LADEE Meta-Kernels ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0; September 24, 2014 General Information About SPICE Frames Kernels ============================================== In the SPICE system, meta-kernel files (a.k.a ``furnsh'' files) provide lists of kernels for loading into a SPICE-based application via the high level SPICE data loader routine FURNSH. Using meta-kernels makes it easy to load with one call a comprehensive SPICE data collection for a given period. The SPICE system toolkit for a number of languages and computer platforms can be obtained from the NAIF web site ( Refer to the ``kernel.req'' document provided with the toolkit to get more information about definition and usage of the meta-kernels within the SPICE system. LADEE Meta-kernels Contained in This Archive ============================================ The names of the meta-kernels provided in this directory follow this pattern: where ``VV'' is the file version. Multiple versions of a meta-kernel may exist if new kernels were added to the archive in a later release and the meta-kernel had to be updated to incorporate them. The reasons for adding new kernels include (but are not limited to) adding new kinds of kernels, adding new versions of existing kernels containing more complete or more accurate data, and adding new versions of existing kernels superseding the existing kernels that had errors. If more than one meta-kernel file is present, then the file with the latest version number supersedes all earlier versions. Although the meta-kernels were created such that on a UNIX workstation they can be loaded into a SPICE-based application directly from the meta-kernel directory of the archive -- because the PATH_VALUES keyword is set to '..' and '/' is used as the path delimiter -- it is recommended that users make local copies of these files and update the PATH_VALUES keyword in each of them to point to the actual location of the archive's 'kernels' directory on their system. Additional changes including replacing '/' and '\' in all path specifications and converting UNIX line terminators to terminators native to the user's system may be required to use these meta-kernels on non-UNIX workstation. Contact Information =================== Regarding LADEE project specific information provided in this archive and for general information about SPICE system: Boris Semenov (818)-354-8136 address: Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 301-121 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena CA 91109 USA