JUICE CK files ============================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes the contents of the kernels/ck directory of the JUICE SPICE data server. It was last modified on May 21, 2024 by Rafael Andres Blasco, ESAC/ESA. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service (ESS) at ESAC: Alfredo Escalante Lopez (+34) 91-8131-429 spice@sciops.esa.int or the JUICE Science Operations Center at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 646-746-711 Marc.Costa@ext.esa.int References and required readings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF Document 2. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF Document 3. ``SCLK Required Reading'', NAIF Document 4. ``TIME Required Reading'', NAIF Document 5. ``JUICE SCLK file naming conventions,'' aareadme.txt file in kernels/sclk directory. 6. ``JUICE spacecraft attitude during the mission'', JUI-ADST-INST-TN-000112, Issue 1, October 16, 2015. 7. ``Juice Flight Dynamics ICD (PLID Annex A)'', JUI-ESOC-MOC-ICD-500, Issue 1, Revision 5, September 30, 2022. 8. ``JUICE SPICE Interface Control Document'', SPICE-JUICE-ICD-002, Issue 2, Revision 2, October 24, 2022. Brief Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE C-Kernel files for the JUICE spacecraft, its structures, and science instruments. Particularly, it contains data for the following JUICE frames: Frame Name Relative to NAIF ID ------------------- ------------------- --------- JUICE_SPACECRAFT_PLAN J2000 -28001 JUICE_SPACECRAFT_MEAS J2000 -28002 JUICE_SA+Y_PLAN JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO -28012 JUICE_SA+Y_MEAS JUICE_SA+Y_ZERO -28013 JUICE_SA-Y_PLAN JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO -28016 JUICE_SA-Y_MEAS JUICE_SA-Y_ZERO -28017 JUICE_MAG_BOOM JUICE_MAG_BOOM-H -28031 JUICE_MGA_AZ_PLAN JUICE_MGA_APM -28042 JUICE_MGA_AZ_MEAS JUICE_MGA_APM -28043 JUICE_MGA_EL_PLAN JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO -28046 JUICE_MGA_EL_MEAS JUICE_MGA_EL_ZERO -28047 JUICE_JMAG_MAGSCA JUICE_MAG_BOOM -28320 JUICE_MAJIS_SCAN JUICE_MAJIS_BASE -28401 JUICE_RPWI_LP1 JUICE_RPWI_LPB1 -28705 JUICE_RPWI_LP2 JUICE_RPWI_LPB2 -28715 JUICE_RPWI_LP3 JUICE_RPWI_LPB3 -28725 JUICE_RPWI_LP4 JUICE_RPWI_LPB4 -28735 JUICE_SWI_SCANNER JUICE_SWI_BASE -28810 File naming conventions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUICE spacecraft CK: The naming scheme for the JUICE spacecraft CK is: juice_INST_TYPE[_DESC][_ID]_[YYMMDD_YYMMDD]_[SCLK]_vNN.bc where INST instrument/structure/sensor identifier (required): sc for the JUICE spacecraft planning or measured frame; mga for the JUICE medium gain antenna planning or measured frame; sa for the JUICE solar arrays planning or measured frame; lpbooms for the JUICE Langmuir Probes' booms; magboom for the JUICE magnetometer boom; majis_scan for the MAJIS scan mirror; swi_scan for the SWI telescope scanner; TYPE Data type, where a reference to the originator of the data, the type of data and the and the reference period is provided. The different types are: attc S/C predicted attitude during cruise covering until end of a commanding cycle from Flight Dynamics. attm MTP S/C predicted attitude covering special activities during GAMs or instrument checkouts from Flight Dynamics. meas S/C measured as-flown attitude from the housekeeping telemetry. cmmd S/C measured commanded attitude from the housekeeping telemetry. plan S/C predicted attitude covering special planning activities from the uplink group of the Science Operations Center. ptr S/C test attitude covering planning exercise periods and created by Science Operations Center Uplink Group. crema_DESC_baseline S/C test attitude for the full crema reference trajectory the crema reference and attitude profile is provided by DESC. Based on the default CK but with enhanced attitude by adding slews. Generated by the JUICE Uplink SOC group with the Attitude Generator Module (AGM). crema_DESC_conjctn S/C test attitude for solar conjunction periods. Based on [6] and following the indications provided by Project and the JUICE Uplink SOC group. crema_DESC_comms S/C test attitude for the earth communication periods. Based on the indications provided by Project and the JUICE Uplink SOC group. crema_DESC_default S/C test attitude for the full crema reference trajectory; the crema reference and attitude profile is provided by DESC. Generated by the ESA SPICE Service from [6]. crema_DESC_flybys S/C test attitude for for the planetary swing-bys and the moon fly-by. Based on the attitude specification from [6] and the indications provided by Project and JSOC. crema_DESC_plan S/C test attitude for a special period of the crema reference trajectory. Generated by the JUICE Uplink SOC group with the Attitude Generator Module (AGM). sat_crema_DESC S/C test attitude for the full crema reference trajectory; the crema reference and attitude profile is provided by DESC. Generated by the ESA SPICE Service from [6] (old reference); DESC description of the original reference file (optional); ID Mapping to the original file product IDs as defined per an ICD document ([7] and [8]) (optional); YYMMDD coverage start and stop times in TDB (optional); SCLK reference to the SCLK used to created the CK (optional): sYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``step'' tYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``stretch'' fYYMMDD: SCLK version YYMMDD for type ``fictional'' NN CK version number -- 2 digits (required). See [5] for further details on the SCLK types available to JUICE. If multiple versions of a C-Kernel file are provided, always use the latest version (unless earlier version is needed for some special reasons.) Other directory contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt This file. Particulars ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following CK files have been created with a ``fictional'' SCLK but their contents are time-independent and the choice of SCLK to be used with these data is irrelevant: juice_majis_scan_zero_vNN.bc juice_swi_scan_zero_vNN.bc In other words, the transformation matrix provided by this CK is independent from the time correlation stored in the SCLK file, and therefore, despite this file being created with a FICTIONAL SCLK, it can be used with any SCLK that provides time correlation between the JUICE onboard clock and UTC. The usage of different SCLK may only produce small variations in the start and stop times, in UTC or ET, of the file, which should not impact any computations as the file covers the entire mission span. This generally does not apply to the other CKs present within this directory. Kernel File Details ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most detailed description of the data in a binary CK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using the utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included in the NAIF Toolkit. End of aareadme file.