This directory contains SPK kernels for the US-German Helios 1 and 2 missions (also known as Helios A and B), launched in 1974 and 1976, respectively. The Helios orbits have been reconstructed from tabulated daily positions available from NSSDC. For Helios 1, the trajectory information is split into two kernels, 100528R_helios1_74345_81272.bsp which contains a reconstruced orbit for the times for which tabulated daily positions are available, and 160707AP_helios1_81272_86074.bsp which contains a predicted orbit based on the same orbital solution. For Helios 2, the available tabulated daily positions on which the orbit reconstruction was based cover the whole mission, so there is only one kernel, 100607R_helios2_76016_80068.bsp. There is an extensive description of how these files were produced found inside the comment area of each kernel. You can use either the “commnt” (note the unfamiliar spelling) or the “spacit” utility to read those comments. Both are included in the SPICE Toolkit, and both are available under the Utilities web page (