KPL/FK FIDO Frame Definitions Kernel =============================================================================== This frame kernel contains complete set of frame definitions for the FIDO rover. Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.2 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF -- August 27, 1999 Added Mars Yard and Lavac Lake frames. Version 1.0.1 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF -- August 9, 1999 Described most of the frames. Added frames hierachy. Version 1.0.0 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF -- July 24, 1999 Created placeholders for all FIDO frames. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136, References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must `load' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICELIB routine LDPOOL loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL LDPOOL ( frame_kernel_name ) This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. FIDO Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following FIDO frames are defined in this kernel file: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME TYPE ID CENTER RELATIVE TO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_LANDING_SITE FIXED -771900 -771900 IAU_EARTH(IAU_MARS) FIDO_MARS_YARD FIXED -771902 -771900 IAU_EARTH FIDO_LAVAC_LAKE FIXED -771903 -771900 IAU_EARTH FIDO_SITE CK -771901 -771901 (see description) FIDO_ROVER CK -771000 -771000 FIDO_SITE FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT FIXED -771011 -771011 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT FIXED -771012 -771012 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT FIXED -771021 -771021 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT FIXED -771022 -771022 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT FIXED -771031 -771031 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT FIXED -771032 -771032 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 CK -771101 -771101 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 CK -771102 -771102 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 CK -771103 -771103 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 CK -771104 -771104 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 FIDO_MICROIMAGER FIXED -771110 -771110 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER FIXED -771120 -771120 FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 CK -771201 -771201 FIDO_ROVER FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 CK -771202 -771202 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 CK -771203 -771203 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 CK -771204 -771204 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIXED -771205 -771205 FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT FIXED -771211 -771211 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT FIXED -771212 -771212 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT FIXED -771221 -771221 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT FIXED -771222 -771222 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER FIXED -771231 -771231 FIDO_MAST_HEAD FIDO_DRILL CK -771301 -771301 FIDO_ROVER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that for CK frames 'RELATIVE TO' is given FYI only; it's not used in the frame definition; instead, SPICE system determines "RELATIVE TO' frame from the reference frame ID stored in the corresponding CK segment summary. FIDO Frame Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below show FIDO frame hierarchy: "J2000" ------- | | <-- PCK-based | V "IAU_EARTH"("IAU_MARS") +---------------------------+ | | | <-- ck | <-- fixed | | V V "SITE" "LANDING_SITE" ("MARS_YARD"/"LAVAC_LAKE") ------ ----------------------------------------- | | <-- ck | | | "FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT/RIGHT" | ------------------------- | ^ | | <-- fixed | | | | | | "REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT/RIGHT" | | ------------------------ | | ^ | | | <-- fixed | | | | | | | | | "BELLYCAM_LEFT/RIGHT" | | | --------------------- | | | ^ | | | | <-- fixed V | | | "ROVER" | | | +------------------+---+---+-------+----------+ | | | | <-- ck | <-- ck | <-- ck | | | V V V "ARM_JOINT_1" "DRILL" "MAST_JOINT_1" ------------- ------- -------------- | | | <-- ck | <-- ck | | V V "ARM_JOINT_2" "MAST_JOINT_2" ------------- -------------- | | | <-- ck | <-- ck | | V V "ARM_JOINT_3" "MAST_JOINT_3" ------------- -------------- | | | <-- ck | <-- ck | | V V "ARM_JOINT_4" "MAST_JOINT_4" +-----------------------+ -------------- | | | | <-- fixed | <-- fixed | | | | V V | "MICROIMAGER" "M_SPECTROMETER" | ------------- ---------------- | | <-- fixed | V "MAST_HEAD" +-----------------------+---------------------------- | | | | <-- fixed | <-- fixed | <-- fixed | | | V V V "NAVCAM_LEFT/RIGHT" "PANCAM_LEFT/RIGHT" "IR_SPECTROMETER" ------------------- ------------------- ----------------- FIDO Frame Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows FIDO frames for the mast straight up / arm straight forward position: ^ +Zmh Mast Frames: | +Xm4 Xm1,Ym1,Zm1 -- Mast Joint 1 _|_ Xm2,Ym2,Zm2 -- Mast Joint 2 +Xmh | | camera Xm3,Ym3,Zm3 -- Mast Joint 3 (out)o-----> +Ymh -> sight Xm4,Ym4,Zm4 -- Mast Joint 1 |_|_| direction Xmh,Ymh,Zmh -- Mast Head <-----o +Zm4 +Ym4 | |(out) Arm Frames: | | Xa1,Ya1,Za1 -- Arm Joint 1 | | Xa2,Ya2,Za2 -- Arm Joint 2 | | Xa3,Ya3,Za3 -- Arm Joint 3 |^+Xm3 Xa4,Ya4,Za4 -- Arm Joint 4 ||| ||| ||| Rover Frame -- Xr,Yr,Zr <-----o|+Zm3 +Ym3 | |(out) | | | | | | Microimager | sight direction +Xm2^| ^ || | ||| ^+Ya2 ^+Ya3 +Ya4^ +Ym2 ||| __+Xm1____________________| | | <-----o----->______________________ || | | _ +Ym1||__/ | _______|__ +Ya1|||_______ | ____+Xa3__ | _/_\ +Zm2 | | | ________ | +Za2|o----->__|o----->_____|o-----> (out)| _|_____|| ___|_||__(out)| +Xa1 +Za3 +Za4 +Xa4 v | ______| | ________ | | +Xa2 (out) (out) +Zm1 | |_________| |_| | | | _|_|_ |_|_ _|_| v+Za1 / \ +Yr \ +Xr | o | (out) o-----> o | ____________\_____/_____\__|__/____\_____/______________________________ ////////////////////////// | /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// | ////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// v +Zr ////////////////////////////////////// Mast and arm joint angle values for the rover configuration shown on the diagram are as follows: Arm Joint 1 = 0 deg. Arm Joint 2 = 0 deg. Arm Joint 3 = 0 deg. Arm Joint 4 = 0 deg. Mast Joint 1 = 0 deg. Mast Joint 2 = 90 deg. Mast Joint 3 = 0 deg. Mast Joint 4 = 0 deg. FIDO_LANDING_SITE Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_LANDING_SITE frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the IAU_EARTH frame (or in real flight IAU_MARS frame.) FIDO_LANDING_SITE frame is defined as follows: - Z axis points down (nadir) ; - X axis points to the local north; - Y complements to the right hand frame (points to the local east); The origin of the FIDO_LANDING_SITE frame is located at the surface level at the landing site. This is a place holder for the frame definition \begindata FRAME_FIDO_LANDING_SITE = -771900 FRAME_-771900_NAME = 'FIDO_LANDING_SITE' FRAME_-771900_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771900_CLASS_ID = -771900 FRAME_-771900_CENTER = -771900 TKFRAME_-771900_RELATIVE = 'IAU_EARTH' TKFRAME_-771900_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771900_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771900_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771900_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext There are two specific instances of the landing site frame, one for each of two usual test locations -- JPL Mars Yard and Lavac Lake. The coordinates of these sites are: lat, deg lon, deg --------- ---------- Mars Yard 34.202 -118.172 Lavac Lake 34.68 -116.33 The transformation from 'IAU_EARTH' to either of these frames can be achived by two rotations -- fisrt by longitude about Z and second by colatitude-180 about Y: Rot. Y Rot. Z --------- ---------- Mars Yard -124.202 -118.172 Lavac Lake -124.68 -116.33 Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MARS_YARD = -771902 FRAME_-771902_NAME = 'FIDO_MARS_YARD' FRAME_-771902_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771902_CLASS_ID = -771902 FRAME_-771902_CENTER = -771902 TKFRAME_-771902_RELATIVE = 'IAU_EARTH' TKFRAME_-771902_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771902_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771902_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-771902_ANGLES = ( 118.172, 124.202, 0.000 ) FRAME_FIDO_LAVAC_LAKE = -771903 FRAME_-771903_NAME = 'FIDO_LAVAC_LAKE' FRAME_-771903_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771903_CLASS_ID = -771903 FRAME_-771903_CENTER = -771903 TKFRAME_-771903_RELATIVE = 'IAU_EARTH' TKFRAME_-771903_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771903_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771903_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-771903_ANGLES = ( 116.33, 124.68, 0.000 ) \begintext FIDO_SITE Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_SITE frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the IAU_EARTH (or in real flight IAU_MARS frame.) FIDO_SITE frame is defined as follows: - Z axis points down (nadir) ; - X axis points to the local north; - Y complements to the right hand frame (points to the local east); The origin of the FIDO_SITE frame is located at the surface level current panorama site. For most test applications, the rover will not move far enough for site orientation to become noticeably different from the one that the landing site has. So, rather than providing orientation with respect to to the IAU_EARTH/IAU_MARS frames, a CK file may contain zero rotation with respect to the landing site frame. On the other side, tests will be conducted in a different locations -- JPL Mars Yard, Lavac Lake, etc. -- and thus notion of the single landing site is not completely valid. Therefore, rather than containing zero offset orientation with respect to the landing site frame, the CK will contains zero offset orientation with respect the landing site frame instances -- FIDO_MARS_YARD and FIDO_SILVER_LAKE. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_SITE = -771901 FRAME_-771901_NAME = 'FIDO_SITE' FRAME_-771901_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771901_CLASS_ID = -771901 FRAME_-771901_CENTER = -771901 CK_-771901_SCLK = -771 CK_-771901_SPK = -771901 \begintext FIDO_ROVER Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_ROVER frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_SITE frame. FIDO_ROVER frame is defined as follows: - Z axis points down (from the top solar array surface towards wheels); - X axis points from the mast side towards arm side; - Y complements to the right hand frame; The origin of the FIDO_ROVER frame is located under the rover belly between centers of the middle wheels of the rover's rocker-bogie suspension when suspension is in horizontal position. The center is fixed with respect to the rover body and doesn't mode with the wheels. The orientation of the FIDO_ROVER frames is determined by the rover IMU system with respect to the local frame (i.e. FIDO_SITE frame.) It is stored in the rover orientation CK files. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_ROVER = -771000 FRAME_-771000_NAME = 'FIDO_ROVER' FRAME_-771000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771000_CLASS_ID = -771000 FRAME_-771000_CENTER = -771000 CK_-771000_SCLK = -771 CK_-771000_SPK = -771000 \begintext FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT = -771011 FRAME_-771011_NAME = 'FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_LEFT' FRAME_-771011_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771011_CLASS_ID = -771011 FRAME_-771011_CENTER = -771011 TKFRAME_-771011_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771011_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771011_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771011_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771011_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT = -771012 FRAME_-771012_NAME = 'FIDO_FRONT_HAZCAM_RIGHT' FRAME_-771012_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771012_CLASS_ID = -771012 FRAME_-771012_CENTER = -771012 TKFRAME_-771012_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771012_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771012_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771012_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771012_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT = -771021 FRAME_-771021_NAME = 'FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_LEFT' FRAME_-771021_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771021_CLASS_ID = -771021 FRAME_-771021_CENTER = -771021 TKFRAME_-771021_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771021_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771021_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771021_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771021_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT = -771022 FRAME_-771022_NAME = 'FIDO_REAR_HAZCAM_RIGHT' FRAME_-771022_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771022_CLASS_ID = -771022 FRAME_-771022_CENTER = -771022 TKFRAME_-771022_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771022_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771022_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771022_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771022_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT = -771031 FRAME_-771031_NAME = 'FIDO_BELLYCAM_LEFT' FRAME_-771031_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771031_CLASS_ID = -771031 FRAME_-771031_CENTER = -771031 TKFRAME_-771031_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771031_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771031_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771031_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771031_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT = -771032 FRAME_-771032_NAME = 'FIDO_BELLYCAM_RIGHT' FRAME_-771032_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771032_CLASS_ID = -771032 FRAME_-771032_CENTER = -771032 TKFRAME_-771032_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ROVER' TKFRAME_-771032_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771032_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771032_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771032_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 1 rotation axis (and along rover +Z axis) and points in the same direction as the rover +Z axis; - X axis is the direction of the arm assembly; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When all arm joints are in a "zero angle" position, all axes of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 frame are co-aligned with the same axes of the rover frame; i.e. orientation of the Joint 1 frame is the same as the rover frame. The origin of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 frame is located at the geometric center of the Arm Joint 2. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 = -771101 FRAME_-771101_NAME = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1' FRAME_-771101_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771101_CLASS_ID = -771101 FRAME_-771101_CENTER = -771101 CK_-771101_SCLK = -771 CK_-771101_SPK = -771101 \begintext FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_1 frame. FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 2 rotation axis and points towards the side of the joint 2 which is closer to the arm payload; - X axis is along the central axis of the first link of the arm assembly and points from Joint 2 towards Joint 3; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When all arm joints are in a "zero angle" position, the axes of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 2 +X is along rover +X, Joint 2 +Y along rover -Z and Joint 2 +Z along rover +Y. I.e. Joint 2 frame is rotated by -90 degrees about X with respect to the rover and Joint 1 frames. The origin of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 frame is located at the geometric center of the Arm Joint 2. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 = -771102 FRAME_-771102_NAME = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2' FRAME_-771102_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771102_CLASS_ID = -771102 FRAME_-771102_CENTER = -771102 CK_-771102_SCLK = -771 CK_-771102_SPK = -771102 \begintext FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_2 frame. FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 3 rotation axis and points towards the side of the joint 3 which is closer to the arm payload; - X axis is along the central axis of the second link of the arm assembly and points from Joint 3 towards Joint 4; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When all arm joints are in a "zero angle" position, the axes of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 3 +X is along rover +X, Joint 3 +Y along rover -Z and Joint 3 +Z along rover +Y. I.e. Joint 3 frame is rotated by -90 degrees about X with respect to the rover and Joint 1 frames and has the same orienation as the Joint 2 frame. The origin of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 frame is located at the geometric center of the Arm Joint 3. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 = -771103 FRAME_-771103_NAME = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3' FRAME_-771103_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771103_CLASS_ID = -771103 FRAME_-771103_CENTER = -771103 CK_-771103_SCLK = -771 CK_-771103_SPK = -771103 \begintext FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_3 frame. FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 4 rotation axis and points in the same direction as Joint 2 and 3 +Z axes; - X axis is towards the arm payload mouting side of the joint; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When all arm joints are in a "zero angle" position, the axes of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 3 +X is along rover +X, Joint 3 +Y along rover -Z and Joint 3 +Z along rover +Y. I.e. Joint 3 frame is rotated by -90 degrees about X with respect to the rover and Joint 1 frames and has the same orienation as the Joint 2 and Joint 3 frames. The origin of the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame is located at the geometric center of the Arm Joint 4. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 = -771104 FRAME_-771104_NAME = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4' FRAME_-771104_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771104_CLASS_ID = -771104 FRAME_-771104_CENTER = -771104 CK_-771104_SCLK = -771 CK_-771104_SPK = -771104 \begintext FIDO_MICROIMAGER Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MICROIMAGER frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame. FIDO_MICROIMAGER frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_MICROIMAGER frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MICROIMAGER = -771110 FRAME_-771110_NAME = 'FIDO_MICROIMAGER' FRAME_-771110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771110_CLASS_ID = -771110 FRAME_-771110_CENTER = -771110 TKFRAME_-771110_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4' TKFRAME_-771110_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771110_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771110_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771110_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4 frame. FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along <>; - Y axis is along <> ; - X complements to the right hand frame; <> ; The origin of the FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER frame is located at <> . Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER = -771120 FRAME_-771120_NAME = 'FIDO_M_SPECTROMETER' FRAME_-771120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771120_CLASS_ID = -771120 FRAME_-771120_CENTER = -771120 TKFRAME_-771120_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_ARM_JOINT_4' TKFRAME_-771120_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771120_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771120_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771120_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 1 rotation axis (and along rover +Z axis) and points in the same direction as the rover +Z axis; - X and Y axes complement to right hand frame and point in such way that for zero joint angle position all axes of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 frame are co-aligned with the same axes of the rover; The origin of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 frame is located at the geometric center of the mast Joint 2. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 = -771201 FRAME_-771201_NAME = 'FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1' FRAME_-771201_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771201_CLASS_ID = -771201 FRAME_-771201_CENTER = -771201 CK_-771201_SCLK = -771 CK_-771201_SPK = -771201 \begintext FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_1 frame. FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 2 rotation axis and points in the same direction as the rover +Y axis when joint 1 is at zero angle position; - X axis is along the central axis of the first link of the mast assembly and points from Joint 2 towards Joint 3; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When mast is in the straight up position with cameras pointing backwards, the axes of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 2 +X is along rover -Z, Joint 2 +Y along rover -X and Joint 2 +Z along rover +Y. The origin of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 frame is located at the geometric center of the mast Joint 2. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 = -771202 FRAME_-771202_NAME = 'FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2' FRAME_-771202_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771202_CLASS_ID = -771202 FRAME_-771202_CENTER = -771202 CK_-771202_SCLK = -771 CK_-771202_SPK = -771202 \begintext FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_2 frame. FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 3 rotation axis and points in the same direction as the rover +Y axis when joint 1 is at zero angle position; - X axis is along the central axis of the second link of the mast assembly and points from Joint 3 towards Joint 4; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When mast is in the straight up position with cameras pointing backwards, the axes of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 3 +X is along rover -Z, Joint 3 +Y along rover -X and Joint 3 +Z along rover +Y. The origin of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 frame is located at the geometric center of the mast Joint 3. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 = -771203 FRAME_-771203_NAME = 'FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3' FRAME_-771203_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771203_CLASS_ID = -771203 FRAME_-771203_CENTER = -771203 CK_-771203_SCLK = -771 CK_-771203_SPK = -771203 \begintext FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_3 frame. FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along Joint 4 rotation axis and points in the same direction as the rover +Y axis when joint 1 is at zero angle position; - X axis point from Joint 4 rotation axis towards geometric center of the camera head; - Y complements to the right hand frame; When mast is in the straight up position with cameras pointing backwards, the axes of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 frame are aligned with respect to the rover frame axes as follows: Joint 4 +X is along rover -Z, Joint 4 +Y along rover -X and Joint 4 +Z along rover +Y. The origin of the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 frame is located at the geometric center of the mast Joint 4. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 = -771204 FRAME_-771204_NAME = 'FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4' FRAME_-771204_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771204_CLASS_ID = -771204 FRAME_-771204_CENTER = -771204 CK_-771204_SCLK = -771 CK_-771204_SPK = -771204 \begintext FIDO_MAST_HEAD Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4 frame. FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame is defined as follows: - Y axis points in the direction of the NavCam and PanCam boresights and is prependicular to the instrument head face side; - X axis points from the left NavCam/PanCam eye towards the right eye; - Z complements to the right hand frame (points up when the camera is in the straigh up position); The origin of the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame is located at the geometric center of the instrument head. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_MAST_HEAD = -771205 FRAME_-771205_NAME = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' FRAME_-771205_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771205_CLASS_ID = -771205 FRAME_-771205_CENTER = -771205 TKFRAME_-771205_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_JOINT_4' TKFRAME_-771205_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771205_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771205_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771205_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame. FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT = -771211 FRAME_-771211_NAME = 'FIDO_NAVCAM_LEFT' FRAME_-771211_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771211_CLASS_ID = -771211 FRAME_-771211_CENTER = -771211 TKFRAME_-771211_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' TKFRAME_-771211_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771211_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771211_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771211_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame. FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT = -771212 FRAME_-771212_NAME = 'FIDO_NAVCAM_RIGHT' FRAME_-771212_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771212_CLASS_ID = -771212 FRAME_-771212_CENTER = -771212 TKFRAME_-771212_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' TKFRAME_-771212_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771212_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771212_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771212_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame. FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT = -771221 FRAME_-771221_NAME = 'FIDO_PANCAM_LEFT' FRAME_-771221_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771221_CLASS_ID = -771221 FRAME_-771221_CENTER = -771221 TKFRAME_-771221_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' TKFRAME_-771221_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771221_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771221_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771221_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame. FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along camera boresight; - Y axis is along camera detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along camera detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT = -771222 FRAME_-771222_NAME = 'FIDO_PANCAM_RIGHT' FRAME_-771222_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771222_CLASS_ID = -771222 FRAME_-771222_CENTER = -771222 TKFRAME_-771222_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' TKFRAME_-771222_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771222_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771222_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771222_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER frame is a FIXED frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_MAST_HEAD frame. FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along spectrometer boresight; - Y axis is along spectrometer detector columns and points in the direction of the increasing lines; - X complements to the right hand frame and along spectrometer detector lines and points in the direction of the increasing samples; The origin of the FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER frame is located at camera focal point. Since the frame definition below contains reverse transformation, from the frame to the reference, the order of rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed and the signs of rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are changed to opposite the ones. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER = -771231 FRAME_-771231_NAME = 'FIDO_IR_SPECTROMETER' FRAME_-771231_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-771231_CLASS_ID = -771231 FRAME_-771231_CENTER = -771231 TKFRAME_-771231_RELATIVE = 'FIDO_MAST_HEAD' TKFRAME_-771231_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-771231_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_-771231_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-771231_ANGLES = ( 000.000, 000.000, 000.000 ) \begintext FIDO_DRILL Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDO_DRILL frame is a CK frame with its orientation given relative to the FIDO_ROVER frame. FIDO_DRILL frame is defined as follows: - Z axis is along drill joint rotation axis and point in the same direction as rover +Y axis; - X axis is along the drill; - Y axis complements to the right hand frame ; The origin of the FIDO_DRILL frame is located at the geometric center of the drill joint. \begindata FRAME_FIDO_DRILL = -771301 FRAME_-771301_NAME = 'FIDO_DRILL' FRAME_-771301_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-771301_CLASS_ID = -771301 FRAME_-771301_CENTER = -771301 CK_-771301_SCLK = -771 CK_-771301_SPK = -771301 \begintext