December 29, 2006 Hubble Space Telescope SPKs prepared by Ed Wright for Robert Jacobson. TLE data obtained from Space Track facility,, in three parts covering the dates: 1990-01-01 to 1996-01-01 1996-01-01 to 2002-01-01 2002-01-01 to 2006-12-31 The mkspk utility processed these data sets to create the SPK files: 1990-01-01_1996-01-01.bsp 1996-01-01_2002-01-01.bsp 2002-01-01_2006-12-31.bsp An application of the bspidmod utility changed the segment body ID in each SPK to -48 (NAIF ID for HST) from -120580 (default from NORAD ID). Use of spkmerge created a single SPK, 1990-01-01_2006-12-31.bsp, from the three previously listed SPKs. Ed Wright 1-818-354-0371