Meta-kernel for JUICE CReMA 3.0

   This meta-kernel lists the JUICE SPICE kernels providing information
   for the Baseline launch (141a). The main updates are:

     - Baseline for industrial contract
     - Ganymede prograde orbit

   The scenario is based on the following OEM file provided by Mission


Usage of the Meta-kernel

   This metakernel is only for project analysis at this stage.

   Note that a default Attitude profile has been implemented for the whole
   mission by the following C-Kernels:


   Please note that the order in which the previous kernels is loaded is
   important. The *_default_* kernel implements the default attitude
   during the main phases of the mission (interplanetary transfer,
   Jupiter Tour and Ganymede Phase) this kernel needs to be loaded first
   and is followed by *_comms_* which provides a baseline of the
   communications attitude (required to perform an 8 hours daily pass with
   Malargue). If desired this kernel can be removed to omit this attitude.

   In order to generate this attitude, we consider JUICE to be visible
   from MALARGUE when JUICE has elevation above 10 degrees in the MALARGUE
   topocentric reference frame MALARGUE_TOPO.

   Next a CK implementing the Conjunction phases is set with a default
   conjunction orientation. Finally the *_flybys_* kernel is loaded which
   includes the default S/C orientation for the planetary swing-bys and
   moon fly-bys.

   In addition a default Solar Arrays orientation is implemented as
   follows: by default the Solar Arrays are in the power optimized direction
   except during pushbrooms around flybys CA when the solar panel in the S/C
   XY (panel surface normal aligned with +Z, wich is SADM=0).

   Reading the comments of the binary C-Kernels is very helpful to
   understand the implemented attitude. You can use the following NAIF
   command line utility to extract that information from the kernels:

      > commnt -r juice_sc_*.bc

   The kernels listed below can be obtained from the ESA SPICE Service
   Web server:

Implementation Notes

   IMPORTANT: this trajectory is designed using the latest Jupiter Moons
   ephemeris data as provided by the IMCCE - so called IMCCE L2 model

   It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and
   modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual
   location of the JUICE SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their
   system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators
   to the format native to the user's system may also be required if
   this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation.

   DISCLAIMER: Please note that the current kernels are pre-operational and
   they are subject to change.


   This file was created on July 25, 2022 by Alfredo Escalante ESAC/ESA.


     PATH_VALUES       = ( '../..'  )

     PATH_SYMBOLS      = ( 'KERNELS' )

     KERNELS_TO_LOAD   = (











SPICE Kernel Dataset Version

   The SPICE Kernel Dataset version of the kernels present in this
   meta-kernel is provided by the following keyword (please note that
   this might not be the last version of the SPICE Kernel Dataset):


      SKD_VERSION = 'v320_20220725_001'


Contact Information

   If you have any questions regarding this file contact the
   ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC:

           Alfredo Escalante Lopez
           (+34) 91-8131-429

End of MK file.