KPL/FK Juno Frames Kernel =============================================================================== This frame kernel contains the complete set of frame definitions for the Juno (JUNO) spacecraft, its structures and science instruments. This frame kernel also contains name - to - NAIF ID mappings for JUNO science instruments and s/c structures (see the last section of the file.) Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 -- February 3, 2009 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Initial Release: bare-bones version with just two frames needed to access JUNO nominal attitude CK file. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136, Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICE routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name; ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name -- IDL cspice_furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) -- MATLAB This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. JUNO Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following JUNO frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== ===================== ============ ======= Spacecraft frame: ----------------- JUNO_SPACECRAFT varies CK -61000 JUNO_SPIN_AXIS rel. to J2000 CK -61900 Science Instrument frames: -------------------------- TBD Antenna frames: --------------- TBD Solar Array frames: ------------------- TBD JUNO Frames Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows JUNO frames hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | <--pck |<--ck | | | | | | <--pck V | | V "IAU_JUPITER" V | "IAU_EARTH" JUPITER BFR(1) "JUNO_SPIN_AXIS"(2) | EARTH BFR(1) -------------- ------------------- | ------------ | | |<--ck |<--ck | | V V "JUNO_SPACECRAFT" ----------------- (1) BFR stands for body-fixed rotating frame (2) JUNO_SPIN_AXIS is a special frame used in the nominal orientation CK files. In these files the JUNO_SPACECRAFT orientation is not stored relative to J2000. Instead it is "decomposed" into two orientations: the nominal spin axis orientation captured in the segments providing the orientation of the JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame relative to the J2000 frame and the nominal rotation about the spin axis captured in the segments providing the orientation of the JUNO_SPACECRAFT frame relative to the JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame. Spacecraft Bus Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The spacecraft frame is defined by the s/c design as follows [from TBD]: - Z axis is TBD - Y axis is TBD - X axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is centered on the launch vehicle separation plane. These diagrams illustrates the s/c frame: TBD Since the S/C bus attitude is provided by a C kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_JUNO_SPACECRAFT = -61000 FRAME_-61000_NAME = 'JUNO_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-61000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-61000_CLASS_ID = -61000 FRAME_-61000_CENTER = -61 CK_-61000_SCLK = -61 CK_-61000_SPK = -61 \begintext Spin Axis Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame is a special frame used in the nominal orientation CK files. In these files the JUNO_SPACECRAFT frame orientation is not stored relative to the J2000 frame. Instead it is "decomposed" into two orientations: the nominal spin axis orientation captured in the segments providing the orientation of the JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame relative to the J2000 frame and the nominal rotation about the spin axis captured in the segments providing the orientation of the JUNO_SPACECRAFT frame relative to the JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame. The JUNO_SPIN_AXIS frame is defined a a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_JUNO_SPIN_AXIS = -61900 FRAME_-61900_NAME = 'JUNO_SPIN_AXIS' FRAME_-61900_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-61900_CLASS_ID = -61900 FRAME_-61900_CENTER = -61 CK_-61900_SCLK = -61 CK_-61900_SPK = -61 \begintext JUNO Science Instrument Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TBD JUNO Antenna Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TBD JUNO Solar Array Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TBD Juno NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions ======================================================================== This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the JUNO mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID codes in the high level SPICE routine calls. Spacecraft: ----------- JUNO -61 JUNO -61 JUNO_SPACECRAFT -61000 JUNO_SPACECRAFT_BUS -61000 JUNO_SC_BUS -61000 Science Instruments: -------------------- TBD Antennas: --------- TBD Solar Arrays: ------------- TBD The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUNO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -61 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUNO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -61 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUNO_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -61000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUNO_SPACECRAFT_BUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -61000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUNO_SC_BUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -61000 ) \begintext