InSight NPB Dry-Run Instructions --------------------------------- NPB_dryrun_insight.tar.gz - a complete directory structure setup - This serves as the starting point and the ideal setup for creating NPB SPICE archives and additional releases. - This setup has everything needed to do InSight Release 1 and get you started on InSight release 2 npb_insight/ |-- kernels <- includes all kernels for release 1 & 2 |-- staging <- empty |-- insight <- empty |-- working `-- insight_release_01.plan <- input, kernels to archive for release 1 `-- insight_release_01.xml <- input, configuration file for reelase 1 `-- insight_release_02.plan <- input, kernels to archive for release 2 |-- document `-- spiceds_v001.html <- ready for release 1 `-- readme.txt <- ready for archive In addition to the directory structure setup and needed files I have provided 3 documents NPB_reference_guide_v01.txt - This file details the steps to make a PDS4 SPICE archive with NPB Release1_NPB_procedure_v01.txt - This file serves as a cheat sheet for creating release 1 Release_NPB_procedure_v01.txt - This file serves as a cheat sheet for releases 2+ --- End.