KPL/FK JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) Frames Kernel ============================================================================== This frame kernel contains complete set of frame definitions for the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft, its structures and science instruments. This frame kernel also contains name - to - NAIF ID mappings for JUICE science instruments and s/c structures (see the last section of the file.) Version and Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6 -- October 16, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Added JUICE_IO_PLASMA_TORUS ID. Modified center of JUICE_SPACECRAFT in order to be able to use the JUICE SC DSK. Version 1.5 -- October 10, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Corrected JUICE_MGA frame and IDs. Version 1.4 -- November 6, 2017 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated PEP NIM IDs. Version 1.3 -- October 23, 2017 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Added PEP JEI references. Version 1.2 -- February 13, 2017 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Added diagram for the PEP Nadir Unit frames definition. Added PEP NIM Thermal and Neutral/ion references, corrected PEP JNA reference frame. Added JUICE__RAM frames references. The full list of PEP IDs is now included in the PEP IK (from version 05) and only a reference is provided in this FK. This has been done in order to avoid overloading of this FK. Version 1.1 -- November 30, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Corrected SWI frame definitions and added Channel 1 and Channel 2 definitions. Added references [14], [15], [16], [17] and [18]. Version 1.0 -- November 3, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated JUICE PEP frames and NAIF IDs and JUICE SWI sensor field- of-view definitions. Added Star Trackers, Monitoring Cameras, NavCams and Medium and Low Gain Antenna frames and corresponding NAIF IDs. Corrected minor typos and text layout. Updated JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO and JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO definitions. Added references [14], [15], [16], [17] and [18]. Version 0.9 -- August 15, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Updated JUICE Mission frames with frames from frames kernel. Added JUICE_SA+Y and JUICE_SA-Y name/ID mappings. Minor edits to comments and frame descriptions to correct typos and missing information. Version 0.8 -- July 19, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated JUICE Mission frames with frames from frames kernel and missing instrument frames. Corrected deployment angle of the MAG Boom in stowed configuration Angle of +Zmagb w.r.t +Xsc changed from 45 to 51 degrees as indicated by Ignacio Torralba (ESTEC/ESA). Added JUICE_RIME_BASE instrument ID and updated the JUICE_RIME instrument ID. Corrected typo in RPWI Frame Tree and in MAJIS frame definition. Version 0.7 -- June 22, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Corrected definition of JUICE_PEP_* frames. Version 0.6 -- June 10, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Corrected definition of JUICE_RIME_BASE frame. Corrected comments on the JUICE spacecraft NAME/ID mapping section. Version 0.5 -- June 04, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated all NAIF ID codes from -907* to -28* since the JUICE spacecraft NAIF ID has been updated from -907 to -28. Version 0.4 -- May 11, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Corrected Name/ID code mappings for J-MAG. Updated MAG_BOOM-H and MAG_BOOM frame descriptions. Corrected typos in text. Corrected JUICE_HGA frame definition. Added JUICE_IO_NPO to the list of frames. Added J-MAG sensor's frames diagram. Version 0.3 -- April 25, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Preliminary Version. Updated to include frames for RIME, J-MAG, PEP and RPWI. Version 0.2 -- March 06, 2016 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Preliminary Version. Updated to include frames for GALA, JANUS, MAJIS SWI and UVS. Version 0.1 -- January 19, 2016 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Preliminary Version. Updated to use Cosmographia based on initial release for SOLab. Version 0.0 -- November 23, 2015 -- Jorge Diaz del Rio, ODC Space Initial Release: very preliminary draft for its use in WGC. Version 0.0-draft -- March 15, 2012 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Draft release for use in SOLab. References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'', NAIF 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF 4. ``JUICE - Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer. Experiment Interface Document part A,'' JUI-EST-SYS-EID-001, Issue 2.5, 18/06/2015 5. ``JUICE - Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer. Exploring the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants. Definition Study report,'' ESA/SRE(2014)1, September 2014 (JUICE Red book v1.0) 6. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer SWI - Submillimetre Wave Instrument. Experiment Interface Document EID-B,'' JUI-MPS-SWI-EID-001 Issue 4.3, 17 July 2015 7. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer MAJIS - Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUI-IAS-MAJ-EID-001 Issue 1.2, 30 January 2014 8. ``JANUS - Camera for the ESA JUICE mission Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUI-JAC-JAN-EID-B-001, Issue 0.7, 10 November 2015 9. ``Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) - Experiment Interface Document Part B,'' JUI-UTR-RIM-EID-001, Issue 5.2, 1 December 2014 10. ``JUICE - JUpiter ICy moons Explorer J-MAG (Magnetometer) Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUICE-ICL-MAG-EID-B, Issue 2.4, 7 April 2016 11. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer RPWI (Radio & Plasma Waves Investigation) Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUICE-IRF-RPWI-EID-003, Issue 2.1, 16 June 2013 12. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer PEP (Particle Environment Package) Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUI-UBE-PEP-EID-001, Issue 2.1, 3 May 2013 13. JUICE Spacecraft Structures SPK and comments, latest version. 14. ``AOCS Analyses Report'', JUI-ADST-SYS-RP-000130, Issue 1, Airbus Defense and Space, 4 December 2015 15. ``JUICE Spacecraft Design Report'', JUI-ADST-SYS-DD-000122, Issue 1, Airbus Defense and Space, 4 December 2015 16. ``JUICE - JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer PEP (Particle Environment Package) Experiment Interface Document - Part B,'' JUI-UBE-PEP-EID-001, Issue 4.3, 29 April 2016 17. ``PEP sensor fields of view obstructions by s/c elements'', JUI-ADST-SYS-TN-000159, Issue 1, Airbus Defence and Space SAS, 27 May 2016 18. ``JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Main Assembly'', JUI-SEN-MGA-OF-0002, Revision 1, SENER, 25 January 2016 19. ``PEP Sensors Field of View'', JUI-IRF-PEP-DD-0XX, Issue 0, Revision 2, Gabriella Stenberg Wieser, 8th February 2017. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Implementation Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The routine that loads a kernel into the pool is shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor JUICE Mission NAIF ID Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the JUICE spacecraft, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing these definitions are located in the section "JUICE Mission NAIF ID Codes -- Definition Section" at the end of this file): JUICE Spacecraft and Spacecraft Structures names/IDs: JUICE -28 (synonym: JUPITER ICY MOONS EXPLORER) JUICE_SPACECRAFT -28000 (synonym: JUICE_SC) JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO -28010 JUICE_SA+Y -28011 JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO -28012 JUICE_SA-Y -28013 JUICE_HGA -28020 JUICE_HGA_X -28021 JUICE_HGA_KA -28022 JUICE_MAG_BOOM -28031 JUICE_MGA -28044 JUICE_LGA+X -28045 JUICE_LGA-X -28046 JUICE_NAVCAM-1 -28051 JUICE_NAVCAM-2 -28052 JUICE_STR-OH1 -28061 JUICE_STR-OH2 -28062 JUICE_STR-OH3 -28063 JUICE_RADEM JUICE_RADEM_PT JUICE_RADEM_ES JUICE_JMC-1 -28081 JUICE_JMC-1 -28082 JUICE_JMU-1 -28083 JUICE_JMU-2 -28084 Natural Bodies and Models names/IDS: JUICE_IO_PLASMA_TORUS -28968 GALA names/IDs: JUICE_GALA -28100 JUICE_GALA_LHM -28110 JUICE_GALA_RXT -28120 JANUS names/IDs: JUICE_JANUS -28200 J-MAG names/IDs: JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS -28300 JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS -28310 JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA -28320 JUICE_JMAG_JACS-X -28330 JUICE_JMAG_JACS-Y -28331 MAJIS names/IDs: JUICE_MAJIS -28400 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR -28410 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B2 -28412 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B4 -28414 JUICE_MAJIS_IR -28420 JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B2 -28422 JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B4 -28424 PEP names/IDs: JUICE_PEP_JDC -28510 JUICE_PEP_JNA -28520 JUICE_PEP_NIM -28530 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION -28531 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S0 -28532 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S1 -28533 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S2 -28534 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S3 -28535 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S4 -28536 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S5 -28537 JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-1 -28538 JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-2 -28539 JUICE_PEP_JEI -28540 JUICE_PEP_JOEE -28550 JUICE_PEP_JENI -28560 JUICE_PEP_JDC_PIXEL_NNN -28510NN* JUICE_PEP_JNA_SECTOR_NN -2852NN** JUICE_PEP_JEI_NN_M -28520NN*** * There are NNN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JDC_PIXEL elements. NNN is the pixel number and ranges from 000 to 191. ** There are NN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JNI_SENSOR elements. NN is the sector number and ranges from 00 to 11. *** For each M (L, M and H) there are NN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JEI elements. NN is the azimuthal sector number and ranges from 00 to 15. RIME names/IDs: JUICE_RIME_BASE -28600 JUICE_RIME -28601 RPWI names/IDs: JUICE_RPWI_LPB1 -28701 JUICE_RPWI_LP1 -28705 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2 -28711 JUICE_RPWI_LP2 -28715 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 -28721 JUICE_RPWI_LP3 -28725 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 -28731 JUICE_RPWI_LP4 -28735 JUICE_RPWI_RWI -28740 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EX -28741 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EY -28742 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EZ -28743 JUICE_RPWI_SCM -28750 SWI names/IDs: JUICE_SWI_FULL -28800 JUICE_SWI_CH1 -28810 JUICE_SWI_CH2 -28820 UVS names/IDs: JUICE_UVS -28850 JUICE_UVS_AP -28851 JUICE_UVS_AP_NARROW -28852 JUICE_UVS_AP_WIDE -28853 JUICE_UVS_HP -28860 JUICE_UVS_SP -28870 JUICE Mission Frames ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following JUICE frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== ===================== ============ ========= Spacecraft frames: ----------------- JUICE_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -28000 JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28010 JUICE_SA+Y JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO CK -28011 JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28012 JUICE_SA-Y JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO CK -28013 JUICE_HGA JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28020 JUICE_HGA_X JUICE_HGA FIXED -28021 JUICE_HGA_KA JUICE_HGA FIXED -28022 JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28030 JUICE_MAG_BOOM JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H CK -28031 JUICE_MGA_APM JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28040 JUICE_MGA_AZ JUICE_MGA_APM CK -28041 JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO JUICE_MGA_AZ FIXED -28042 JUICE_MGA_EL JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO CK -28043 JUICE_MGA JUICE_MGA_EL FIXED -28044 JUICE_LGA+X JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28045 JUICE_LGA-X JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28046 JUICE_NAVCAM-1 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28051 JUICE_NAVCAM-2 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28051 JUICE_STR-OH1 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28061 JUICE_STR-OH2 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28062 JUICE_STR-OH3 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28063 JUICE_JMC-1 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28081 JUICE_JMC-2 JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28082 GALA frames: ------------ JUICE_GALA_BASE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28100 JUICE_GALA_LHM JUICE_GALA_BASE FIXED -28110 JUICE_GALA_RXT JUICE_GALA_BASE FIXED -28120 JANUS frames: ------------- JUICE_JANUS JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28200 J-MAG frames: ------------- JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS JUICE_MAG_BOOM FIXED -28300 JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS JUICE_MAG_BOOM FIXED -28310 JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA JUICE_MAG_BOOM FIXED -28320 MAJIS frames: ------------- JUICE_MAJIS_BASE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28400 JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN JUICE_MAJIS_BASE CK -28401 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN FIXED -28410 JUICE_MAJIS_IR JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN FIXED -28420 PEP frames: ------------ JUICE_PEP_NU JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28500 JUICE_PEP_JDC JUICE_PEP_NU FIXED -28510 JUICE_PEP_JNA JUICE_PEP_NU FIXED -28520 JUICE_PEP_NIM JUICE_PEP_NU FIXED -28530 JUICE_PEP_JEI JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28540 JUICE_PEP_JOEE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28550 JUICE_PEP_JENI JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28560 RIME frames: ------------ JUICE_RIME_BASE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28600 JUICE_RIME JUICE_RIME_BASE CK -28601 JUICE_RIME_NADC JUICE_RIME_BASE DYNAMIC -28610 JUICE_RIME_NADE JUICE_RIME_BASE DYNAMIC -28611 JUICE_RIME_NADG JUICE_RIME_BASE DYNAMIC -28612 JUICE_RIME_NADJ JUICE_RIME_BASE DYNAMIC -28613 RPWI frames: ------------ JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28700 JUICE_RPWI_LBP1 JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H CK -28701 JUICE_RPWI_LP1 JUICE_RPWI_LPB1 FIXED -28705 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28710 JUICE_RPWI_LBP2 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H CK -28711 JUICE_RPWI_LP2 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2 FIXED -28715 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28720 JUICE_RPWI_LBP3 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H CK -28721 JUICE_RPWI_LP3 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 FIXED -28725 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28730 JUICE_RPWI_LBP4 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H CK -28731 JUICE_RPWI_LP4 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 FIXED -28735 JUICE_RPWI_RWI JUICE_MAG_BOOM FIXED -28740 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EX JUICE_RPWI_RWI FIXED -28741 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EY JUICE_RPWI_RWI FIXED -28742 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EZ JUICE_RPWI_RWI FIXED -28743 JUICE_RPWI_SCM JUICE_MAG_BOOM FIXED -28750 SWI frames: ----------- JUICE_SWI_BASE JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28800 JUICE_SWI_SCANNER JUICE_SWI_BASE CK -28810 UVS frames: ----------- JUICE_UVS JUICE_SPACECRAFT FIXED -28850 JUICE_UVS_SP JUICE_UVS FIXED -28870 In addition, the following frames, in use by the JUICE mission, are defined in other kernels or `built into' the SPICE system: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ========================== ===================== ======== ========= JUICE mission science operations frames (1): -------------------------------------------- JUICE_EARTH_COMMS J2000 DYNAMIC -28900 JUICE_JUPITER_NOA J2000 DYNAMIC -28905 JUICE_CALLISTO_NOA J2000 DYNAMIC -28906 JUICE_EUROPA_NOA J2000 DYNAMIC -28907 JUICE_GANYMEDE_NOA J2000 DYNAMIC -28908 JUICE_JUPITER_NPO J2000 DYNAMIC -28910 JUICE_CALLISTO_NPO J2000 DYNAMIC -28911 JUICE_EUROPA_NPO J2000 DYNAMIC -28912 JUICE_GANYMEDE_NPO J2000 DYNAMIC -28913 JUICE_IO_NPO J2000 DYNAMIC -28914 JUICE_JUPITER_RAM J2000 DYNAMIC -28915 JUICE_CALLISTO_RAM J2000 DYNAMIC -28916 JUICE_EUROPA_RAM J2000 DYNAMIC -28917 JUICE_GANYMEDE_RAM J2000 DYNAMIC -28918 (1) These frames are defined in the frame kernel file "" In order to use them with this frames kernel, additional fixed-offset frames kernel(s) need to be loaded. See the section ``Using these frames'' in the "" comment area for further details (VV is the version number). JUICE mission specific science frames (2): ------------------------------------------ JUICE_JUPITER_IF_J2000 J2000 FIXED -28970 JUICE_JUPITER_MAG_S3RH1965 JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_1965 FIXED -28971 JUICE_JUPITER_MAG_S3RH2009 JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_2009 FIXED -28972 JUICE_JSEQ J2000 DYNAMIC -28973 JUICE_JUPITER_BSM J2000 DYNAMIC -28974 JUICE_JUPITER_SJC J2000 DYNAMIC -28975 JUICE_JSM J2000 DYNAMIC -28976 JUICE_JSW JUPITER_SUN_ORB FIXED -28977 JUICE_JSWM JUICE_JUPITER_BSM FIXED -28978 JUICE_CALLISTO_PHI_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC -28980 JUICE_EUROPA_PHI_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC -28981 JUICE_GANYMEDE_PHI_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC -28982 JUICE_HGRTN J2000 DYNAMIC -28990 JUICE_SUN_RTN J2000 DYNAMIC -28991 JUICE_JUPITER_DM J2000 DYNAMIC -28992 JUICE_JUPITER_RTP J2000 DYNAMIC -28993 Jupiter System generic frames (2): ---------------------------------- JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_1965 J2000 PCK -28999 JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_2009 J2000 PCK -28998 JUPITER_MAG_VIP4 IAU_JUPITER FIXED -28997 JUPITER_MEQUD J2000 DYNAMIC 500599000 JUPITER_SUN_EQU J2000 DYNAMIC 500599001 JUPITER_SUN_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC 500599002 JUPITER_CALLISTO_BCSF J2000 DYNAMIC 500599006 JUPITER_EUROPA_BCSF J2000 DYNAMIC 500599004 JUPITER_GANYMEDE_BCSF J2000 DYNAMIC 500599005 CALLISTO_JUPITER_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC 500504000 EUROPA_JUPITER_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC 500502000 GANYMEDE_JUPITER_ORB J2000 DYNAMIC 500503000 (2) These frames are defined in the frame kernel file "" (VV is the version number) SPICE 'Built-in' PCK frames in use by JUICE (3): ------------------------------------------------ IAU_CALLISTO J2000 PCK built-in IAU_EUROPA J2000 PCK built-in IAU_JUPITER J2000 PCK built-in IAU_GANYMEDE J2000 PCK built-in (3) Data for these frames is loaded using either the PCK file "pckVVVVV.tpc" or one of the mission specific PCK files "juice_jupVVV.tpc" (VVV is the version number) JUICE Frames Hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the JUICE frames hierarchy (except the science operations frames): "JUICE_HGRTN" ------------- ^ | dyn->| | "JUICE_JUPITER_DM" | ------------------ | ^ | | | dyn->| | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_BEQXS" | | --------------------- | | ^ | | "JUICE_JUPITER_MAGS_3RH2009" | | | ---------------------------- dyn->| | | ^ | | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_SJC" | | | fixed->| ------------------- | | | | ^ | | | "JUICE_JSW" | | | | | ----------- | dyn->| | | | "JUPITER_MAG_VIP4" ^ | | | | | ------------------ | | "JUICE_SUN_RTN" | | | | ^ fixed->| | --------------- | | | | | | | ^ | | | | fixed->| "IAU_EUROPA" "JUPITER_SUN_ORB" | | | | | | | ------------ ----------------- | dyn->| | | | | | ^ ^ | | | | | | "IAU_JUPITER" | "IAU_GANYMEDE" | "JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_2009" | | | | | ------------- | -------------- | ------------------------ | | | | | ^ | ^ | ^ | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_IF_J2000" | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | | pck->| | dyn->| | fixed->| | | | | | | | pck->| | |<-fixed | | | | | | |<-pck | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "J2000" Inertial | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<-pck | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pck->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "IAU_EARTH" | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "IAU_CALLISTO" | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_RTP" | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fixed->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_1965" | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JSM" | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_BSM" | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | fixed->| "JUPITER_MEQUD" | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JSWM" dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | ------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | | |<-fixed "JUPITER_SUN_EQU" | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------- | | | | | | | | | | V | | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_JUPITER_MAG_S3RH1965" dyn->| | | | | | | | | | ---------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | | "JUPITER_GANYMEDE_BCSF" | | | | | | | | | ----------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | | "JUPITER_EUROPA_BCSF" | | | | | | | | --------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | | "JUPITER_CALLISTO_BCSF" | | | | | | | ----------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | | "GANYMEDE_JUPITER_ORB" | | | | | | ---------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | | "EUROPA_JUPITER_ORB" | | | | | -------------------- | | | | | | | | | | dyn->| | | | | | | | | | v | | | | "CALLISTO_JUPITER_ORB" | | | | ---------------------- | | | | "JUICE_MGA" | | | | ----------- dyn->| | | | ^ | | | | | v | | | fixed->| "JUICE_CALLISTO_PHI_ORB" | | | | ------------------------ | | | "JUICE_MGA_EL" | | | -------------- dyn->| | | ^ | | | | v | | ck->| "JUICE_EUROPA_PHI_ORB" | | | ---------------------- | | "JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO" | | ------------------ dyn->| | ^ | | | v | fixed->| "JUICE_GANYMEDE_PHI_ORB" | | ---------------------- | "JUICE_MGA_AZ" | -------------- | ^ ck->| | "JUICE_SA-Y" | ck->| ------------ | | ^ | "JUICE_MGA_APM" | | -------------- |<-ck | ^ | | | "JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO" | "JUICE_HGA_KA" | ----------------- | -------------- | ^ | ^ | | | | | | "JUICE_SA+Y" | "JUICE_HGA_X" | | | ------------ | ------------- | | | ^ | ^ | | |<-fixed | | | fixed->| | | |<-ck | |<-fixed | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO" | | "JUICE_HGA" | | "JUICE_LGA+X" "JUICE_LGA-X" | ---------------- | +-------------+ | ------------- ------------- | ^ | ^ | ^ ^ | | | | fixed->| | | | |<-fixed | | | |<-fixed fixed->| | | | |<-fixed | | | | | | | | | "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" | | | v +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | . | | | | | fixed->| fixed->| | . fixed->| fixed->| | | fixed->| | | | . | | | | | v | | . v | | | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H" | | . "JUICE_NAVCAM-1" | | | "JUICE_STR-OH3" ------------------ | | . ---------------- | | | --------------- | | | . | | | |<-ck | | . v | | | | | . "JUICE_NAVCAM-2" | | v | | . ---------------- | | "JUICE_MAG_BOOM" | | . | | ---------------- | | . fixed->| | | | . | | | | . v | v | . "JUICE_STR-OH1" | "JUICE_JMC-1" | . --------------- | -------------- | . | | . fixed->| fixed->| . | v . v "JUICE_JMC-2" . "JUICE_STR-OH2" -------------- . --------------- . . v Individual instrument frame trees are provided in the corresponding sections of this file JUICE Spacecraft Bus Frame -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The spacecraft frame is defined by the s/c design as follows [4]: - +Z is perpendicular to the launch vehicle interface plane and points toward the payload side, through the spacecraft in the launch direction; - -X axis is perpendicular to the HGA mounting plane and points in the direction of the nominal HGA boresight; - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame. - the origin of this frame is the launch vehicle interface point, located at the separation plane between the spacecraft and the launch adapter, in the centre of the launch adapter. These diagrams illustrate the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame: +X s/c side (opposite to HGA side) view: ---------------------------------------- ^ .---------. | Nadir .---------. | | | | | | | Science Deck | | '----.----' .-------. '----.----' /----. .----'----. .---------._ | | _.---------. .----'----. .-----\ \ |_| |_| | \| |/ | |_| |_| / / | | | | |_/| ^ |\_| | | | | \ \----' '----.----' '---------' | |+Zsc '---------' '----.----' '-----/ .----'----. '---|---' .----'----. | | / | \ +Ysc | | | | '-o------> | | '---------' +Xsc '---------' (out of the page) -Y s/c side view: ----------------- ^ ~~ | || | Nadir direction || | oo | . .------||------. |`. | Science Deck | HGA | \ | || | | \| || | | | || | | | /||\ | | x \||/ | | | || | | | |'^ | | /| |'|+Zsc | | / | |'| | |.' | |'| | '------|'|-----' +Xsc /__oox----------> || +Ysc || (into de page) ~~ Since the s/c bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided by a C-kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_SPACECRAFT = -28000 FRAME_-28000_NAME = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-28000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28000_CLASS_ID = -28000 FRAME_-28000_CENTER = -28000 CK_-28000_SCLK = -28 CK_-28000_SPK = -28 \begintext JUICE Solar Array Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUICE solar arrays are articulated (having one degree of freedom), therefore the Solar Array frames, JUICE_SA+Y and JUICE_SA-Y, are defined as CK frames with their orientation given relative to JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO and JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO respectively. JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO and JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO are two ``fixed-offset'' frames, defined with respect to JUICE_SPACECRAFT, as follows: - +Y is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing; - +Z is aligned to the spacecraft bus +Z, pointing on the nominal direction of nadir; - +X completes the right-handed frame. - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. Both Solar Array frames (JUICE_SA+Y and JUICE_SA-Y) are defined as follows: - +Y is parallel to the longest side of the array, positively oriented from the yoke to the end of the wing; - +Z is normal to the solar array plane, the solar cells facing +Z; - +X completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the yoke geometric center. The axis of rotation is parallel to the Y axis of the spacecraft and the solar array frames. Please note that in all the diagrams of this file the Solar Arrays are rotated 90 degrees. This diagram illustrates the JUICE_SA+Y and JUICE_SA-Y frames: -X s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- \--------. ^ .--------/ / | | Nadir | \ \ | | | / / | +Zsa+y_zero ^.---------.^ +Zsa+y_zero | \ \-.------' || || '------.-/ /-"------. .-------------. || .---. || .-------------. .------"-\ \ | | +Ysa+y_zero |-||/ HGA \||,-| | | / / |=| <-------x| x |o-------> |=| \ \ | | |_/|\ /| \_| +Ysa-y_zero | / /-.------' '-------------' | '.___.' | '-------------' '------.-\ \-"------. '---------' .------"-/ / | / \ | \ \ | '---' | / / | ^ +Zsc Main Engine | \ \--------' | '--------/ | +Ysc | <--------x +Xsc is into the page +Xsc +Xsa+y_zero is into the page +Zsa-y_zero is out of the page These sets of keywords define solar array frames: \begindata FRAME_JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO = -28010 FRAME_-28010_NAME = 'JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO' FRAME_-28010_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28010_CLASS_ID = -28010 FRAME_-28010_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28010_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28010_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28010_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28010_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28010_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) FRAME_JUICE_SA+Y = -28011 FRAME_-28011_NAME = 'JUICE_SA+Y' FRAME_-28011_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28011_CLASS_ID = -28011 FRAME_-28011_CENTER = -28000 CK_-28011_SCLK = -28 CK_-28011_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO = -28012 FRAME_-28012_NAME = 'JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO' FRAME_-28012_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28012_CLASS_ID = -28012 FRAME_-28012_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28012_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28012_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28012_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28012_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -180.0 ) TKFRAME_-28012_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_SA-Y = -28013 FRAME_-28013_NAME = 'JUICE_SA-Y' FRAME_-28013_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28013_CLASS_ID = -28013 FRAME_-28013_CENTER = -28000 CK_-28013_SCLK = -28 CK_-28013_SPK = -28 \begintext JUICE High Gain Antenna Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUICE spacecraft has a 2.4m diameter High Gain Antenna in X- and Ka-bands for nominal operations, Science data download and Radio Science Experiments. It is used as a sunshield during the cruise phase when close to the Sun. The JUICE High Gain Antenna, HGA, is rigidly attached to the -X side of the spacecraft bus. Therefore, the JUICE High Antenna frame, JUICE_HGA, is defined as a fixed offset frame with its orientation given relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. The JUICE_HGA frame is defined as follows: - +Z axis is in the antenna boresight direction (nominally co-aligned to the spacecraft -X axis); - +Y axis is in the direction of the spacecraft +Y axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the HGA dish outer rim circle. X- and Ka-band antenna frames are defined such that their axes are nominally co-aligned with the axes of the JUICE_HGA frame and their origins are at the geometric centre of the HGA dish outer rim circle. These frames are introduced in order to include any possible misalignments between the X- and Ka-band pointing direction (maximum radiation power direction and gain). This diagram illustrates the JUICE High Gain Antenna frames: -Y s/c side view: ----------------- ^ ~~ | +Xhga_ka || | Nadir direction +Xhga_x || | +Xhga oo | ^ . .------||------. | |`. | Science Deck | | | \ | || | +Zhga_ka | | \| || | +Zhga_x | | | || | +Zhga |/| | /||\ | <-----------x | | \||/ | +Yhga | | || | +Yhga_x | | |'^ | +Yhga_ka | /| |'|+Zsc | | / | |'| | |.' | |'| | '------|'|-----' +Xsc /__oox----------> || +Ysc || (into de page) ~~ +Ysc is into the page +Yhga is into the page Nominally a single rotation of -90 degrees about the +Y axis is needed to co-align the spacecraft frame with the High Gain Antenna frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_HGA = -28020 FRAME_-28020_NAME = 'JUICE_HGA' FRAME_-28020_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28020_CLASS_ID = -28020 FRAME_-28020_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28020_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28020_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28020_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28020_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) TKFRAME_-28020_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_HGA_X = -28021 FRAME_-28021_NAME = 'JUICE_HGA_X' FRAME_-28021_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28021_CLASS_ID = -28021 FRAME_-28021_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28021_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_HGA' TKFRAME_-28021_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28021_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28021_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28021_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_HGA_KA = -28022 FRAME_-28022_NAME = 'JUICE_HGA_KA' FRAME_-28022_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28022_CLASS_ID = -28022 FRAME_-28022_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28022_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_HGA' TKFRAME_-28022_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28022_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28022_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28022_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) \begintext JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Medium Gain Antenna (MGA) provides communication during cruise when the HGA is used as sunshield. At Jupiter, the MGA support the Radio Science Experiment (RSE) in parallel to observation by other instruments (in nadir pointing). It also supports emergency up- and downlink in safe mode. To provide a maximum coverage, the MGA is mounted on a steerable boom with two pointing mechanisms. The MGA Main Assembly (MGAMA) is accommodated at the -X/-Y/+Z corner of the spacecraft. Its Antenna Pointing Mechanism (APM) with two degrees of freedom provides a full spherical articulation range. To incorporate rotations in the antenna pointing mechanisms gimbals with respect to the medium gain antenna the MGA frame chain includes the following frames: JUICE_MGA_APM, JUICE_MGA_AZ, JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO, JUICE_MGA_EL and JUICE_MGA. The Medium Gain Antenna Poining Mechanishms frame -- JUICE_MGA_APM -- is defined as a fixed-offset frame with respect to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [18]): - +Z is parallel to the JUICE s/c +Z axis; - +X is anti-parallel to the JUICE s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the APM yoke geometric center. The JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Azimuth frame -- JUICE_MGA_AZ -- is a CK frame based on the JUICE_MGA_APM frame and is rotated an Azmiuth Angle about the JUICE_MGA_APM +Z axis, it is defined as follows: - +Y axis is rotated an Azimuth Angle from the JUICE_MGA_APM frame +Y axis around the JUICE_MGA_APM frame +Z axis; - +Z axis is parallel to the JUICE_MGA_APM frame +Z axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the APM yoke geometric center. The JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Elevation Zero frame -- JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO -- is defined as a fixed-offset frame fixed-offset frame with respect to the JUICE_MGA_AZ frame as follows: - +Z axis is anti-parallel to the JUICE_MGA_AZ frame +Z axis; - +X axis is anti-parallel to the JUICE_MGA_AZ frame +X axis; - +Y completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the APM yoke geometric center. The JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Elevation frame -- JUICE_MGA_EL -- is a CK frame based on the JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO frame and is rotated an Elevation Angle about the JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO +Y axis, it is defined as follows: - +X axis is rotated an Elevation Angle from the JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO frame +X axis around the JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO frame +Yaxis; - +Y axis is parallel to the JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO frame +Y axis; - +Z completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the APM yoke geometric center. The JUICE Medium Gain Antenna -- JUICE_MGA -- frame is defined a fixed offset frame relative to the JUICE_MGA_EL as follows: - +Y axis points from the gimbal toward the antenna dish symmetry axis; - +Z axis is in the antenna boresight direction; - +X axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the MGA dish outer rim circle. The MGA stowed position is at Azimuth = -180 deg and Elevation = 180 deg. After release, it is driven to a nominal position of Azimuth = 0 deg and Elevation = 0 deg. The rotations of the Azimuth and Elevation angles are stored in separated segments in CK files. These diagrams illustrate the JUICE Medium Gain Antenna Frames: -X s/c side (HGA, MGA side) view (MGA in stowed position): ---------------------------------------------------------- +Zmga_apm \--------. ^ ^ .--------/ / | Nadir | | | \ \ | | | | / / | .--------|. | \ \-.------' MGA (o)======o------> +Ymga_apm '------.-/ /-"------. .-------------. | .---. || .-------------. .------"-\ \ | | |-.|/ HGA \||,-| | | / / |=| o| x |o-------> |=| \ \ | | |_/|\ /| \_| | | / /-.------' '-------------' | '.___.' | '-------------' '------.-\ \-"------. '---------' .------"-/ / | / \ | \ \ | '---' | / / | ^ +Zsc Main Engine | \ \--------' | '--------/ | +Ysc | <--------x +Xsc is into the page +Xsc +Ymga is out of the page +Z s/c side view (MGA): ----------------------- +Xmga_apm +Ymga_az ^ ^ | \ | MGA -)\ | +Xmga_az \ | .> - Azimuth / \ | ___ . '___ HGA Angle | \| . ' / \ +Ymga_apm <----------o'_`._____.'__. \ / +Zmga_az, | / \ +Zmga_apm | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array | | | +Y Solar Array / \ | | | \ / .______|______. / \ | \ V +Xsc +Zsc, +Zmga_az and +Zmga_apm are out of the page +Y MGA Azimuth frame side view: ------------------------------- +Zmga_az, +Zmga_apm +Xmga_el, +Zmga ^ ^ | / Elevation |_ / angle . '| '/ +Xmga < . / | / ' . | / | ' . |/ +Xmga_el_zero <------------x------------> +Xmga_az +Ymga_az,| ' . +Ymga_el,| ' . +Ymga_el_zero,| '> +Zmga_el -Ymga | | | | v +Zmga_el_zero +Ymga_az, +Ymga_el and +Ymga_el_zero are into the page. +Ymga is out of the page -X s/c side (HGA, MGA side) view (MGA in nominal position): ---------------------------------------------------------- \--------. ^ .--------/ / | Nadir | | \ \ | | | / / | .---------. +Zmga +Ymga \ \-.------' | o======(o---------> '------.-/ /-"------. .-------------. | .---. || .-- | ---------. .------"-\ \ | | |-.|/ HGA \||,-| | | | / / |=| o| x |o | |=| \ \ | | |_/|\ /| \_| v | | / /-.------' '-------------' | '.___.' | '- +Xmga ------' '------.-\ \-"------. '---------' .------"-/ / | / \ | \ \ | '---' | / / | ^ +Zsc Main Engine | \ \--------' | '--------/ | +Ysc | <--------x +Xsc is into the page +Xsc +Zmga is out of the page Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_MGA_APM = -28040 FRAME_-28040_NAME = 'JUICE_MGA_APM' FRAME_-28040_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28040_CLASS_ID = -28040 FRAME_-28040_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28040_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28040_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28040_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28040_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28040_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 180.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_MGA_AZ = -28041 FRAME_-28041_NAME = 'JUICE_MGA_AZ' FRAME_-28041_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28041_CLASS_ID = -28041 FRAME_-28041_CENTER = -28 CK_-28021_SCLK = -28 CK_-28021_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO = -28042 FRAME_-28042_NAME = 'JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO' FRAME_-28042_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28042_CLASS_ID = -28042 FRAME_-28042_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28042_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MGA_AZ' TKFRAME_-28042_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28042_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28042_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-28042_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 180.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_MGA_EL = -28043 FRAME_-28043_NAME = 'JUICE_MGA_EL' FRAME_-28043_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28043_CLASS_ID = -28043 FRAME_-28043_CENTER = -28 CK_-28023_SCLK = -28 CK_-28023_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_MGA = -28044 FRAME_-28044_NAME = 'JUICE_MGA' FRAME_-28044_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28044_CLASS_ID = -28044 FRAME_-28044_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28044_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MGA_EL' TKFRAME_-28044_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28044_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28044_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-28044_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) \begintext JUICE Low Gain Antenna Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The low gain antenna is an essential component of the spacecraft in an emergency case. The three main phases from the communication perspective are the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), the commissioning and cruise phase, and the operational phase at Jupiter. During and after separation, full antenna coverage is necessary before a stable attitude is achieved, requiring two antennas with spherical coverage. In case of spacecraft survival mode, the LGAs provide the communication capability for recovery by ground operation. The optimum location of the LGAs providing maximum coverage is found on –X and +X side of the s/c, thus looking into HGA direction, respectively into the opposite direction of the HGA. The LGA installed in the +X panel of the JUICE Spacecraft frame -- JUICE_LGA+X -- is a ``fixed-offset'', defined with respect to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [15]): - +Z axis is in the antenna boresight direction (nominally co-aligned to the spacecraft +X axis); - +Y axis is in the direction of the spacecraft +X axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the LGA dish outer rim circle. The LGA installed in the -X panel of the JUICE Spacecraft frame -- JUICE_LGA-X -- is a ``fixed-offset'', defined with respect to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [15]): - +Z axis is in the antenna boresight direction (nominally co-aligned to the spacecraft +X axis); - +Y axis is in the direction of the spacecraft +X axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the LGA dish outer rim circle. This diagram illustrate the JUICE Low Gain Antennas frames: +X s/c side (opposite to HGA side) view: ---------------------------------------- ^ .---------. | Nadir .---------. | | | | | | | Science Deck | | '----.----' .-------. '----.----' /----. .----'----. .---------._ |^+Ylga+x .---------. .----'----. .-----\ \ |_| |_| | \|| |/ | |_| |_| / / | | | | |_/|| ^ |\_| | | | | \ \----' '----.----' '---------' || |+Zsc +Xlga+x --' '----.----' '-----/ .----'----. 'o--|------> .----'----. | | +Zlga+x | \ +Ysc | | | | '-o------> | | '---------' +Xsc '---------' +Xsc and +Zlga+x are out of the page -X s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- +Ylga-x \--------. Nadir ^ ^ .--------/ / | | | | \ \ | | | | / / | .--------|. | \ \-.------' | o-------> +Xlga-x '------.-/ /-"------. .-------------. | . +Zlga-x .-------------. .------"-\ \ | |   |-.|/ HGA \|,-| | | / / |=| | | x | | |=| \ \ | | |_/|\ /|\_| | | / /-.------' '-------------' | '.___.' | '-------------' '------.-\ \-"------. '---------' .------"-/ / | / \ | \ \ | '---' | / / | ^ +Zsc | \ \--------' | '--------/ | +Ysc | <--------x +Xsc is into the page +Xsc +Zlga-x is out of the page Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_LGA+X = -28045 FRAME_-28045_NAME = 'JUICE_LGA+X' FRAME_-28045_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28045_CLASS_ID = -28045 FRAME_-28045_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28045_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28045_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28045_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28045_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-28045_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -90.0, -90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_LGA-X = -28046 FRAME_-28046_NAME = 'JUICE_LGA-X' FRAME_-28046_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28046_CLASS_ID = -28046 FRAME_-28046_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28046_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28046_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28046_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28046_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-28046_ANGLES = ( 00.0, -90.0, 90.0 ) \begintext JUICE Magnetometer Boom Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Magnetometer Boom (MAG Boom) frames. The Magnetometer Boom (MAG Boom) is one of the Instrument Supporting structures of the JUICE spacecraft. The MAG Boom is attached to the -X/-Z corner of the spacecraft main body and supports toward its outer end the J-MAG Inboard, Outboard and Scatterometer sensors, and the Radio Wave Instrument and the Scalar Magnetometer of the Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument (RPWI) experiments. The MAG Boom is a deployable structure comprising that ranges from 3.6m long in stowed configuration at launch (along +Zsc axis), up to 10.6m long in deployed configuration (in the -Xc, -Zsc quadrant). Magnetometer Boom Frames Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the Magnetometer Boom Frames frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H" ------------------ | |<-ck | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM" ---------------- MAG Boom Hinge frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Magnetometer's boom hinge -- JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H IS defined as follows (from [10]): - +Z axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +Z mechanical axis; and co-aligned with the boom's third segment where the sensors are mounted such this axis points from the inboard magnetometer sensor towards the scalar magnetometer. - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X mechanical axis, pointing opposite the HGA; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; and its nominally co-aligned with the Magnetometer boom's hinge rotation axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the boom's hinge geometrical center. These diagram illustrates the JUICE MAG Boom Hinge frame: +X s/c side (opposite to HGA side) view: ---------------------------------------- ^ .---------. | Nadir .---------. | | | | | | | Science Deck | | '----.----' .-------. '----.----' /----. .----'----. .---------._ |^+Zmagb-h .---------. .----'----. .-----\ \ |_| |_| | \|| |/ | |_| |_| / / | | | | |_/|| ^ |\_| | | | | \ \----' '----.----' '---------' || |+Zsc +Ymagb-h--' '----.----' '-----/ .----'----. 'o--|------> .----'----. | | / | \ +Ysc | | | | '-o------> | | '---------' +Xsc '---------' +Xsc and +Xmagb-h are out of the page -Y s/c side view (with MAG Boom in stowed configuration): --------------------------------------------------------- ^ ~~ | || | Nadir direction || | oo | . .------||------. |`. | Science Deck |o HGA | \ | || |||# MAGSCA | \| || |||| | | || |||# MAGOBS | | /||\ |||\ SCM | x \||/ |||\ RWI +Zmagb-h | | || |||| ^ | | |'^ |||| | | /| |'|+Zsc |||# MAGIBS | | / | |'| |||| | |.' | |'| ||o | +Xmagb-h '------|'|-----'o x--------> /__oox----------> || +Ysc +Xsc +Ysc and +Xmagb-h || are into de page ~~ As shown on the diagram, no rotation is required to co-align the s/c frame with the Magnetometer's boom hinge frame. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H = -28030 FRAME_-28030_NAME = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H' FRAME_-28030_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28030_CLASS_ID = -28030 FRAME_-28030_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28030_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28030_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28030_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28030_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28030_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) \begintext MAG Boom frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since both, pre- and post- deployment orientation of the Magnetometer Boom could be required for J-MAG and RPWI data analysis, the boom's frame is defined as a CK-based frame with its orientation provided in CK files. This frame is describing the time dependent relationship between the Magnetometer Boom hinge and JUICE spacecraft fixed frames. The Magnetometer Boom frame is defined as follows (from [10]): - +Z axis is parallel to the boom and points from the boom deployment hinge toward its tip; and in stowed configuration is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +Z axis; - +Y axis is parallel to the Magnetometer boom's hinge rotation axis; - +X axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the boom's hinge geometrical center. The following diagram illustrates the JUICE MAG Boom frame: -Y s/c side view (with MAG Boom in stowed configuration): --------------------------------------------------------- ^ ~~ | || | Nadir direction || | oo | . .------||------. |`. | Science Deck | HGA | \ | || | | \| || | | | || | | | /||\ | | x \||/ | +Zmagb-h | | || | ^ | | |'^ | | | /| |'|+Zsc | | | / | |'| | | |.' | |'| | +Ymagb | +Xmagb-h '------|'|-----'x ---. x--------> /__oox-----> `. .' 51 degrees || +Xsc `. +Ysc and +Ymagb || .' `. +Zmagb are into de page ~.' v. .' `o v' `. +Xmagb `. `. `o | / MAGIBS `# | / `. |/ RWI ------`.-------- /='.= SCM / | `# MAGOBS / | `# MAGSCA These sets of keywords define the Magnetometer's boom frame as CK frame: \begindata FRAME_JUICE_MAG_BOOM = -28031 FRAME_-28031_NAME = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' FRAME_-28031_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28031_CLASS_ID = -28031 FRAME_-28031_CENTER = -28 CK_-28031_SCLK = -28 CK_-28031_SPK = -28 \begintext JUICE Star Trackers Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three Star Trackers Optical Heads (STR-OHs) mounted in the +X s/c Panel (Opposite side of the HGA panel). The STRs are nominally oriented with their boresights with a given azimuth and elevation angles with respect to the s/c reference frame as follows | Azimuth (degrees) | Elevation (degrees) ----------+-------------------+-------------------- STR-OH1 | -51.1 | -40.2 STR-OH2 | -15.0 | 5.0 STR-OH3 | 58.2 | -44.8 The X and Y axis of the STR frames are aligned with the sensors Active Pixel Sensor (APS) rows and columns respectively. The Star Tracker STR-OH1, STR-OH2 and STR-OH3 frames -- JUICE_STR-OH1, JUICE_STR-OH2 and JUICE_STR-OH3 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the Star Tracker boresight; - +X axis is nominally parallel to the APS sensor rows; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the Star Tracker focal point. Nominally, the following rotations, first about +Z and then about +X, are required in order to align each of the JUICE_STR-OHx frames to the s/c frame. Rotation Rotation Rotation `To' frame about +Z about +Z about +Y -------------- -------- --------- --------- JUICE_STR-OH1 90.0 deg -51.1 deg 40.2 deg JUICE_STR-OH2 90.0 deg -15.0 deg -5.0 deg JUICE_STR-OH3 90.0 deg 58.2 deg 44.8 deg Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_STR-OH1 = -28061 FRAME_-28061_NAME = 'JUICE_STR-OH1' FRAME_-28061_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28061_CLASS_ID = -28061 FRAME_-28061_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28061_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28061_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28061_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28061_ANGLES = ( -40.2 51.1, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-28061_AXES = ( 2, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_STR-OH2 = -28062 FRAME_-28062_NAME = 'JUICE_STR-OH2' FRAME_-28062_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28062_CLASS_ID = -28062 FRAME_-28062_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28062_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28062_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28062_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28062_ANGLES = ( 5.0, 15.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-28062_AXES = ( 2, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_STR-OH3 = -28063 FRAME_-28063_NAME = 'JUICE_STR-OH3' FRAME_-28063_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28063_CLASS_ID = -28063 FRAME_-28063_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28063_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28063_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28063_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28063_ANGLES = ( -44.8, -58.2 -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-28063_AXES = ( 2, 3, 2 ) \begintext JUICE Navigation Cameras Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two JUICE Navigation Cameras (NavCam) are accommodated on the optical bench close to the STR-OH providing high pointing accuracy and stability to all the units. The Jupiter NavCam frames -- JUICE_NAVCAM-1 and JUICE_NAVCAM-2 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the Camera boresight; - +X axis is nominally parallel to the CCD sensor lines; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the Camera focal point. The JUICE_NAVCAM-* are co-aligned with the JUICE s/c frame. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_NAVCAM-1 = -28051 FRAME_-28051_NAME = 'JUICE_NAVCAM-1' FRAME_-28051_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28051_CLASS_ID = -28051 FRAME_-28051_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28051_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28051_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28051_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28051_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28051_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) FRAME_JUICE_NAVCAM-2 = -28052 FRAME_-28052_NAME = 'JUICE_NAVCAM-2' FRAME_-28052_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28052_CLASS_ID = -28052 FRAME_-28052_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28052_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28052_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28052_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28052_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28052_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) \begintext JUICE Monitoring Cameras Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two JUICE Monitoring Units (JMU) and two JUICE Monitoring Cameras (JMC) are accommodated to enhance the observability of the spacecraft and its instruments, at marginal impact on spacecraft design and its budgets (power, mass). The small size of the camera (100 x 100 x 100 mm) helps to accommodate it on the optimum position, here also without impact on spacecraft design. The first camera is accommodated on the bottom of the +X wall, looking in +Z/+Y direction. The second camera is accommodated on the top of the +X side, looking towards –Z/-Y. Both cameras thus benefit from the +X s/c face favourable environment (no direct Sun illumination). The Jupiter Monitoring Cameras frames -- JUICE_JMC-1 and JUICE_JMC-2 -- are defined as follows: - +Z axis points along the Camera boresight; - +X axis is nominally parallel to the CMOS sensor lines; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the Camera focal point. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_JMC-1 = -28081 FRAME_-28081_NAME = 'JUICE_JMC-1' FRAME_-28081_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28081_CLASS_ID = -28081 FRAME_-28081_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28081_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28081_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28081_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28081_ANGLES = ( 90.0, -90.0, 45.0 ) TKFRAME_-28081_AXES = ( 3, 3, 1 ) FRAME_JUICE_JMC-2 = -28082 FRAME_-28082_NAME = 'JUICE_JMC-2' FRAME_-28082_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28082_CLASS_ID = -28082 FRAME_-28082_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28082_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28082_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28082_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28082_ANGLES = ( 90.0, -90, -135.0 ) TKFRAME_-28082_AXES = ( 3, 3, 1 ) \begintext GALA Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the GAnymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) instrument frames. GALA Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the GALA frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_GALA_BASE" +----------------------------+ | | | | |<-fixed |<-fixed | | v v "JUICE_GALA_LHM" "JUICE_GALA_RXT" ---------------- ---------------- GALA instrument Base frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GALA main unit is rigidly mounted on the spacecraft science deck. Therefore, the frame associated with it -- the GALA main unit base frame, JUICE_GALA_BASE -- is specified as a fixed offset frame relative with its orientation given relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. The GALA main unit base frame is defined by the laser altimeter design and its mounting on the spacecraft as follows: - +Z axis is along the nominal GALA laser head transmitter and receiver telescope boresights; it is nominally co-aligned with the spacecraft +Z axis; - +Y axis is co-aligned with the +Y spacecraft axis; - +X axis completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the center of the GALA reference hole (RH) at the instrument's interface plane, i.e. the unit mounting plane to the spacecraft. Any misalignment between the nominal and actual GALA mounting alignment measured pre-launch should be incorporated into the definition of this frame. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_GALA_BASE frame with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array |___. | | +Y Solar Array / \ | o------> | \ / ._|_|__|__+Ygala_base / \ | | \ | V +Xsc V +Xgala_base +Zsc and +Zgala_base are out of page Nominally, the GALA base frame is co-aligned with the s/c frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_GALA_BASE = -28100 FRAME_-28100_NAME = 'JUICE_GALA_BASE' FRAME_-28100_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28100_CLASS_ID = -28100 FRAME_-28100_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28100_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28100_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28100_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28100_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28100_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext GALA Laser Head Module frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GALA Laser Head Module (LHM) frame, JUICE_GALA_LHM, is defined exactly as, and is nominally co-aligned with, the GALA base frame JUICE_GALA_BASE. This frame is introduced to allow incorporating into the Laser Head Module frame chain any misalignment between the instrument base and the laser beam transmitter measured prior to delivering the camera for installation on the spacecraft. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_GALA_LHM = -28110 FRAME_-28110_NAME = 'JUICE_GALA_LHM' FRAME_-28110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28110_CLASS_ID = -28110 FRAME_-28110_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28110_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_GALA_BASE' TKFRAME_-28110_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28110_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28110_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28110_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext GALA Receiver Telescope frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GALA Receiver Telescope (RXT) frame, JUICE_GALA_RXT, is defined exactly as, and is nominally co-aligned with, the GALA base frame JUICE_GALA_BASE. This frame is introduced to allow incorporating into the Receiver Telescope frame chain any misalignment between the instrument base and the laser beam receiver telescope measured prior to delivering the camera for installation on the spacecraft. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_GALA_RXT = -28120 FRAME_-28120_NAME = 'JUICE_GALA_RXT' FRAME_-28120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28120_CLASS_ID = -28120 FRAME_-28120_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28120_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_GALA_BASE' TKFRAME_-28120_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28120_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28120_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28120_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext JANUS Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator (JANUS) camera system instrument frames. JANUS Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the JANUS frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_JANUS" ------------- JANUS Camera System Frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The JANUS camera frame -- JUICE_JANUS -- is defined as follows (see [8]): - +Z axis points along the camera boresight; - +Y axis is parallel to the apparent image columns; it is nominally co-aligned with the spacecraft +Y axis; - +X axis completes the right hand frame; it is nominally parallel the to the apparent image lines and co-aligned with the spacecraft +X axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the camera focal point. This diagram illustrates the JANUS camera frame: +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array |___. | | +Y Solar Array / \ | o------> | \ / ._|_|__|__+Yjanus / \ | | \ | V +Xsc V +Xjanus +Zsc and +Zjanus are out of page Nominally, the JANUS camera frame is co-aligned with the spacecraft frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_JANUS = -28200 FRAME_-28200_NAME = 'JUICE_JANUS' FRAME_-28200_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28200_CLASS_ID = -28200 FRAME_-28200_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28200_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28200_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28200_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28200_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28200_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext J-MAG Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the JUICE Magnetometer (J-MAG) instrument frames. J-MAG Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the J-MAG frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H" ------------------ | |<-ck | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM" +-----------------------------------------+ | | | |<-fixed |<-fixed |<-fixed | | | v | v "JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS" | "JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA" ------------------- | ------------------- v "JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS" ------------------- J-MAG frames definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The J-MAG experiment comprises three sensors mounted in the JUICE Magnetometer Boom at different distances from the boom's hinge. The innermost is called the in-board sensor (MAGIBS) and it is a fluxgate magnetometer. A second fluxgate magnetometer, called the out-board sensor (MAGOBS), is located approximately 3 meters away toward the end of the boom. A scalar magnetometer (MAGSCA) is located at the tip. Each of the sensor's frames -- JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS, JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS and JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA -- are defined as follows (from [10]): - +Z axis is parallel to the boom and points from the boom deployment hinge toward the sensor; - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the boom's +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the sensor. This diagram illustrates the J-MAG sensors' frames: +X Magnetometer Boom side view: ------------------------------- ^ +Zsca | .-|-. | | | +Ysca J-MAG Scalar Magnetometer | o--------> (MAGSCA) +Xsca | '---' | | | | ~~~ ~~~ | | |^ +Zobs ||| .-|-. | | | +Yobs J-MAG Outboard Sensor | o--------> (MAGOBS) +Xobs | '---' | | | | ~~~ ~~~ | | | | | | |^ +Zibs ||| .-|-. | | | +Yibs J-MAG Inboard Sensor | o--------> (MAGIBS) +Xibs | '---' | | | | ~~~ ~~~ | | | | |^ +Zmagb ||| ||| ||| +Ymagb o--------> +Xmagb +Xmagb, +Xibs, +Xobs and +Xsca are out of the page Nominally, all three J-MAG sensors frames are co-aligned with the magnetometer frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS = -28300 FRAME_-28300_NAME = 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS' FRAME_-28300_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28300_CLASS_ID = -28300 FRAME_-28300_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28300_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' TKFRAME_-28300_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28300_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28300_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28300_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS = -28310 FRAME_-28310_NAME = 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS' FRAME_-28310_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28310_CLASS_ID = -28310 FRAME_-28310_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28310_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' TKFRAME_-28310_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28310_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28310_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28310_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA = -28320 FRAME_-28320_NAME = 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA' FRAME_-28320_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28320_CLASS_ID = -28320 FRAME_-28320_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28320_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' TKFRAME_-28320_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28320_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28320_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28320_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext MAJIS Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) instrument frames. MAJIS Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the MAJIS frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_MAJIS_BASE" ------------------ | | |<-ck | v "JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN" +-----------------------------------+ | | |<-fixed |<-fixed | | v v "JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR" "JUICE_MAJIS_IR" -------------------- ---------------- MAJIS frames definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, there are four different frames defined for the Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS), each aiming at incorporating different possible misalignments: - JUICE_MAJIS_BASE is a fixed-offset frame aiming at introducing any possible misalignment between the the instrument mirror rotation axis and the spacecraft +X axis. This misalignment is constant therefore this frame is defined as a fixed offset frame relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. - JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN is defined to capture orientation of the reflected instrument view direction due to the scan mirror motion. This frame is defined as CK-based frame because this orientation is time-varying and is stored in a CK file. - JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR and JUICE_MAJIS_IR are defined to capture misalignments for each of the two instrument channels relative to the reflected view direction. These frames are defined as fixed offset frames relative to the JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN frame. Each of the MAJIS frames listed above is defined in the same way as follows (from [7]): - +Z axis points along the boresight (for JUICE_MAJIS boresight is the nominal center pixel view direction for the scan mirror in "zero" position; for JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN boresight is the nominal center pixel view direction, "off-pointed" due to the scan mirror; for JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR and JUICE_MAJIS_IR boresight is the particular detector center pixel view direction, "off-pointed" due to the scan mirror; adjusted for all known misalignments with the scan mirror in "zero" position) - +X axis is parallel to the apparent spatial resolution direction; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point for JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR and JUICE_MAJIS_IR frames and at the intersection of the nominal center pixel view direction and the scan mirror axis for JUICE_MAJIS and JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN frames. This diagram illustrates the MAJIS frames orientation (with MAJIS scan mirror in "zero" position) with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array |___. | | +Y Solar Array / \ | o------>+Ymajis_scan \ / ._|_|__|__+Ymajis_base / \ | | +Ymajis_visnir/ir \ | V V +Xsc +Xmajis_scan +Xmajis_base +Xmajis_visnir/ir +Zsc, +Zmajis_scan, +Zmajis_base +Zmajis_visnir and +Zmajis_ir are out of page Nominally, in "zero" scan mirror position all four MAJIS frames are co-aligned with each other and the s/c frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_MAJIS_BASE = -28400 FRAME_-28400_NAME = 'JUICE_MAJIS_BASE' FRAME_-28400_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28400_CLASS_ID = -28400 FRAME_-28400_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28400_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28400_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28400_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28400_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28400_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN = -28401 FRAME_-28401_NAME = 'JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN' FRAME_-28401_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28401_CLASS_ID = -28401 FRAME_-28401_CENTER = -28 CK_-28401_SCLK = -28 CK_-28401_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR = -28410 FRAME_-28410_NAME = 'JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR' FRAME_-28410_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28410_CLASS_ID = -28410 FRAME_-28410_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28410_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN' TKFRAME_-28410_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28410_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28410_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28410_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_MAJIS_IR = -28420 FRAME_-28420_NAME = 'JUICE_MAJIS_IR' FRAME_-28420_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28420_CLASS_ID = -28420 FRAME_-28420_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28420_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN' TKFRAME_-28420_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28420_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28420_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28420_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) \begintext PEP Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) instrument and sensors frames. PEP Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below show the PEP frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" +--------------------------------------------------+ | | | | |<-fixed fixed->| fixed->| fixed->| | | | | v v | v "JUICE_PEP_NU" "JUICE_PEP_JENI" | "JUICE_PEP_JDC" +---------------------+ ---------------- | --------------- | | | | |<-fixed |<-fixed |<-fixed v | | | "JUICE_PEP_JOEE" v | v ---------------- "JUICE_PEP_JEI" | "JUICE_PEP_NIM" --------------- | --------------- | v "JUICE_PEP_JNA" --------------- PEP Nadir Unit frames definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, there are four different frames defined for the Particle Environment Package (PEP) Nadir Unit (NU) aiming at incorporating different possible misalignments between the spacecraft and the different sensors: - JUICE_PEP_NU is a fixed-offset frame aiming at introducing any possible misalignment between the Nadir Unit base mounting plate and the spacecraft frame. This misalignment is constant therefore this frame is defined as a fixed offset frame relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. - JUICE_PEP_JEI, JUICE_PEP_JNA and JUICE_PEP_NIM are defined to capture misalignments for each of the sensors, the Jovian Electrons and Ions analyzer (JEI), the Jovian Neutrals Analyzer (JNA), and the Neutral gas and Ion Mass spectrometer (NIM) relative to the Nadir Unit base frame. These frames are defined as fixed offset frames relative to the JUICE_PEP_NU frame. Each of the PEP Nadir Unit frames listed above -- JUICE_PEP_NU, JUICE_PEP_JEI and JUICE_PEP_NIM --, except for JUICE_PEP_JNA is defined in the same way as follows (from [12]): - +Z axis points along the nominal spacecraft nadir direction; and it is co-aligned with the s/c +Z axis; - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the reference hole in the mounting plane for JUICE_PEP_NU and at the sensor's geometrical center for the JUICE_PEP_JDC and JUICE_PEP_NIM. The PEP JNA frame -- JUICE_PEP_JNA -- is defined as follows (from [19]): - +X axis points along the nominal spacecraft nadir direction; and it is co-aligned with the PEP Nadir Unit +Z axis; - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the PEP Nadir Unit +X axis; - +Z axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the sensor's geometrical center. These diagrams illustrate the PEP Nadir Unit with respect to the spacecraft frame: +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array |___. | | / \ | o------> +Ypep_nu,+Ypep_jna \ / ._|_|__|___+Ypep_jdc,+Ypep_nim / \ | | \ | V +Xsc v +Xpep_nu,+Xpep_jna +Xpep_jdc,+Xpep_nim +Zsc, +Zpep_nu, +Zpep_jdc, +Zpep_jna and +Zpep_nim are out of page +Y s/c side view (PEP NU detailed view): ---------------------------------------- +Zpep_nim ^ | .-|-. / | \ +Zpep_jei | | | ^ +Xpep_jna \_x-----> +Xpep_nim | ^ | | .''|'. | | | +Zpep_nu, | | | | .----------. +Zsc / | \+Xpep_jei_ .|. _ | | ^ | x-----> .' | '.| | | | | / x-------> +Ypep_jna | | | ' ' | | / JEI \ | JNA | NIM | | ----------------------------------------------- x---------> +Xpep_nu, NU +Ypep_nu, +Xsc +Ysc +Ysc, +Ypep_nu, +Ypep_jdc, +Zpep_jna and +Ypep_nim are into the page Nominally, the NU, JEI and NIM base frames are co-aligned with the s/c frame. A single rotation of -90 degrees about the +X axis of the JUICE_RPWI_LPBx is required to co-align the PEP JNA frame and the PEP Nadir Unit. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_PEP_NU = -28500 FRAME_-28500_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_NU' FRAME_-28500_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28500_CLASS_ID = -28500 FRAME_-28500_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28500_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28500_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28500_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28500_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28500_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_PEP_NIM = -28530 FRAME_-28530_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_NIM' FRAME_-28530_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28530_CLASS_ID = -28530 FRAME_-28530_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28530_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_PEP_NU' TKFRAME_-28530_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28530_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28530_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28530_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_PEP_JEI = -28540 FRAME_-28540_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JEI' FRAME_-28540_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28540_CLASS_ID = -28540 FRAME_-28540_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28540_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_PEP_NU' TKFRAME_-28540_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28540_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28540_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28540_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) FRAME_JUICE_PEP_JNA = -28520 FRAME_-28520_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JNA' FRAME_-28520_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28520_CLASS_ID = -28520 FRAME_-28520_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28520_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_PEP_NU' TKFRAME_-28520_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28520_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28520_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, 90.0 ) TKFRAME_-28520_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) \begintext PEP JDC and PEP-Hi frames definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, there are two different frames defined for the PEP-Hi group and one for the PEP JDC unit of the PEP-Lo group -- which is completed by the PEP Nadir Unit (NU) --, each one aiming at incorporating different possible misalignments between the spacecraft and the different sensors: - JUICE_PEP_JDC, JUICE_PEP_JOEE and JUICE_PEP_JENI are a fixed-offset frames aiming at introducing any possible misalignment between the Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyzer Unit sensor, the JENI unit sensor and the JoEE unit sensor with respect to the spacecraft frame. This misalignment is constant therefore this frame is defined as a fixed-offset frame relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. The PEP Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyzer Unit frame -- JUICE_PEP_JDC -- is defined as a fixed-offset frame relatetive to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [12]): - +Z axis points along the JDC sensor boresight and is rotated 45 degrees from the s/c -Z axis around the s/c Y axis towards the s/c X axis; - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c Y axis and; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at sensor's geometrical center. The JoEE spectometer Unit frame -- JUICE_PEP_JOEE -- is defined as a fixed-offset frame relatetive to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [12]): - +Z axis points along the JoEE sensor boresight and is aligned with the s/c -Z axis; - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c Y axis and; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at sensor's geometrical center. The PEP JENI Unit frame -- JUICE_PEP_JENI -- is defined as a fixed-offset frame relatetive to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame as follows (from [12]): - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the s/c Y axis and; - +Z axis points along the JENI sensor boresight and is rotated 10 degrees from the s/c Z axis around the s/c Y axis towards the s/c X axis; - +X axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at sensor's geometrical center. This diagram illustrates the PEP Zenit Unit frames orientation with respect to the spacecraft frame. -Y s/c side view (with MAG Boom in stowed configuration): --------------------------------------------------------- +Zpep_nu ^ ^ ~~ | | 10 deg || | |-. .> +Zpep_jeni || | | '.' oo | |.' . .------||------x--------> +Xpep_nu |`. | +Ypep_jeni|`. HGA | \ | +Ypep_nu | `. | \| || | `. | | || | `> +Xpep_jeni | | /||\ | | x \||/ | | | || | ^ +Ypep_jdc | | |'^ | .' | /| |'|+Zsc | .' | / | |'| | .' +Xpep_jdc,+Xpep_joee .' '------|'|-----'x----------> +Ypep_joee /__oox----->|`. || +Xsc| `. || | .'`. +Zpep_jdc ~~ |-' v. v 45 deg `o +Zpep_joee `. /\/\/ +Ysc, +Ypep_jdc, +Ypep_joee, +Ypep_janu, +Ypep_nu are into the page +X s/c side (opposite to HGA side) view: ---------------------------------------- ^ .---------. | Nadir .---------. | | | | | | | Science Deck | | '----.----' .-------. '----.----' /----. .----'----. .---------._ | | .---------. .----'----. .-----\ \ |_| |_| | \| +Zsc |/ | |_| |_| / / | | | | |_/| ^ |\_| | | | | \ \----' '----.----' '------+Ypep_joee| | '---------' '----.----' '-----/ .----' +Xpep_joee, <--------o|---' .----'----. | +Xpep_jdc /|| \ | | | | '|o------> +Ysc | | '---------' | +Xsc '---------' | v +Zpep_joee +Xsc and +Ypep_joee are out of the page Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_PEP_JDC = -28510 FRAME_-28510_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JDC' FRAME_-28510_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28510_CLASS_ID = -28510 FRAME_-28510_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28510_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28510_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28510_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28510_ANGLES = ( 45.0, 90.0, -180.0 ) TKFRAME_-28510_AXES = ( 2, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_PEP_JOEE = -28550 FRAME_-28550_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JOEE' FRAME_-28550_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28550_CLASS_ID = -28550 FRAME_-28550_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28550_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28550_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28550_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28550_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, -180.0 ) TKFRAME_-28550_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) FRAME_JUICE_PEP_JENI = -28560 FRAME_-28560_NAME = 'JUICE_PEP_JENI' FRAME_-28560_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28560_CLASS_ID = -28560 FRAME_-28560_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28560_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28560_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28560_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28560_ANGLES = ( -10.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28560_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) \begintext RIME Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) instrument frame. RIME Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below show the RIME frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_RIME_BASE" +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | |<-dynamic | |<-ck | dynamic->| | | | | | v | | | v "JUICE_RIME_NADC" | | | "JUICE_RIME_NADG" ----------------- | | | ----------------- | | | |<-dynamic | dynamic->| | | | v | v "JUICE_RIME_NADE" | "JUICE_RIME_NADJ" ----------------- | ----------------- | | | v "JUICE_RIME" ------------ RIME base frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIME is a radar sounders nadir-looking active instrument based on a dipole antenna of 16 meters. This antenna is rigidly mounted on the science deck panel, perpendicular to the spacecraft YZ plane, and its radiation pattern is a toroid around the antenna's 4cm diameter cylindrical tube. In order to incorporate any misalignment between the antenna mounting and the spacecraft frame, the frame JUICE_RIME_BASE is defined: - +X axis is along the antenna's cylindrical tube, nominally co-aligned with the +X spacecraft axis; - +Z axis points along the +Z spacecraft axis, in the nominal nadir direction and corresponds to the maximum gain of the radiation pattern for all frequencies within the RIME bandwidth (see [9]) - +Y axis completes the right-handed system; - the origin of this frame is the geometric centre of the RIME's antenna. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_RIME_BASE frame with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- .. || || || direction || of flight HGA __________|| <--------------> \ || \ .__`._____.'||. \ / | ||| / \ | ||| \ / | +Zsc +Ysc +Yrime_base / \=>o<===============>o-| o---->o----->=============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array | | ||| +Y Solar Array / \ | | ||| \ / .______|____||. / \ | |v \ +Xsc V || +Xrime_base || || || RIME Antenna || || || .. +Zsc, and +Zrime_base are out of page The JUICE_RIME_BASE frame is nominally co-aligned with spacecraft frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_RIME_BASE = -28600 FRAME_-28600_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28600_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28600_CLASS_ID = -28600 FRAME_-28600_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28600_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28600_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28600_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28600_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-28600_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) \begintext RIME Nadir frames and radiation pattern frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIME operations, due to the design of the instrument, are not sensitive to along-track off-pointing of the spacecraft, i.e. any off-pointing about the +X spacecraft axis will not be noticed by RIME due to the antenna's radiation pattern. Therefore, for each of the JUICE targets, a RIME Nadir frame is defined taking this characteristic into account. In addition to these frames, which are target dependent, a generic RIME radiation pattern frame (JUICE_RIME) is provided. This later frame is a CK-based frame which takes into account, at different mission phases, the target being observed. The RIME Nadir frame(s) -- JUICE_RIME_NADC, JUICE_RIME_NADE, JUICE_RIME_NADG and JUICE_RIME_NADJ -- are defined as follows: - +X axis is along the antenna's cylindrical tube, nominally co-aligned with the +X spacecraft axis; - +Z axis is the component of the spacecraft to target vector which is perpendicular to the +X axis, with target either Callisto, Europa, Ganymede or Jupiter for JUICE_RIME_NADC, JUICE_RIME_NADE, JUICE_RIME_NADG and JUICE_RIME_NADJ respectively; - +Y axis completes the right-handed system; - the origin of this frame is the geometric centre of the RIME's antenna. All vectors are geometric: no corrections are used. The RIME radiation pattern (JUICE_RIME) frame is defined as follows: - For those missions phases where the spacecraft-target distance is less than maximum RIME operational requirement, the JUICE_RIME frame is co-aligned with the corresponding RIME Nadir frame for that given target. - For all other mission phases, the JUICE_RIME frame is co-aligned with the JUICE_RIME_BASE frame, i.e. nominally co-aligned with the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. Required Data: -------------- The RIME Nadir frames are defined as a two-vector frame using two different types of specifications for the primary and secondary vectors. The primary vector is defined as a constant vector in the JUICE_RIME_BASE frame, which provides the orientation for the RIME's antenna cylindrical tube, fixed with respect to the spacecraft frame. The secondary vector is defined as an 'observer-target position' vector and gives the Nadir looking direction to the target body, therefore, the ephemeris data required to compute the JUICE-target vector in J2000 frame have to be loaded before using this frame, with target being either Callisto, Europa, Ganymede or Jupiter, depending on the frame. The RIME radiation pattern frame is a CK-based frame, therefore loading of a CK that contains orientation data for the JUICE_RIME frame is required. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_RIME_BASE frame with respect to the spacecraft frame, as well as the different JUICE_RIME_NADx frames when no roll, pitch and yaw operations are applied to the spacecraft. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- .. || || || direction || of flight HGA __________|| <--------------> \ || \ .__`._____.'||. \ / | ||| / \ | ||| +Yrime_nad \ / | +Zsc +Ysc +Yrime_base / \=>o<===============>o-| o---->o----->=============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array | | ||| +Y Solar Array / \ | | ||| \ / .______|____||. / \ | |v +Xrime_nad \ +Xsc V || +Xrime_base || || || RIME Antenna || || || .. +Zsc, +Zrime_base and +Zrime_nad are out of page This diagram illustrates the JUICE_RIME_NADx frames when the spacecraft +Z axis is only off-pointed along-track. +X s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- . Target | direction / of Flight . <--------------> -- ' ^ Nadir direction \ +Zrime_nad \ \--------. \ .--------/ / | \ | \ \ | \ +Xrime_nad | / / | X---------. | \ \-.------' .'| | '------.-/ /-"------. .-----------.'. | .---. | .-------------. .------"-\ \ +Yrime_nad .' |-.|/ HGA \| ,-| | | / / |=| v | o| x |o | |=| \ \ | | |_/|\ /| \_| | | / /-.------' '-------------' | '.___.' | '-------------' '------.-\ \-"------. +Y Solar Array '---------' -Y Solar Array .------"-/ / | / \ | \ \ | '---' | / / | ^ +Zsc Main Engine | \ \--------' | '--------/ | +Ysc | <--------x +Xsc is into the page +Xsc +Xrime_nad is into the page \begindata FRAME_JUICE_RIME = -28601 FRAME_-28601_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME' FRAME_-28601_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28601_CLASS_ID = -28601 FRAME_-28601_CENTER = -28 CK_-28601_SCLK = -28 CK_-28601_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_RIME_NADC = -28610 FRAME_-28610_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME_NADC' FRAME_-28610_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-28610_CLASS_ID = -28610 FRAME_-28610_CENTER = -28 FRAME_-28610_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28610_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-28610_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-28610_PRI_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-28610_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-28610_PRI_FRAME = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28610_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-28610_PRI_VECTOR = ( 1, 0, 0 ) FRAME_-28610_SEC_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-28610_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-28610_SEC_OBSERVER = 'JUICE' FRAME_-28610_SEC_TARGET = 'CALLISTO' FRAME_-28610_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_JUICE_RIME_NADE = -28611 FRAME_-28611_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME_NADE' FRAME_-28611_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-28611_CLASS_ID = -28611 FRAME_-28611_CENTER = -28 FRAME_-28611_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28611_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-28611_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-28611_PRI_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-28611_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-28611_PRI_FRAME = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28611_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-28611_PRI_VECTOR = ( 1, 0, 0 ) FRAME_-28611_SEC_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-28611_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-28611_SEC_OBSERVER = 'JUICE' FRAME_-28611_SEC_TARGET = 'EUROPA' FRAME_-28611_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_JUICE_RIME_NADG = -28612 FRAME_-28612_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME_NADG' FRAME_-28612_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-28612_CLASS_ID = -28612 FRAME_-28612_CENTER = -28 FRAME_-28612_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28612_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-28612_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-28612_PRI_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-28612_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-28612_PRI_FRAME = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28612_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-28612_PRI_VECTOR = ( 1, 0, 0 ) FRAME_-28612_SEC_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-28612_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-28612_SEC_OBSERVER = 'JUICE' FRAME_-28612_SEC_TARGET = 'GANYMEDE' FRAME_-28612_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_JUICE_RIME_NADJ = -28613 FRAME_-28613_NAME = 'JUICE_RIME_NADJ' FRAME_-28613_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-28613_CLASS_ID = -28613 FRAME_-28613_CENTER = -28 FRAME_-28613_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28613_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-28613_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-28613_PRI_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-28613_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'CONSTANT' FRAME_-28613_PRI_FRAME = 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' FRAME_-28613_PRI_SPEC = 'RECTANGULAR' FRAME_-28613_PRI_VECTOR = ( 1, 0, 0 ) FRAME_-28613_SEC_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-28613_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-28613_SEC_OBSERVER = 'JUICE' FRAME_-28613_SEC_TARGET = 'JUPITER' FRAME_-28613_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' \begintext RPWI Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Radio & Plasma Waves Investigation (RPWI) structures, instruments and sensor frames. RPWI Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the RPWI frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | |<-fixed | |<-fixed | |<-fixed | | | | | v | v | v "JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H" | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H" | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H" ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | | | | | |<-ck | |<-ck | |<-ck | | | | | v | | | v "JUICE_RPWI_LPB1" | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB3" | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB4" ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | | | | | fixed->| | |<-fixed | |<-fixed | | | | | v | v | v "JUICE_RPWI_LP1" | "JUICE_RPWI_LP3" | "JUICE_RPWI_LP4" ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | | fixed->| | | | v | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H" | ------------------- | | | |<-ck | | | v | "JUICE_RPWI_LPB2" | ----------------- | | | fixed->| | | | v | "JUICE_RPWI_LP2" | ---------------- | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H" ------------------ | |<-ck | v "JUICE_MAG_BOOM" +-------------------------------+ | | |<-fixed |<-fixed | | v v "JUICE_RPWI_RWI" "JUICE_RPWI_SCM" +------------------------------------------+ ---------------- | | | |<-fixed |<-fixed |<-fixed | | | v v v "JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EX" "JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EY" "JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EZ" ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- RPWI Langmuir probe boom hinge frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each of the 4 Langmuir probes of the RPWI is mounted on a separate 3-meter long deployable boom. See the latest JUICE structures SPK file [13] for the location of the booms on the spacecraft bus. The RPWI Langmuir probes boom hinge frames -- JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H, JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H, JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H and JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H -- are defined as follows (from [11]): - +Z axis is normal to the hinge mounting plane, pointing outwards from the spacecraft bus; - +X axis is parallel to the boom's hinge rotation axis; - +Y axis is parallel to the boom and completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the boom's hinge geometrical center. This diagram illustrates the nominal JUICE_RPWI_LPBx-H frames with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- +Zlpb1-h ^ direction / of flight ____________HGA / <--------------> \ / / \ .---`.-------.'---.x +Ylpb1-h \ / | | ' / \ +Xlpb2-h | | '. \ / ^ | | '. +Xlpb1-h / \ -Y Solar Array \ | +Zsc +Ysc > \ /=>o<=============\=>o-| o--------->o<===============>o<=/ \ \ | | | \ / \ | | | +Y Solar Array / \ \ +Ylbp2-h | | \ / x.________|________. / \ .'o+Ylpb3-h | x +Ylpb4-h \ .' ' '. V +Xsc / '. .' / '. / '. +Zlpb2-h v . > / '. +Zlpb4-h v +Xlpb3-h / > +Zlpb3-h v +Xlpb4-h +Zsc and Ylpb3-h are out of the page. +Ylpb1-h, +Ylpb2-h and +Ylpb4-h are into the page. Nominally, the following rotations, first about +Z and then about +X, are required in order to align each of the JUICE_RPWI_LPBx-H frames to the s/c frame. Rotation Rotation `To' frame about +Z about +X ------------------- ----------- ---------- JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H +48.0 deg -90.0 deg JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H -138.0 deg -90.0 deg JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H +60.0 deg 90.0 deg JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H -42.0 deg -90.0 deg Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H = -28700 FRAME_-28700_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB1-H' FRAME_-28700_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28700_CLASS_ID = -28700 FRAME_-28700_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28700_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28700_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28700_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28700_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28700_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -48.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H = -28710 FRAME_-28710_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB2-H' FRAME_-28710_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28710_CLASS_ID = -28710 FRAME_-28710_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28710_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28710_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28710_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28710_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28710_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 138.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H = -28720 FRAME_-28720_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB3-H' FRAME_-28720_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28720_CLASS_ID = -28720 FRAME_-28720_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28720_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28720_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28720_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28720_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28720_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -60.0, -90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H = -28730 FRAME_-28730_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB4-H' FRAME_-28730_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28730_CLASS_ID = -28730 FRAME_-28730_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28730_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28730_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28730_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28730_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28730_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 42.0, 90.0 ) \begintext RPWI Langmuir Probe Booms frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RPWI Langmuir Probe Booms frames -- JUICE_RPWI_LPB1, JUICE_RPWI_LPB2, JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 and JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 -- are defined as follows (from [11]): - +Y axis is parallel to the boom, pointing outwards from the hinge towards the tip of the boom in deployed configuration; - +X axis is parallel to the boom's hinge rotation axis; - +Z axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the boom's hinge geometrical center. This diagram illustrates the nominal JUICE_RPWI_LPBx frame with respect to the JUICE_RPWI_LPBx-H frame. +X Langmuir Probe side view: ---------------------------- .---. Langmuir Probe / \ | | '...' --- \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ ~~ ~3m ~~ \ +Ylpb^ \ \\ \ ^ +Zlpb-h \\ \| 45 deg .-\\ | ,' \\.|\ . .--\|--. +Ylbp-h //-----------------'--.o------->--------// .' spacecraft deck .' +Zlpb .' <' +Xlpb-h and +Xlpb are out of the page. These sets of keywords define the Langmuir Probe's boom frames as CK frames: \begindata FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB1 = -28701 FRAME_-28701_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB1' FRAME_-28701_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28701_CLASS_ID = -28701 FRAME_-28701_CENTER = -28 CK_-28701_SCLK = -28 CK_-28701_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB2 = -28711 FRAME_-28711_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB2' FRAME_-28711_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28711_CLASS_ID = -28711 FRAME_-28711_CENTER = -28 CK_-28711_SCLK = -28 CK_-28711_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 = -28721 FRAME_-28721_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB3' FRAME_-28721_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28721_CLASS_ID = -28721 FRAME_-28721_CENTER = -28 CK_-28721_SCLK = -28 CK_-28721_SPK = -28 FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 = -28731 FRAME_-28731_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB4' FRAME_-28731_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28731_CLASS_ID = -28731 FRAME_-28731_CENTER = -28 CK_-28731_SCLK = -28 CK_-28731_SPK = -28 \begintext RPWI Langmuir Probes, RWI base and SCM frames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RPWI Langmuir Probes frames -- JUICE_RPWI_LP1, JUICE_RPWI_LP2, JUICE_RPWI_LP3 and JUICE_RPWI_LP4, the Radio Wave Instrument (RWI) base frame -- JUICE_RPWI_SWI -- and the RPWI Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) frame -- JUICE_RPWI_SCM -- are defined as follows (from [11]): - +Z axis is parallel to the boom, pointing outwards from the hinge towards the tip of the boom in deployed configuration; - +X axis is parallel to the boom's hinge rotation axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the sensor's geometrical center. This diagram illustrates the nominal JUICE_RPWI_LPx frame with respect to the JUICE_RPWI_LPBx frame and the JUICE_RPWI_SCM frame with respect to the JUICE_MAG_BOOM frame +X Langmuir Probe and SCM side view: ------------------------------------ ^ +Zlp ~~~ MAG boom | | | | | | .--|--. Langmuir Probe | | / | \ |^ +Zscm | o----------> ||| +Xlp / +Ylp .---.|| SCM sensor '-----' =========| |||========== | | ==========| |==|======== | | '---'o-----------> | | +Xscm | +Yscm | | | | ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ | | \ | | / |^ +Ylpb \ |^ +Zrwi ||| \ ||| / ||| . \ ||| / +Zlpb | ` . \ |||/ <-------o ` . \||| +Yrwi +Xlpb ` .=o-------> +Xrwi ` . / | |\ ` . / | | \ ` . / ~~~ \ ` . ~ ~~~ ~ | | |^ +Zmagb ||| ||| ||| +Ymagb o--------> +Xmagb +Xlpb, +Xmagb, +Xlp and +Xscm are out of the page. Nominally, the SCM and RWI base frames are co-aligned with the MAG boom frame. A single rotation of -90 degrees about the +X axis of the JUICE_RPWI_LPBx is required to co-align the Langmuir Probe frame and the corresponding boom's frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LP1 = -28705 FRAME_-28705_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LP1' FRAME_-28705_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28705_CLASS_ID = -28705 FRAME_-28705_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28705_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB1' TKFRAME_-28705_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28705_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28705_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28705_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LP2 = -28715 FRAME_-28715_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LP2' FRAME_-28715_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28715_CLASS_ID = -28715 FRAME_-28715_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28715_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB2' TKFRAME_-28715_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28715_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28715_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28715_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LP3 = -28725 FRAME_-28725_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LP3' FRAME_-28725_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28725_CLASS_ID = -28725 FRAME_-28725_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28725_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB3' TKFRAME_-28725_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28725_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28725_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28725_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_LP3 = -28735 FRAME_-28735_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_LP3' FRAME_-28735_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28735_CLASS_ID = -28735 FRAME_-28735_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28735_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB3' TKFRAME_-28735_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28735_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28735_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-28735_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_RWI = -28740 FRAME_-28740_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_RWI' FRAME_-28740_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28740_CLASS_ID = -28740 FRAME_-28740_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28740_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' TKFRAME_-28740_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28740_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28740_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28740_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) FRAME_JUICE_RPWI_SCM = -28750 FRAME_-28750_NAME = 'JUICE_RPWI_SCM' FRAME_-28750_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28750_CLASS_ID = -28750 FRAME_-28750_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28750_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' TKFRAME_-28750_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28750_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28750_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28750_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext SWI Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument (SWI) instrument frames. SWI is on the nadir platform in order to observe the target in nadir and limb viewing geometry. A clear field of view of +/-76 degrees along the track for 1) scanning across Jupiter, 2) viewing the Galilean satellites and 3) viewing cold space for calibration purpose is needed. Across the track SWI needs just a clear field of view of +/-4.3 degrees to scan across Jupiter in North- South direction. SWI Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the SWI frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_SWI_BASE" ---------------- | | |<-CK | v "JUICE_SWI_SCANNER" ------------------- SWI instrument Base frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SWI base frame, JUICE_SWI_BASE, is fixed with respect to the spacecraft and defined as follows: - +Z axis is normal to the instrument mounting plane and points towards the Nadir direction; it is nominally aligned to the +Z spacecraft axis; - +X axis is nominally aligned to the +X spacecraft axis -- during the Jupiter phase the +X axis is aligned with the along-track direction whereas during the Ganymede phase, it is aligned with the cross-track direction; that is, tilted by 90 deg --. - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is at the center of the reference mounting hole. Any misalignment between the nominal and actual SWI mounting alignment measured pre-launch should be incorporated into the definition of this frame. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_SWI_BASE frame with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array |___. | | +Y Solar Array / \ | o------> | \ / ._|_|__|__+Yswi_base / \ | | \ | V +Xsc V +Xswi_base +Zsc and +Zswi_base are out of page Nominally, the SWI base frame is co-aligned with the s/c frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_SWI_BASE = -28800 FRAME_-28800_NAME = 'JUICE_SWI_BASE' FRAME_-28800_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28800_CLASS_ID = -28800 FRAME_-28800_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28800_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28800_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28800_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28800_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28800_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext SWI Scanner frame: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWI telescope is equipped with a two-axis scan mechanism to allow scanning around the nadir viewing direction in a range of +/- 76 degrees inside the spacecraft's orbital plane (along-track) and +/- 4.3 degree perpendicular to the plane (across-track) during the Jupiter phase (see [6]). The SWI Scanner frame, JUICE_SWI_SCANNER, is a CK-based frame defined as follows: - +Z axis is aligned to the SWI antenna boresight direction; i.e. direction of maximum gain of the receiver radiation pattern. In the scanning mechanism "zero" position, it is nominally co-aligned to the JUICE_SWI_BASE +Z axis and points Nadir; - +X axis is parallel to the shortest side of the Telescope and Receiver Unit. In the scanning mechanism "zero position", it is nominally aligned to the +X spacecraft axis and the +X axis of the JUICE_SWI_BASE frame; - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the primary reflector dish outer rim circle. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_SWI_SCANNER = -28810 FRAME_-28810_NAME = 'JUICE_SWI_SCANNER' FRAME_-28810_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-28810_CLASS_ID = -28810 FRAME_-28810_CENTER = -28 CK_-28810_SCLK = -28 CK_-28810_SPK = -28 \begintext UVS Frames -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the definition of the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) instrument frames. UVS Frame Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The diagram below shows the UVS frame hierarchy: "JUICE_SPACECRAFT" ------------------ | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_UVS" ----------- | | |<-fixed | v "JUICE_UVS_SP" -------------- UVS instrument frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ultraviolet Spectrograph is rigidly mounted on the spacecraft science deck, with its main entrance aperture in the +Z spacecraft panel and a solar aperture in the +X spacecraft panel. Therefore, the frame associated with it -- the UVS instrument base frame, JUICE_UVS -- is specified as a fixed offset frame relative with its orientation given relative to the JUICE_SPACECRAFT frame. The UVS instrument frame is defined by the spectrograph design and its mounting on the spacecraft as follows: - +Z axis is along the nominal UVS main entrance aperture boresight; it is nominally co-aligned with the spacecraft +Z axis; - +X axis is parallel to the apparent spatial resolution direction (i.e. along the slit); it is nominally co-aligned with the spacecraft +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; it is nominally co-aligned with the s/c +Y axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. Any misalignment between the nominal and actual UVS mounting alignment measured pre-launch should be incorporated into the definition of this frame. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_UVS frame with respect to the spacecraft frame. +Z s/c side view: ----------------- direction of flight ___________ HGA <--------------> \ / \ .__`._____.'__. \ / | | / \ | | \ / | +Zsc +Ysc / \=>o<===============>o-| o------->o<===============>o<=\ / -Y Solar Array | | .___| +Y Solar Array / \ | | | o------> \ / .______|__|_|_. +Yuvs / \ | | \ +Xsc V | v +Xuvs +Zsc and +Zuvs_base are out of page Nominally, the UVS instrument frame is co-aligned with the s/c frame. Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_UVS = -28850 FRAME_-28850_NAME = 'JUICE_UVS' FRAME_-28850_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28850_CLASS_ID = -28850 FRAME_-28850_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28850_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-28850_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28850_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28850_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28850_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) \begintext UVS Solar Port frame ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The UVS Solar Port (SP) frame, JUICE_UVS_AP, is defined as follows (from [5], pp. 53 and 54): - +Z axis is along the nominal UVS solar port aperture boresight, which is located on the +Y spacecraft panel; it is nominally at an angle of 60 degrees from the main entrance Airglow Port (AP) towards UVS +Y axis; - +X axis is aligned with the apparent spatial resolution direction (i.e. along the main slit); it is nominally co-aligned with the UVS +X axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the instrument focal point. Any misalignment between the UVS nominal boresight direction and the solar port boresight direction measured post instrument integration should be incorporated into the definition of this frame. This diagram illustrates nominal JUICE_UVS_SP frame with respect to the JUICE_UVS frame. -X UVS instrument side: ----------------------- +Xsc +Zsc x--------------> | | .------------------------------------. | | C&DH | | | LVPS | | +------------. | v | .-| HVPS | +Ysc | Detector | '-----------------------'--. | elect. | ,---, . | | | Detector/ |<-- Grating | | / / ' | +----------'-----'---'-- --------------| | . +Xuvs +Xuvs_sp +Zuvs OAP --> | x--------------x--------------------------> AP & HP nominal | ' | .' `. 60 deg boresight '-------|----------.'---. `. .---------' | .' `. `. `. | .' `. `. `. | v `. `. v +Yuvs_sp `. +Yuvs v +Zuvs_sp SP nominal boresight +Ysc, +Yuvs and +Yuvs_sp are into the page Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the opposite from what is written in the above text. \begindata FRAME_JUICE_UVS_SP = -28870 FRAME_-28870_NAME = 'JUICE_UVS_SP' FRAME_-28870_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-28870_CLASS_ID = -28870 FRAME_-28870_CENTER = -28 TKFRAME_-28870_RELATIVE = 'JUICE_UVS' TKFRAME_-28870_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-28870_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-28870_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-28870_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 60.0, 0.0 ) \begintext JUICE NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions ============================================================================== This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the JUICE mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls. Spacecraft: ----------- This table presents the JUICE Spacecraft and its main structures' names and IDs Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- JUICE -28 JUPITER ICY MOONS EXPLORER JUICE_SPACECRAFT -28000 JUICE_SC JUICE_SA+Y -28011 JUICE_SA-Y -28013 JUICE_HGA -28020 JUICE_MAG_BOOM -28030 JUICE_MGA -28044 JUICE_LGA+X -28045 JUICE_LGA-X -28046 JUICE_STR-OH1 -28061 JUICE_STR-OH2 -28062 JUICE_STR-OH3 -28063 Notes: -- 'JUICE' and 'JUPITER ICY MOONS EXPLORER' are synonyms and all map to the JUICE spacecraft ID (-28); -- 'JUICE_SC' and 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' are synonyms and all map to the JUICE s/c bus structure ID (-28000); The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUPITER ICY MOONS EXPLORER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SA_DEFAULT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28901 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SA+Y' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28011 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SA-Y' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28013 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_HGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28020 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAG_BOOM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28031 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MGA_APM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28040 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28044 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_LGA+X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28045 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_LGA-X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28046 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_NAVCAM-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28051 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_NAVCAM-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28052 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_STR-OH1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28061 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_STR-OH2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28062 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_STR-OH3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28063 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMC-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28081 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMC-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28082 ) \begintext Natural Bodies and Models: -------------------------- This table presents the JUICE Natural Bodies and Models and its main structures' names and IDs Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- -------------------------- JUICE_IO_PLASMA_TORUS -28968 JUPITER ICY MOONS EXPLORER The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_IO_PLASMA_TORUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28968 ) \begintext GAnymede Laser Altimeter: ------------------------- This table presents the GAnymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) instrument and structures' names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_GALA -28100 JUICE_GALA_LHM -28110 JUICE_GALA_RXT -28120 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_GALA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28100 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_GALA_LHM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28110 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_GALA_RXT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28120 ) \begintext Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator: ------------------------------------------- This table presents the Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator (JANUS) instrument name and ID: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_JANUS -28200 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JANUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28200 ) \begintext Magnetometer: ------------- This table presents the Magnetometer (J-MAG) instrument and J-MAG Alignment Calibration Systems sensors names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS -28300 JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS -28310 JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA -28320 JUICE_JMAG_JACS-X -28330 JUICE_JMAG_JACS-Y -28331 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGIBS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28300 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGOBS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28310 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28320 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMAG_JACS-X' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28330 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_JMAG_JACS-Y' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28331 ) \begintext Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer: --------------------------------------- This table presents the Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) instrument and structures' names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_MAJIS -28400 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR -28410 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B2 -28412 JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B4 -28414 JUICE_MAJIS_IR -28420 JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B2 -28422 JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B4 -28424 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28400 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28410 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28412 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_VISNIR_B4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28414 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_IR' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28420 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28422 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_MAJIS_IR_B4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28424 ) \begintext Particle Environment Package: ----------------------------- This table presents the Particle Environment Package (PEP) instrument and sensor names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms ------------------------- ----------- ----------------------- JUICE_PEP_JDC -28510 JUICE_PEP_JNA -28520 JUICE_PEP_NIM -28530 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION -28531 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S0 -28532 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S1 -28533 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S2 -28534 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S3 -28535 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S4 -28536 JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S5 -28537 JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-1 -28538 JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-2 -28539 JUICE_PEP_JEI -28540 JUICE_PEP_JOEE -28550 JUICE_PEP_JENI -28560 JUICE_PEP_JDC_PIXEL_NNN -2851NNN* JUICE_PEP_JNA_SECTOR_NN -2852NN** JUICE_PEP_JEI_NN_M -2852NN*** * There are NNN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JDC_PIXEL elements. NNN is the pixel number and ranges from 000 to 191. ** There are NN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JNI_SECTOR elements. NN is the sector number and ranges from 00 to 11. *** For each M (L, M and H) there are NN NAIF ID codes for the JUICE_PEP_JEI elements. NN is the azimuthal sector number and ranges from 00 to 15. DISCLAIMER: Please note that the JUICE_PEP_JDC_PIXEL_NNN*, the JUICE_PEP_JNA_SECTOR_NN** and the JUICE_PEP_JEI_NNN_M NAIF ID definitions are not included in the JUICE Frames Kernel file (, where NN is the version number of the file). \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JDC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28510 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JNA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28520 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28530 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28531 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S0' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28532 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28533 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28534 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28535 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28536 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_NEUION_S5' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28537 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28538 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_NIM_THERMAL-2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28539 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JEI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28540 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JOEE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28550 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JOEE_S1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28551 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JOEE_S2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28552 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_PEP_JENI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28560 ) \begintext Radar for Icy Moon Exploration: ------------------------------- This table presents the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) instrument name and ID: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_RIME_BASE -28600 JUICE_RIME -28601 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RIME_BASE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28600 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RIME' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28601 ) \begintext Radio & Plasma Waves Investigation: ----------------------------------- This table presents the Radio & Plasma Waves Investigation (RPWI) structures, instruments and sensors names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_RPWI_LPB1 -28700 JUICE_RPWI_LP1 -28705 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2 -28710 JUICE_RPWI_LP2 -28715 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 -28720 JUICE_RPWI_LP3 -28725 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 -28730 JUICE_RPWI_LP4 -28735 JUICE_RPWI_RWI -28740 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EX -28741 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EY -28742 JUICE_RPWI_RWI_EZ -28743 JUICE_RPWI_SCM -28750 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28701 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LP1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28705 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28711 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LP2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28715 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28721 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LP3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28725 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LPB4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28731 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_LP4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28735 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_RPW' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28740 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_RPW_EX' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28741 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_RPW_EY' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28742 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_RPW_EZ' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28743 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_RPWI_SCM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28750 ) \begintext Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument: ------------------------------- This table presents the Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument (SWI) instrument and structures' names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_SWI_FULL -28800 JUICE_SWI_CH1 -28810 JUICE_SWI_CH2 -28820 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SWI_FULL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28800 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SWI_CH1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28810 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_SWI_CH2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28820 ) \begintext Ultraviolet Spectrograph: ------------------------- This table presents the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) instrument and sensors' names and IDs: Name ID Synonyms --------------------- ------- ----------------------- JUICE_UVS -28850 JUICE_UVS_AP -28851 JUICE_UVS_AP_NARROW -28852 JUICE_UVS_AP_WIDE -28853 JUICE_UVS_HP -28860 JUICE_UVS_SP -28870 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28850 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS_AP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28851 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS_AP_NARROW' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28852 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS_AP_WIDE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28853 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS_HP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28860 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'JUICE_UVS_SP' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -28870 ) \begintext End of FK file.