KPL/FK LADEE Frame Definitions Kernel ============================================================================== This frame kernel contains the LADEE spacecraft and science instrument frame definitions. This frame kernel also contains name - to - NAIF ID mappings for LADEE science instruments and s/c structures (see the last section of the file.) Version and Date -------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7 -- December 18, 2013 -- Boris V. Semenov Updated the UVS Solar Viewer frame alignment based on the on-orbit calculated UVS Solar Viewer boresight direction. Version 0.6 -- October 16, 2013 -- Boris V. Semenov, Joseph A. Hashmall Redefined LDEX frames based on the information provided by the instrument team. Version 0.5 -- October 16, 2013 -- Boris V. Semenov, Joseph A. Hashmall Redefined NMS and UVS frames based on the information provided by the instrument teams. Version 0.4 -- October 7, 2013 -- Boris V. Semenov Changed rotation from BUS to PROP from -45 to +45. Updated the diagram showing the relationship between BUS and PROP frames. Version 0.3 -- September 20, 2013 -- Boris V. Semenov Fixed 'FRAME_ = ' keyword in the LADEE_SC_PROP frame definition. Removed unnecessary CK_*_SCLK and CK_*_SPK in all fixed offset (class 4) frames. Reset CENTER_ID in all frames to LADEE spacecraft ID (-12). Reinstated the NAIF body name-ID mapping section. Corrected frame summary table and frame diagram. Indented comments and wrapped them to 72 character page width (for consistency with comments in FKs for other missions.) Version 0.2 -- April 24, 2013 -- Joseph A. Hashmall Adds reference 5 and definitions in it Version 0.1 -- March 20, 2013 -- Joseph A. Hashmall Contains corrections identified by Boris Semenov Version 0.0 draft -- January 28, 2013 -- Joseph A. Hashmall Initial Release. Contains Euler angles from LADEE Engineering diagrams. References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. C-kernel Required Reading 2. Kernel Pool Required Reading 3. Frames Required Reading 4. Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Alignment Plan ("IT.070.LADEE.ALIGN_Rev_A.pdf") 5. Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Project LADEE GN&C Coordinate System Document ("LADEE GN&C Coordinate Frames Document_RevNC(Draft).docx") 6. LADEE Metrology Results Spreadsheet ("LADEE post-ship metrology results 6-11.xlsx") 7. LADEE NMS boresight-to-cube alignment PowerPoint summary slide (LADEE_Alignment.pptx) 8. UVS frame specification and alignment summary, e-mail from Mark Shirley, NASA/AMES, 10/15/13. 9. LDEX frame specification, e-mail from Sam Gagnard, LASP, 10/16/13 10. On-orbit calculated UVS Solar Viewer boresight direction, e-mail from Mark Shirley, NASA/AMES, 12/18/13. Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- Joseph A. Hashmall,, Inc., (301)-306-1756X120, Implementation Notes -------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name; ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, "frame_kernel_name" -- IDL cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ); -- MATLAB This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. LADEE Payload Description (for FRAMES) -------------------------------------------------------- LDEX: The Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX) instrument is an impact ionization dust detector. Its overall size is comparable to a bread box and it consists of three main sections: an Electronics Box Assembly, a Front End Detector, and an Aperture Door Assembly. NMS: Neutral Mass Spectometer (NMS) is a high sensitivity quadrupole mass spectrometer with a mass range from 2 to 150 Dalton and unit mass resolution. For lunar orbits of 50 km or lower NMS can detect helium, argon and other species either released from the deep lunar interior or from the surface of the moon. UVS: The Ultraviolet and Visible light Spectrometer (UVS) science instrument consists of a spectrometer, a limb viewing telescope, and a solar viewing optic. The instrument is operated in two modes: 1) limb viewing, using the limb viewing telescope and 2) solar occultation viewing, using the solar viewing optic. In limb viewing mode, the UVS limb telescope is pointed above the lunar surface in the direction of spacecraft (S/C) flight. In occultation mode, the UVS uses its solar viewing optic to monitor the sun as it sets/rises across the lunar limb. LADEE Frames -------------------------------------------------------- The following LADEE frames are defined in this kernel file: Frame Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== ========================= ======= ======= Spacecraft Bus and Spacecraft Structure Frames: ----------------------------------------------- LADEE_SC_PROP J2000 CK -12000 LADEE_SC_BUS SC_PROP FIXED -12100 Instrument Frames: ------------------ LADEE_LDEX SC_PROP FIXED -12200 LADEE_NMS SC_PROP FIXED -12300 LADEE_UVSTEL SC_PROP FIXED -12400 LADEE_UVSSOL SC_PROP FIXED -12500 Generic Dynamic Frames ------------------ ECLIPDATE J2000 CK -12600 LADEE_SSE ECLIPDATE CK -12605 LADEE_OSE J2000 CK -12610 LADEE Frames Hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the LADEE frame hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +--------------------------+----------------+-----------+ | | | | | | <--pck | | | | | | | V V V | "IAU_EARTH" LADEE_SSE LADEE_OSE | EARTH BFR(*) --------- --------- | ------------ | | | | "LADEE_SC_BUS" | --------------- | ^ |<--ck |<-fixed | | V | "LADEE_SC_PROP" +-----------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | |<--fixed |<--fixed |<-fixed |<-fixed | | | | V V V V "LADEE_LDEX" "LADEE_NMS" "LADEE_UVSTEL" "LADEE_UVSSOL" ------------ ----------- -------------- -------------- Spacecraft PROP Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The Spacecraft Propulsion (PROP) Frame, LADEE_SC_PROP, also known as the GNC Frame, is the spacecraft frame the orientation of which relative to inertial space is provided in telemetry and stored in LADEE CK files (see [1]). It is defined by the spacecraft design as follows (see [5]): * +Z axis is perpendicular to the propulsion deck in the direction of thrust * +Y axis points towards the edge between solar panels 1 and 2 (RCS thruster 1 and 2 assembly). * +X axis completes the right handed frame. This diagram illustrates the PROP frame: | ..` `..LLCD ` ..`` | ``.. ` P4 P3 ' / ` |UVS ' \ RCS3 / P5 ` ' P2 \ RCS1 #/ ` | ' \# - - - - - - -o--------------> +Yprop #\ . | . /# RCS4 \ P6 . | . P1 / RCS2 \ . LDEX| . / Panel1 . P7 | P8 . ``.. | ..`` NMS``.|.`` | V +Xprop +Zprop is out of the page. The PROP frame is defined below as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_SC_PROP = -12000 FRAME_-12000_NAME = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' FRAME_-12000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-12000_CLASS_ID = -12000 FRAME_-12000_CENTER = -12 CK_-12000_SCLK = -12 CK_-12000_SPK = -12 \begintext Spacecraft Bus (BUILD) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The spacecraft bus frame, LADEE_SC_BUS, also known as the BUILD frame, is defined by the spacecraft design as follows (see [4] and [5]): * +Z axis is perpendicular to the propulsion deck in the direction of thrust * +Y axis points towards the edge between solar panels 2 and 3 (between the low and medium gain antennas). * +X axis completes the right handed frame. This diagram shows the relationship between the BUILD frame and the PROP frame: | ..` `..LLCD ` ..`` | ``.. .> +Ybuild ` .' / ` |UVS .' \ / ` .' \ #/ ` |.' \# +Yprop - - - - - - -o--------------> #\ . |`. /# \ . | `. / \ . LDEX| `. / . | `. ``.. | ..`` `> +Xbuild NMS``.|.`` | . V >. +Xprop ..` ` ..`` ..`` 45 deg |<`` +Zprop and +Zbuild are out of the page. As seen on the diagram, nominally a single rotation of +45 degrees about Z is needed to align the PROP frame with the BUILD frame: Mprop->build = [+45]z Vbuild = Mprop->build * Vprop The BUILD frame is defined below as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_SC_BUS = -12100 FRAME_-12100_NAME = 'LADEE_SC_BUS' FRAME_-12100_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-12100_CLASS_ID = -12100 FRAME_-12100_CENTER = -12 TKFRAME_-12100_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-12100_RELATIVE = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' TKFRAME_-12100_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -45.0 ) TKFRAME_-12100_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-12100_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- According to [9], the LDEX frame, LADEE_LDEX, is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight - +Y axis is nominally in the direction of the s/c +Z axis - +X axis completes the right handed frame. This diagram shows the LDEX frame: | ..` `..LLCD ` ..`` | ``.. .> +Ybuild ` .' / ` |UVS .' \ / ` .' \ #/ ` |.' \# +Yprop - - - - - - -o--------------> #\ . |`. /# \ . | `. / \ . LDEX| `. / . `o./| `. . ``./ ``.. ..`` `> +Xbuild /NMS.|. `> / | +Xldex +Zldex (boresight) V V +Xprop 22.5 deg /<-------->| +Zprop and +Zbuild are out of the page. +Yldex is out of the page. As seen on the diagram, nominally three rotations are needed to to align the PROP frame with the LDEX frame: first by -22.5 degrees about Z, then by +90 degrees about Y, then +90 degrees about Z: Mprop->ldex = [+90]z * [+90]y * [-22.5]z Vldex = Mprop->ldex * Vprop From spreadsheet "LADEE post-ship metrology results 6-11.xlsx", sheet "LADEE Build-Prop-STB CS 6-10", table "Pre-Ship 5-13" LDEX front cover for boresight: 0.92395374 -0.38250286 -0.00102228 Using this direction and aligning +Z exactly with it while keeping +Y as close as possible to the PROP frame's Z axis, we get the following sequence of rotations aligning the PROP frame with the LDEX frame (based on the measured cover face normal direction representing the boresight): Mprop->ldex = [+90.00000000]z * [+90.05857234]y * [-22.48881442]z Vldex = Mprop->ldex * Vprop The LDEX frame is defined below as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_LDEX = -12200 FRAME_-12200_NAME = 'LADEE_LDEX' FRAME_-12200_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-12200_CLASS_ID = -12200 FRAME_-12200_CENTER = -12 TKFRAME_-12200_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-12200_RELATIVE = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' TKFRAME_-12200_ANGLES = ( +22.48881442, -90.05857234, -90.00000000 ) TKFRAME_-12200_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-12200_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- According to [7], the NMS frame, LADEE_NMS, is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight - +X axis is nominally in the direction of the s/c +Z axis (this is apparent from looking at [7] and actual photos of the NMS mounted on the s/c.) - +Y completes the right handed frame. This diagram shows the NMS frame: | ..` `..LLCD ` ..`` | ``.. .> +Ybuild ` .' / ` |UVS .' \ / ` .' \ #/ ` |.' \# +Yprop - - - - - - -o--------------> #\ . |`. /# \ . | `. / \ . LDEX| `. / . | `. +Ynms . /``.. | ..`` `> +Xbuild < .. / NMS``.|.`` ``.. / | o`../ V / +Xprop / / V +Znms (boresight) 22.5 deg /<------------>| +Zprop and +Zbuild are out of the page. +Xnms is out of the page. As seen on the diagram, nominally three rotations are needed to to align the PROP frame with the NMS frame: first by -22.5 degrees about Z, then by +90 degrees about Y, then 180 degrees about Z: Mprop->nms = [180]z * [+90]y * [-22.5]z Vnms = Mprop->nms * Vprop From spreadsheet "LADEE post-ship metrology results 6-11.xlsx", sheet "LADEE Build-Prop-STB CS 6-10", table "Pre-Ship 5-13" NMS Cube +X 0.38433103 0.92318405 0.00456912 NMS Cube -Y 0.92318612 -0.38434148 -0.00300386 Let's disregard the NMS cube axis assignments used in the metrology and pretend that the cube frame is defined to be nominally co-aligned with the NMS instrument frame. Then the two vectors above will correspond to the following NMS frame axes: NMS frame -Y 0.38433103 0.92318405 0.00456912 NMS frame +Z 0.92318612 -0.38434148 -0.00300386 or, negating the "NMS frame -Y" vector, to these two axes NMS frame +Y -0.38433103 -0.92318405 -0.00456912 NMS frame +Z 0.92318612 -0.38434148 -0.00300386 Using these two directions and, because the vectors are slightly non-orthogonal, aligning +Z exactly with its vector while keeping +Y as close as possible to its vector, we get the following sequence of rotations aligning the PROP frame with the NMS frame (based on the measured cube face normal directions): Mprop->nmsc = [-179.73821050]z * [+90.17210876]y * [-22.60297214]z Vnmsc = Mprop->nmsc * Vprop To take into account the offset of the instrument boresight from its cube shown in LADEE_Alignment.pptx we build a matrix that rotates the cube frame first by -5.202 mrad about X, then by 7.359 mrad about Y: Mnmsc->nms = [0.007359]y * [-0.005202]x Vnms = Mnmsc->nms * Vnmsc (Note although the document does not specify the rotation order or even whether these angles are rotation angles or offset angles, we can arbitrarily treat them as rotation angles and pick any order of rotations, because the angles are very small and uncertainties of their measurement are relatively big.) Combining these two rotations Mprop->nms = Mnmsc->nms * Mprop->nmsc and decomposing the resultant matrix into the same sequence of rotation angles we get: Mprop->nms = [-179.73910809]z * [+89.75183298]y * [-22.90294292]z Vnms = Mprop->nms * Vprop The NMS frame is defined below as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_NMS = -12300 FRAME_-12300_NAME = 'LADEE_NMS' FRAME_-12300_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-12300_CLASS_ID = -12300 FRAME_-12300_CENTER = -12 TKFRAME_-12300_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-12300_RELATIVE = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' TKFRAME_-12300_ANGLES = ( 22.90294292, -89.75183298, 179.73910809 ) TKFRAME_-12300_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-12300_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) Frames -------------------------------------------------------- The UVS has two detectors -- Solar Occultation Viewer and Telescope. The two sections below define two separate frames, one for each of the detectors. UVS Solar Occultation Viewer Reference Frame According to [8], the UVS Solar frame, LADEE_UVSSOL, is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight - +Y axis is nominally in the direction of the s/c +Z axis - +X completes the right handed frame. This diagram shows the UVS Solar frame: | 22.5 deg / |<--------->/ +Xuvs-s | ^ +Zuvs-s (boresight) <. | / '. / ..` `.. / ` ..`` | `.o .> +Ybuild ` // .' / ` |UVS`.' \ / ` .' \ #/ ` |.' \# +Yprop - - - - - - -o--------------> #\ . |`. /# \ . | `. / \ . LDEX| `. / . | `. . ``. | ..`` `> +Xbuild NMS``.|.`` | V +Xprop +Zprop and +Zbuild are out of the page. +Yuvs-s is out of the page. As seen on the diagram, nominally three rotations are needed to to align the PROP frame with the UVS Solar frame: first by +157.5 degrees about Z, then by +90 degrees about Y, then +90 degrees about Z: Mprop->uvs-s = [+90]z * [+90]y * [+157.5]z Vuvs-s = Mprop->uvs-s * Vprop According to Mark's e-mail citing the LADEE metrology report and the UVS alignment report, the quaternion (with the the scalar given as the last element) relating the LADEE prop frame and the UVS body frame is {-0.000265, -0.000897, 0.651057, 0.759028} and the measured boresight vector of the Solar Viewer in the UVS body frame is 0.228893304, 0.973213346, 0.021532259 By (a) converting the quaternion to the matrix rotating vectors from the PROP frame to the UVS body frame, (b) creating a rotation from the UVS body frame to the UVS Solar frame by forcing the UVS Solar frame +Z be along the boresight direction given above and the UVS Solar frame +Y be aligned as closely as possible with the UVS body frame +Z, (c) combining these two rotations, and (d) decomposing the resulting matrix into three rotation angles with the same sequence as the nominal rotations above, we get: Mprop->uvs-s = [+89.92268389]z * [+88.84044315]y * [+158.00931384]z Vuvs-s = Mprop->uvs-s * Vprop The UVS Solar frame was defined as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame using these angles in the FK with these keywords: TKFRAME_-12500_ANGLES = ( -158.00931384, -88.84044315, -89.92268389 ) TKFRAME_-12500_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) Per [10], the on-orbit calculated UVS Solar Viewer boresight direction in the LADEE prop frame is [-0.924923, 0.380150, -0.001902] By (a) creating a rotation from the LADEE prop frame to the UVS Solar frame by forcing the UVS Solar frame +Z be along the boresight direction given above and the UVS Solar frame +Y be aligned as closely as possible with the LADEE prop frame +Z and (b) decomposing the resulting matrix into three rotation angles with the same sequence as the nominal rotations above, we get: Mprop->uvs-s = [+90.00000000]z * [+90.10897663]y * [+157.65698540]z Vuvs-s = Mprop->uvs-s * Vprop The UVS Solar frame is defined below as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame using these angles. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_UVSSOL = -12500 FRAME_-12500_NAME = 'LADEE_UVSSOL' FRAME_-12500_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-12500_CLASS_ID = -12500 FRAME_-12500_CENTER = -12 TKFRAME_-12500_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-12500_RELATIVE = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' TKFRAME_-12500_ANGLES = ( -157.65698540, -90.10897663, -90.00000000 ) TKFRAME_-12500_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-12500_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext UVS Telescope Reference Frame According to [8], the UVS Telescope frame, LADEE_UVSTEL, is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight - +Y axis is nominally in the direction of the s/c +Z axis - +X completes the right handed frame. This diagram shows the UVS Telescope frame: 9.9 deg |<----->/ ^ +Zuvs-t (boresight) | / | +Xuvs-t <.. | / .``.. ` ..`` | ``o. .> +Ybuild ` / / .' / ` |UVS`.' \ / ` .' \ #/ ` |.' \# +Yprop - - - - - - -o--------------> #\ . |`. /# \ . | `. / \ . LDEX| `. / . | `. . ``. | ..`` `> +Xbuild NMS``.|.`` | V +Xprop +Zprop and +Zbuild are out of the page. +Yuvs-t is out of the page. As seen on the diagram, nominally three rotations are needed to to align the PROP frame with the UVS Telescope frame: first by +170.1 degrees about Z, then by +90 degrees about Y, then +90 degrees about Z: Mprop->uvs-t = [+90]z * [+90]y * [+170.1]z Vuvs-t = Mprop->uvs-t * Vprop According to Mark's e-mail citing the LADEE metrology report and the UVS alignment report, the quaternion (with the the scalar given as the last element) relating the LADEE prop frame and the UVS body frame is {-0.000265, -0.000897, 0.651057, 0.759028} and the measured boresight vector of the UVS Telescope in the UVS body frame is 0.020317835, 0.99977952, -0.00530061 By (a) converting the quaternion to the matrix rotating vectors from the PROP frame to the UVS body frame, (b) creating a rotation from the UVS body frame to the UVS Telescope frame by forcing the UVS Telescope frame +Z be along the boresight direction given above and the UVS Telescope frame +Y be aligned as closely as possible with the UVS body frame +Z, (c) combining these two rotations, and (d) decomposing the resulting matrix into three rotation angles with the same sequence as the nominal rotations above, we get: Mprop->uvs-t = [+89.93993360]z * [+90.39247231]y * [+170.07816048]z Vuvs-t = Mprop->uvs-t * Vprop The UVS Telescope frame is defined below as a fixed offset frame relative to the PROP frame. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_UVSTEL = -12400 FRAME_-12400_NAME = 'LADEE_UVSTEL' FRAME_-12400_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-12400_CLASS_ID = -12400 FRAME_-12400_CENTER = -12 TKFRAME_-12400_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-12400_RELATIVE = 'LADEE_SC_PROP' TKFRAME_-12400_ANGLES = ( -170.07816048, -90.39247231, -89.93993360 ) TKFRAME_-12400_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-12400_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic frame (SSE) --------------------------------------- Definition: ----------- The Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic frame is defined as follows (from [3]): - X-Y plane is defined by the Earth Mean Ecliptic plane of date: the +Z axis, primary vector, is the normal vector to this plane, always pointing toward the North side of the invariant plane; - +X axis is the component of the Moon-Sun vector that is orthogonal to the +Z axis; - +Y axis completes the right-handed system; - the origin of this frame is the Moon's center of mass. All the vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used. Required Data: -------------- This frame is defined as a two-vector frame using two different types of specifications for the primary and secondary vectors. The primary vector is defined as a constant vector in the ECLIPDATE frame and therefore, no additional data is required to compute this vector. The secondary vector is defined as an 'observer-target position' vector, therefore, the ephemeris data required to compute the Moon-Sun vector in J2000 frame have to be loaded prior to using this frame. Remarks: -------- SPICE imposes a constraint in the definition of dynamic frames: When the definition of a parameterized dynamic frame F1 refers to a second frame F2 the referenced frame F2 may be dynamic, but F2 must not make reference to any dynamic frame. For further information on this topic, please refer to [1]. Therefore, no other dynamic frame should make reference to this frame. Since the secondary vector of this frame is defined as an 'observer-target position' vector, the usage of different planetary ephemerides conduces to different implementations of this frame, but only when these data lead to different projections of the Moon-Sun vector on the Earth Ecliptic plane of date. \begindata FRAME_LADEE_SSE = -12605 FRAME_-12605_NAME = 'LADEE_SSE' FRAME_-12605_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-12605_CLASS_ID = -12605 FRAME_-12605_CENTER = 301 FRAME_-12605_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-12605_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-12605_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-12605_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-12605_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-12605_PRI_FRAME = 'ECLIPDATE' FRAME_-12605_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-12605_PRI_VECTOR = ( 0, 0, 1 ) FRAME_-12605_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-12605_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-12605_SEC_OBSERVER = 'MOON' FRAME_-12605_SEC_TARGET = 'SUN' FRAME_-12605_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' \begintext Earth Mean Ecliptic and Equinox of Date frame (ECLIPDATE) --------------------------------------------------------- Definition: ----------- The Earth Mean Ecliptic and Equinox of Date frame is defined as follows: - +Z axis is aligned with the north-pointing vector normal to the mean orbital plane of the Earth; - +X axis points along the ``mean equinox'', which is defined as the intersection of the Earth's mean orbital plane with the Earth's mean equatorial plane. It is aligned with the cross product of the north-pointing vectors normal to the Earth's mean equator and mean orbit plane of date; - +Y axis is the cross product of the Z and X axes and completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of this frame is the Earth's center of mass. The mathematical model used to obtain the orientation of the Earth's mean equator and equinox of date frame is the 1976 IAU precession model, built into SPICE. The mathematical model used to obtain the mean orbital plane of the Earth is the 1980 IAU obliquity model, also built into SPICE. The base frame for the 1976 IAU precession model is J2000. Required Data: -------------- The usage of this frame does not require additional data since both the precession and the obliquity models used to define this frame are already built into SPICE. Remarks: -------- None. \begindata FRAME_ECLIPDATE = 12600 FRAME_12600_NAME = 'ECLIPDATE' FRAME_12600_CLASS = 5 FRAME_12600_CLASS_ID = 12600 FRAME_12600_CENTER = 399 FRAME_12600_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_12600_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_12600_FAMILY = 'MEAN_ECLIPTIC_AND_EQUINOX_OF_DATE FRAME_12600_PREC_MODEL = 'EARTH_IAU_1976' FRAME_12600_OBLIQ_MODEL = 'EARTH_IAU_1980' FRAME_12600_ROTATION_STATE = 'ROTATING' \begintext \begintext LADEE NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions -------------------------------------------------------- This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the LADEE mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls. This table summarizes the LADEE name-ID mappings: LADEE -12 LADEE_SC_BUS -12100 LADEE_LDEX -12200 LADEE_NMS -12300 LADEE_NMS_CLOSED -12310 LADEE_NMS_OPEN -12320 LADEE_UVSTEL -12400 LADEE_UVSSOL -12500 The keywords below defined the name-ID mappings. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_SC_BUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12100 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_LDEX' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12200 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_NMS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12300 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_NMS_CLOSED' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12310 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_NMS_OPEN' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12320 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_UVSTEL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12400 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_UVSSOL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12500 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'ECLIPDATE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12600 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'LADEE_SSE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -12605 ) \begintext End of FK file.