C C Include Section: Plate Model Maxima C C pltmax.inc Version 2 21-June-2002 (JAB) C C pltmax.inc Version 1 09-April-1997 (JAB) C C C The maximum number of bodies, vertices and C plates in a plate model or collective thereof are C provided here. C C These values can be used to dimension arrays, or to C use as limit checks. C C The value of MAXPLT is determined from MAXVRT via C Euler's Formula for simple polyhedra having triangular C faces. It is a suggestive value only, as some plate C models may be used that are not simple polyhedra, C like spacecraft, planetary rings, etc. C C C MAXBOD is the maximum number of bodies the triangular C plate model software will support. C C INTEGER MAXBOD C PARAMETER ( MAXBOD = 20 ) INTEGER MAXBOD PARAMETER ( MAXBOD = 1 ) C C MAXVRT is the maximum number of vertices the triangular C plate model software will support. C INTEGER MAXVRT PARAMETER ( MAXVRT = 1750000 ) C C MAXPLT is the maximum number of plates that the triangular C plate model software will support. C INTEGER MAXPLT PARAMETER ( MAXPLT = 2*(MAXVRT - 2) ) C C MAXNPV is the maximum allowed number of vertices, C not taking into account shared vertices. C INTEGER MAXNPV PARAMETER ( MAXNPV = 10*MAXPLT ) C C MAXEDG is the maximum allowed number of vertex or plate C neighbors a vertex may have. C INTEGER MAXEDG PARAMETER ( MAXEDG = 120 ) C C MAXCLN is the maximum length of a kernel comment line. C INTEGER MAXCLN PARAMETER ( MAXCLN = 255 ) C C MAXCOM is the maximum number of comment lines in the C plate kernel. C INTEGER MAXCOM PARAMETER ( MAXCOM = 1000 ) C C The maximum 'Q' value for Gaskell shape models. This value C is always a multiple of 4. C INTEGER MAXQ PARAMETER ( MAXQ = 512 ) C C End Include Section: Plate Model Maxima C