KPL/FK InSight Frame Definitions Kernel =============================================================================== This frame kernel contains frame definitions for the InSight Lander (INSIGHT) including definitions for the frames used during cruise, EDL and surface operations, antenna and other structure frames and science payload frames. Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.0 -- September 17, 2014 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Initial Release. Contains only lander, cruise, and antenna frame definitions Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136, References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 4. ``InSight GNC Hardware Coordinate Frame Definitions and Transformations'', LIB-13, latest version 5. ``NSYT Landed & EDL Antenna Pattern Coordinate Frames'', 09/11/2014 6. ``InSight Pointing and Alignment Document (PAAD)'', NCYT-RQ-13-0032 7. E-mail from Gina Signori, INSIGHT SCT, from 09/17/14, regarding InSight antenna nomenclature. Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name; ) (FORTRAN) furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); (C) cspice_furnsh, "frame_kernel_name" (IDL) cspice_furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) (MATLAB) This file was created and may be updated with a text editor. INSIGHT NAIF ID Codes ======================================================================== The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the INSIGHT lander, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing these name-ID mappings are located in the section "INSIGHT NAIF ID Codes -- Definition Section" at the end of this file): INSIGHT lander and landing site: ---------------------------- INSIGHT -189 INSIGHT_LANDING_SITE -189900 INSIGHT_LANDER -189000 Antennas: --------- INSIGHT_CLGA_TX -189410 INSIGHT_CLGA_RX -189420 INSIGHT_CMGA -189430 INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST -189440 INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST -189450 INSIGHT_HELIX -189460 INSIGHT_WPA -189470 InSight Lander Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following InSight Lander frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== =================== ============ ======= Non Built-in Mars Frames: ------------------------- INSIGHT_MME_2000 J2000 FIXED -189910 Surface/descent frames (-1899xx): -------------------------------- INSIGHT_TOPO IAU_MARS FIXED -189900 INSIGHT_SURFACE_FIXED TOPO FIXED -189901 INSIGHT_MRD IAU_MARS FIXED -189902 INSIGHT_LL TOPO FIXED -189903 Lander frames (-18900x): ----------------------- INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE MME_2000 CK -189000 INSIGHT_LANDER CRUISE, LL CK -189001 Antenna frames (-1894xx): ------------------------ INSIGHT_CLGA_TX LANDER FIXED -189410 INSIGHT_CLGA_RX LANDER FIXED -189420 INSIGHT_CMGA LANDER FIXED -189430 INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST LANDER FIXED -189440 INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST LANDER FIXED -189450 INSIGHT_HELIX LANDER FIXED -189460 INSIGHT_WPA LANDER FIXED -189470 The frame descriptions and definitions are provided in the sections below. INSIGHT Frame Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows the InSight Lander frames hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | | | | <--pck | <--pck | <--fixed V V V "IAU_EARTH" "IAU_MARS" "INSIGHT_MME_2000" EARTH BFR(***) MARS BFR(***) MME J2000 Inertial -------------- +--------------------------+ ----------------- | | | | <--fixed | <--fixed | V V | "INSIGHT_TOPO" "INSIGHT_MRD" | +---------------+ ------------- | | | | | | fixed--> | | | | V | | | "INSIGHT_SURFACE_FIXED" | | | ----------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | <--fixed | <--ck | <--ck V V V "INSIGHT_LL" "INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE" ------------ ----------------------- | | | | | <--ck(*) | <--ck(*) V V "INSIGHT_LANDER" +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | fixed--> | | | | | | | V | | | | | | "INSIGHT_CLGA_TX" | | | | | | ----------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | fixed--> | | | | | | V | | | | | "INSIGHT_CLGA_RX" | | | | | ----------------- | | | | | | | | | | fixed--> | | | | | V | | | | "INSIGHT_CMGA" | | | | -------------- | | | | | | | | fixed--> | | | | V | | | "INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST" | | | ------------------- | | | | | | fixed--> | | | V | | "INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST" | | ------------------- | | | | fixed--> | | V | "INSIGHT_HELIX" | --------------- | | fixed--> | V "INSIGHT_WPA" ------------- (*) In these cases transformation is fixed but it has to be stored in a CK to make SPICE "traverse" appropriate frame tree branch based on the time of interest and/or loaded kernels. (***) BFR -- body-fixed rotating frame. Implementation of Frame Chains for Different Mission Phases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Different routes along the branches of the INSIGHT frame hierarchy are implemented for different mission phases depending on the availability of the orientation data and the source, format and type of the data. This subsection summarizes mission phase specific implementations. Cruise ------ "J2000" Inertial ---------------- | | <----------- Fixed transformation defined in this FK V "INSIGHT_MME_2000" Inertial --------------------------- | | <----------- CK segment containing TLM quaternions V "INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE" ----------------------- | | <----------- CK segment representing fixed rotation defined | by the lander design V "INSIGHT_LANDER" ---------------- Entry-Descent-Landing --------------------- "J2000" Inertial ---------------- | | <----------- PCK-based transformation V "IAU_MARS" BFR -------------- | | <----------- CK segment representing fixed rotation derived | from TLM (based on s/c position at the time of V parachute pre-deploy + 13 seconds) "INSIGHT_MRD" ------------- | | <----------- CK segment based on TLM Quaternion V "INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE" ----------------------- | | <----------- CK segment representing fixed rotation defined | by the lander design V "INSIGHT_LANDER" ---------------- Surface Operations ------------------ During surface operations the lander orientation is available from the following source(s): - initial orientation is provided by the spacecraft team in the form of quaternion defining orientation of the INSIGHT_LANDER frame with respect to the INSIGHT_LL frame; To accommodate this(ese) source(s) the following frame chain(s) can be implemented: Chain 1 (based on spacecraft team quaternion): "J2000" Inertial ---------------- | | <----------- PCK-based transformation V "IAU_MARS" BFR -------------- | | <----------- Fixed rotation based on the landing site | coordinates V "INSIGHT_TOPO" -------------- | | <----------- Fixed rotation based on frame definitions V "INSIGHT_LL" ------------ | | <----------- CK segment representing fixed rotation per | initial quaternion provided by LMA V "INSIGHT_LANDER" ---------------- MME ``2000'' Frame ------------------ The INSIGHT_MME_2000 frame is the Mars Mean Equator and IAU Vector of J2000 inertial reference frame defined using Mars rotation constants from the IAU 2000 report. This frame defined as a fixed offset frame with respect to the J2000 frame. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_MME_2000 = -189910 FRAME_-189910_NAME = 'INSIGHT_MME_2000' FRAME_-189910_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189910_CLASS_ID = -189910 FRAME_-189910_CENTER = 499 TKFRAME_-189910_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-189910_RELATIVE = 'J2000' TKFRAME_-189910_MATRIX = ( 0.6732521982472339 0.7394129276360180 0.0000000000000000 -0.5896387605430040 0.5368794307891331 0.6033958972853946 0.4461587269353556 -0.4062376142607541 0.7974417791532832 ) \begintext INSIGHT Topocentric Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This frame defines the z axis as the normal outward at the landing site, the x axis points at local north with the y axis completing the right handed frame (points at local west.) Orientation of the frame is given relative to the body fixed rotating frame 'IAU_MARS' (x - along the line of zero longitude intersecting the equator, z - along the spin axis, y - completing the right hand coordinate frame.) The transformation from 'INSIGHT_TOPO' frame to 'IAU_MARS' frame is a 3-2-3 rotation with defined angles as the negative of the site longitude, the negative of the site colatitude, 180 degrees. This frame is currently defied for the target landing site E9 (Elysium Planitia Site E9). The landing site Gaussian longitude and latitude upon which the definition is built are: Lon = 136.042000 degrees East Lat = 4.510372 degrees North These Gaussian coordinates correspond to the following areocentric coordinates (R, LON, LAT) = (3393.03,136.0420,4.4576) and Mars radii (Re, Re, Rp) = (3396.19, 3396.19, 3376.20). The coordinates specified above are given with respect to the 'IAU_MARS' instance defined by the rotation/shape model from the PCK file 'pck00010.tpc'. These keywords implement the frame definition. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_TOPO = -189900 FRAME_-189900_NAME = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' FRAME_-189900_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189900_CLASS_ID = -189900 FRAME_-189900_CENTER = -189900 TKFRAME_-189900_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_-189900_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189900_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-189900_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189900_ANGLES = ( -136.042, -85.489628, 180.000 ) \begintext INSIGHT Surface Fixed Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The orientation of the SURFACE_FIXED frame is by definition the same as of the INSIGHT_TOPO frame. Therefore this frame is defined as a zero offset frame relative to the INSIGHT_TOPO frame. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_SURFACE_FIXED = -189901 FRAME_-189901_NAME = 'INSIGHT_SURFACE_FIXED' FRAME_-189901_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189901_CLASS_ID = -189901 FRAME_-189901_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189901_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' TKFRAME_-189901_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189901_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-189901_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189901_ANGLES = ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 ) \begintext INSIGHT Mars Relative Descent (MRD) Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This frame is the frame used by INSIGHT AACS on-board software to control the lander attitude during "terminal descent" phase -- from the "parachute pre-deploy + " time through the "surface touchdown" time. The frame is defined in [4] as follows: "The Mars Relative Descent Frame Local Vertical, Local Horizontal Coordinate system used by the InSight Lander is a coordinate system fixed with respect to the MCMF [Mars body-fixed rotating frame -- BVS] frame and is based on the position of (Pmcmf) of the Lander and the north pole unit vector (Nmcmf) in the MCMF frame at a specified epoch relative to parachute pre-deploy (see the EDL Baseline Reference Mission document for the current definition) Note: The epoch of MRD frame initialization is tied to the epoch of radar "altitude-mode" start; a change in one epoch may drive a change in the other. The axes are defined as follows: -Pmcmf [points from the spacecraft +Zmrd = ----------------- in Mars body-fixed frame |Pmcmf| towards the center of the planet at the time "pre-deploy + specified time" - BVS] +Zmrd x Nmcmf [points to local East from sub- +Ymrd = ----------------- spacecraft point computed at |+Zmrd x Nmcmf| the time "pre-deploy + specified time" in Mars body-fixed frame - BVS] +Xmrd = +Ymrd x +Zmrd [points to local North from sub- spacecraft point computed at the time "pre-deploy + specified time" in Mars body-fixed frame - BVS] " Since "parachute pre-deploy + specified time" time and position of the spacecraft position at that time are not known until the actual decent and landing, and assuming that the final landing location will not be very far from the sub-spacecraft point at "parachute pre-deploy + specified time", we can specify orientation of the INSIGHT_MRD frame as a fixed, 180 degrees rotation about +X with respect to the INSIGHT_TOPO frame. The nominal definition below implements this rotation: \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_MRD = -189902 FRAME_-189902_NAME = 'INSIGHT_MRD' FRAME_-189902_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189902_CLASS_ID = -189902 FRAME_-189902_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189902_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' TKFRAME_-189902_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189902_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-189902_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189902_ANGLES = ( 180.000, 0.000, 0.000 ) \begintext When the actual transformation from the "IAU_MARS" frame to the "INSIGHT_MRD" frame, computed on-board and send down to Earth in channelized telemetry as a 3x3 transformation matrix, will become available, it should be inserted into the definition below as follows: TKFRAME_-189902_MATRIX = ( A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_11) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_12) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_13) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_21) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_22) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_23) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_31) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_32) A-xxx(LVLH_MTRX_33) ) where A-xxx are channel IDs and (LVLH_MTRX_xx) are channel names. (TBD: channels above must be verified against TLM dictionary.) Then, the definition should be "activated" by placing it between \begindata ... \begintext tokens: begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_MRD = -189902 FRAME_-189902_NAME = 'INSIGHT_MRD' FRAME_-189902_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189902_CLASS_ID = -189902 FRAME_-189902_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189902_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_-189902_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-189902_MATRIX = ( d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd d.dddddddd ) begintext INSIGHT Landed Local Vertical, Local Horizontal (LL) Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This frame is the frame with respect to which the landed lander orientation is determined by the on-board GyroCompass process. The frame is defined in [11] as follows: "The Landed Local Vertical, Local Horizontal Coordinate System used by the Lander is a coordinate system [the origin of which is -- BVS] fixed with respect to the landed spacecraft. The coordinate frame is is related to the MCI [INSIGHT_MME_2000 Inertial -- BVS] frame by rotation of the right ascension of the Mars local meridian and the latitude of the landed spacecraft." The axes of this frame point as follows: +Z points along local gravity vector (because the latitude of the landing is determined as [11]: "LAT = arcsin( -G local * W local ) where: LAT = latitude of landed s/c -G local = gravity vector measured in s/c body frame w local = Mars rotational rate measure in the s/ body frame" +X points towards local North +Y completes the right-hand frame (and, thus points towards local East) One principal axis of this frame is based on the measured gravity vector direction at the landing site, which can be computed using different assumptions: - local gravity vector points towards the center of Mars; in this case the latitude defining the axis is planetocentric latitude; - local gravity vector points along normal to the nominal Mars spheroid surface; in this case the latitude defining the axis is planetographic latitude; - local gravity vector points along the gravitational potential vector computed using some Mars gravity field model. It's obvious that the first assumption is the most inaccurate of the three while the last one the most accurate, with the difference between planetocentric and planetographic latitudes at the nominal landing site being: delta = | LAT_plcen - LAT_plgraph | = | 4.4576 - 4.5104 | = 0.0528 deg. In this file the INSIGHT_LL frame is defined as a fixed offset frame with respect to the INSIGHT_TOPO frame that is based on the planetographic latitude. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_LL = -189903 FRAME_-189903_NAME = 'INSIGHT_LL' FRAME_-189903_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189903_CLASS_ID = -189903 FRAME_-189903_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189903_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_TOPO' TKFRAME_-189903_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189903_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-189903_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189903_ANGLES = ( 180.000, 0.000, 0.000 ) \begintext INSIGHT Lander Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two primary frames are defined for the InSight spacecraft -- the LANDER frame (or Mechanical frame) and the LANDER CRUISE frame. Lander Frame ------------ The LANDER frame is the one used in all solid modeling and design of the lander. This frame, also called "Lander Mechanical frame", is defined in [4] as follows: "+Xm = pointed towards foot of deployed lander 0 degree leg +Zm = normal to launch vehicle interface plane (in direction of flight) +Ym = +Zm x +Xm, parallel to landed solar array axis of symmetry The origin of the frame is centered on the launch vehicle separation plane." If someone would look at the normal landed spacecraft configuration, he/she would see: - Z axis is vertical and points down (from the lander deck toward the lander "legs"); - X axis is parallel to the lander deck plane and lander solar array yoke and points away from the deck center toward the deck side opposite to the arm; - Y completes the right-handed frame and points along solar array axis of symmetry; - origin of this frame is TBD millimeters above the lander deck. Lander Cruise Frame ------------------- This frame is defined in [4] as follows: "+Xc = +Zm +Zc = center line of REMs #3 and #4 +Yc = +Zc x +Xc ... The +X axis of the cruise frame is aligned with the +Z axis of the mechanical [INSIGHT_LANDER -- BVS] frame. The +Y axis is rotated -120 degrees from the +X axis of the mechanical frame, about the +X axis of the cruise frame." The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE frame by two rotations, first by -90 degrees about Y, second by +150 degrees about the new position of X. Lander and Lander Cruise Frame Diagram -------------------------------------- This diagram illustrates the LANDER and LANDER CRUISE frames for cruise configuration (cruise solar panel side view): .-'-. .-' \ -' \____ \ \ `-. \ ^+Ylnd \ \ | | \ / `- | \ | | +Zlnd | | <------x +Xcru | +Xlnd .-' \ . | \ <-' \ `-. / +Zcru | \ \ \ | V \ `-. \ +Ycru.\ +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `---\ .- \ .-' `-.-' This diagram illustrates the LANDER and LANDER CRUISE frames for landed configuration (top view of the lander deck): .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. | +Y solar | ` panel ' \ / __ `. .' | _| `--H--' // ___H_______// / ^+Ylnd \ / | \ / | \ -- | | +Zlnd | | =====|<------x +Xcru | -- +Xlnd .-' \ | _ \ <-' \ o==============='_' RA +Zcru \ / \________ V / H +Ycru .--H--. \\_ .' `. |__| / \ . -Y solar . | panel | +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' Lander Frame Definitions ------------------------ Both lander frames are defined as CK frames for the following reasons: - during cruise the s/c "flies" using the INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE frame; the orientation of this frame is determined on-board with respect to the INSIGHT_MME_2000 frame; this orientation is sent down in the chanellized telemetry, from which it is extracted and stored in the cruise CK file; - during descent the s/c also "flies" using the INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE frame; the orientation of this frame is determined on-board with respect to the Mars Relative Descent frame (INSIGHT_MRD); this orientation is sent down in the chanellized telemetry, from which it is extracted and stored in the descent CK file(s); - after landing the initial orientation of the INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE frame is determined (by running GyroCompass process) with respect the Landed Local Vertical, Local Horizontal frame (INSIGHT_LL); it is stored in the surface orientation CK file(s); - after landing the orientation of the INSIGHT_LANDER frame may be determined with respect the local level or topocentric frame; this orientation is stored in the surface orientation CK file(s); - for different periods (cruise, descent, surface ops) the INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be specified as offset to the INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE frame or the LL frame depending on for which of these the orientation data is available. Also, should the landed orientation change during surface operations due to the arm or other activities, the change in orientation will be captured in the landed CK file(s). \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_LANDER = -189001 FRAME_-189001_NAME = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' FRAME_-189001_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-189001_CLASS_ID = -189001 FRAME_-189001_CENTER = -189 CK_-189001_SCLK = -189 CK_-189001_SPK = -189 FRAME_INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE = -189000 FRAME_-189000_NAME = 'INSIGHT_LANDER_CRUISE' FRAME_-189000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-189000_CLASS_ID = -189000 FRAME_-189000_CENTER = -189 CK_-189000_SCLK = -189 CK_-189000_SPK = -189 \begintext INSIGHT Antenna Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The all INSIGHT Antenna frames are fixed offset frames with their orientation given relative to the LANDER Mechanical frame. All antenna frames are defined such that +Z axis is the antenna boresight and +X axis is lined up with the reference direction for the antenna pattern clock angle. Cruise LGA Transmit Antenna Frame --------------------------------- According to [6] and [7], the Cruise LGA Transmit antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_CLGA_TX frame -- is the (0, 0, -1) vector in the lander mechanical frame and its clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_CLGA_TX frame -- is the (1, 0, 0) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_CLGA_TX frame by a single rotation of 180 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_CLGA_TX frame (cruise solar panel side view for cruise configuration): .-'-. .-' \ -' \____ \ \ `-. \ ^+Ylnd \ \ | | \ +Xclga | \ | <------o | +Zlnd | | <----|-x +Xcru | +Xlnd .|' \ . | \ <-' | \ `-. / +Zcru V \ \ \ +Yclga V \ `-. \ +Ycru.\ +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `---\ .- \ .-' +Zclga is out of the page. `-.-' Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_CLGA_TX = -189410 FRAME_-189410_NAME = 'INSIGHT_CLGA_TX' FRAME_-189410_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189410_CLASS_ID = -189410 FRAME_-189410_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189410_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189410_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189410_ANGLES = ( 0.000000, 180.000000, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189410_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189410_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Cruise LGA Receive Antenna Frame -------------------------------- According to [6] and [7], the Cruise LGA Receive antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_CLGA_RX frame -- is the (0, 0, -1) vector in the lander mechanical frame and its clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_CLGA_RX frame -- is the (1, 0, 0) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_CLGA_RX frame by a single rotation of 180 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_CLGA_RX frame (cruise solar panel side view for cruise configuration): .-'-. .-' \ -' \____ \ \ `-. \ ^+Ylnd \ \ | | \ +Xclga | \ | <------o | +Zlnd | | <----|-x +Xcru | +Xlnd .|' \ . | \ <-' | \ `-. / +Zcru V \ \ \ +Yclga V \ `-. \ +Ycru.\ +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `---\ .- \ .-' +Zclga is out of the page. `-.-' Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_CLGA_RX = -189420 FRAME_-189420_NAME = 'INSIGHT_CLGA_RX' FRAME_-189420_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189420_CLASS_ID = -189420 FRAME_-189420_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189420_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189420_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189420_ANGLES = ( 0.000000, 180.000000, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189420_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189420_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Cruise Medium Gain Antenna Frame -------------------------------- According to [6], the Cruise Medium Gain antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_CMGA frame -- is the (0.703306, -0.151033, -0.694658) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The antenna clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_CMGA frame -- is chosen arbitrarily to be in the lander XY plane in the +X/+Y quadrant. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_CMGA frame by two rotations: first by +77.879965 degrees about the +Z axis, then by +133.999970 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_CMGA frame (cruise solar panel side view for cruise configuration): .-'-. .-' \ -' \____ \ \ `-. +Xcmga ^ ^+Ylnd \ \ . | | \ / `- | \ +Xlnd ' | +Zlnd | | <-----*x +Xcru | +Zcmga <--''.-' \ . | \ <-' \ `-. / +Zcru | \ \ \ | V \ `-. \ +Ycru.\ +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `---\ .- \ .-' +Zcmga points ~44 degrees above the page. `-.-' +Ycmga points ~46 degrees into the page. Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_CMGA = -189430 FRAME_-189430_NAME = 'INSIGHT_CMGA' FRAME_-189430_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189430_CLASS_ID = -189430 FRAME_-189430_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189430_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189430_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189430_ANGLES = ( -77.879965, -133.999970, 0.00000 ) TKFRAME_-189430_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189430_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Landed West Medium Gain Antenna Frame ------------------------------------- According to [6], the Landed West Medium Gain antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST frame -- is the (-0.2360, 0.8508, -0.4695) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The antenna clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST -- is chosen arbitrarily to be in the lander XY plane in the -X/-Y quadrant. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST frame by two rotations: first by +195.503269 degrees about the +Z axis, then by +118.002045 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST frame (top view of the lander deck for landed configuration): .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. | +Y solar ` panel \ ^ +Zlmgaw `. . `--H- ___H__ ' +Ylnd ^ * . / | ' > +Xlmgaw / | -- | | +Zlnd | | =====|<------x +Xcru | -- +Xlnd .-' \ | _ \ <-' \ o==============='_' RA +Zcru \ / \________ V / H +Ycru .--H--. \\_ .' `. |__| / \ . -Y solar . | panel | +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' +Zlmgaw points ~28 degrees above the page. +Ylmgaw points ~62 degrees into the page. Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST = -189440 FRAME_-189440_NAME = 'INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST' FRAME_-189440_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189440_CLASS_ID = -189440 FRAME_-189440_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189440_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189440_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189440_ANGLES = ( -195.503269, -118.002045, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189440_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189440_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Landed East Medium Gain Antenna Frame ---------------------------------------- According to [6], the Landed East Medium Gain antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST frame -- is the (0.0923, -0.8781, -0.4695) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The antenna clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST -- is chosen arbitrarily to be in the lander XY plane in the +X/+Y quadrant. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST frame by two rotations: first by +6.000514 degrees about the +Z axis, then by +118.001706 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST frame (top view of the lander deck for landed configuration): .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. | +Y solar | ` panel ' \ / __ `. .' | _| `--H--' // ___H_______// / ^+Ylnd \ / | \ / | \ -- | | +Zlnd | | =====|<------x +Xcru | -- +Xlnd .-' \ | _ +Zcru <-' \ o==============='_' RA +Xlmgae < . \ / '* _ V / . +Ycru \\_ ' . |__| v \ +Zlmgae . | +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' +Zlmgae points ~28 degrees above the page. +Ylmgae points ~62 degrees into the page. Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST = -189450 FRAME_-189450_NAME = 'INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST' FRAME_-189450_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189450_CLASS_ID = -189450 FRAME_-189450_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189450_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189450_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189450_ANGLES = ( -6.000514, -118.001706, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189450_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189450_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Landed/EDL UHF Helix Antenna Frame ---------------------------------- According to [6], the Landed/EDL UHF Helix antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_HELIX frame -- is the (0, 0, -1) vector in the lander mechanical frame and its clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_HELIX frame -- is the (1, 0, 0) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_HELIX frame by a single rotation of 180 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_HELIX frame (top view of the lander deck for landed configuration): .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. | +Y solar | ` panel ' \ / __ `. .' | _| `--H--' // ___H_______// / ^+Ylnd \ +Xhelix | \ / <------o +Zhelix -- | | | | | =====|<------x | | -- +Xlnd .-' \ | | _ \ <-' \ V o==============='_' RA +Zcru \ +Yhelix \________ V / H +Ycru .--H--. \\_ .' `. |__| / \ . -Y solar . | panel | +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' +Z helix is out of the page. Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_HELIX = -189460 FRAME_-189460_NAME = 'INSIGHT_HELIX' FRAME_-189460_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189460_CLASS_ID = -189460 FRAME_-189460_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189460_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189460_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189460_ANGLES = ( 0.000000, 180.000000, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189460_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189460_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext EDL Wrap Around Patch Antenna Frame ----------------------------------- According to [6], the EDL Wrap Around Patch antenna boresight -- +Z axis of the INSIGHT_WPA frame -- is the (0, 0, -1) vector in the lander mechanical frame and its clock reference direction -- +X axis of the INSIGHT_WPA frame -- is the (-0.5, 0.866, 0) vector in the lander mechanical frame. The INSIGHT_LANDER frame can be transformed to the INSIGHT_WPA frame by two rotations: first by +120 degrees about the +Z axis, then by 180 degrees about +X axis. This diagram illustrates the INSIGHT_WPA frame (parachute cone side view for EDL configuration): _________ .-' `- / +Ylnd ^ ^ +Xwpa / | / +Ywpa <. | / \ | '-. |/ +Zlnd | | <------* +Xcru | +Xlnd .-' \ +Zwpa | \ <-' \ / +Zcru \ / \ V / `-. +Ycru. +Zlnd and +Xcru are into the page. `-------' +Zwpa is out of the page. Since the frame definition below contains the reverse transformation (i.e. from the antenna frame to the lander frame), the order and the signs of the rotations are reversed. \begindata FRAME_INSIGHT_WPA = -189470 FRAME_-189470_NAME = 'INSIGHT_WPA' FRAME_-189470_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-189470_CLASS_ID = -189470 FRAME_-189470_CENTER = -189 TKFRAME_-189470_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-189470_RELATIVE = 'INSIGHT_LANDER' TKFRAME_-189470_ANGLES = ( -120.00000, 180.000000, 0.000000 ) TKFRAME_-189470_AXES = ( 3, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-189470_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext INSIGHT NAIF ID Codes -- Definition Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for INSIGHT. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_LANDING_SITE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189900 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_LANDER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_CLGA_TX' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189410 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_CLGA_RX' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189420 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_CMGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189430 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_LMGA_WEST' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189440 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_LMGA_EAST' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189450 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_HELIX' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189460 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'INSIGHT_WPA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -189470 ) \begintext End of FK file.