Meta-kernel for CReMA Issue 3 Revision 0 SOC Studies - v2.0.0 2018-10-10_001

   This meta-kernel lists the JUICE SPICE kernels providing information
   for the full mission based on the following mission scenario:


Usage of the Meta-kernel

   This metakernel is only for project analysis at this stage.

   Note that a default Attitude profile has been implemented for the whole
   mission by the following C-Kernels:


   Please note that the order in which the previous kernels is loaded is
   important. The *_default_* kernel implements the default attitude
   during the main phases of the mission (interplanetary transfer,
   Jupiter Tour and Ganymede Phase) this kernel  needs to be loaded first
   and is followed by *_comms_* which provides a baseline of the
   communications attitude (required to perform an 8 hours daily pass with
   Malargue). If desired this kernel can be removed to omit this attitude.
   Next a CK implementing the Conjunction phases is set with a default
   conjunction orientatin. Finally the *_flybys_* kernel is loaded which
   includes the default s/c orientation for the planetary swing-bys and
   moon flybys.

   Reading the comments of the binary C-Kernels is very helpful to
   understand the implemented attitude. You can use the following NAIF
   command line utility to extract that information from the kernels:

      > commnt -r juice_sc_*.bc

   The kernels listed below can be obtained from the ESAC FTP server:

Implementation Notes

   IMPORTANT: this trajectory is designed using the latest Jupiter Moons 
   ephemeris data as provided by the IMCCE - so called IMCCE L2 model

   It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and
   modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual
   location of the JUICE SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their
   system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators
   to the format native to the user's system may also be required if
   this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation.

   DISCLAIMER: Pleae note that the current kernels are pre-operational and 
   they are subject to change.


   This file was created on October 16, 2018 by Marc Costa Sitja ESAC/ESA.


     PATH_VALUES       = ( '../..'  )

     PATH_SYMBOLS      = ( 'KERNELS' )

     KERNELS_TO_LOAD   = (








End of MK file.