'.-----.-|-||-|+Yttc1 --. `--.| .-. ||.' | .' | | | || | | ||| | o | || | | |-----| | || | | --- | ||| `-' || | | .' `.v || v |.` `.| ||| || | | | +Xttc1 +Xttc2s o || ||`-------'| | | | o | || |`. .'| || Ralph | | | | | || | --- | || | | | . . || `-------' || | | | `-----' || TES || | | | LORRI || +Zipp ||---------| | | || ^ || | | |------------------------ | ------------. | | `------------------------ | ------------' `. | __||| `.| <-----x| +Yipp .--.--'+Xipp | | .-----. .' `. .' `. +Zsc ^ | | | <-----x +Ysc +Xsc All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Xsc and +Xipp are into the page. +Zttc1, +Zttc1s, +Zttc2, and +Zttc2s are out of the page. After calibrations were performed, it was determined that the alignment of the TTCAM sensor frames to the "AR" frame (LUCY_IPP_OG) is given by the matrices in [4]: T AR SENSOR1 = [ 0.999999842030266 -0.000000027145122 0.000562084906996 ] [ -0.000000027145122 0.999999995335451 0.000096587256838 ] [ -0.000562084906996 -0.000096587256838 0.999999837365716 ], T AR SENSOR2 = [ -0.999999999401930 -0.000000014172897 0.000034585265660 ] [ -0.000000014172897 -0.999999664134832 -0.000819591497615 ] [ 0.000034585265660 -0.000819591497615 0.999999663536762 ], The LUCY TTCAM frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the TTCAM Sensor frames with tranformation as the inverse of the camera-to-sensor matrix. For each camera, the camera frame (LUCY_TTCAM1 and LUCY_TTCAM2) is rotated from the sensor frame (LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR and LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR) by rotating 180.0 degrees about the +Z axis. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR = -49511 FRAME_-49511_NAME = 'LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR' FRAME_-49511_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49511_CLASS_ID = -49511 FRAME_-49511_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49511_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-49511_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP_OG' TKFRAME_-49511_MATRIX = ( 0.999999842030266, -0.000000027145122, 0.000562084906996, -0.000000027145122, 0.999999995335451, 0.000096587256838, -0.000562084906996, -0.000096587256838, 0.999999837365716 ) FRAME_LUCY_TTCAM1 = -49510 FRAME_-49510_NAME = 'LUCY_TTCAM1' FRAME_-49510_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49510_CLASS_ID = -49510 FRAME_-49510_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49510_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49510_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_TTCAM1_SENSOR' TKFRAME_-49510_ANGLES = ( 180.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49510_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49510_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR = -49521 FRAME_-49521_NAME = 'LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR' FRAME_-49521_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49521_CLASS_ID = -49521 FRAME_-49521_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49521_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-49521_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP_OG' TKFRAME_-49521_MATRIX = ( -0.999999999401930, -0.000000014172897, 0.000034585265660, -0.000000014172897, -0.999999664134832, -0.000819591497615, 0.000034585265660, -0.000819591497615, 0.999999663536762 ) FRAME_LUCY_TTCAM2 = -49520 FRAME_-49520_NAME = 'LUCY_TTCAM2' FRAME_-49520_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49520_CLASS_ID = -49520 FRAME_-49520_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49520_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49520_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_TTCAM2_SENSOR' TKFRAME_-49520_ANGLES = ( 180.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49520_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49520_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Science Instrument Frames ======================================================================== This section of the file contains the definitions of the LUCY science instrument frames. LUCY RALPH Frames ----------------- The LUCY RALPH instrument frame -- LUCY_RALPH (ID -49200) -- is defined in [4], labeled ``TDA'', as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the generic instrument boresight at the zero scan mirror position; it is nominally along the IPP +X axis. - +Y axis is opposite to the radiator normal; it is nominally along the IPP +Y axis. - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH scan mirror frame -- LUCY_RALPH_SCAN (ID -49201) -- is a CK frame which implements scan mirror articulation w.r.t. the LUCY_RALPH frame. The nominal alignment is defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the generic instrument boresight for the scan mirror at an articulated position; for the mirror at the zero position it is nominally along the IPP +X axis. - +Y axis is opposite to the radiator normal; it is nominally along the IPP +Y axis and the mirror articulation axis. - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the mirror center. The LUCY RALPH Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) frame -- LUCY_RALPH_LEISA (ID -49210) -- is defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the LEISA boresight (which is through pixel 704 in cross-track and pixel 1130 in along-track). - +Y axis is along the LEISA image lines; it is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH LEISA LVF1, LV2, and LVF3 spectral array frames: LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1 (ID -49211), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2 (ID -49212), and LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3 (ID -49213) are defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the specific LEISA spectral array boresight (array's central pixel). - +Y axis is along the LEISA image lines; it is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH LEISA Channel frames: LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04 (ID -49240), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05 (ID -49241), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06 (ID -49242), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07 (ID -49243), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08 (ID -49244), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09 (ID -49245), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10 (ID -49246), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11 (ID -49247), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12 (ID -49248), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13 (ID -49249), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14 (ID -49250), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15 (ID -49251), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16 (ID -49252), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17 (ID -49253), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18 (ID -49254), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19 (ID -49255), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20 (ID -49256), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21 (ID -49257), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22 (ID -49258), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23 (ID -49259), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24 (ID -49260), LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25 (ID -49261), and LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26 (ID -49262) are defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the specific LEISA Channel boresight (the channel's central pixel). - +Y axis is along the LEISA image lines; it is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH Solar Calibration Port (SCP) frame -- LUCY_RALPH_SCP (ID -49220) -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the SCP boresight. - +Y axis is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +X axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the SCP focal point. The LUCY RALPH Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) frame -- LUCY_RALPH_MVIC (ID -49230) -- is defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the MVIC boresight (which is coaligned with LEISA boresight and is through MVIC pixel 2585 cross-track and the center of the MVIC array - between bands 3 and 4 - along-track). - +Y axis is along the MVIC image lines; it is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH Time Delay Integration (TDI) PAN, VIOLET, GREEN, ORANGE, PHYLLO, and NIR frames: LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN (ID -49231), LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET (ID -49236), LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN (ID -49235), LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE (ID -49234), LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO (ID -49233), and LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR (ID -49232) are defined as follows: - +X axis is opposite of the specific MVIC TDI band's boresight (which is through the same cross-track pixel 2585 as the MVIC boresight and through the MVIC band's central along-track pixel). - +Y axis is along the MVIC image lines; it is nominally along the LUCY_RALPH +Y axis; - +Z axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. The LUCY RALPH radiator frame -- LUCY_RALPH_RAD (ID -49290) -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the normal to the radiator surface, pointing away from it. - +X axis is opposite of the generic instrument boresight at the zero scan mirror position and is co-aligned with the Ralph instrument frame +X axis. - +Y axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the center of the radiator outer surface. This diagram illustrates the LUCY RALPH instrument and radiator frames (not shown: LEISA and MVIC FT frames that are nominally co-aligned with the RALPH frame, the LEISA spectral array and MVIC TDI Frame frames that are small rotational offsets about Y from the RALPH frame, and the SCP frame that is shown on a separate diagram): -X IPP view ----------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v +Zralph TTCAM1 TTCAM2 ^ -------------------------. .------|----. .' | o || o | `-.| .---|---.| .| .'.-----.---||---.-------. `--.| .|. ||.' | .' | | || | | <-----x | | |-----| || | --- | +Yralph ||| +Xralph ^ +Yrad | .' `. || |.` `.| ||| | | | | || || o || ||`-------'| | | | o | || |`. .'| || Ralph | | | | | || | --- | || | x-----> | . . || `-------' || +Xrad +Zrad | `-----' || TES || | | | LORRI || +Zipp ||---------| | | || ^ || | | |------------------------ | ------------. | | `------------------------ | ------------' `. | __||| `.| <-----x| +Yipp .--.--'+Xipp | | .-----. .' `. .' `. +Zsc ^ | | | <-----x +Ysc +Xsc All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Xsc, +Xipp, and +Xralph are into the page. This diagram illustrates the LUCY RALPH instrument and SCP frames: -Ysc view --------- ^ Nadir | <-------------- | Along-track | v +Zralph +Zscp ^ +Xscp <. | .> 38 deg `. | .'+Zipp ___`.|.'^ ` x-----> `--`- '| +Xralph `--| IPP x-----> /| +Xipp HGA /.| | .'|. /-------|-| | `. . | | | ` | | | | | | | | | . |--------|-| | .' | | `.|' | | | | | | | +Zsc | | | ^ | | | | | | `-----|--|--' /__|__| x-----> +Ysc | +Xsc | | | | | SA-y ' +Ysc, +Yipp, +Yralph, and +Yscp are into the page. All instrument boresights point to the left. As seen on the diagrams: - the LUCY_RALPH frame is nominally co-aligned with the LUCY_IPP frame. - the LUCY_RALPH_SCAN frame is nominally co-aligned with the LUCY_RALPH frame for the scan mirror at the zero position and is rotated from it about the +Y axis at an articulated scan mirror position. - the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA frame is nominally co-aligned with the LUCY_RALPH_SCAN frame. - the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF* spectral array frames are nominally rotated from the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA frame about Y axis by -0.87548 degrees for LVF1, by +0.15814 degrees for LVF2, and by +1.34416 degrees for LVF3. - the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C* channel frames are nominally rotated from the LUCY_RALPH_LEISA frame about Y axis by: +1.92972 degrees for C04, +1.78304 degrees for C05, +1.63637 degrees for C06, +1.48969 degrees for C07, +1.34301 degrees for C08, +1.19634 degrees for C09, +1.04966 degrees for C10, +0.90298 degrees for C11, +0.75630 degrees for C12, +0.60963 degrees for C13, +0.46295 degrees for C14, +0.31627 degrees for C15, +0.16960 degrees for C16, +0.02292 degrees for C17, -0.12376 degrees for C18, -0.27044 degrees for C19, -0.41711 degrees for C20, -0.56379 degrees for C21, -0.71047 degrees for C22, -0.85714 degrees for C23, -1.00382 degrees for C24, -1.15050 degrees for C25, and -1.29718 degrees for C26. - the LUCY_RALPH_MVIC frame is nominally co-aligned with the LUCY_RALPH_SCAN frame. - the LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_* TDI Frame frames are nominally rotated from the LUCY_RALPH_MVIC frame about Y axis by +0.39190 degrees for PAN, by +0.23514 degrees for VIOLET, by +0.07838 degrees for GREEN, by -0.07838 degrees for ORANGE, by -0.23514 degrees for PHYLLO, and by -0.39190 degrees for NIR. - the LUCY_RALPH_RAD frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_RALPH frame by +90.0 degrees about X axis. The LUCY RALPH instrument frame is defined below as a fixed-offset frame with respect to the IPP frame. The rest of the RALPH frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the RALPH instrument frame. The angles in the definitions of the fixed offset frames below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definitions are from the structure frames to the base frames. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_RALPH = -49200 FRAME_-49200_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH' FRAME_-49200_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49200_CLASS_ID = -49200 FRAME_-49200_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49200_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49200_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP' TKFRAME_-49200_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49200_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49200_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_SCAN = -49201 FRAME_-49201_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_SCAN' FRAME_-49201_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-49201_CLASS_ID = -49201 FRAME_-49201_CENTER = -49 CK_-49201_SCLK = -49 CK_-49201_SPK = -49 FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA = -49210 FRAME_-49210_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' FRAME_-49210_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49210_CLASS_ID = -49210 FRAME_-49210_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49210_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49210_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_SCAN' TKFRAME_-49210_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49210_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49210_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1 = -49211 FRAME_-49211_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1' FRAME_-49211_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49211_CLASS_ID = -49211 FRAME_-49211_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49211_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49211_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49211_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.87548 ) TKFRAME_-49211_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49211_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2 = -49212 FRAME_-49212_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2' FRAME_-49212_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49212_CLASS_ID = -49212 FRAME_-49212_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49212_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49212_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49212_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.15814 ) TKFRAME_-49212_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49212_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3 = -49213 FRAME_-49213_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3' FRAME_-49213_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49213_CLASS_ID = -49213 FRAME_-49213_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49213_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49213_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49213_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.34416 ) TKFRAME_-49213_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49213_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04 = -49240 FRAME_-49240_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04' FRAME_-49240_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49240_CLASS_ID = -49240 FRAME_-49240_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49240_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49240_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49240_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.92972 ) TKFRAME_-49240_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49240_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05 = -49241 FRAME_-49241_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05' FRAME_-49241_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49241_CLASS_ID = -49241 FRAME_-49241_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49241_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49241_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49241_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.78304 ) TKFRAME_-49241_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49241_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06 = -49242 FRAME_-49242_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06' FRAME_-49242_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49242_CLASS_ID = -49242 FRAME_-49242_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49242_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49242_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49242_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.63637 ) TKFRAME_-49242_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49242_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07 = -49243 FRAME_-49243_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07' FRAME_-49243_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49243_CLASS_ID = -49243 FRAME_-49243_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49243_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49243_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49243_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.48969 ) TKFRAME_-49243_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49243_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08 = -49244 FRAME_-49244_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08' FRAME_-49244_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49244_CLASS_ID = -49244 FRAME_-49244_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49244_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49244_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49244_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.34301 ) TKFRAME_-49244_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49244_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09 = -49245 FRAME_-49245_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09' FRAME_-49245_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49245_CLASS_ID = -49245 FRAME_-49245_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49245_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49245_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49245_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.19634 ) TKFRAME_-49245_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49245_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10 = -49246 FRAME_-49246_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10' FRAME_-49246_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49246_CLASS_ID = -49246 FRAME_-49246_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49246_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49246_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49246_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.04966 ) TKFRAME_-49246_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49246_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11 = -49247 FRAME_-49247_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11' FRAME_-49247_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49247_CLASS_ID = -49247 FRAME_-49247_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49247_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49247_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49247_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.90298 ) TKFRAME_-49247_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49247_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12 = -49248 FRAME_-49248_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12' FRAME_-49248_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49248_CLASS_ID = -49248 FRAME_-49248_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49248_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49248_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49248_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.75630 ) TKFRAME_-49248_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49248_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13 = -49249 FRAME_-49249_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13' FRAME_-49249_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49249_CLASS_ID = -49249 FRAME_-49249_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49249_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49249_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49249_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.60963 ) TKFRAME_-49249_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49249_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14 = -49250 FRAME_-49250_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14' FRAME_-49250_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49250_CLASS_ID = -49250 FRAME_-49250_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49250_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49250_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49250_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.46295 ) TKFRAME_-49250_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49250_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15 = -49251 FRAME_-49251_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15' FRAME_-49251_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49251_CLASS_ID = -49251 FRAME_-49251_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49251_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49251_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49251_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.31627 ) TKFRAME_-49251_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49251_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16 = -49252 FRAME_-49252_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16' FRAME_-49252_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49252_CLASS_ID = -49252 FRAME_-49252_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49252_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49252_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49252_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.16960 ) TKFRAME_-49252_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49252_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17 = -49253 FRAME_-49253_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17' FRAME_-49253_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49253_CLASS_ID = -49253 FRAME_-49253_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49253_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49253_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49253_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.02292 ) TKFRAME_-49253_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49253_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18 = -49254 FRAME_-49254_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18' FRAME_-49254_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49254_CLASS_ID = -49254 FRAME_-49254_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49254_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49254_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49254_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.12376 ) TKFRAME_-49254_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49254_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19 = -49255 FRAME_-49255_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19' FRAME_-49255_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49255_CLASS_ID = -49255 FRAME_-49255_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49255_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49255_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49255_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.27044 ) TKFRAME_-49255_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49255_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20 = -49256 FRAME_-49256_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20' FRAME_-49256_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49256_CLASS_ID = -49256 FRAME_-49256_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49256_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49256_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49256_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.41711 ) TKFRAME_-49256_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49256_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21 = -49257 FRAME_-49257_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21' FRAME_-49257_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49257_CLASS_ID = -49257 FRAME_-49257_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49257_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49257_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49257_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.56379 ) TKFRAME_-49257_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49257_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22 = -49258 FRAME_-49258_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22' FRAME_-49258_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49258_CLASS_ID = -49258 FRAME_-49258_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49258_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49258_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49258_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.71047 ) TKFRAME_-49258_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49258_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23 = -49259 FRAME_-49259_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23' FRAME_-49259_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49259_CLASS_ID = -49259 FRAME_-49259_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49259_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49259_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49259_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.85714 ) TKFRAME_-49259_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49259_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24 = -49260 FRAME_-49260_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24' FRAME_-49260_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49260_CLASS_ID = -49260 FRAME_-49260_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49260_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49260_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49260_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +1.00382 ) TKFRAME_-49260_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49260_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25 = -49261 FRAME_-49261_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25' FRAME_-49261_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49261_CLASS_ID = -49261 FRAME_-49261_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49261_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49261_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49261_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +1.15050 ) TKFRAME_-49261_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49261_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26 = -49262 FRAME_-49262_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26' FRAME_-49262_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49262_CLASS_ID = -49262 FRAME_-49262_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49262_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49262_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' TKFRAME_-49262_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +1.29718 ) TKFRAME_-49262_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49262_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_SCP = -49220 FRAME_-49220_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_SCP' FRAME_-49220_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49220_CLASS_ID = -49220 FRAME_-49220_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49220_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49220_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH' TKFRAME_-49220_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +52.0 ) TKFRAME_-49220_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49220_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC = -49230 FRAME_-49230_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' FRAME_-49230_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49230_CLASS_ID = -49230 FRAME_-49230_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49230_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49230_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_SCAN' TKFRAME_-49230_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49230_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49230_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN = -49231 FRAME_-49231_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN' FRAME_-49231_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49231_CLASS_ID = -49231 FRAME_-49231_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49231_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49231_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49231_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.39190 ) TKFRAME_-49231_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49231_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET = -49236 FRAME_-49236_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET' FRAME_-49236_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49236_CLASS_ID = -49236 FRAME_-49236_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49236_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49236_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49236_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.23514 ) TKFRAME_-49236_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49236_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN = -49235 FRAME_-49235_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN' FRAME_-49235_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49235_CLASS_ID = -49235 FRAME_-49235_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49235_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49235_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49235_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -0.07838 ) TKFRAME_-49235_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49235_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE = -49234 FRAME_-49234_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE' FRAME_-49234_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49234_CLASS_ID = -49234 FRAME_-49234_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49234_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49234_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49234_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.07838 ) TKFRAME_-49234_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49234_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO = -49233 FRAME_-49233_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO' FRAME_-49233_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49233_CLASS_ID = -49233 FRAME_-49233_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49233_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49233_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49233_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.23514 ) TKFRAME_-49233_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49233_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR = -49232 FRAME_-49232_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR' FRAME_-49232_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49232_CLASS_ID = -49232 FRAME_-49232_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49232_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49232_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' TKFRAME_-49232_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +0.39190 ) TKFRAME_-49232_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49232_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_RALPH_RAD = -49290 FRAME_-49290_NAME = 'LUCY_RALPH_RAD' FRAME_-49290_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49290_CLASS_ID = -49290 FRAME_-49290_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49290_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49290_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_RALPH' TKFRAME_-49290_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49290_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-49290_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY LORRI Frames ----------------- The LORRI physical (CCD) frame is defined per [13] as follows: - +Z axis is opposite of the instrument boresight. It is nominally along the IPP +X axis. - +Y axis is in the direction of increasing CCD row number. It is nominally along the IPP -Z axis. - +X axis is in the direction of increasing CCD column number. It completes the right-hand frame and is nominally along the IPP -Y axis. The camera optics inverts the LORRI physical frame +X and +Y axes when projecting them onto the plane of sky, resulting in the following relationship of the LORRI "projected" (onto the sky) frame axes to the IPP axes, prior to calibration: - +Z axis is opposite of the instrument boresight. It is nominally along the IPP +X axis. - +Y axis is nominally along the IPP +Z axis. - +X axis completes the right-hand frame and is nominally along the IPP +Y axis. The diagrams below show the IPP, LORRI "physical", and L'LORRI "projected" (onto the sky) frames with their axes labelled as follows: Xl, Yl, Zl -- physical LORRI axes; Xlp, Ylp, Zlp -- LORRI axes projected onto the sky; Xipp, Yipp, Zipp -- IPP axes. When viewed by an observer looking out LORRI's boresight, the LORRI "physical" frame axes and the IPP frame axes will look like this: Diagram 1 --------- Sky View Looking out from L'LORRI _________________________________ | | | +Xl | | ^ | | | | | | | | | | +Xipp +Zipp | | | (out)o-----> | <--------o | |> | +Yl +Zl | | | (out) | +Yipp v | | | | ^ | | | increasing | | | columns |_________________________________o <------ increasing rows When viewed by an observer looking into LORRI's CCD, flipping the Diagram 1 about vertical, the LORRI "physical" and "projected" frame axes and the IPP frame axes will look like this: Diagram 2 --------- Looking in at the L'LORRI CCD ________________________________ | | | | IPP Axes | ^ +Xl | | | | | | | | | | +Zipp +Xipp(in) | +Ylp | +Zl(in) | <-----x | <---------x---------> | | | +Zlp(out)| +Yl | | | | | v +Yipp | | | ^ | | | increasing | | +Xlp v | columns | | | o________________________________| ------> increasing rows The LORRI IDL display further inverts the image in Diagram 2 about the diagonal originating at [0,0], making it look like this: Diagram 3 --------- L'LORRI IDL Display ________________________________ | | | | IPP Axes | ^ +Yl | | | | | | | | | | +Yipp +Xipp(out) | +Xlp | +Zl(out) | <-----o | <---------o---------> | | | +Zlp(out)| +Xl | | | | | v +Zipp | | | ^ | | | increasing | | +Ylp v | rows | | | o________________________________| ------> increasing columns To correspond to the New Horizons LORRI image processing conventions, the LUCY LORRI instrument frame -- LUCY_LORRI (ID -49300) -- is defined to be aligned with the L'LORRI "projected" frame, with the LUCY_LORRI frame origin at the active CCD area center pixel. Additionally, the LORRI binning modes (1X1 and 4X4) frames -- LUCY_LORRI_1X1 (ID -49301) and LUCY_LORRI_4X4 (ID -49302) -- are defined to be co-aligned with the LUCY_LORRI frame. This diagram illustrates the LUCY LORRI frames: -X IPP view ----------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v TTCAM1 TTCAM2 -------------------------. .-----------. | o || o | `-.| .-------.| .| +Ylorri -.---||---.-------. `--.| .-. ||.' | . ^ | || | | ||| | o | || | | |- | -| || | --- | ||| `-' || | | .' | `. || |.` `.| ||| || | | | | || || o || ||`-------'| | +Xlorri<-----x | || |`. .'| || Ralph | | | +Zlorri || | --- | || | | | . . || `-------' || | | | `-----' || TES || | | | || +Zipp ||---------| | | || ^ || | | |------------------------ | ------------. | | `------------------------ | ------------' `. | __||| `.| <-----x| +Yipp .--.--'+Xipp | | .-----. .' `. .' `. +Zsc ^ | | | <-----x +Ysc +Xsc All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Xsc, +Xipp, and +Zlorri are into the page. The LORRI frame to IPP frame matrix calibrated from flight data is given in [4] as: T IPP LORRI = [ 0.000391792737996 0.999999923249222 0.000000026979133 ], [ -0.000068860727640 0 0.999999997629100 ], [ 0.999999920878322 -0.000391792738925 0.000068860722355 ] The LUCY LORRI instrument frame is defined below as a fixed-offset frame with respect to the IPP frame. The LORRI binning modes frames are defined below as fixed-offset frames with respect to the LORRI instrument frame. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_LORRI = -49300 FRAME_-49300_NAME = 'LUCY_LORRI' FRAME_-49300_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49300_CLASS_ID = -49300 FRAME_-49300_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49300_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-49300_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP' TKFRAME_-49300_MATRIX = ( 0.000391792737996, 0.999999923249222, 0.000000026979133, -0.000068860727640, 0.000000000000000, 0.999999997629100, 0.999999920878322, -0.000391792738925, 0.000068860722355 ) FRAME_LUCY_LORRI_1X1 = -49301 FRAME_-49301_NAME = 'LUCY_LORRI_1X1' FRAME_-49301_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49301_CLASS_ID = -49301 FRAME_-49301_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49301_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49301_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_LORRI' TKFRAME_-49301_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49301_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49301_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_LUCY_LORRI_4X4 = -49302 FRAME_-49302_NAME = 'LUCY_LORRI_4X4' FRAME_-49302_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49302_CLASS_ID = -49302 FRAME_-49302_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49302_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49302_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_LORRI' TKFRAME_-49302_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-49302_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49302_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY TES Frames --------------- The LUCY TES instrument frame -- LUCY_TES (ID -49400) -- is defined as follows: - +Z axis is in the direction opposite of the instrument boresight; it is nominally along the IPP +X axis. - +Y axis points towards the connector side; it is nominally along the IPP +Y axis. - +X axis completes the right-hand frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. This diagram illustrates the LUCY TES instrument frame: -X IPP view ----------- ^ Cross-track | <-------------> | Along-track | v TTCAM1 TTCAM2 -------------------------. .-----------. .' | o || o | `-.| .-------.| .| .'.-----.---||---.-------. `--.| .-. ||.' | .' | | || | | ||| | o | || | | |-----| || | --- | ||| `-' || | | .' `. | |.` +Ztes ||| || | | | | <-----x || ||`-------'| | | | o +Ytes |`. | .'| || Ralph | | | | | | -|- | || | | | . . `---|---' || | | | `-----' | v || | | | LORRI | +Xes +Zipp ||---------| | | | ^ || | | |------------------------ | ------------. | | `------------------------ | ------------' `. | __||| `.| <-----x| +Yipp .--.--'+Xipp | | .-----. .' `. .' `. +Zsc ^ | | | <-----x +Ysc +Xsc All instrument boresights point out of the page. +Xsc, +Xipp, and +Ztes are into the page. As seen on the diagram: - the LUCY_TES frame is nominally rotated from the LUCY_IPP frame by +90 degrees about Y axis. The LUCY TES instrument frame is defined below as a fixed-offset frame with respect to the IPP frame. The angles in the definition of the fixed offset frame below are the opposites of the rotations described above because the rotations in the definition are from the structure frame to the base frame. \begindata FRAME_LUCY_TES = -49400 FRAME_-49400_NAME = 'LUCY_TES' FRAME_-49400_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-49400_CLASS_ID = -49400 FRAME_-49400_CENTER = -49 TKFRAME_-49400_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-49400_RELATIVE = 'LUCY_IPP' TKFRAME_-49400_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-49400_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-49400_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext LUCY Mission NAIF Name-ID Mappings -- Definition Section ======================================================================== LUCY Target Asteroid Name-ID Mappings ------------------------------------- This table summarizes LUCY target asteroid name-ID mappings: Name ID Synonyms ------------------------- --------- ------------------------------- DONALDJOHANSON 20052246 52246 DONALDJOHANSON (1981 EQ5) 52246 DONALDJOHANSON EURYBATES_BARYCENTER 20003548 EURYBATES 920003548 3548 EURYBATES (1973 SO) 3548 EURYBATES QUETA 120003548 POLYMELE 20015094 15094 POLYMELE (1999 WB2) 15094 POLYMELE LEUCUS 20011351 11351 LEUCUS (1997 TS25) 11351 LEUCUS ORUS 20021900 21900 ORUS (1999 VQ10) 21900 ORUS PATROCLUS_BARYCENTER 20000617 PATROCLUS 920000617 617 PATROCLUS (A906 UL) 617 PATROCLUS MENOETIUS 120000617 DINKINESH 920152830 152830 DINKINESH (1999 VD57) 152830 DINKINESH SELAM 120152830 DINKINESH_BARYCENTER 20152830 Note: all target asteroid NAIF ID codes are set based on the extended asteroid NAIF ID scheme s2x,xxx,xxx, where [s] is the asteroid satellite number (1-8 for satellites, 9 for the primary asteroid, omitted for the asteroid system barycenter), and [x,xxx,xxx] is the IAU number of the system barycenter. Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '52246 DONALDJOHANSON (1981 EQ5)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20052246 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '52246 DONALDJOHANSON' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20052246 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DONALDJOHANSON' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20052246 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EURYBATES_BARYCENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20003548 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '3548 EURYBATES (1973 SO)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920003548 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '3548 EURYBATES' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920003548 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EURYBATES' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920003548 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'QUETA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 120003548 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '15094 POLYMELE (1999 WB2)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20015094 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '15094 POLYMELE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20015094 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'POLYMELE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20015094 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '11351 LEUCUS (1997 TS25)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20011351 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '11351 LEUCUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20011351 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LEUCUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20011351 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '21900 ORUS (1999 VQ10)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20021900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '21900 ORUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20021900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'ORUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20021900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'PATROCLUS_BARYCENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20000617 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '617 PATROCLUS (A906 UL)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920000617 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '617 PATROCLUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920000617 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'PATROCLUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920000617 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MENOETIUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 120000617 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DINKINESH_BARYCENTER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 20152830 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '152830 DINKINESH (1999 VD57)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920152830 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '152830 DINKINESH' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920152830 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DINKINESH' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 920152830 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SELAM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 120152830 ) \begintext LUCY Spacecraft Name-ID Mappings ----------------------------------- This table summarizes LUCY Spacecraft name-ID mappings: Name ID ------------------------- ------- LUCY -49 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49 ) \begintext LUCY Spacecraft Structures Name-ID Mappings ------------------------------------------- This table summarizes LUCY Spacecraft Structure name-ID mappings: Name ID ------------------------- ------- LUCY_SPACECRAFT -49000 LUCY_SMRF_ORIGIN -49001 LUCY_HGA -49020 LUCY_MGA -49021 LUCY_LGA -49023 LUCY_SAPY -49071 LUCY_SAMY -49072 LUCY_SUN4A-PY -49080 LUCY_SUN4A-MY -49085 LUCY_STOH01 -49091 LUCY_STOH02 -49092 LUCY_IPP -49507 LUCY_TTCAM1 -49510 LUCY_TTCAM2 -49520 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SMRF_ORIGIN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49001 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_HGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49020 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_MGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49021 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_LGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49023 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SAPY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49071 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SAMY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49072 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SUN4A-PY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49080 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_SUN4A-MY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49085 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_STOH01' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49091 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_STOH02' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49092 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_IPP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49507 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TTCAM1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49510 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TTCAM2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49520 ) \begintext LUCY Instrument Name-ID Mappings -------------------------------- This table summarizes LUCY Instrument name-ID mappings: Name ID ------------------------- ------- LUCY_RALPH -49200 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA -49210 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1 -49211 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2 -49212 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3 -49213 LUCY_RALPH_SCP -49220 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC -49230 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN -49231 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR -49232 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO -49233 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE -49234 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN -49235 LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET -49236 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04 -49240 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05 -49241 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06 -49242 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07 -49243 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08 -49244 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09 -49245 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10 -49246 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11 -49247 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12 -49248 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13 -49249 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14 -49250 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15 -49251 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16 -49252 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17 -49253 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18 -49254 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19 -49255 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20 -49256 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21 -49257 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22 -49258 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23 -49259 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24 -49260 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25 -49261 LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26 -49262 LUCY_RALPH_RAD -49290 LUCY_RALPH_SUNKOZ -49299 LUCY_LORRI -49300 LUCY_LORRI_1X1 -49301 LUCY_LORRI_4X4 -49302 LUCY_LORRI_SUNKOZ -49399 LUCY_TES -49400 LUCY_TES_85 -49401 LUCY_TES_50 -49402 LUCY_TES_SUNKOZ -49499 Name-ID Mapping keywords: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49200 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49210 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49211 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49212 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_LVF3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49213 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_SCP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49220 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49230 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PAN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49231 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_NIR' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49232 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_PHYLLO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49233 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_ORANGE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49234 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_GREEN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49235 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_MVIC_VIOLET' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49236 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C04' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49240 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C05' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49241 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C06' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49242 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C07' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49243 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C08' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49244 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C09' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49245 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C10' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49246 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C11' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49247 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C12' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49248 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C13' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49249 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C14' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49250 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C15' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49251 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C16' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49252 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C17' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49253 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C18' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49254 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C19' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49255 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C20' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49256 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C21' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49257 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C22' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49258 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C23' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49259 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C24' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49260 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C25' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49261 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_LEISA_C26' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49262 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_RAD' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49290 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_RALPH_SUNKOZ' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49299 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_LORRI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49300 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_LORRI_1X1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49301 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_LORRI_4X4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49302 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_LORRI_SUNKOZ' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49399 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TES' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49400 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TES_85' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49401 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TES_50' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49402 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LUCY_TES_SUNKOZ' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -49499 ) \begintext End of FK file.