KPL/FK FILE: This file was created by PINPOINT. PINPOINT Version 3.3.0 --- December 13, 2021 PINPOINT RUN DATE/TIME: 2024-03-06T17:35:57 PINPOINT DEFINITIONS FILE: test-232.pinpoint PINPOINT PCK FILE: test-232.pinpoint PINPOINT SPK FILE: test-232.bsp The input definitions file is appended to this file as a comment block. Body-name mapping follows: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'TEST-678' NAIF_BODY_CODE += -678 \begintext Reference frame specifications follow: Topocentric frame TEST-678_TOPO The -Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The X axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame TEST-678_TOPO is centered at the site TEST-678, which has Cartesian coordinates X (km): 0.7023053440000E+04 Y (km): 0.3139359921000E+05 Z (km): 0.1075754534000E+05 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): 77.3900010118693 Latitude (deg): 18.4900000749149 Altitude (km): 0.3052852709775E+05 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 3.3920585800000E+03 Polar radius (km): 3.3920585800000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame IAU_MARS. \begindata FRAME_TEST-678_TOPO = 999322 FRAME_999322_NAME = 'TEST-678_TOPO' FRAME_999322_CLASS = 4 FRAME_999322_CLASS_ID = 999322 FRAME_999322_CENTER = -678 OBJECT_-678_FRAME = 'TEST-678_TOPO' TKFRAME_999322_RELATIVE = 'IAU_MARS' TKFRAME_999322_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_999322_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_999322_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_999322_ANGLES = ( -257.3900010118693, -108.4900000749149, 180.0000000000000 ) \begintext Definitions file test-232.pinpoint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Landed location is (702.305344, 3139.359921, 1075.754534). The coodinates are scaled 10x to place this object above any reasonable surface. Mars raddi are set to sphere with the raduis at the landing site. begindata SITES = ( 'TEST-678' ) TEST-678_CENTER = 499 TEST-678_FRAME = 'IAU_MARS' TEST-678_IDCODE = -678 TEST-678_XYZ = ( 7023.05344, 31393.59921, 10757.54534 ) TEST-678_UP = '-Z' TEST-678_NORTH = 'X' BODY499_RADII = ( 3392.05858, 3392.05858, 3392.05858) begintext End. begintext [End of definitions file]